It has a 50% among TOP CRITICS on Rotten Tomatoes lmao BTFO DCucks
It has a 50% among TOP CRITICS on Rotten Tomatoes lmao BTFO DCucks
Check to see for yourself lol
Joker gives its infamous central character a chillingly plausible origin story that serves as a brilliant showcase for its star -- and a dark evolution for comics-inspired cinema.
if the critics hate it that means it's good.
All the negative reviews are just complaints about incels, Todd Phillips, or the Hangover movies. These critics embarrassed themselves because they let their biases affect their assessment of the movie.
You also left out that there are only 8 reviews from top critics.
>Complaints about Todd Phillips
What he do?
And Yea Forums didn't have any biases when they review bombed Cap Marvel or when Armond White and his conservative friends gave it bad reviews
Don't get me wrong, the movie sucked. But lets not pretend it's not a two way street
>7.5 average even with the soiboy whining
better than expected
The rotten reviews from those "top critics" are so hilariously transparent. One of them admits to liking the film but gives it a bad review because he is too worried about the potential response from a group of people who will watch it a month from now. That's not a review, that's political activism
that jenkins review has to be lifted from a shitpost here
it's reads just like when people post about fedoracore
holy shit
But that's just Yea Forums
Aren't these critics at rotten tomatoes supposed to be 'professional'? Lol
This is the world post-Joker and with nothing but shaky-breathed respect for the filmmaking and storytelling achievement it represents, God help us all.
Nothing. All the bad reviews bitch about how the Hangover movies were "frat" humor. Glenn Kenny goes on a rant about how Todd actually doesn't believe any of the themes of Joker. All the negative reviews are just completely unprofessional and is more social commentary then film critique.
He's right. These cynical arthouse wanna be serious films are so tiring
Like half of the bad reviews are just critics upset that the film didn't have a massive arrow pointing at the joker that said "this is the bad guy, don't sympathize"
Armond White, Kyle Smith and other conservative critics gave bad reviews and sounded like Yea Forums in their articles
I don't know what any of these words mean
These people loved suicide squad btw.
cope harder, marvelfag. Its 86% fresh RT. Stop being so pathletic, you just embarassing yourself
i can tell it's going to blow in a grim-dark by the color palette in the trailers.
grim-dark way*
already confirmed kino, keep seething
cat ladies and soi babies
They loved The Last Jedi and Captain Marvel and the new Lion King, retard
>he doesn't know digits confirm
hello newfriend
never confirmed by sextuplets, retard
Yeah but he's a leftist shill
so that means he likes those too
>6 positive reviews
>4 negative reviews
That's 60%, not 50%, you retard. You're fucking up kindergarten tier math.
No such thing
You misunderstand me. I'm saying just because IGN gave it a 10/10 doesn't mean shit.
IGN also praised Last Jedi, Cap Marvel, and the lion king. So why you conveniently skip that part
I'm only seeing 4 positives and 4 negativs
Time has passed, retard. You know things don't stay the same forever, right? After an hour, it will look different again
See how that works, retard boy
Those were different reviewers though. IGN has multiple reviewers and Jim, who reviewed Joker, is the best one they have.
Never confirmed? No, look at IGN on rotten tomatoes. They did give all of the movies I listed, fresh reviews
The guy that rated spider twink highly is the best one they have?
Last one is just buzzwords
Oh wow so Yea Forums was right again! This is type of shill "Joker" is for
Wait a second... 50%...
Yeah. You see some of their other reviewers?
Well, they must have low standards. He loves capeshit. He gave positive reviews for
>Far From Home
>The Dark Phoenix
>Black Panther
>Justice League
>Age of Ultran
Are they any worse than this
>half loves it half hates it
That’s a sign of a truly great film
Yeah. Look up William Bibbiani.
I don't like that fat faggot either but Jim is hardly any better. Giving Black Panther a 9/10 and loving Solo and Age of Ultran and The Dark Phoenix. They all suck as far as I'm concerned
This guy who will most likely praise this flick too?
Peak Soi.
How come the reviews are coming out ao early? We have like, a month untill the movie's official release
The last one cements this as kino alone.
this. also they're all jewish
OUATIH review cements him as pleb.
What did Disney pay for that?
Okay, edgelord.
And his reviews for Dark Phoenix and Age of Ultran and Black Panther too
>This is a truly nightmarish vision of late-era capitalism - arguably the best social horror film since Get Out - and Joaquin Phoenix is magnetic in it.
"Late-era capitalism". I love these socialist fags, so incredibly dense but they don't even realize it or even care. It's all capitalism's fault, always, right? Truly a clownworld.
Found the triggered snowflake lol
>written by two jews
no thanks lol
why the fuck is rotten tomatoes still relevant?
>It's all capitalism's fault, always, right?
Lol, how did you derive that? Or are you letting yourself get triggered and unpacking your baggage here in the thread.
Literally being pretentious for pretentious sake
Why wouldn't they be? Did something happen?
Why do all the negative reviews just talk about politics?
>Rotten with top critics
>Also has a 8.3/10 with top critics
What the fuck is going on?
These people are supposed to be professionals though. That's a huge difference
The new Joker isnt for the affluent liberal urbanite. The new Joker is Black Panther but for gamers and incels. Its /ourmovie/
86% score
9.25 average rating
56% Top Critics score
8.33 average rating (meaning the negative reviews are still high enough and the positive reviews are stellar)
Marvel shill blown the fuck out
Classical mental illness. It's the easiest way to spot an actual NPC. Anyone who looks for a movie to first agree with their own personal politics, and rate everything else as secondary is too far gone to ever be normal again.
Not to mention it's not a political movie either way. The Joker wanting to kill X politician is completely in character and should be applauded as accurate.
It's not. Yea Forums just uses it to shitpost
I'm a "Marvel shill" and I can't wait to watch this kino. That it went from everyone liking it to everyone seething at the flip of a coin guarantees it's a quality product.
Did you miss the part when I named Armond White, retard? He and other conservatives wrote their articles like anons on Yea Forums
All the negative takes and reviews I have seen about this movie have been from moralfags concerned about the movie's overall message. Still not sure myself if this will actually be good though because both trailers are shit and you know, the whole Todd Phillips thing.
>Marvel shill blown the fuck out
>a fucking Martin Scorsese movie is an obscure cult classic
with de niro in it no less. everybody's seen that fucking movie and it's mostly the reason anybody still knows who the fuck jerry lewis is. goddamnit
What part of my post said I wasn't condemning anyone isn't acting professional?
how many times are you going to post that today?
So it's bad because it's good? Pretty retarded arguement desu.
Ok so I don't know much about this movie. What's the deal with the Joker:
1) He's the protagonist and an anti-hero
2) He's the protagonist and some kind of misunderstood good guy
3) Someone else is the protagonist and Joker is the bad guy
>Rotten Tomatoes
Reminder that they're own by Disney
it seems he got lost in his own retarded excuses to give the movie a bad review
That dude was shitting on the film for months. He definitely didn't go into it with an opinion mind
How many times will you pretend marvel drones aren't hyped for this trash?
open mind
>muh incels
What the fuck were they expecting from a fucking Joker movie?
Imagine living in a world where film reviews are political. top fucking kek
>Armond White and his conservative friends gave it bad review
Armond White will have legitimate film reasons (though contrarian) to add on his social commentary in a review.
This guy is more of an incel than an actual incel is.
Fucking garbage article. Hope he gets his dick lost in a tornado.
>If you strip the Joker and his nearly 80-year history as a cultural icon out of this film, as well as all the 1970s movie homages, there's not a whole lot left except for Phoenix's performance, and it's the kind of turn that's destined to be divisive
>As social commentary, Joker is pernicious garbage.
>Phillips may want us to think he's giving us a movie all about the emptiness of our culture, but really, he's just offering a prime example of it.
butthurt critics detected
I don't have to pretend if I don't actively spend my day seeking out "marvel fans" posts on social media to larp as a non-marvel shill
they don't exist to me
More FUCK INCELS AND FUCK WHITE PEOPLE because presenting them as mentally unstable edgelords isn't progressive enough.
Honestly, I feel the pathos going on on this post and definitely if this wins best picture Oscar its a scary new world where you will have to get the greatest filmmakers mixed with the most known properties to make a "adult" movie anymore.
the absolute state of """""""""""""""critics"""""""""""""""""
>people of all fandoms are excited fora good film
Color me surprised.
The review is so poorly done that I hope it gets removed. There isn't a single discussion point on the film itself and almost entirely about the possible social and political ramifications on those who go to see it
Seek out? Thats from a review that was posted here talking about how it totally isn't leftist propaganda
But the Joker is a textbook mentally ill villain. That's literally his shtick. Speaking of which, get that political stick out of your ass. You're probably not even white anyway.
>Listens to critics from rotten tomatoes
Just fucking go complain on reddit
I am getting pretty fucking tired of 'edgy' being some sort of excuse to hate something from the Zoomer generation. Of course edgy for edginess sake is terrible but simply having edginess to tell a story about the degeneration of society is not wrong.
Like it doesn't automatically make A Clockwork Orange bad because it has some edginess and rapes. That is a really limiting viewpoint on reality that you can't depict "edgy cringe" topics anymore for any reason.
>If you strip the Joker and his nearly 80-year history as a cultural icon out of this film, as well as all the 1970s movie homages, there's not a whole lot left except for Phoenix's performance, and it's the kind of turn that's destined to be divisive
what's this sort of fraudulent 'critical thinking' called. 'think about it, if you remove the cheese, is pizza really that good' damn you just talked me out of liking pizza. what in the fuck, can you really just write shit like that and someone will write you a check.
i'm gonna take my girlfriend to see this with me so that she can really understand me
>If you strip the Joker and his nearly 80-year history as a cultural icon out of this film, as well as all the 1970s movie homages, there's not a whole lot left except for Phoenix's performance, and it's the kind of turn that's destined to be divisive.
That sounds fair enough
Reddit is starting to seem like a decent alternative to this cesspool at this point. The quality of the board has taken a nosedive of herculean proportions.
I don't understand how they release the movie a month before for some critics and now you can read everything that happens and the criticts in the internet. That plus the leaks we already know basically 80% of the movie. Wouldn't it be better to not release it before the public watches it?
Thats mean is kino among us
>taking your gf
way to make yourself bad guy #1 to your theater shooter
Why would I go to a place that loves it when the people who don't like it post here?
lmao what a fucking retard
literal fuckign baby brained redditor trying to jerk his ego btfo by the most basic thing hahahahahahah kill yo self hahahah
>he doesn't always carry a concealed firearm for self-defense and confidence when in public
Waiting for the only critic that matters.
Niggas, just use metacritic.
Made the mistake of being born white.
Aside from changing the entire website and deleting 50000 “troll” reviews to protect captain marvel and papa disney?
>8 minute standing ovation at the venice film festival
Not been to the cinema in over 18 months, next month though...
Stopped reading there.
It's funny to me that Americas latest boogeyman are a pack of virgins. Literally scared of virgins
the chad virgin vs. the virgin chad
Don't underestimate the accumulated rage and frustration of a 30+ virgin.
The infiltration of this site is kind of impressive.
Imagine spending all day desperately trying to convince the board to not watch a movie
It's over, Joker is the best film of all time
Hes jewish
Dude, do these critics proofread at all? One of them called Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver "Buckle". It takes like two minutes to reread your work so it's at least a high-school level standard.
What exactly makes someone a “top” critic?
As social commentary, Joker is pernicious garbage.
winning the retard olympics
>BAWW muh politics
50% among topic critics who make up 13% of critics nationwide??
You need to write at least 3 food reviews on Yelp. One of them needs to be a fast food review.
Holy shit
>the top critic average score is higher than most marvel schock despite being polarizing
8.33 on a 56% score means the fresh reviews are like 9/10 or 10/10 and the bad reviews are 5/10 minimum
Best thing about there being a new Joker is seeing the garbage hot takes from people online
Getting one of the junior critics to bend over for you.
it looks like the critic-zoyboys are the only ones with the butthurt
What are the odds they are jewish?
>It's cool to hate on Heath's Joker now
It's gotta be pretty good if critics have to make excuses not to like it.
It's like the opposite of the apologetic Captain Marvel reviews.
What the fuck did Chester Bennington do to this cunt?
this is why premiering in Venice is a good move. especially being in competition, which is a huge risk but obviously it paid off for joker. there's no real film criticism in US anymore. even Cannes has been slightly tainted
He’s right though. The movie is entirely meant to appeal to faggoty incels.
Should be fine since Phoenix is a jew
You'll obviously like the movie then
It was screened in Venice to a selected audience. The reviews you are reading now really are from the most acclaimed and respected critics who were part of that audience.
This movie will be a box office bomb and hopefully the beginning of the end for capeshit.
So basically Taxi Driver with clowns.
they already are
>the movie is bad because it will change the capeshit landscape and make everyone want to do their own serious comic book character study
the average Yea Forums user doesn't get payed or a special platform to do that though
>top critics
Top cucks more like
They are mad that the "antifa" movement in the movie is portrayed as a reactionary violent mob
>This movie will be a box office bomb
tracking to open higher than Aquaman and Shazam with a budget of 50 million
>bad guys can't be sympathetic
what brand of retardation is this?
Oh I know. It's beautiful. And right after Sony fucked Disney by pulling Spiderman, too.
Complaining about white men whenever you get the chance
This. It's absolute retardation to actually believe that this won't make, at the very least, five times its budget.
Most likely it'll hit at least half a billion.
>This movie will be a box office bomb
How can anybody be this retarded?
If your review relies on the "current social climate" to provide insight, maybe you're not smart enough to see the forest through the trees.
so what, still better than constant capeshit
Can you develop that?
they're too desperate to be one of the first to get their review up so people read it before it gets swamped and lost in hundreds or thousands of reviews