2019 I am forgotten

>2019 I am forgotten
What do you think is going through his mind right now?

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he's da jokah baby

>we live in a society

That he's the worst iteration of the Joker.

“LOL, I’m fucking a 10 with 11”, it’s so good to be me. Also I’m excited to see my bud Joaquin’s new flick”

>What do you think is going through his mind right now?
Probably eating vegetables and prancing around with his band members and beautiful women in pseudo-artistic hippycore music videos.

As an actor myself, being in his position, I would be extremely self conscious about it. Nothing kills you as much as seeing someone else succeed at a given role when you were degraded for the same role. Especially if you consider yourself good, like he probably does.

What roles did you do?

gay porn

lol no way, he's a SERIOUS ARTISTE, this shit tears him up inside. If he didn't give a fuck he wouldn't be famous in two different fields

Leto is a trash actor and he was cringy as a joker. Only fags like him

Team up movie

Small time tv. I'd rather not out myself here.
Every actor is spiritually gay when needed.

Pretty sure Leto blames the studio cut taking out or heavily editing all his scenes. The Suicide Squad version of The Joker was intended to appeal to the hot topic emo zoomer crowd anyway, and I think Leto pulled the performance off well. Zoomer emo spencer's gifts wtf it is kids like him, and they draw fan art of him and Harley and shit. Everyone else thinks it was garbage mainly because everything else in the movie was pretty garbage. But the principal cast in that film for the most part does well. Amanda Waller, Harley, Deadshot, and El Diablo are all played well, and that includes The Joker imo. It's not his fault they play UWAHAHAHAHA over him lying in a tableau of knives. He pulls it off despite the cringe. Same with Hayden Christianson as Anakin. He pulls it off despite the bad writing. His acting is on point despite the garbage dialogue, same with Leto.

he was okay. maybe better than nicholsson

>this faggot literally stayed in character for weeks, shot hours of footage, played dumb "Joker" pranks on the caast....just to have everything but 5 minutes of his performance cut out

I can't think of a more pathetic person

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Yeah it was pretty pathetic because that's how they marketed it as WOAH JARED LETO WENT INSANE FROM BECOMING THE JOKAH.

Method acting has become something shitty actors use to overcompensate.

there's even cringy footage of him doing the Joker voice at his 30 seconds to mars shows, shit is afwul

"That was fun."

The film won an Oscar he has nothing to be ashamed of.