Why are the prequels bad?

Why are the prequels bad?

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bad writing/decisions

1. fuck Jar Jar Binks
2. can't even remember
3. pretty good tbqh

they're great

Except the third one has the best writing and fight scenes. It has the best love story and is the most emotional except maybd esb

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Cringe writing and dialogue, cringe acting, and an over-usage of VFX and CGI (although some of the CGI was innovative for its time).

The movies are just a bit tacky overall. The major issues would've been reigned in greatly had Spielberg directed as originally planned. I don't like Spielberg and robotic directorial style at all, but they would've been much better movies.

They're plagued by business decisions like wanting the podrace, 50's diner, Roman coliseum, and Kamino, but not really needing any of it from a dramatic perspective. They also undervalue their character actors and give them very little to do, except when they have the opportunity to chew the scenery.

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You know how it ends + crazy amount of cgi

The CGI, especially for scenes on Coruscant and inside space ships, has aged like milk.

There’s no likeable, down-to-earth, humble protagonists like Luke and Han.

The overarching story (Republic vs Separatists, Anakin’s fall to the Dark side) isn’t very interesting.

every possible reason there is

But the new trilogy is even worse.

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>implying movies made in the 70s aged better

none of the characters are interesting, green screens aren't interesting, and even though i've only seen each star wars movie once i can tell you a lot more about the first three than those three. i don't even like star wars

Tell me how a film like Sorcerer didn't age well.

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A lot of the high-contrast characters were killed off and we're left with milquetoast characters like Obi-Wan and Anakin. JarJar could have provided some contrast in the sequels but he would have made the experience more grating. Most of the life of the prequels comes from Padme and Palpatine.

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They aren't.

>You are... so... beautiful
>It's only because I'm so in love
>No *heh* no, it's only because I'm so in love with you
>So love has blinded you?
>Well that's not exactly what I meant
>Well it's probably true


A few talentless e-celebs said so

because Spielberg, Howard and Zemeckis all refused to direct them and told Lucas he should be the one directing them. Lucas should have only been the producer and idea guy, he's a really bad director and screenwriter.

only clones are bad. Other two are good.

Every single filmmaking element of the prequels, besides the soundtrack and sound design, is badly executed.

The execution is not well and that's a fact.
Some great ideas, bad execution. Writing, visual effects, performances, cinematography, editing, all horrendous to sub par.

No amount of memery will ever change it.



we old fuck hated the movies and particularly Jar-Jar Bink way before the Plinkett reviews. I remember having a discussion about what sucked about the movie right after the premiere of TPM.

Then when Lucas failed he sucked David Lynch cock up and down, driving him in his Ferrari just to direct the next installment and he denied it all while making fun of his "wookies"

>implying creating a setting in south africa requires the same technology and artistry as would a setting in space

1 was too goofy, enjoyable but compared to the OT it's a baby movie for kids under 9 to buy jar jar binks toys and pod racers
2 is boring, too much time spent on red planets, clones blasting at robots and missing is boring. Droids are only ever good for slapstick gags which is kind of gay and ruins the scale of things
3 is fucking iconic and brilliant. The Obi Wan Padme Anakin non love triangle bullshit was a little gay though

Because RedLetterMedia told me it was bad.

Sure, have a film from the 60s then.

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I really liked Phantom Menace the first time I saw it in theaters. Don't remember what I initially thought of Clones, but I liked Revenge of the Sith as well. You're not everyone, dude.

90% of the prequels isn't "le space", it's literally just two or three characters talking in a room for the most of it. But George Lucas the manchild had to throw it all into a blue screen studio so he can make playstation 2 tier CG sofas and chairs in post.

because you were probably 4 when you saw Phantom Menace.

They're not

>implying 2001 attempted to create space and light saber battles and not tons of stll shots. Yes it is a beautiful movie but hardly compirable.

still a better love story than AotC.

I wasn't. You don't have to believe me though, you've made up your mind about the movies.

this so much, they are actually the best films ever made

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revenge of the sith is the second best star wars film though.

the ps2 looks so much worse than you're remembering.

Still shots are an even bigger problem of the prequels. It all looks like a Playstation 2 cutscene.

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>You know how it ends
this is probably one of the worst aspects. It was supposed to be a story of a good person corrupted, but as soon as it shifts to haden christensen, its the story of a whiny entitled immature bitch angry he isn't getting his way.

I did not care for 2001: A Space Odyssey.

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>Very, very poor narrative and dialogue.
>Anakin is consistently bad and neither of the actors were suited to the character.
>Misuse of greenscreen limits the cinematography significantly.
>Lack of focus in some action sequences becoming boring.
>General visual and plot ADHD that tries to cram too much shit in and ends up diluting it all.
>Poor fight choreography and bad CGI ruins a number of big sequences and sabre duels.
>Has tonal problems in a lot of areas where it's trying to be a slapstick adventure for kids, while also being a brooding, violent tragedy.

But on the plus side:
>Great art direction and imaginative settings and characters.
>Some outstanding battle sequences.
>Most supporting characters were very well acted and solidly written.

They're not good films but they do do some stuff well, which is more than you can say for the nu-trilogy (nilogy?) which is poorly written, poorly acted, boring and completely unimaginative.

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>50's diner,
>he didn't like it

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>opening yoda pic
>Windu: I think it is time we informed the Senate that our ability to use the Force has diminished.
>Yoda: Only the Dark Lords of the Sith know of our weakness. If informed, the Senate is, multiply, our adversaries will.
>movie literally says the jedi's force powers gotten weaker

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well that's the worst thing I've seen since cwcville

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Give CWCville some credit, it was made by someone portraying their ideal world, out of some degree of love and not entirely hate.

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>Why the guy hiding from enemies couldn't hide against their ability to sense them
That's like Step 1 for hiding against someone who can detect you. It's like having all your metal stuff prepared against metal detectors.

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Most of those locations were in the film because lucas loves scifi shit and making pastiches of genres from his youth e.g. flash gordon, cowboy/explorer matinee serials, hot rod movies etc. Case in point, the Coliseum was exactly the sort of scenario you would have seen in a scfi or 'darkest africa' matinee action hero serial and the pod racers were hod rods on steroids.

ALso, there's a 99% chance that the diner was a reference to American graffiti.

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not a fucking "meme" jesus christ facebook get the fuck out

Formerly good


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he took david to david lunch too at a salad place

No soul.

My brother used to watch reruns of Happy Days *ironically* but I couldn't stand it

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Better than the godawful sequels

These did have soul but the sequels are soulless trashy Nostalgia bait, at-least the Prequels tried to do something new it didn't help with the time but basically lucas was trying to say the real senate was full of tards

>episode 1 should have been quigon and obi finding a young teen anakin and getting him back to the Jedi with Maul as a terminator who's only purpose was to give Anakin a traumatized childhood.

>clone wars starts at begining, anakin and ben are beast mode hot shots. Anakin makes knight, gets together with panda bear, starts training ashoka. Maul and Dooku are assumed apprentice and master.

> palpatine tricks the jedi into purging itself gets ashoka in net, jedi win war after 10 years, lose the peace as the order collapses on itself as Anakin goes rogue losing orange buttcheeks, padme gets sliced in a fight. Vader's Fist goes on a Jedi hunting spree, Obi-wan wins a straight up sword fight instead of relying on highground rules.

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Why would you shoot someone after throwing them out of a plane?

>supposed to be about how palpatine usurped the republic to form the empire and anakin's fall to the dark side to become darth vader, right hand to the emperor and feared throughout the galaxy
>instead spend most of the time faffing about with mediocre cgi and events of barely any relevance or consequence, firmly establishing anakin as a whiny bitch faggot, then remembering it still needs to do the whole "setting up the OT" part of setting up the OT and just kind of blazes along and forces the pieces in place with a hammer and several gallons of glue
>why are the prequels bad

In so many words? Wasted potential. At least the podracing was cool and Duel of the Fates was a great piece of music.

Amazing: TESB
Great: ANH
Mediocre: ROTS and ROTJ
Shit: the rest

As a kid, I loved them. As an adult, they're very ambitious movies with interesting concepts, but executed very poorly. Still, miles better than what Disney has done and I wish George had kept the IP. I also don't think Star Wars has ever been that good really, the old movies are also bad.

>Political discourse
>first films to exhibit an over-use of green-screen CGI.
>forced cardboard acting from competent and established A-list actors.
>But worse of all....

....Lucas lost touch with his audience.

Says Star Wars is for kids, but forgot that the kids that saw Star Wars in the 70's/80s are all grown up in the 90s, and couldn't find that healthy medium to please those who made Star Wars successful, instead of catering to the autistic children of the world with Jar-Jar Binks.

Now Lucas is all heart broken that no one loved Jar-Jar, he sold all the rights to Disney, knowing for a fact they'd do a worse job of handling the last planned trilogy.....and he was right.

The biggest "fuck you" in the history of film.