For the last few months you literally cannot discuss young actresses anymore because you get permabanned for posting "sexualized images of children". I have even gotten child porn bans for posting fully clothed pictures of 19 yr old Kiernan Shipka.
Where were you when Yea Forums finally went full retard?
For the last few months you literally cannot discuss young actresses anymore because you get permabanned for posting...
This is because the lips is now a new vagina, so technically this is porn. Cover nipples, cover lips.
which pics?
fuck you
Maybe you shouldn’t have spent the few years before that acting like such obnoxious faggots?
Your fault for being a waifufag
Special agent Shipka, you are demoted, you will lose your federal pension.
I was here and it was like several years ago
I call it mouth pussy
fuck you, you fucking fuck
just regular pics, in my last ban I posted this chart and I got banned for "promoting requesting or advertising child pornography"
it's gotten way way worse the last few months alone
That things on her skin below lower lips is some kind of STD.
did you see that episode of sabrina where shipka gets skull fucked by a demon?
reddit invaded for good and the mods got infiltrated by resetera
i normally just come here to get banned by the faggot mods for fun but I've been really bored lately
gosh I wanna fuck maisie
posting this got me a perma
I got a CP ban for posting a webm of amateur adults, because someone wanted to nuke a thread so he dumped a bunch of amateur porn, and claimed it was him fucking little girls. Apparently the mods flagged it as CP, because they are retarded. I appealed it, they denied it. I even went and talked to two mods. They both seemed to think someone claiming something was CP made it CP. Yea Forums moderators are braindead.
>> 2. All actress and actor discussion should pertain directly to their roles and careers. Off-topic discussion will be deleted.
Gee, maybe you were just being a fucktard and not knowing the rules?
rules are for losers faggot go eat a bag of dicks
same thing is happening on /hr/ I made a couple of threads of adult women and got deleted just because some anons argued that they looked young
firstly no one follows the rules just look at the catalog and secondly even if you are actually discussing the actresses and their work you still get permabanned for something retarded like cp, it has happened several times when I actually want to discuss a movie or a tv show
damn her asshole looka real tight, very nice
>you did WHAT to my socks???
why are vags so disgusting?
feminine penises are more feminine than these open wounds called vaginas
meanwhile, /pol/ bullshit, unironical shilling, fat acceptance, trans propaganda, and old hag propaganda rampantly fill the catalog
Yea Forums's doomed to become mainstream reddit-facebook tier drivel, there's no turning back
>t. incel
It's just her skin puckering because of the expression she's making, virgin.
I eated them
cope, trannies
post coitus smoches are the best no doubt in preparation for the scene in sabrina where the goat devil seals the deal.
Guess you should just kill yourself then, pedo.
nothing wrong with being a pedo
why there isn't a comprehensive list of rules, so you can know what will get you banned?
nowadays, we're left to guess what could potentially offend some particular janitor sensibilities, even if it isn't breaking any of the explicitely stated rules
what a shame
it's called bumping uglies for a reason peens and vagoos are not for looking at except in perverse pornographic sense
2004 is nostalgic for you huh, I've got to go to the 80's some good shit in the 80's
99% Yea Forums posts are not Yea Forums related
the fact that all cute little girls posts are deleted and banned only can mean one thing: SEXUAL DISCRIMINATION
suicide is a sin and a crime but being a pedo is neither
Don't ever reply to me ever again old man
Wait what? On Yea Forums? I thought you were talking about other forums and Reddit, I don't think Yea Forums is at that level of cowardice yet.
But I agree the internet is getting pretty stupid with its rules, and it's nothing about legality mind you, it's just that owners of these sites want to uphold a clean public image.
For fucks' sake you get banned on some places for noticing Dora's banging boobies. Either this Dora or the one from an old parody who was even hotter than this one.
And it's bullshit because, let me tell you, I'M LITERALLY WATCHING THOSE MOVIES/VIDEOS BECAUSE THEY ARE SEXY. End of it. That's the main selling point of any teen Dora adaptation, so it's stupid to forbid talking about the tits.
Same for many other films, I only care about watching hot young girls there.
talking about actresses in a vacuum ins't allowed
This is bullshit, I remember being 15, there's plenty of butt ugly highschool girls