This man is pure unadulterated kino

This man is pure unadulterated kino.

Attached: kino.png (585x462, 307K)

Phoenix had a hard life, I'm glad he's such an incredible performer.
He obviously puts everything into his work now.

not even mad he's banging /ourgirl/

Phoenix, Gyllenhal, Gosling - If they star in a film, you know it's gotta be good. Imagine all three in a film together.

>Gyllenhal, Gosling -

Reddit memes

Fuck off

Far From Home wasn't good

you forgot leonardo di caprio

Attached: 5eb.jpg (480x600, 22K)

>Phoenix, Gyllenhal
look no further

Attached: A1DjNAl9fgL._RI_.jpg (1920x2560, 1.02M)

So? Do you think Gyllenhaal gave a shit? Imagine you're an actor, and get a shit ton of money to be in the biggest trend of films right now riding off the coattails of the biggest film of all-time. Of course you'd take it, on top of gaining more of an audience to watch your own movies because of your popular role in a Spider-Man film. You'd be retarded not to take it. Well, I guess this is Yea Forums.

>Gyllenhal, Gosling

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Gyllenhall and Goose are a joke in comparison
Joaquin is easily the most kino actor alive

I dont use this word often but this is the most REDDIT comment I've seen on this board all year.
>people unironically thinking ryan gosling is a good actor and not just a fucking meme

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Phoenix is part of the same fedora buff meme actor club as all the other pleb favourites.
>based Gosling
>based Mads
>michael shannon
>oscar isaacs
>neo mcconaughey
>based phoenix
And any other actor who is trendy among adult males who still play video games.

>Gyllenhal, Gosling
>he fell for the memes

Joaquin is leagues above all the others you mentioned.

t. mongrel imdb pleb
Each performance is one new collection of tics and affections calculated to stroke the "film buff" upvote boner as hard as possible. A contrived freakshow. Surely during pic related the Phoenix legitimacy fallacy will have been shattered for even the most die hard mubi devotee, though apparently not.

Attached: inherent-vice-2015-Joaquin-Phoenix-scream.jpg (500x333, 23K)

essential joakinography?

This. Real chads stan Mickey Rooney

jack nicholson isn't dead yet mate

>the greatest actor of his generation will never win an oscar bcause he is so unbelievably redpilled that he publicly shit all over awards shows so the academy blackballs him

feels bad

He's going to get one for Joker though
it's a propaganda piece against hollywoods #1 enemy

>Joaquin is easily the most kino actor alive
Come on you know this isn't true.
>Better actors
Day Lewis
Pacino and De Niro are toss ups
>More Kino

Even then Joaquin is uneven. He got robbed from the Oscar for The Master but his performance in Her was pretty garbage. That movie in general sucked.

> De Niro AND Pacino
Didn't have a great movie since Heat

I agree but still.

but it was a GREAT ACT

I mean, Joaquin is straight up stealing De Niro's roles, so I don't know how you could put him above RDN.


Leo, the Goose and Pitt do not feel the need to star in capeshit movies (especially fucking MCU capeshit, the worst of all) in order to build audiences for themselves. I'd understand if it was something like Raimi's trilogy, but MCU is a step way too low for me to take him seriously. Jake is too sullied now.

Pitt has been in the real life equivalent of capeshit movies which are Feetytino's works. Quentin is just capeshit for one-step-above brainlets.

Joker update

Add Karl Urban

Sisters brother had two of them and it was great