Which real-life events would make for great kino/telekino?

Which real-life events would make for great kino/telekino?

Attached: lambassadeur fake poster.png (516x849, 781K)

That time the Nazis released their Rothschild prisoner.


Attached: lambassadeur.jpg (2050x1152, 624K)

why did he just lie down after being shot?

you guys need to stop using black and white as shorthand for artsy
this grid would look much better in color

9/11 from the point-of-view of someone stuck in the building above the fire

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No actress is pretty enough to play mummy

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Jonestown obviously

>The ending is just a semi-slowed down montage of people plummeting to the New York pavement to the sound of complete silence

There are, but they aren't Jewish, so Hollywood doesn't want them.

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the station... oeff

He had enough of society...


Beslan school siege

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How has this not been posted?

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because it doesnt need to be

How has this not been posted yet

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Killdozer would unironically make a great film. The story leading up to rampage would have everyone leaving the theater understanding exactly why he did it and muttering in hushed toned about how they would do it too in his position. Easy top tier small town politics kino with an uncharacteristically climatic ending.

good one

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that time when a small squad of british soldiers defended against swarm of african zulu spear chuckers

also the story of mark zuckerberg, like what his life was before facebook, how he created facebook, what challenges he faced and so on. at the end you could do that white letters on black background thing where you tell the viewers what ended up happening to zuck.

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>"I was always willing to be reasonable until I had to be unreasonable"
>"Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things."

Absolutely based as kino as fuck.

Are those his words? Based.

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Based Call to Arms poster.

Seriously Theres loads of Great Jewish Guys on You tube an banned but up again who have Totally shown that the Death Camps were just work camps.

I have watched many an see what these jews say is true . It was a Myth
so they got Palestine .

I know its ingrained like the mandella effect , in our minds yeah camps gassing billions an nazis bad , But re think an watch a few vids its all a Huge World Lie by the NWO , < we laffed Hardy an Strong about how they could do this on our citizens an then lie .. lie like the jews an EVERY MEDIA was MOSSAD controlled , nets ruined for them an they slung away but still festered how can we controll the masses tried other social media , then FB everyones monitored an tracked now by NWO , an this not tin foil hat this Real

film related is Conspiracy Theory (1997) he based Our Guy Knew

>white males are the real victims!

A bloo bloo

MKUltra was the point we plebs not allowed to know ..
The other state funded jew tests that still go on now .. with cannabis users , they have an exit in the supply , you not tax payer you scum .

godspeed, space cowboy

I really want to see this ;_;

>to the sound of complete silence
>not "New York Minute"

I still remember how the media cut that part out of the recording.

Listen They are very kind

I had hopes some men of substan..

Good luck in that war ..

outstanding post

The fattening of Pierce Brosnan's wife, directed by David Cronenberg

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I really like fake kino posters


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> a fascist killing a social democrat

Try my best ,
Cos the surface net is so CONTROLLED
fake as fuck .. all scared of him ..

he under surface pres you ever met ..

Attached: skyking4.jpg (1080x608, 57K)

why the fuck would we need a movie of this, it's perfect the way it is

because it's fake as fuck