Allegories in Star Trek edition (post which each alien represented)
Save Star trek using borg Transwarp conduits
go back and time and save it from Kurtzman
gogogo" sub-edition
What am I supposed to get out of klingon episodes?
trips hurt communities
I see the parallelism but what does it mean?
BF is a bigger name.
The closest Will Wheaton will ever get to pussy is sitting on a sofa where a porno was shot.
You fucking assholes.
Star Trek: Discovery features award winning dialogue.
>This is the power of math, people!
>I like science.
>Hamlet? HELL yeah.
>Don't be so binary. In my universe, he was pansexual, and we had DEFCON-level fun together. And you, too, Papi.
>Women, stop talking.
>Yum, yum.
its been a long rad
Just consume it, dude. Then move on to fastfood.
BF will always be the best of us.
Secretly, you detest what she has.
Was this necessary?
we needn't more tripfags
Arr we star faring Huns
That's not what they actually say, right?
Keep beating the shit out of that dead horse FUCK YEAH
Spoilers: it is
Or more refined-
TOS: Space russkies
TNG-ENT: Space Huns
STD: Mgwgkgh gwmglw rghlwgpl
“Your world of starship captains doesn’t admit women.”
What did she mean by this?
Cardassians either Turkroaches or Britbongs.
What makes /trek/ so successful?
762 episodes of extreme quality
But also Trek is an infinitely complex franchise which can be appreciated, studied, and shitposted on a million different levels so you have a community of varying ages and perspectives contributing their thoughts and experiences to the sum of the conversation.
She couldn't make the cut and instead of accepting her limitations and upper threshold of her abilities, decided to put the blame on everyone else for not lowering standards to cater to her.
So like a modern white American woman then?
Sadly, you're right.
YEAH! Take that, incels!
That women wouldn't fare any better in Roddenberry's vision as they are inherently weaker.
>Founders are jews!
You have 2 jew races in Star Trek.
You have New Jew, Bajorians. These are the post WW2 jews. They cry and complain about everything. Guilt their way in to the federation(muh occupation) and get the federation in to multiple wars.
Than you have Ferengi, Jew Classic. they are greedy, their morals are questionable at best.
Maybe the real jews were the humans all along?
>Ferengi, Jew Classic.
Did we ever see a Ferengi halfie anywhere in ST?
racist garbage
The term is mishling, and no.
What do /trek/ posters have in common?
we don't dance
Now, now. /trek/ is a friendly place. Pull up a seat, we're glad you're here.
>reducing science fiction about aliens to parallels with jews
If you aren't man enough to just admit you just want to fuck a jewess with fat milkers, I don't respect you
Hi NW. Long time no see.
Namedropping Elon Musk between the Wright Brothers and Zefram Cochrane was way worse.
I post here because of the great content and the vibrant, new iterations of the franchise.
Elon has like a 170 IQ.
He's an investor, not an engineer.
Isn't he gay?
Still isn't as bad as bitching about STD instead of talking about something you enjoy.
Thanks friend. Figured I'd drop by and see what kind of trouble you scamps were getting into.
I enjoy The Orville.
s n a p
he got you good, niggah
Wholesome on the surface yet unsettling on closer inspection.
The Orville is a welcome reprieve in the age of nuTrek.
What keeps you guys posting here?
swill is swill
its like 12 of us
Denise Crosby lewds
eh, randomly quoting Shakespeare at inappropriate times is a longstanding Trek tradition. See "Conscience of the King", Star Trek VI, 10% of Picard's dialogue etc.
"Hell yeah" is major league cringe tho
>caring about a woman with a man's haircut in a show that features the one and only marina sirtis
Don't forget the casuals who come and then quickly leave.
Tasha works me into a powerfully unreasonable fever. Just seeing Tasha's name fucks me up.
tripfags to the lampposts
I still have the flu and I'm on booze bottle 2 since yesterday.
fav episode: clues
but that was Mirrorverse Lorca, where Musk is actually a supergenius and not just some tryhard pothead riding off his Paypal monies
Musk sent a car into space for fun. What have you done?
I'd really like to see an edit of this with a /trek/ thread displayed then "This thread has been pruned or deleted" right before Data hits the console.
not wasted millions of $$$ launching a car into space for no good reason
maybe some tripfag posts as he loses it
>Fun: disabled
He was testing his ability to launch expensive equipment into space, but without the risk of damaging the expensive equipment if something went wrong.
Or BF lewds
They retconned the hell out of this, in fact I think it's a retcon in itself as a previous TOS episode mentioned a female captain, possibly
yeah lol
Get the facts before you post.
Suck my dick before you suck my dick again
>Ro Laren
You can't have all three.
I don't think that's the case, but the existence of Number One as a female first officer in "The Cage" and "The Menagerie" definitely implies that female captains should exist as well.
1-0 me
Not necessarily.
red yellow blue they're my primary ladies
If Pike dies Number One takes over, unless they have some stupid "umm actually" rule
post pics
>Just started S4 of TNG
>The first two episodes
>Picard and his brother fighting with it ending as Picard starts crying because the Borg twisted and used him and he was too weak to stop them
>Picard hugging his brother and the Son looking at the stars
>"Do you believe that we are in some way alike, sir?"
>"In many way, I'd like to believe."
>"Then it is alright for you to die, because I will remain alive."
>That pat on his cheek
>"You know I cannot grieve for you sir."
>"You will, in your own way."
>"Goodbye Data"
>"Goodbye Father"
Is S4 going to keep making me cry every episode?
Ha ha ha ha
You're in too deep. It's just a show, dude.
It's still sad
You're too invested if you cry at a tv show. I'm just looking out for you, bra.
>implying he's eat anything sent by fans.
>"It's a good start."
What did he mean by this?
No opening my trekfu folder would make me want to fap and I'm in public right now
means he's a big guy
what did he mean by this?
>You're too invested if you cry at a tv show. I'm just looking out for you, bra.
Who doesn't get upset at things in a tv series when its good and actually means something to the person on a personal level.
>Looking out for you bro!!!! It's just a TV show you can't have any real emotions about it because its just a TV show!!!
Please god off yourself
You are from reddit
it was Frakes shitposting here all along. We all got fooled
You can just tell Ro sucks a mean dick.
blue bord
Who's Ro?
bajor girl
Why do some people hate thread culture? It's just a bit of fun.
I don't remember her.
digits of truth
some people just have a one track mind.
Okay, here's how it breaks down:
Klingons - old Klingons were just Soviet Russia, post-TOS they spiced them up with some viking flavour to make it less obvious.
Romulans - China.
Those two were deliberate allegories for the Cold War era, so there isn't really any debate about them. The others are more nebulous:
Cardassians: Primarily space nazis: cold, efficient, ruthless and cruel. But their arc in DS-9 also contained references to Russia in the 1990s - withdrawing from eastern Europe, exchanging authoritarian rule for democracy, and adjusting to a reduced status among great powers. The Obsidian Order is definitely an analogue for the KGB.
Bajorans: Irish, Jews, Tibetans, and Kossovans and Bosnians. Basically they borrowed from every oppressed people they could think of - the spirituality of Tibet, the concentration camps of the jews, and, well, the gingerness of the Irish. I also suspect they had the Balkan conflict in mind, since that was going on at the time the show was written.
Ferengi: Jews as seen by goyim. They are the jewiest jews ever to jew their way across the galaxy, and I don't believe anyone who says its a coincidence. I'm sure Roddenberry started off by trying to come up with a stereotype of a capitalist rather than directly targeting Jews, but it's pretty obvious the first place he looked to for inspiration. pic related.
Vulcans: Jews as seen by Jews. Smarter, stronger, more rational, and also longer lived. Really just better than everyone else. Gods chosen people, if you will. Other people get annoyed with them sometimes, but only because they mistake their intelligence for snobbery. Also, despite being all about logic they're still very religious, for some reason. Leonard Nimoy was responsible for a lot of Spock's character development, and if you knew nothing about him you could still guess what his race is from how Vulcans turned out.
The Visitor tho
pure unadulterated comfy
“Klingons are ancient barbarian jews” is giving me chest pain from laughing too hard
I could've believed it was a coincidence with the Ferengi being stereotypical Jews, I could've excused EVERYTHING if it wasn't for the fact that nearly all of the main Ferengis in DS9 were played by Jews. It's just too on the nose.
This. The Founders are Stalinsts. The Borg is accurate if they meant Asian instead of Maoist.
>It's just too on the nose.
No retards. It's about how because Kirk was consumed by Starfleet and his career as an officer, it had no room in it for her to be his lover.
To be fair, with the amount of Jews on Star Trek that could genuinely be a coincidence. Like half the main cast of TOS were Jewish (Shatner, Nimoy, Koenig)
>no audio
I wish the Orville was better. 60% of the show is great, then MacFarlane opens his mouth or they try to do a MacFarlane joke and I'm instantly pulled out of the episode and reminded how shitty Seth is. Plus Alara's actress got tired of sucking his ween and jumped ship so half of the only good characters left the show in one fell swoop and Bortus has already been oversaturated so there's no one left to like, except SlimeNorm.
Which sucks because The Orville had the chance to become something really really good and prove that people will still watch "cheap" shows filmed like pre-2005 television with inexpensive sets and simple action scenes as long as the characters and plot were good. But Seth fucked it up.
>Is S4 going to keep making me cry every episode?
just about
wrong thread, mong
There's almost no quality threads on Yea Forums, the majority of the board is capeshit nuwars or endless spammed threads about flavor of the week movies with unfunny memes or polfags pearl clutching about some tweet. Fucking video games have three different boards and we can't even get a containment one to get mouseshit and blockbusters off here.
Family is one of the best Trek episodes. Home (ENT) is also pretty good.
>not talking about dyson sphere
Next season is going to be better. They're taking their time to write great stories.
dont blamegame
Does it count to have sex on the holodeck, like Geordi does?
Why do Bajorans have ear rings? I see that both men and women have rings.
Nazis? Im mein Star Trek? Es ist häufiger als Sie denken...
Of course not, it's like asking if masturbating counts.
Bajorans have ear rings so that you know they're Bajorans, I doubt there's much else to it.
thank you for reply
When are we going to eliminate the cumbrain menace?
Let's start with /trek/, by getting rid of the notorious waifufag VF.
>Does it count to have sex on the holodeck, like Geordi does?
Does getting head count as sex or is it only when a penis penetrates a vagina? How do lesbians have sex? What counts is the connection between individuals. If a holodeck program is self aware and possesses free will and willingly sleeps with a human, how is that not sex? Cyber sex, phone sex, video chat sex, these are all enhanced methods of masturbation but they're all versions of having sex.
>Why do Bajorans have ear rings? I see that both men and women have rings.
Supposedly it has to do with faith, although it can also be interpreted as a cultural identifier or a family crest. I have my left ear double pierced as a stealth nod to Ro who wore her d'ja pagh on the left, though later it became standard for Bajorans to wear them on the right. It's up to the individual how significant it is to them.
VF is a staple.
None of those things are sex, sex is just a placeholder. Sex is specifically PIV intercourse between a man and a woman, nothing else counts.
Such a lust for Autism?!
Is Dax like a human with a thing in her that lives?
Why is Worf so angry all the time?
Unt mein Kriecher sagte mir, dass ich bin nie aufhoere, zu erstaunen! Ja ja ja ja!
Autism, or a stickler for the truth?
In my experience, you are wrong. I've mutually masturbated with people when they were on their period or because it was just felt right in the moment and I'd call those experiences sex. What's the difference between someone else making me cum through stimulation and someone else sharing their body with me while they tell me to cum?
sex is dick n vag
>I'd call those experiences sex.
That's fine, but that doesn't make it correct. Your personal definition does not trump the actual definition.
Dax is the symbiont, one part of the symbiotic species, the Trill. Like most species in Star Trek, they aren't human, but they look like humans with random shit on their face to distinguish them. Jadzia is the host we see for most of DS9 but Dax, the unseen, internal symbiont, has had several prior hosts and carries all of their memories and knowledge which each host adopts.
Worf is a Klingon, Klingons are angry a lot.
So lesbians and gays are virgins?
If they've never had PIV intercourse with a member of the opposite sex, yes. Gays engaging in degenerate interactions does not count as sex.
/trek/ hasn't been on topic in almost a week
I think there's a difference between sex and sex acts.
I enjoyed the granny fucking discussion the other day.
>it's a tripfag episode
I'm going back to bed
Again, the word 'sex' in the term 'sex acts' is just a placeholder. It is not sex.
god damn, hollywood is literally sucking its own dick. shit is painful to watch
I enjoyed the VF hate circlejerk
They're not sucking their own dick, they're just showing how much they know nothing about science. Musk isn't an engineer, he's an investor. They probably think that he invented Tesla and SpaceX.
The writers on that show were raised on pop culture only, that's why they can't tell a single science fiction story on a Star Trek show.
No, you're going to eat the bed!!!
Ha ha ha, I made a Fat Riker joke, ha ha ha, now give me (You)s.
You've never had sex.
What kind of woman draws this?
I have, but even if I hadn't, what I'm saying is still true.
VF is Fantome and his buddies are all the tripfags.
Rikerfag is a guy
Reminder that Valley Forge is a discord tranny
Worf is an incel
Sauce to this interview.
>literally has a child
Um, OK.
Yea Forums will burn
I will paint my face with the ashes of its corpse
First of all your a retard, second it was the first falcon heavy test.
These tests are usualy done with just a block of concrete or something alike to simulate the weight of payload.
Musk&the lads had a litte fun with that and put a tesla roadster on it with a bunch of streaming camera's to make one of the most KINO space pictures we have seen ever.
Hey friend, why so full of hate? The other tripfags and I are worried about you, you're not well.
That doesn't change the fact that it's retarded to draw comparisons between a guy who is a canny investor who happens to be doing cool and interesting things to people who actually made credible scientific breakthroughs.
The wright brothers were a fucking bicycle designers&salesman.
I'm not sucking of elon here, the guy isnt a engineer. but just like steve jobs he is a entrepreneur, he gets the right people in the same room and puts them on the right track when they start veering of.
Do Klingons masturbate?
Yes. Violently.
Nah you're a virgin
Did the Wright Brothers get credited for things accomplished by a team of scientists working at their beck and call as they did nothing but throw money at them?
No, you mongoloid.
Same, but only to M'Ress
Chief O'Brien, please stop larping as a Bajoran.
Of all things to circle, why that part of the couch?
Kek, the fact that you cant wrap your head around musk's role in this is hilarious.
Teams need leaders, they cant all be guys like you who bitch about everything and have a thumb up your own ass.
I can wrap my head around it just fine. If they had mentioned him alongside Steve Jobs and other people like him, it would've made sense. It doesn't make sense at all in this context.
>STD fags
let's be civil, insulting me by calling me a STD fan is below the /trek/ standards.
not until the streets run brown with cardie blood and i pluck the spoons from their head to eat me fricandeau stew
This is why you were demoted
That was purely political and you know it. Most of Starfleet considers him a hero but he had to be "punished" to ensure peace with the Cardies.
Patrician taste, user.
would you the one on the right?
>be at work
>go to the bathroom
>sit on the toilet and piss and fart for half an hour
>boss knows what you're doing
Why don't they do stuff like this in Star Trek?
Clearly people in the future never get digestive issues. Dr. Crusher was even surprised when Picard had a headache because she doesn't see many of them.
It's not a digestive issues thing I just like getting paid to piss and fart
But in Starfleet you don't get paid
That's why I work for the Ferengi.
>working for manlets
I'd rather do it for free
>join starfleet
>do it for free
wtf bros...
>Getting to boldly fuck pussy no man has fucked before
10000% worth it
I'd rather be paid in gold-pressed latinum.
I'd rather be paid in playing with the Holodeck desu
trek is dreck
If you work Starfleet you only ever get paid in whatever shit they let you use. If you work for Ferengi you get paid in gold-pressed latium which you can use to buy whatever the fuck you want. And the galaxy in the 24th century seems to have a perfect balance of civilizations with strict law and order to complete lawlessness, so you're free to choose how far you want to take that with your money. Starfleet is for basic bitches. Ferengi know what the score is.
>be human
>infinite food, water for free
>shelter is provided to you for free
>have an opportunity to explore the galaxy and improve yourself
>surrounded by prime Starfleet puss
Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me, to be honest
Fart and piss for free?
we do it to better ourselves
>you only ever get paid in whatever shit they let you use
You mean in infinite access to replicators, which don't just make food, but literally any fucking thing you want? Shit, you don't even have to have a job at all on Earth, you get a replicator anyway. People on starships CHOOSE to have jobs with work hours, which is the only thing standing in the way of a life spent in a holographic simulation 24/7.
Gather 'round, frens
Can I request an assignment where I won't be around any Betazoids? They make me uncomfortable.
>CBS passing out Trek shows like hotcakes to a bunch of people who don't even like or understand Trek
Why the fuck haven't they given one to this man? He's a successful showrunner even to a point of having a massive crossover success with the normies (Battlestar Galactica) and his Trek record as a writer is pretty much superb. I think everyone agrees that he's one of the best to ever do it, certainly the best Klingon writer.
Give this man a fucking Klingon show. I'd love to see some Kahless kino or a show about Kang or something, or even something post-Voyager. I have no doubt that anything Ronnie writes will be great.
Must suck to not have a chin
>it's a klingon character hallucinates some random kahless shit episode
You do realize how fucking embarrassing that shit is, right
I can't even think of a single episode where that happens. Maybe one, two tops. If you think Ronald D. Moore isn't one of the best Trek writers, you're fucking dumb or just being dishonest.
List three good episodes he wrote without help from other writers.
The Defector
The Next Phase
And three more:
The Pegasus
The Defector
>The Pegasus
Okay, but those other ones suck
>ALL the good episodes RDM wrote solo, not "teleplay by" or "with XYZ"
The Defector
Redemption I/II
The Next Phase
The Pegasus
The Die is Cast
Rocks and Shoals
You Are Cordially Invited
Tacking Into the Wind
Survival Instinct
suck it
Explain why.
>The Next Phase
probably my fav eps from each of those series
Shut up, dumb waifufag.
>not having waifus
Gene would be hella disappointed in you.
Star Trek lost something without Ronald D. Moore, Rene Echevarria, Peter Allan Fields (RIP), and Michael Piller (RIP)
Almost all of their TNG and DS9 episodes were kinos.
>Jews at the synagogue
Lmao what a stretch
when did hollywood jews stop being creative geniuses were just hacks hired for their family connections?
*and were
étoile randonnée
32 was the the number of torpedos voyager had but rather could load at one time.
>(proper) DS9 in HD never ever ever
Watching the alt-universe DS9 episode and Garak looks badass in a Cardassian uniform. Wish he wore it in the main universe
Any of you oldfags ever go to the Star Trek Las Vegas experience?
Yes, but I was too young to appreciate it properly. I ordered macaroni and cheese for dinner instead of something truly bizarre.
I really think a GoT/Vikings show about Klingon prehistory would be dope. Show us the historical Kahless, not the weird psuedo-religious figure.
Kinda wanted to. Never been to Vegas myself.
Stay mad Stationcucks. DS9 is as dead as your local mall.
I really like Sons of Mogh as well.
Couldn't agree more.
If Kurtzman knew what he was doing, he'd be throwing shows at those guys and give them full creative control.
I'd have been more likely to blow my money on strippers if I had actually gone
Keep seething at the Chad of Treks, incel.
It has a few great moments but the whole thing kinda leaves a bad taste in your mouth like BF's tangy butthole
I hated TNG with a passion when I was a kid because it came on directly after my Sunday morning cartoons went off on Fox. It was X-Men and then right into TNG and I thought it was boring.
I didn't get into Trek until I was a teenager and by then, it was gone (I think).
What the fuck is wrong with you
I loved Trek since I was a baby gawking at the TNG and VOY intros
It was just a bad association and I never gave it a chance until much later, I suppose.
Why are Gem Hadoor episodes the comfiest kinos?
>tfw growing up as a kid loving Star Trek surrounded by Star Wars faggots
Based retard
didn't care about either when i was young, didn't watch either until my 20s
What are some episodes about gilb facsimiles?