Cara Delevingne is a dirty fairy slut

Cara Delevingne is a dirty fairy slut

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i dont like how she looks in general but she does make for a good fairy desu

But is the show any good?

Fairy tits/10

it's meh

I do believe in fairies I do I do

It's shite. Some of the most hamfisted social commentary produced this year.

>sweats profusely fast
For a second I thought that was Sophia

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Someone should make a cut of all the scenes Jared Harris is in, that would be the only version I'd watch.

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It's exactly what you get from every show see days. They i.e. You three or four mildly passable episodes then once they hit them episode five and know you are going to finish it it goes exactly where you think it goes with politics.

Also it's literally just trying to rip off game of thrones except they make the mutt daughter the littlefinger

These days *

They give you 3 or 4*

Jesus, those are some of the worst tits I've ever seen


I read in another thread that there’s a nigger with a literal horsecock who fucks rich white women, and that one dude gets held from his dick. What the fuck is this show? Was that user memeing?

Looks like a twink with bolt ons. Anybody have the webm?

Dude that show was doing the 'fug brumpf, fug wypipo' routine 10 minutes into the first episode.

>Nearly pancake tits
>calling them bolt-ons

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Is that CGI tits?
Looks at the left breast and the behind.

isn't it like fantasy with faries? How do they shove in drumph?

both her and palvin with extremely disappointing tits.

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Comparing this picture with the other topless pictures of her, I'd say it's real.

wtf is wrong with that picture? cara's tits are not like that irl
and by that i mean in other pictures/movies, obv

left one looks like the most amateur shop ever

Anons have never seen tits on a girl laying down

Which episode has this scene?


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areolas don't grow/shrink magically
fake, poorly CGId tits

Argeus telling someone straight up that humans might have a reason to feel angry about his people coming in and working for cheaper wages and also saying his homeland thought fuckall about diversity was pretty good though.

She's not laying down though.

>Anons have never seen tits

>wide shoulders
>wide ribcage
>tits look like mine
Is that a tranny

i'd suck those

I agree but atleast ep 3 was nice


looking saggy

No, its forgettable trash.

Fucking this.

This, no one seems to make it that far.

post tamzin

I want her to abuse me for only having a 7" dick

I have enjoyed it so far, but Im not a contrarian autist.

they really should have reshot that. her right tit is at a horrible angle. should fire her agent.

>itty bitty ‘naner tatas

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