Any kinos about the state of modern women?

Any kinos about the state of modern women?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Women dont actually watch blacked lol it's all white cucks and browncels


I know you made this thread just to post this picture though

tits or gtfo

I would love some Xanax.

the vicious kind

>Women dont actually watch blacked

It's getting rough out there bros

why are you fags so obsessed with women? Take the homo pill, it’s the only chance you retards have at obtaining sex

>Our products are very popular!
>If you don't think so just ask my cousin!

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Having a bank account is for... women?

What's the state of modern men?

Ask me how I know you're woman.


the point is the paypig epidemic and subsidization of the roastie lifestyle

No but women are the kind to never carry cash and only carry daddy's credit card.

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>tfw make $150k a year but can’t get any roastie because bald manlet
oh well

I can count on my fingers the number of times ive needed cash this year retard

I took it as symbolic of their compulsive consumerism and chronic debt.

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Holy shit, this is the working single mother starter pack.

tara is a literal whore so of course she watches that shit

everything on Netflix

Tits or GTFO

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What's with the incel style women hating shit on Yea Forums recently? It didn't fucking used to be like this at all. Now every board has these fucking thinly veiled women hating threads every day. Yea Forums is shitting on female authors, Yea Forums is shitting on female protagonists, or even just side characters or fuck, ANYTHING that is female, Yea Forums shits on female directors (or claims there are none and the reason is because women are bad) and now this fucking shit.
The fuck is going on?

>posting a literal porn star as belief
yeah no trying date average white woman you incel


atleast you make poorfags seethe with your expensive car r-right?

Did you just doxx yourself?

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dumb fucking redditor

>blablabla I'm a roastie
Tits or GTFO, well we're waiting

I have 1 pill right know and a bunch of clonazepam pills, u jelly?

Oh season 2 is out nice. Thanks for reminding me.

We make jokes about coal and tolls, but single moms of mulatto children pay no price at all.

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The gamers are rising up against a matriarchal society

No I don’t waste money on that. I invest my money and drive a 15 year old beater.

onions boyism-junk food video games suicide opioid addiction yass queen

im convinced this is some psyop incel posting

Kek this one is gold

Kek that's literally something they'd say

they deserve it desu

tits or GTFO

Women are the primary audience in media. They spend the most money (regardless of the source), are incredibly easily to manipulate for politics, and are willing to watch whatever garbage is put out. Men are finally starting to realize everything is shit because of women.

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Hello red-ditranny tourist

Nigga, I'm so jelly I belong in a mason jar.

Why is there a visa/paypal/mastercard logo in that pic? What did the auteur mean by this

In other peoples eyes you're just a poor, bald manlet, people judge on the surface level.


Absolutely based.


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its about time you RISE UP

Me on the couch.

nobody watches blacked, it's a meme


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xanax is fucking amazing.

Hi, loser. I just love the way you wear that hat. Is that your boyfriend on the right?



It means the guy who made it is quite poor, a poor, poor incel


Oh fuck off alt right incel fuck. We had this before. That was not a league match. That was a fucking training match:
They were training and testing shit. They rotated players the whole time, not even all their best players where on, and from what I've heard even one of the women was 15 or 16.

It's so dumb to report on a training match that it actually makes me mad.

I found 30 Clonazepam at work the other day. They don't do shit to me. I feel like I took a Tylenol PM desu

I knew someone who looked like that. He was very nice, and had a girlfriend.

have sex

This make me wonder if there's something chemical that makes psychotics myopic.

I used to get 120 x 1 MG Xanax a month. They were gone in 2 and half weeks.

Women's brains are wired to generate meaningless aphorisms and deliver them with solemnity.

This is why you hit them.

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>it was just a training match
They still lost.

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Women are inferior and deserve rape.

Women should be put into camps when they turn 17.


Toasty toasty.

Right, lol? Only time I need cash is when buying from a dispensary, because those fuckers don’t want to pay for god damn credit card / debit machines because they don’t want to pay the $0.02 fee when they swipe it.

They've run out of things to circle jerk about.

USA and german women team also lost to little boys

>hormonal birth control

why not just get a copper iud?

You're supposed to drink alcohol with them but be warned you can wake up with a sore anus if you do that

This, I always see the tag "porn for women" on blacked and other interracial videos on xhamster, every time I go to the profile that uploaded it, it turns out to be a dude.

The fact she is visiting that psycho ape is what makes me hate women alot, they love monsters who care about them as much as a guy cares about a nice porn video.

Well I’m not gonna waste my money in order to snag a used up roastie

Um, no retard. It's because banks want nothing to do with them.

>h-he copied my favorite move!


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if it was a male pro team, they would never lose against kids just because "they didnt have their best players" or "they were testing shit"

Women don't like porn, they like erotica. Everyone knows this.

based chads

Either way, I'd cut down on overhead by only taking cash too.

I snorted a bar of xanax when I was drunk once, I've never puked so much in my life

What's wrong with PayPal?

screencapping this thread and posting on /r/inceltears. god you losers are pathetic. Fuck you all.

Open toed shoes are fucking disgusting.

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Pills are less invasive than surgery, obviously. Complications have been known to arise. Also, I imagine the bigger tits are a perk.

I only take them for bad panic attacks now (used to need them everyday, have no idea how my anxiety got better desu) or if I've gone on three plus nights no sleep. But I also drink fairly regularly

>he's not a footfag

poor taste, my man

We're rising up, and there's nothing you can do to stop us.

Of course they lost. Like I said, it was a training match where they trained and rotated and some of them were not even in their kit. Pic related is a picture of the match FROM the dailymail (says it fucking all doesn't it?) article that posted it even. Does that LOOK like an official, all out match?
Sure, 7-0 is not great, but considering it is LITERALLY training, I guess that's kind of the point? To see what works and what doesn't?

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make sure to screencap your own post lmao

I've met a lot of girls, sluts and tomboys that love hardcore porn.


7 - 0

So what part of their training regimen involves not scoring any goals at all?

dont be a faggot

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She's not even doing it because she likes him. She's doing it for the upvotes she'll get from that picture.

There is only one human in that photo, and none have the capacity for human emotion.

>it wa--was just training
one of the most hilarious seething copes i've ever seen.


>Sure, 7-0 is not great
it's not great
it's not great

It's always trannies and gays.

They're fucking mental.

It's incredible how people don't understand the absolute insanity of honosexuals. Go on a porn site for 5 minutes and just look at group after group after group of crazy trannies into humialation, crossdressing, scat and interracial porn

>he unironically gets his opinions from a reddit comic
Fucking end yourself my man

Toes are objectively the worst part of the foot. It is where the smell (don't get me started on smellfags) comes from mostly and nails are generally gross. Sure, they are needed to be there to make the entire foot, but dudes who suck on toes should just skip straight to sucking cock.

They can get a guy from Tinder to come over in about the same time that a PornHub video finishes loading, there's not really much point

literally a psy-op

the smell comes from wearing shoes all day for anyone that isn't naturally a gross person


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women read erotica instead of watching porn.

guess what is the most popular erotica? interracial cuckolding


this is what happens when:
>not breast fed for at least 1 year
>solid foods as early as possible
>high volume diet with lots of chewing
>good posture and plenty of physical activity during development.

>it was just training

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actually keked

Valium is the same and lasts longer and is easier to get.

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can someone explain the wrist support thing? I don't get it.

>The Daily Mail lied!! Also, the Rotherham Rape Gangs don't exist!! REEEEEEEEEEEEE

>Sure, 7-0 is not great,
From true greatness I would expect a 3-0 loss, or maybe 7-5

This was a friendly training thing, where a big national team, (a decent one, too) did something nice for the younglings trying to go pro (it's not like these are just random 15 year olds) and played a training match with them.
Now take a wild guess: In a training session between a national level team, who's going to play a REAL match the very next day, vs some Juniors who are just super exited to play with (or rather against) actually famous soccer stars, Who's gonna go all out?
Of course the kids gave it their best. Like I said, some of the girls were not even on, they frequently switched out players and were trying out stuff. This was a TRAINING match.
If you do some MMA sparring, you don't report on how that goes internationally do you? This is just some dumb fucking sexist attention grabbing headline to sell more daily mail papers to dumb sexist idiots. Who the fuck reports on a training match?


Hell, you can just go to /gif/ to see that stuff lots of tranny shit. The stuff they say in the interracial threads also are mental.

Thought it was 50 Shades of Grey,


Genuinely curious, what do these drugs actually do for you? According to my rudimentary understanding they only do one of two things:
1) Make you sleepy and calm
2) Sooth withdrawal symptoms if you're already addicted
I only do alcohol and caffeine and they're barely considered drugs.

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Yeah, right here.

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literally my ex in one picture

>Who the fuck reports on a training match?
You should have led with WELL WHO CARES ANYWAY, we all knew that's where this was going

my ex girlfriend is such a self-centered, selfish retard. it was a fucking one sided relationship and she said i was acting like a simp when i said i loved her and was devoted to her even though she said she loved me back (which was bullshit).
why the fuck are they like this? like they can just turn off their care for you. is it ever there in the first place? and why do i still care about her, why the fuck am i still attached? why do i care that she thinks so lowly of me when i know she's a bad person?

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They actually wanted to make Christian Grey black for the movies and the lady author told them NO

why would they need to watch it if theyre the ones actually doing it?

Gif is the best example I can think of for demonstrating how poisonous porn is. It's no wonder the old timers tried to keep a lid on it, look what happens when it takes root and grows.


More like watching through the window masturbating

>that boost of test when you get aggressive with your girl and she loves it


I doubt a bunch of 15year olds could beat a male pro fotball team 7-0 even if they weren't taking it serious

lmao retard that's clearly not him.

>actually famous soccer stars
fucking NO ONE watches women's football or knows who the fuck any of them are

Sauce and/or moar, senpai.

They were training to win
They didn't win

This is supposed to be exciting?

Fucking cope dude. You're the only one who gives a fuck about this event. The fact that you are adamantly defending it just shows that its a sensitive fact for you. The fact of the matter is women are physically lesser to men. The fastest 100 meter adult woman sprinter is slower than the faster 14 year old male sprinter. Women are physically lesser in almost every aspect to men. COPEL

She doesn’t think about you at all anymore

Reminder boys

>Hey wanna have sex?
>Ew no you creepy incel
>Ok :(
>Why arent you having sex kill yourself!

If you have super high anxiety/agorophobia then taking Valium calms you down.

Xanax is for panic attacks.

But ultimately they make me feel good.

Benzos allow you to sleep if you've snorted too much cocaine.

Needs something about fibromyalgia.

Not if you don't like girls, faggot.

Feets are a nice bonus, not the be all end all.

I can't tell if she's wearing panties or not, also sauce please

My ex was similar. Very self-centered, kicked up a fuss when I was doing my own thing, but got mad at me when I pointed out she did the same thing. I'm dating a girl now who is almost the complete opposite from her, and it's been great so far. Find a person who you're more compatible with. Don't put up with a person just because they're fun to fuck

it's not about impressing used-up roasties. Even women that are worth it in some sense will still look to see if you dress well/have a job and money/etc, all the basic things, they don't care or will ever know you're investing wisely or anything like that because you won't even get that far. You have to first impress a woman for her to even be interested in you unless you're a chad.

she looks like she's dumb

Very small leopard print thong i think.

Fucking hot, I love seeing up chick's skirts
Of course she's dumb, she's a woman

Why are people so obsessed with sex? Take the monk mode semen retention self improvement pill and stop caring about having to fit in with others. I heard a great saying that goes "You are the average of the five people you spend most of your time with". Your friends for better or worse greatly influence your personality and attitudes towards things. Do you want to carry on being the person you are becoming??

well she is a woman

the fake eyelashes proves she a whore anyways

I mean what else can it be? It is such typical, brainless incel behavior. Just look at that Soccer discussion. Doesn't matter the actual facts. "HURRR THE WYMIN DIDN'T TOTALLY DESTROY A KIDS TEAM 15-0 WYMINZ BAD!" Like.. is that what should have happened? Should they have come to a friendly training thing and just SHIT on some kids?

And so many of these incel betas are also ben shapiro "facts don't care about your feelings" faggots, yet whenever they open their cunt mouths, they ignore all facts, and just post their feelings anyway. Like little bitch bois.

I mean, it is less "who cares" and more "why would you do that?" Like I said, take anything else, say dancing. If some world class dancer practiced some dance moves, and kept fucking up in practice, would you write a daily mail article that goes: "News just in! Internationally known dancer turns out to be the worst at dancing! Literally can't do the steps!"

I mean "a bunch" here are still junior league athletes. these articles always make it sound like the kids were just some boys off the street. And depends really, if the men were casual they might let some in.
Boy I bet you feel stupid now.

retarded. You train to train, you play to win. The purpose of training is literally in the name. You don't train to be better at training. And they had a match the very next day, so of course they didn't go all out on some fucking kids, risking injury or strain.

>The fact of the matter is women are physically lesser to men.
Literally nobody is disputing that. It is a biological fact. But that doesn't mean you have to tolerate bullshit articles like that, trying to score points with women hating asshats, by misrepresenting a friendly casual training sessions as if it was an actual battle of the sexes.

Probably bots.

Some cool ones, most are either retards or pussies

There are a few cute ones, though
>second from right on the second row
>first on the third row
>the two last ones

So movies & television amirite guys?

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After a certain age, a man that doesn't get pusy can be a dangerous thing

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lmao no, discord tranny. It's uniformly closet-case men that watch that shit

Just got banned for doxxing trannies on /int/



have sex, cope and dilate.

seethe more

Doubtful, too intricate and too hateful. Bots just spam. This is targeted hate.

it is actually scary how willing people are to distort reality to fit their "women are shit" worldview. Like Stefan Molyneux who watches movies (and doesn't understand them) and then rambles himself into weird conspiracies about "male disposability" and whatnot. Who at one point literally said "all the evil in the world keeps happening because women keep choosing arseholes" and that really is some next level shit, you know? When even the bad things MEN do, are womens fault because... if their mother hadn't fucked a guy who turned out to be an asshole, than their son wouldn't have been an asshole! See! it's womens fault everything is bad!!!!!

not on Yea Forums

Actually it's asians.

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thats incorect hardcore porn is becoming more popular for girls because they lack satisfactory sex from their boyfriends

People just want to get laid, it's not that complicated. Seriously what else is there in life? Saving up shekels for the latest Chinese plastic bullshit? Cope shit like "finding something ur passionate about"? Human history is just fucking and killing and now we have neither

I've seen discord screenshots of trannies directly targeting Yea Forums with blacked shit

>he thinks sexbots will be a thing
>he unironically doesn't believe they'll skip straight into Terminator mode
Who do you think has more funding, the sex toy industry or the military industrial complex?

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There are, but they are not the majority.
In fact, you can derail all BLACKED threads by posting WMAF shit.
That dumb Bruce Lee meme exposed the ricels.

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The fun that has power over muh dik.

>We don't believe in authoritarianism

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The past 10 years and millennials in general are the best argument against democracy.

I'm not American, what is Xanex

Muh dick can't compete against the most profitable industry in the world.
Robots will destroy humanity long before any of them are built to fuck.

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Do women really like being punched and choked?

Attached: choke me daddy.webm (640x1136, 1.73M)

>terminator mode sexbot
>Android 18 in real life
Oh no who would want that haha!


Oh I totally get laid. What I don't understand is how you go from
>wanting to get laid
>not getting laid
>actually all women are evil.
And I wonder where it will lead. It already made pretty much all boards on Yea Forums unbearable, because this shit is literally everywhere. Honestly, we should just ban all these shit threads and posts that are nothing more than Misogyny bait.
>inb4 hurr durr censorship, SJW bla bla bla
Fuck off. We did it when ponies shit up the boards, we did it when Pokemans shit up the boards, we did it when LGBT shit up the boards, we did it when Social shit shit up the boards, we did it when racist stuff shit up the boards with /pol/ and honestly now we need it for women hating threads. get them a fucking containment board. call it /nm/ for No Ma'am

What a rational and logical man. Did you watch his video on rome? He just makes 1 to 1 comparisons to modern politics, points out "welfare" shit ancient rome did, and then implies that those lead to the fall off rome (a couple hundred years later)

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>thinks democracy is the opposite of authoritarianism

18 was a human, though, she was just enhanced with cybernetic implants.

Democracy makes the mistake of thinking random people, most of which don't know anything about politics save for communists and nazis, are fit to have a say in how nations should be ruled.

never knew jews could be this based

>It already made pretty much all boards on Yea Forums unbearable, because this shit is literally everywhere.
Feel free to leave anytime.

Punched? Probably just ultra masochistic weirdos.
Chocked? Sure why not? feels pretty good. There's a reason about half a million people a year accidentally kill themselves doing exactly that:

leave you fucking whiny pussy.

I didn't gave up my boards when ponyfags posted ponies in literally every thread, and I'm not gonna give up the boards now because unfucked virgins keep coming up with new ways on how women are the devil.

Yea Forums went to shit when this place went from discussing the topics the boards were for to just reacting to real life and social media.
It's literally normalfags flooding the website, well, failed normalfags that is.
That's why we went from witty, self aware weirdos who accepted who they were, to failed normalfags who act like they are weirdos, but they just wish they were actual normalfags.

Oh. When should I choke them? Only during sex or do they like it any time? How hard do I squeeze and for how long?

*0.5 per million so about 7700 worldwide per year. Still a lot.

Good luck with your whining. It won't change anything.