Why are you not watching puppet fantasy kino right now?
Why are you not watching puppet fantasy kino right now?
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Because I already finished it and it's unironically the most kino thing Netflix has ever produced.
Because I don't want to burn through such a wonderful thing. God bless Jim and his crew.
I thought the first episode was a little BUSY and just an explosion of color and details on the screen at every second. I liked what I saw but it was overload. Here's hoping it gets more comfy as the episodes goes on.
I am though. It's a great example of a prequel done right. We still know how it ends, but since it was always fairly shrouded how it ended up like that it's still an interesting story.
Netflix have been on a pretty good run recently, Dark season 2, Mindhunter season 2, now this. I was entirely ready to shit on it, but they puppetry is good and it's a prequel that's not just an obvious cash grab
Well yeah, but the original is a 10/10
You will hand over your gf for immediate draining
The voice actors are hot girls fuck I love beating off to puppets help!
That's because it's Jim Henson company not netflix, all they do is get to stream it.
How come the Skeksis look just as old in this prequel as they do in the movie. Which is set many decades later?
I'm surprised how much I'm liking it....
No SkekUng, so I dropped the show.
Because they're old and decrepit to begin with
I'm guessing they've been draining the crystal and are always near death
For Nostalgia.
Go back
considering how much CGI is being used these days, it's a refreshing change of pace to see practical effects in use again.
Eat a dick.
Gelflings and old filipino lady were dumb as fuck to trust them if they looked like that then.
Yeah but they were living in such a good life for so long without any threats that they just trusted them. How Europeans trust niggers in Germany now
Is there any race mixing?
Gelflings are not attractive to the Skeksis. Podlings are just slaves.
Different clans of Gelfling, maybe.
and Hup wishes there were. He wants Deets' teats.
Consider spending less time on Yea Forums.
Do the Skeksis represent soul sucking Jews? Netflix is the Dark crystal. Very interesting.
Matt stone and Trey Parker must be beating off like crazy to this.
Wait two days before there's an article from the producers titled "all the worst parts of the internet love The Dark Crystal" that says that of course the Skeksis only represent pharmaceutical and Exxon CEOs.
Henson was a Christian Scientist, though. Bad for strep throat, good for quiet redpills.
I wish they'd used a different word than 'paladin'.
somehow I found the Skekses to be more interesting than the main cast, I particularly liked scientist guy, littlefinger guy, books guy and captain guy
About halfway through now, Episode 4 was intense!
Henson was very based and redpilled it seems
>scientist guy
He is great
Consider suicide
>Mark Hamill as scientist
>Simon Pegg as Chamberlain
>Jason Isaacs as Emperor
They spared no expense for the voice acting in this, especially with the Skesis. Nearly every single one of them is voiced by a famous actor.
shit, how did I miss that?
Even the ones that aren't did a pretty good job really. If you'd have told me Samberg and that Awkwafina chick voiced two of them I wouldn't have believed you
the voice over at the beginning really turned me off to it.
>bad for strep throat
ugly people are evil dont you know
I am watching it right now, and I came here just to say this: fuck CG.
Seriously, they lean on it just as heavily in this series as any other. Where they could've had a more charming, practical attempt as specific effects, they chose the tacky short cut of just making it CG. I had the film on repeat when I was a kid, but this show is taking the piss.
Hell, even Keegan Michael Key did great, even though he's unrecognizable.
I also like Nathalie Emmanuel as Deet. She makes her sound so sweet and innocent, almost childlike.
i didnt know it was just going to be a lord of the rings rip off
What are you on about? The CG is used pretty sparingly. All of the characters are full puppets, and most of the sets are real.
Yeah I like Sigourney Weaver but she was a bad choice for Narrator. She just doesn't have that kind of voice.
Except it's not. Watch it again and pay attention, especially on scenes with creatures or set outside.
>causes infighting against the races to split them and better control them
>one literally says "you won't be slaves if you don't know you are slaves"
>seen as benevolent friendly people but are all gluttonous monsters who don't care about the plebs
>possess superior technology and knowledge that allows them to continue their rule
>the secrets of the planet are entrusted to them
>abuse their powers to literally drain the essence of life from the sheep-like controlled majority, that essence is ingested so they can live forever
Ah yes, the (((((Skeksis))))
Seriously what did Henson and co mean by this?
Provide examples. Lore is the only thing I feel they relied to heavily on for CG.
It's probably because she voiced the American version of Planet Earth. A missed opportunity to be sure.
The movie is very much Lord of the Rings lite, but I'm surprised how they managed to make the show feel completely distinct. It only feels a little generic when there are obvious questgiving exposition dumps.
For me, it's Deet.
>has never taken a bath in her life
imagine the smell, lads
That wypipo are evil obviously.
>even though he's unrecognizable.
That's the thing though. They're all unrecognisable at it's part of what makes it great. They basically get the name recognition, without it feeling like they're constantly going 'You know this guy, right?'
I don't think Hup would mind.
Off the top of my head
>those bug wheel creatures
>spider creature
>light tornado thing in the library
Pretty much any time they use CG, they also move the camera around to either spin around the scene or to slowly zoom in.
Based Hunter He was an IRONBORN
>that pendant bit during the tithe scene
Literally had one of them going 'Why do you hurt us so when we do so much for you?' while trying to steal an heirloom
lmao what white people? Nigga it's just hobbit-elves, hobbit-hobbits, crow-niggers and elephant-men.
Aughra's just there for sex appeal
Im not sure this netflix thing is very good
BASED Hup desu
Good job missing the point.
Oh fuck I'm sorry
Remember when neurotic conservatives on Yea Forums were freaking about about the show having “resistance” in the title, when by the end of the first episode you’ve got the gelfling princess ASKING QUESTIONS on why the (((Skeksies))) consume 98% of Thra’s resources while being 2% of the population, relying on social pressure to keep dissenters down
I see. You're an idiot.
Don't throw a tantrum just because you can't refute something.
Literally no one freaked out. It was just pointed out that modern media is oversaturated with themes of resistance.
are all basedposters mentally ill?
There's no need to refute things that are obviously retarded.
Again, your failure to refute it doesn't change anything. Stop being upset.
To be fair to the autists, the trailers did ride pretty hard on the "IT'S TIME TO RISE UP" angle, even though the show is literally about the fucking world ending and everyone dying.
Shoo shoo, Joo. There is no adrenochrome here.
>volunteers to get the glavie
>every scene he uses a sword, gets it knocked out of his hands
mad lad
can /got/ become /dcg/?
If CG was widley available at the time, Jim would have used it too.
Doesn't matter.
But I'm right now
>tfw the era of ecoterror kino is upon us
Based Baffi youtube.com
>being against puppets
yeah I think this is cringe, bluepilled and even a redditmedia patreon
Hup vs. Sir Didimus
>drink gelfling
>get young
>keep drinking gelfling until there no more
>start getting old fast again
umm truly a mistery
That's one thing I didn't like about the series. Fizzgig was the dog-monster's name in the original movie, but in the series it's an entire species? Nah.
They're a thousand years old. They'll look decrepit regardless
>Simon Pegg as Chamberlain
Thanks for ruining the character for me, Fuck Simon Pegg
The Chad Dousan
>acts and sounds exactly like Chamberlain from the movie.
Umm, what are you so upset about?
And my spoon! [translated from podling language]
>does a HMMMMMM so perfect I had to do a double take
whatever you think about Pegged, he was based here
I think part of the intent is that the Skesis have flair and personalities to make them more alluring to prey while their Mystic counterparts all act rather boring and fucked off to not bother anyone.
The Skeksis are interesting because they're trying to draw you in
The virgin Drenchen
I just don't like Simon Pegg and had no idea he was Chamberlain because he sounds exactly like in the movie
Alright lads, tell me
Deet or Brea?
I saw a gelfling from Ha'ra with one from Grottan, disgusting
Deet all the way. She's just so innocent and sweet. Brea is just a bookish nerd.
>Aughra's just there for sex appeal
It doesn't matter that the show doesn't match your nostalgia either.
Best Skesis
Speaking of Augrah, the woman they got to voice her is nearly flawless, too. She even has her mannerisms and short temper down. I just wish Augrah had more to do than waddle from one place to another. Keep in mind I'm only through episode 6, though.
this but unironically
dubs confirm. Gentle Deet is queen of Yea Forums
Dark Crystal thread, HmmmMmmm? Yesss? Yes
Brea Vs Deet
Does to me, but then you autists don't quite know what subjectivity is.
I don't think you have the right to call anyone here an autist.
Sorry, I forgot it's your people's word.
Ah no! It's the Garthim!
>Brea looks like Daenerys
>Dany's handmaiden is Deet's voice
What's the little gremlin called from the library?
They're all going to die youtube.com
Little heavy handed on the Jew stuff. How did that slip past kikeflix
But Deet is smelly tho
The puppets are pretty much the only thing that's not CG... most of the time. And the parts of the environment they directly interact with.
Everything else is.
This but unironically.
You're the cunt who cancelled the practical effects in the Thing prequel aren't you?
Holy hell it's so good. So far anyway, only finished the first episode. Does it stay that good? Will there be more or is the story finished?
Yes. Every episode has epic kino moments
>Do you have a plan in place for a second season?
JA: Yeah, we have a written document that plans out season 2. Everybody’s very excited about it. And now we just wait to see what the numbers are and wait for that phone call that we get to go back to Thra.
Just got to the episode with The Heretic. That guy's a riot.
I'm watching something else, but I already have it downloaded.
>season 2.
wait this is getting more seasons?!!!
It's Andy Samberg doing the Yoda's voice
only if the first season gets a lot of views
>Do you have a plan in place for a second season?
>JA: Yeah, we have a written document that plans out season 2. Everybody’s very excited about it. And now we just wait to see what the numbers are and wait for that phone call that we get to go back to Thra.
>Production on season 1 presumably involved a lot of development, construction, and planning. Do you think season 2 would get going a lot faster?
>JA: I think it would be more efficient, but I would try to use the time to make the show even bigger and crazier.
there were a few times i could tell the emperor was jason isaacs and the general was Ben Wong, didn't recognise the others.
I actually thought Rian was James McAvoy at first, kingsman sounds a lot like him
I hope all the retards who pay for Netflix watch this, I want a second season
>puppet fantasy
>Why are you not watching puppet fantasy kino right now?
But I am.
Luke Sky the science guy
That's great. Name?
>yfw we can't protect best girl
It'd be such a shame for this not to get a 2nd season, when shit like Bigmouth gets 5 seasons.
Really hope it does well. I mean, Dark Crystal isn't THAT niche anymore right?
Soooo the mystics are evil? Dumbass
Please, anything but the pendant.
many such cases
Because I'm stretching it out over several nights.
Where the fuck is the Garthim Master? On episode 5, and he hasn't shown up.
Yeah, I thought that scene was a little on the nose
You guys are literally obsessed with this shit. How often are you on Yea Forums that this shit seeps into your mind whenever you watch media?
they mention calling him and the other missing two back at one point, god knows what they are doing guess it's S2 stuff.
>How often are you on Yea Forums that this shit seeps into your mind whenever you watch media?
Relax, I'm just memeing bro. Still laughed when the Librarian said it, because I knew we'd have a field day on here.
>there is a scene where the Skeksis are talking about contacting the rest of the Skeksis who don't reside in the Castle and skekUng(from the movie) is one of them. Presumably he'll return and fill the now vacant position.
Damn right my fellow incel.
JIDF for sure. Go collect your sheckles.
The skesis are the villains you love to hate, like Joffrey Baratheon
They're so wonderfully weird and backstabby toward each other.
Thunderbolt Fantasy. There's 2 seasons.
I could never finish the original movie, how long does it take for it to get good?
>can't sit through 90 minutes
Yeah, I don't think this is for you.
If you don't like puppet kino it's not for you
I also always had trouble sitting through it, too, but this time I actually managed watch it through, so go give it a try user.
Makes you feel bad for the Mystics. They have to endure that pain caused by the literal backstabbing
i have a question. Does s1...
a> wrap everything up
b> wrap most things up but leave a teaser for a possible s2
c> wrap little to nothing up and will require more seasons
Best background actors/actresses?
>The poor guy who burned to death in an instant when his Skeksis counterpart got thrown into lava
Am I misremembering? I distinctly feel I'm remembering a scene like this in the movie.
>Podling grooms his hair into the Trumpadour
>looks into mirror
>immediately shakes it back into its former messy state
Unironically but this
You remembered right
It was in the movie. Or how about when Deet made that Skeksis' head explode with her powers? RIP to that mystic, who was probably just taking a shit at the time.
Funny how that and the Emperor crumbling to dust stuck with me. And Fizzgig.
Speaking of which:
>Do you like being petted?
>wild Fizzgig immediately keels over and has Deet pet him
>another Fizzgig shows up and catches them inflagranti
You could actually hear him yelping and growling "It's not what it looks like!"
She probably acused him of being a filthy skinny.
it's okay. too much CG. gelflings don't look as attractive as the original
Fizzgig's first appearance may be the very first jump-scare of my life.
B. They even said they have a write-up for a second season outline.
We're really getting those articles next week, aren't we?
This is literally one of the greatest things I have ever seen. Might be the most Red pilled show in the history of Netflix.
It's boring.
I got rid of Netflix a while ago but the launch of this, a new Dave Chappelle special, and an Eddie Murphy biography about Rudy Ray Moore has me wanting to get it back
Does the Netflix series mention the urRu Mystics and the urSkeks?
Augra is pretty useless, just like the movie.
The gelflings know nothing of the urSkeks, since the skeksis appeared and declared themselves crystal keepers and rulers of Thra and everything hinges on the gelflings not knowing the truth.
reddit spacing cope
holy based
>Mark Hammill!
Nobody is acting this way except for you.
>Mark hamill voice acting
Marathoned it last night. Pure kino.
Deet a cute. A CUTE!
>the poison running through the land is literally called The Darkening
I'm /pol/ and even I think this is a bit on the nose
give me
a cute greenskin grottan gf
or I will
burn down
a hospital
>subtle Jedi gesture from the host to paralyze the cat
>I'm /pol/
Go back.
Based off of Jewish Kabbalah and Gnostic beliefs. pass
So the crystal is central banking..
I'm on the last episode but I'm so fucking scared to press play
Those lil goat snouts are made for suckin.
>he rushed instead of watching a episode per week and re watching the same episode during 5 days
>an evil skeksis who serves to shitpost gelfling and podling alike with off topic bait
> his counterpart urLit spends his days baiting himself
It just seemed by the preview that there was a lot of falling/jumping scenes over and over so I am not bothering.
>It just seemed by the preview that there was a lot of falling/jumping scenes over and over so I am not bothering.
Did you fall when you were little and it scarred you for life? I understand.
In the future we will be able to genetically engineer cute lil cockslave pets like her.
There really weren't. There's like one chase scene with a carriage around episode 4 and a skirmish in episode 10.
so Yea Forums's counterpart would probably be Yea Forums but which is the skek and which is the urru?
Pipe down faggot
>he doesnt know how much power jews have irl due to their pervasive tribal nepotism
They don't make soul overload shit like this anymore
...they just did
Didn't disney have the rights from all Jim Hensons properties? or it's just the muppets?
Just the Muppets and Bear in the Big Blue House IIRC
This is one of the few things Netflix has produced that is genuinely amazing.
Why are puppets so comfy kino? the shots from the gelfling house under the mountain reminds me a lot to Yoda house in Dagobah
Just finished episode 5
good puppetry is maximum soul
somehow these puppets portray emotion and humanity better than any human could
>gelflings don't look as attractive as the original
The elder's assistant is top cute. You heretic.
>They won't believe him, because believe him would mean like don't believing in themselves
This show is redpilled
she looks like Elsa from blacked
Skeksis are jews right?
The Skeksis are malevolent Jewish dabblers in the occult just like in the real world!
Do i need to have seen the 80s movie
>Lore is the only thing I feel they relied to heavily on for CG.
They mainly used CG on him to edit out the puppet operators. He doesn't look good when they had to have him climb or run fast though.
Have sex
>Deet goes "perhaps I'll take a bath"
Someone tweet Mark.
do I need to watch the original film? I'm like 20 minutes and while I like the puppet work, shit is kinda boring
saved desu
Good god you fags are gonna cry when you find out they're conservative oligarchs.
It's a prequel. No you don't. Then you won't know anything about foregone conclusions.
You don't need but you'll appreciate some details more if you go prepared.
Better see the movie first. It's worse than the show.
How would you make the bug wheels practical? Also most of the landscapes and structures are practical with CG enhancements. Lets not forget this is about 9-10 hours of puppet kino and your complaints are the bug wheel things, spiders(which BTW were practical in a lot of shots), landscape enhancements and one special effort for one scene.
The Skekchad vs the virgin Gelfling
>the two are mutually exclusive
these guys creeped me out
Yup. They slurp Gelfling's up like adrenochrome.
Mostly Gnostic beliefs about dualism and transcendental enlightenment. Rebellion is a consistent Jewish theme though (Phoenix rising, Ouroboros, etc.)
The Virgin Brea vs the Chad Deet
Seconding this. They also added slight wobble to the CGI models' movements to simulate the slight imperfactions that are always present n puppetry.
Surprisingly, I'm interested. Mindhunter season two revived my hope for (((Netflix))) and I really don't know why but this show looks interesting. But, do I need to watch the original movie in order to enjoy this show at it's fullest or not?
>Rebellion is a Jewish theme
Ironically user is probably from United States
>Skek tongues
>Kaz... I'm already a fizzgig.
Watch the movie now, enjoy the show more as it's even better when you know it all ends in tears.
Why the fuck does she have two fathers? They mention that half a dozen times.
Gays are an important demographic for Netflix.
Thra is just that kind of world. Skeksis are also fully functional hermaphrodites.
I was just going to write a comment how I love the Scroll Keeper's bathing cap, and then you post him
Punished Fizzgig
was aughra looking for the scribe's dick in the bathtub or just washing her eyeball, I couldn't tell
did they bang when they were younger
Funny how the Creature Shop managed to perfectly recreate the Skeksis from 37 years ago.
Meanwhile in TLJ...
Why is bitch sister such a bitch? Too much skeksis cock?
She got dicked by the General
>coomers already sexualizing a bunch of fucking puppets
I swear to fuck you faggots need help, being exposed to constant sexual content on the internet has rotted your brains to the point that you are wanting to sodomize alien puppet women and lick somebody's feet. I just came back to this website after being away from the internet for a week and it's almost shocking how depraved you idiots come off once somebody has had a break from your cumbrain inanity.
DON'T have sex. have a fucking therapist.
Cracker bleaches a qween.
I remember being a sex deprived incel. I wanted to fuck everything and anything. It was hell. I am currently very sexually satisfied and I too dont understand these degenerates anymore.
Rule #34 on Deet & Rian when?
perhaps this timeline is not so cursed after all bros
Is there any feet?
I tried watching it but it was way too fucking bizzare for me.
Go back to Yea Forums Zoomer
>gelfling queen explaining the moth chrysalis is the symbol of their clan
>general just chomps it without a single fuck
I love these zombie bird folk.
>age of resistence
Is it non stop drumpf jokes and race mixing?
>episode 10
No, it's basic good vs evil.
Ive never watched this movie. My parents wouldn’t let me when i was young
The scene where the Skeksis surround her and tear off all her fancy clothes was wild
That's it, this is 10/10 so far.
It was a callback to the original film when they did the same thing to the Chamberlain.
All of the callbacks and references have been superb. Am I the only one catching a ton of Labyrinth references too?
>Parents of littles
>Can only think of littles in the context of sex perverts now
Thanks internet, you piece of shit.
My only complaint.
Literally only complaint.
The fucking narrators voice is so god damned boring.
The original movie opened up with that deep, endless knowledge voice
and this bitch comes in ripping off LoTR
>cheat death lol
It seemed so unenthusiastic.
It was not a good way to start a show.
Dark S2 was unmitigated shit
>muh time travel
Total horsecock.
Nigger they still made almost 80 sets for the show, more than what was made for the original film. And even things that were cg later were still filmed with practical puppets first whenever possible. Set extensions are nothing new. They either exist as matte paintings or comped in later with blue screens, they've been doing this since the 70's. They address all of this in the making of documentary.
Started watching but couldn't finish the first episode ...........It was too damn boring!!!!
sorry not sorry
>this bitch
My only complaint is that with the abundance of cg in other places, I wish they would have touched up Rian's expressions in his important scenes. His face seems to fair the worst out of the main three. Deet's expressions should have been the mark they strove for, she's pretty much always perfect.
>Hunter Skek enters General Grievous mode
Cancelled my Netflix this summer, is it worth downloading this ?
On the 6th Episode now. It's gud.
It's perfectly fine. Your just a Misogynist that hates women and think that a man could do it better. Fuck you. Kill yourself and make the world a better place you piece of shit Incel.
This. I love Weaver as an actor but she just doesn't have the gravitas for narration.
Because I came here between episodes to se what you faggots where saying about it.
Fine I'll fuckin watch it. This better not be shitty.
I don't know, I have a dvd of it but never got around to watching it..
In what universe do they think little kids would have the attention span for hour long episodes of a serial story?
It felt like they just used her because she is an A celeb.
Daily reminder that it was skekSil's Urskek who caused the great Divide. He was an evil little shit even when he was whole. The Urha Mystic counterpart probably molests gelfling.
>unironically shitposting outside of Yea Forums
I did hope we might have seen at least a quick vision of what the skeksis looked like when they were young and beautiful. They weren't so bad back then, or at least they hid it far better.
I kept expecting skekTek to start flipping out about Batman. Mark's voice for skekTek is very similar to his Joker voice.
>1000 years old at the time AoR starts with withered feathers and fat guts
>Theres really only so much life draining can do to delay the inevitable
Granted some like Chamberlain, Scentist, and Ritual Master age much better than the Emperor and General
If you've ever looked at the artwork for em apparently both them and the mystics were neat lizard men in their youths with the skeskis looking more like feathered dinosaurs, then once the age started to set in and they went to doing everything possible to keep themselves alive they got ugly real fast
How did the Heretic live so long without access to the crystal or essence?
Can you find the art you mentioned sounds interesting
Same thought went through my head. Best not to over analyze it though.
Loved the original, please tell me this doesn't do any fucking current politics allusions as practically everything does nowadays, I just want some glorious fantasy escape.
They were always destined to become more and more twisted, since they were the half that contained shit like desire and ambition, decadence, etc. 2bh those aspects set the "fallen" urskeks apart from their more pure brethren, which is why they were banaished to Thra so they could find a way to purify themselves. The Skeksis were always nothing more than a cancer that was meant to be excised, but shit got fucked up during the ritual and the cancer became its own being, using half the life essence of the origin Urskek. (Which is why the "mystics" are also not complete beings even though they're more "pure")
It doesn't, unless you're a brainlet who sees such things in every fucking thing you watch. Basically if you're seeing it in this new show you'll be seeing it when you go back to watch the original film, so it would be your issue if that's the case.
Maybe something to do with living close with his other half.
Is Deet supposed to be Kira's mother? I know she had that vision that showed Kira from the original film and with her leaving at the end of the season, I thought they were trying to make that connection.
Something something, being near his Other Half
Something something, corrupted crystal
I dunno man
I would guess he was never addicted to the crystal in the first place and therefore didn't get aged
Considering they dont really go into detail on that I'd say its left up to interpretation.
>we dont know how Gelfling reproduction works just that 2 sexes exist and females can fly
>gelflings as a whole are mostly emotional touchy freely types
>could be 2 gay gelflings that adopted
>could be a guy and his brother, close friend, etc. raising em
It doesn't have any, thankfully.
No idea but then again by the time of the movie the skeskis at the castle had just about reached their limits on sustaining themselves and only hope left was letting the crystal rejuvenate em at the great conjunction, so the likes of the Heretic and Hunter probably wouldnt still be alive unless Mystic shenigans are involved
Also Heretic and Ergo the Wanderer are just fucking fantastic
Google images young skeskis and young mystic