Could an unbiased Hitler biography be made today?
Could an unbiased Hitler biography be made today?
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He was the best man who ever lived.
I kept waiting for the moment for them to tell us to stop being literally Nazi's in this movie, they had to shove it in right at the end during the credits
What do you mean by “unbiased”?
unless it's full on praise you edgy 14 yr olds will call it biased
If they are going to do that they have to give reference in every each scenes.
For me, I want a film about hitler greatness and how the world demonize him.
Already has been made.
The Greatest Story Never Told.
If by unbiased you mean not showing he started a pointless murderous war, genocided millions of civilians and probably fucked his niece, then no. Because that wouldn't be unbiased, just an unjustified omission of important things associated with the man.
no because (((they))) won't allow it
>unless it's full on praise you edgy 14 yr olds will call it biased
this. No matter how you turn it around, he will still be the man who purposly caused the deadliest event in human history. This is undisputed.
He was a monster
when it comes to hitler biographies it's either he's the most evil man in history or basically the second coming of christ.
there's no in-between
Also, real life:
Showing his you know "human" sides, his hobbies, his likes/dislikes, an actual fucking autobiography instead of just 90 minute feature of jews getting killed and Hitler being a mustache twirling villain
Go watch actual media made around the 1940s detailing the war,
how is this still on jewtube lol
Who the fuck cares about his human side. He directly and indirectly killed millions of people.
this is such a bs argument, Hitler was really bad but not the ultimate worst evil. He at least wanted good for his people not like Stalin who just was totally egoistic
It's not. They've deleted probably a hundred of those. Here's a better, more cinematic version of the clip in dailymotion:
I prefer this one. It's very well made.
Point being? You can still show that end of the day he was wicked in his ideals and was a genocidal maniac, but still show that he was a human like us with hobbies, emotions etc.
Atleast Stalin ended the war instead of starting it.
That's perhaps the only thing distinguishing the two.
an actual documented, fact-based approach of his actions and his relations to the people surrounding him would make a superb movie as many historically unbiased movies often are
the fact that hollywood still insists, 70+ years later, that WW2 must be cartoonified and polarized into caricatures of good vs evil is absolutely cringe and ironically one of the reasons many young people don't take its atrocities seriously anymore
Downfall does the best job of "humanising" Hitler, and he still comes across as an insane piece of shit there, because that's what he was.
communists killed a lot more people
yet every liberal identifies themselves as "communist"
it could but nazis would still hate it because it would depict him as a bad person
Because they're completely demoralized.
All because Hitler got stopped 12 years into his rule and only 6 years into genocide. Were it up to him slavs would all have been wiped out with a few lucky ones reduced to illiterate, starving serfs.
Probably not
>All because Hitler got stopped 12 years into his rule and only 6 years into genocide.
>Were it up to him slavs would all have been wiped out with a few lucky ones reduced to illiterate, starving serfs.
The amount of fantasies you faggots come up with is truly impressive.
He was?
Dude, I don't know. He just started a war which killed millions and genocided a few million more, maybe it was just a honest mistake.
even if a jew was the one that made it, accusations of being a self-hating jew would happen.
it would be hilarious.
>international bankers don't care if you're a democracy or authoritarian
Well... he isn't wrong about that
he single-handedly lost the war because he was an idiot
Answering seriously a full on biopic would take too long except as a series or segmented movies. I'd like something along the lines of the following:
>Movie 1: Young Hitler growing up in Austria and early attempts to enter the art world before enlisting in the Bavarian army, movie ends off on the end of WWI and his frustration at the failure of Germany. A story focusing on youthful idealism that is soured by the reality of the world.
>Movie 2: Details Hitler's forced entry into the early Nazi party on the government's behest as he takes it over, going through the Beer Hall Riots and rising popularity in the years afterward. Concludes with Hindenburg appointing Hitler Chancellor. Overall reflecting a high point for Hitler and an inversion of the second act as the darkest one normally.
>Movie 3: 1933 to the end of WW2, would be the darkest of these. Focuses mainly on Hitler's deterioration as the war itself goes on and concludes with his suicide, nothing else showed afterward.
did /pol/ make this?
No, I's a german (I think) movie about Hitler coming back in modern day
Ends a war. Continues to genocide europeans. Never forget commies and commie sympathizers get the rope.
>It's a Hitler has to investigate the murder of the Frank girl in a eccentric deep northern small town.
>nothing else showed afterward.
try again, fucker
> not putting in the news reports of modern germany
Why don't you make it, Helmut.
Hitler cinematic universe when?
They already made an unbiased Hitler biopic
there is no such thing as an unbiased biography, film or not
an encyclopedia entry comes close, that it
No, but does it matter? There are dozens of people who will never get a fair shake on film. Stalin, Castro, Carnegie, Clinton...
I could make an incredibly unbiased documentary on the guy and you guys would probably still call me some turbo kike leftist for pointing out a lot of his major flaws and underhandedness and how his life ultimately ended in controversy, negativity and failure largely of his own making.
It doesn't help that a lot of the negative info we know about him you guys all think is faked, anyway (like how he most likely wanted to fuck his own niece and seemingly had her killed when she did it with his chauffeur)
im curious about this. i would love to read more about him enjoying his comfy place in the austrian alps with his doggos. such a shame that place got bombed would be really cool to see. not some over the top nazi propaganda castle or anything just a cozy cabin a man went to when the world was too much for him.
>Atleast Stalin ended the war instead of starting it.
if WW2 was a hotdog eating contest but instead of eating hotdogs they were eating bullets, then sure the USSR won the war by far. but if it was based on an actuall meaningful contribution like strategy, then the Americans were the ones who won the war by far.
wtf I love hitler now.
>this is what burgers actually believe
guys lets settle this once and for all. was Hitler based or cringe?
based *and* redpilled
>he started the war
burger education
A fascinating combination of both, a prime example of the duality of man.
so if the americans didnt get involved at all what would the russians have done? just sit their and get ass raped?
The king of based.
nigga three-quarters of the nazis killed died combating the red army. muh western front is a retarded hollywood meme and was babbymode in comparison to what was going down in the east.
Obviously it was a dual effort but by every metric the Soviets did the heavy lifting. Once they got their shit together enough to reinstate their deep operations doctrine post-Stalingrad the Soviets decimated the Axis. The Western front was at best a nuisance for the Axis that kept them from being able to fully commit to the Eastern campaign.
Pre-war Hitler was very based
The Holocaust didn't happen.
No, he comes across as a wreck.
Pretty cringe bro
nevermind the lend-lease act made by americans that provided the unindustrialized shithole known as russia have any means to fight the nazis.
Your point being? His still stands because he was directly involved in genocide.
>we sold them the guns they used, so it counts as our win!
So every armed robbery is your robbery too, then?
fun fact: nicholas II did more to industrialize russia then lenin or stalin did yet receives no credit for it
Not him but Hitler did start the war, he invaded Poland which was in an alliance with England, the idea that teh English started the war by honouring their alliance is absurd.
idk, it was a pretty optimistic movie - it showed that the world is ready for change and all it takes is for the right man(new hitler) to appear
I don't need praise for Hitler, I despise the man. But I also respect him in many ways. That said, unbiased means examining things from his perspective and showing why he did the things he did. For all he was, Hitler wasn't insane. There was reasoning behind every decision he made. The film should explore that reasoning in a meaningful way, and show that even if his conclusions were misguided and monstrous, his motivations were born of poverty, spite, inequity, and a real desire to transform Germany for the better. No overt praise or disdain, just the facts from Hitler's point of view.
How come Hitler never made a movie about his life in his own era? He made ones on Uncle Kruger and Otto von Bismarck but not his own life?
>lend-lease contributions to the soviets
>small arms: 0.5% of total Soviet small arms
>artillery: 1.5% of total
>tank and self-propelled artillery: 8.9% of total
>aircraft: 13% of total
So want you mean you want a pro Hitler doc. That's still bissed
lmao, hitler 'was not egoistic' and 'wanted good for his people' so much that when he started losing, he declared that the german people deserve it and should die together with his reich dreams
if it wasn't for the likes of speer and others who sabotaged his scorched earth orders, he'd burn germany to the ground out of pure spite
This but unironically. There are plenty of great biographies on Napoleon, who was less murderous than Hitler but was at least as big a brute.
literally go read generalplan ost
oh i guess it's fake just like the holocaust
A little of both. Sure, he killed thirteen million Jews and autistically ranted at captive audiences for four hours straight, both of which were pretty based, but he also LARPed as Napoleon and drew fanfictions of Disney characters in his spare time, which was kinda cringe bro.
I am in no way a Hitlerite, I simply think we ought to be past the point at which the man must be demonised whenever mentioned, or else portrayed solely in satirical and subversive works such as "Er Ist Wieder Da".
absolute brainlet
This. I burst out laughing when 'The greatest story never told' stated it like the uk and france were the bad guys
pls go play call of duty and then kys
Yea Forums is too smart of a board for you
>I am in no way a Hitlerite
I totally believe you bro
France literally invaded and occupied German land (Ruhr) after WWI. If Germany did that, you would scream murder.
thirteen million? how did he manage to kill twenty million jews?
Jerry should've paid his debts.
>In total, 92.7% of the wartime production of railroad equipment by the USSR was supplied by Lend-Lease,[35] including 1,911 locomotives and 11,225 railcars[41] which augmented the existing stocks of at least 20,000 locomotives and half a million railcars.[42]
>Much of the logistical assistance of the Soviet military was provided by hundreds of thousands of U.S.-made trucks and by 1945, nearly a third of the truck strength of the Red Army was U.S.-built.
>The Soviet air force received 18,200 aircraft, which amounted to about 30 percent of Soviet wartime fighter and bomber production (mid 1941–45)
It would be very sexually progressive
based and alliedpilled
Turns out its typhus that the local jew running for mayor released for the sole purpose of monopolizing on typhus vaccinations for his political agenda
>less than a third of trucks(barely relevant due to shit roads, railroads are what mattered)
>less than a third of aircraft(again, barely relevant because the ussr simply didn't focus on airforce and most of the luftwaffe was tied up fighting the western allies/protecting germany from bombers)
>(barely relevant due to shit roads, railroads are what mattered)
>In total, 92.7% of the wartime production of railroad equipment by the USSR was supplied by Lend-Lease
>On the whole the following conclusion can be drawn: that without these Western shipments under Lend-Lease the Soviet Union not only would not have been able to win the Great Patriotic War, it would not have been able even to oppose the German invaders, since it could not itself produce sufficient quantities of arms and military equipment or adequate supplies of fuel and ammunition. The Soviet authorities were well aware of this dependency on Lend-Lease. Thus, Stalin told Harry Hopkins [FDR's emissary to Moscow in July 1941] that the U.S.S.R. could not match Germany's might as an occupier of Europe and its resources.[35]
> every liberal identifies themselves as "communist"
> every liberal identifies themselves as the most extreme and violent form of leftist.
There are not that many communists.
Before WWII, the soviet union had more combat airplanes than every other nation combined, and their tanks were some of the best tanks of their time. German tanks literally could not penetrate the armor of Soviet Tanks.
> unindustrialized
Something isnt quite adding up. I'm not saying you are wrong, just that it's not that simple.
The western front did not even exist until the Germans were in retreat from the soviet union.
I'm not an expert, but it seems like if the western front never happened, Germany would still have lost.
Based. #LGBT Pride
>jillion(j for jews)
>a unit of measurement used exclusively to quantify jewish victims or debt/reparations owed to israel; exact numerical value of a jillion depends on the context, consult your local rabbi for clarification
Also worth noting that Beria, one of the Soviet leaders, said outright that without lend-lease the Soviet army would have lost. He even said that Stalin admitted this in their private conversations.
Why is it always pic related that’s obsessed with Hitler?
>yet every liberal identifies themselves as "communist"
Get out of your /pol/ bubble, retard.
So I guess gays are literally nazis... what a weird time we're livin' in...
More like a trans ethnostate
Absolutely. I actually expect it'll be done in the next few years.
nazis were gay.
> The conclusion of the WWI 20 years earlier is a form of starting WWII
??? Makes no sense.
Stop being so homophobic
I love how you went from "the US was the superior strategic military force in the war and singlehandedly beat the Axis" to arguing about logistical support after being laughed at.
what part of your own post did you not understand?
>including 1,911 locomotives and 11,225 railcars[41] which augmented the existing stocks of at least 20,000 locomotives and half a million railcars.[42]
93% of production != 93% of total
and of course Stalin would say that in fucking july '41, 1 month into barbarossa lmao
You really want that? You want to show his impotence and retardation as the drugs took over? You want to show his epic blunders in Russia as he pulled experienced generals from the front to make inexplicable military decisions that caused 100s of thousands of unnecessary German deaths?
The true bio would be interesting in WWI through about 1938, then it would get sad if you like hitler.
I'm not the first guy
Meant for
Id love to see an objective breakdown of the concoction of drugs he took from his quack doctor every night.
He had no hobbies besides a love of degenerate Jewish cinema and larping like he was Frederick the Great. The guy was a fucking poltard whose free time was spent riling against his enemies. If he were alive today Hitler would be an incel playing grand strategy games and making sincere posts in American Civil War 2.0 threads on /pol/. The guy was a moustache twirling cartoon villain in real life you reichfag.
>country in direct territorial conflict with adversary has factories and industrial base decimated but still manages to pump out equipment, beat back invaders, and proceeds to wipe the floor with said invaders
Literally did nothing of value.
>country on the other side of the planet left completely untouched by the war is able to provide material support to it's allies and decides to jump into the game in the 4th quarter
Literally won the war.
Pol loves pointing out how the weimar republic was full of trannies and fags and paedophiles, but can't seem to comprehend that these same people also constituted Nazi Germany. It's not like Hitler genocided half the population when he came to power, and degenerates are always attracted to whatever the ruling party is.
Just accept it you faggots-the Nazis were a bunch of homosexual, child fucking, cross dressing faggots.
didn't they burn all the tranny books when they came into power
doesn't that mean they were trying to resist it?
Weimar Republic at least had a "golden" period between 1925 and 1929. NSDAP just turned the country into rubble and was full of hypocritical degenerates.
Good point my man.
Theres some meme out there that the Nazis turned everything around and created some kind of economic industrial miracle that made them into a power to be reckoned with during WWII.
No. That never happened. There was no economic boom under Hitler. There wasnt any industiral miracle. Germany went into the war weaker than its enemies, with inferior equipment, and without the population or industry to sustain combat.
Neat, hope youre right
Maybe in A.D. 3019. No one will care about Adolf Hitler then, the way no one is offended by, say, Genghis Khan today. It's just too early; there are too many still alive that were around during the Second World War and their first generation spawn. Shit takes generations to fade away.
You are using typical jew ‘arguments’
>make it about sex
>accuse your enemies of what you are doing
Today I read a thread about how Varg was gay. You guys are fucking pathetic.
Yeah that’s why they invented the jet engine right? You absolute retard.
Zionists own the media and would not let you make a fair movie about Hitler. All the while they have their own Jewish ethnostate. It the ugliest hypocrisy imaginable.
If you're white you need to speak out about this.
ever hear of the five-year plan, retard? Soviets were industrialized and were outproducing the germans by the second year of war.
Oberth started work before the Third Reich. Checkmate. If anything the national socialists were detrimental to the cause. War always give a big boost to the military technology but Hitler was such a gigantic retard he kept confusing everyone with conflicting message and orders to the point that despite all that progress the results were sub-par (StG 44 was incredibly unreliable) and because of those conflicting orders there were problems with spare parts and supplies, this was especially true for the navy and the panzer divisions.
Reply to this
By fair you mean historicall inaccurate shit that would please your gay crush arsonist who waged war on all of his neighbors because he wanted more land then let his country be bombed so he discarded it, killed himself then was burned in some ditch?
They invented jet engines right at the end of WWII, thats after the rise of the third reich.
But, even then. Thats an invention. Industrialization is actual factories making things. Economics is actual stuff getting produced. Progress is actually big volumes of production occurring. The jet engine was a great innovation, but thats not really quite the same thing as economic or industrial progress because its not like many jet engines were produced and utilized on a large scale.
that movie was brilliant and hysterical. so fucking funny.
It would be hard to include all the homolust for Stalin's "Manhood of Steel" or the heartache he felt when he invited Heydrich for sex but Heydrich got shot on the way. Yes, the drama about how he married a woman to convince himself he still likes women, only to not last a single married week, would appeal to the LGBT crowd but envy towards all the german women enjoying russian men would probably offend too many.
A kino that fully explores Hitler’s life as a gay pedophile and degenerate drug addict would be interesting.
if you take that article seriously then I have some bad news for you
>muh h0l0caust!
>but not muh holodomor its OK when communist j*ws kill people
bottom of the barrel retard bootlicker.
wow i love being an ignorant faggot too, can i join your group? how much are you getting paid?
how much do you get paid to do this every single day? you literally have a whole folder ready to go with the same fake news articles.
what a sad existence your enslavement is
Just accept it, user. Your hero was big gay.
>Germany invades Poland
>declare war on them
>Russia simultaneously invades Poland
>ally with them instead
What did the (((Allies))) mean by this?
>t. tranny poster
k bud
>/pol/ complaining about fake info
The alliance specifically named Germany, no-one else. Cope harder.
whose /pol/? do i represent a whole board? are you so stupid to believe this is an invasion like your tranny discord group does?
what do you gain from posting these pictures all day? you HAVE to be a rat man.
Just following the master race's lead, bud.
Doesn't that prove the point that Germany was being (((targeted))) by global capital? I mean seriously. Germany and Russia both did the same "crime" of in invading Poland, but only one was punished.
imagine saving these on your computer to post all day because you're mad
any friends besides your discord group? what a sad existence you lead
Hitler was the second best.
Allying with USSR should forever be condemned. That goes for Germany as well as UK/USA (in some ways Germany and USSR were closer they actually participated in the same battle on the same side for once). Another thing is that it's true that although the perifidous Anglo mentioned in the secret protocol that they will only join in the fight against Germany for the longest time they were refusing to do even that. I know phony war has its defenders but in all those long months of inaction they only made the problem worse for themselves.
Are you dense? Of course the English were targeting Germany, Hitler had just toppled an English government by tearing up the Treaty of Munich, proving that his word is worthless and the he had to be contained. This does not change the fact that it is Hitler who started the war, no-one forced him to invade Poland.
As someone from the region I can tell you the primary reason was that Germany was geographically closer to France and UK. Also the Soviets had a lot of shills everywhere who believed or wanted others to believe that Stalin wasn't interested in spreading his territory.
No fucking way. In TWO different Hitler movies "Look Who's Back" and the one with Robert Carlyle, Hitler is killing dogs in anger. Hitler would NEVER have hurt a dog.
The Jews who made these knew this but put it in any way.