According to Revenge of the Nerds, Phoenix’s Joker film “has a political bent...

>According to Revenge of the Nerds, Phoenix’s Joker film “has a political bent, with some pointed commentary on Donald Trump. We’re talking ‘V for Vendetta’ style political undercurrents.”

>Given Hollywood’s political bias and this rumor that the Joker movie will have V for Vendetta style political undertones, it’s not hard to imagine that the film will more than likely have a Donald Trump like figure who can be compared to Hitler.

Is hollywood capable of making a mainstream movie anymore that isn't taking shots at Trump?

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Other urls found in this thread: kino&src=typd wayne trump/order/asc/

everyone on this fucking site hates that fat spineless retard who cares

speak for yourself


Liberalism is a sickness
we told you plebs spamming clownworld and gamers rise up it was propaganda

>incels will be forced to hate this movie now


Wow calm down there, goy

Well there goes my interest

It isn't liberals. Its the pied pipers leading them.

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Why do you brainlets have to read politics into everything? Even more, why do you have to infect every normal discussion with your political drivel?

t. shill that's been spamming "this is incelkino that liberals will hate!!"

Characters like the Joker have always been anti-establishment/anarchists. No shit he's gonna be against politicians.

Don't you find it funny most successfull corporations are founded by whites but then gets overtaken by jews? Just look at Disney

Can't wait for the joker to call out the antagonist for giving billions to a foreign country and not fulfilling any of his promises while catering for demographics who will never vote for him.

>taking the time to make this
The mouse is afraid

>Implying Trump isn't a joker himself

If anything Joker should be making fun of the modern day NPCs, but that would be too much of a redpill so why not jump on the orange man bad bandwagon instead like everyone else.

Be careful
they'll call you a disneyshill larping

t insufferable retard who spends too much time reading clickbait

No we read the script and saw the set leaks and as you can see it was proven right
You on the other hand have been spamming glowie tier shit about incels and shootings

The movie is kino, get over it marvelcuck

Is that what your tranny discord is saying?

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Nice try false flagging mousecuck, we all know discord trannies are disneyshills

It's where you and all your discord buddies came from
Remember? We found a bunch of you shills and figured out the vast majority of threads about capeshit and starshit on Yea Forums are made by you trannies?

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Marvel or DC who cares, they're both kiked.

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funny how it makes it seem like Assad is the one enslaving people

Imagine being this retarded

>literally a jihadist sand nigger
What DC Meab by this?

Well that was the official narrative as per (((western mass media))).


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ALL ARE WELCOME! except shiites

>whites become so cucked their women pick nogs over them

Blaming the jews for this is quite retarded. Whites need to take personal responsibility too and admit they fucked up. Of course they need to find their manhood again.

No it doesn't. I saw it, it's anti-establishment. Op is a Disney shill

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>Hitler bad


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Revenge of The Nerds predicted the Joker movie? Didn't that come out in the 80s?


>being paralysed and being unable to even clean your own ass without help is better than being a perfect creature with literally no flaw

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Lmao why are Americans so cringe


Trump is Isreal's best friend. Do you want to be, too?


I'm still gonna watch it


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is this flick any good?

It's racist

Imagine still living in this bubble after 2016. There's no fucking way you are the sane one.

Remember when V for Vendetta was the movie Yea Forums based it’s ethos on instead of the first 20 minutes of American History X? I miss those days

lmao there have been nigger hate threads on this site from day one, this site was always racist.

>no don't make fun of my bull or he won't cum in my wife's pussy!

>Joaquin Phoenix

Get out, /pol/

Remember when you had sex
Oh wait

You remember how most people hated maskfags and told them to stay on Yea Forums or fuck off? Or does that part slip your mind when larping?


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Jews are great at subversion, terrible at creating anything


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>V for Vendetta
>political undertones
>an underlying quality or feeling.
there was nothing subtle about V for Vendetta's politics.

Back to discord, tranny

>“has a political bent, with some pointed commentary on Donald Trump.
Wow what a refreshing take. I can't wait to see this unique message.

>film has a man looking at a tv
>tv shows a guy in a suit talking to someone
>character turns around and goes about his day

>mother is jewish
>jew law means he's jewish
So yeah a jewish man

Seethe more faggot


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ya know, now that it's pointed out, they pretty much are the same aren't they? Society made them into what they are.

has this been the cringiest 4 years in history? feel embarrassed to be alive

Yea Forums has been contrarian the entire time. It used to have a more leftward bend, but then social liberalism became the zeitgeist--so Yea Forums swung in the other direction.

>V for Vendetta style political undercurrents

>we were always Nazis


Lmao you sound like such an insufferable faggot

>Is hollywood capable of making a mainstream movie anymore that isn't taking shots at Trump?
if it weren't as easy as it is fun, we wouldn't do it. but that would require him developing one of the following:

a) competence
b) a conscience
c) ethics of any sort

but he won't, so it'll keep going. cry moar, faglord

What if the reviewer is making shit up?

It's the 4D chess magapede incels that still kiss that oaf's ass. He's done literally nothing and they think it's part of the big plan. So who gives a shit it it takes a shot at him or not as long as it's not boring


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I bet one American critic watched it with the EU ones and he started the "Rumor"


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funny thing is that I bet you are one those fags complaining abut Chapelle's new special.

Holy shit that second paragraph is the worst in history

>anyone who recognizes that Trump is a narcissistic moron is an SJW
Jesus Christ man, take a step back and evaluate your support for that idiot.

Enjoy 6 more years you fucking lunatic

>Donald Trump like figure who can be compared to Hitler.
But in a good way, right?

All you larping redditors, maybe. Speaking of which, how about you fuck off back there?

This, but unironically. Free yourself.

And then get destroyed by them.
>okay bros just make sure not to hire any Jews alright?
>hehe that old racist guy is crazy what could possibly go wrong?

>That retard who points outs any movie has jews in it
You're basically as retarded as a Klan member who listens to rap and getting angry it's a nigger genre.

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>anyone disagreeing with me must be a trump supporter
you do see the irony here, right?

Superman: Actually that was proven fake news. I also used my super-hearing to find out who was responsible for putting out that story.

You're the one that's supporting a guy who's hastening the destruction of the environment, destroying families and jobs, and making America into the laughing stock of the entire fucking planet.

Rent free you fucking pussy.

Well if one disagrees with someone about not supporting Trump... no?

Wasn’t it already a laughing stock though

Okay, this is based.

His mother was Jewish. So... yeah he could apply for Israeli citizenship at anytime.

Bro we already died according to Al Gore. Why continue?

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No we didn't, assuming you aren't a paid shill, you're just a retard who's confusing Al Gore's work with the Day After Tomorrow.

It's pretty fun actually

Is he afraid because that antisemitic libtard is insulting Zion "King David" Don?

>who's hastening the destruction of the environment
He's not and all the green deals in the world won't stop planetary degradation due to overpopulation. Green energy is still hilariously reliant on Rare Earth minerals, heavy industry, and petroleum based products.
>Destroying families
Not even a little bit, in fact he's actually protecting children from being raped at the border by actually trying to increase funding for ICE and the Border Patrol and separating children from human smugglers
>Destroying jobs
Lmao. Umm... no. Not even a little bit. If anything the trade with China is in Trump hands now with the current trade deal with Japan.

>America is the laughing stock of the planet
Topkek. No, just on /int/

>According to Revenge of the Nerds
>Trump boogeyman
who cares about Trump and American shitty show-politics? fuck off

Why would Jews be afraid of their most trusted ally?

He's afraid that Zion Don was insulted, and that raging antisemites like Corbyn or Sanders might come into power.

You having trouble following the simple logic of image board replies? I replied to a post implying that being OK with criticizing/lampooning the president in the media means that you are an overly sensitive SJW that would dislike Chapelle's material. That obviously isn't true. Most people aren't fans of political correctness, just like most people can tell Trump is an idiot that is easy to make fun of.

>V for Vendetta style political undertones
>is against Trump

the ironic idiocracy of the left

Because he makes a lot of image based appeals to conspiratorial types in order to maintain his wild card status... despite the fact he's an immense zionist

Sanders is a kike who would do nothing about Israel, Corbyn even less so seeing as how filled with Jews his party is - unless he wants to look for the Muslim vote

You shouldn't use that "k" word, cattle, but nonetheless you're doing us a big favor. Keep those antisemitic lunatics away from our special relationship.

Corbyn is just anti Israel

It's "just" anti-Israel, then it's "just" pogroms, then it's "just" extermination.

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>discord trannies this bad at false flagging

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>the Muslim vote
Don't even get me started on those animals... Remember when one of them smeared our special relationship with her hateful "All about the Benjamins" rhetoric? I could've sworn I was living in Nazi Germany.

Correct. They're only anti-israel to placate the left, they're fully down with the greater israel agenda otherwise.

Please let it be just anti-Trump and not anti-Republican. I don't want some hollywood kike's politics shoved down my throat, but equating Thomas Wayne (archetypal 1980s goyishe billionaire) to Trump in a negative way could be kino

bro I think you mean "programs"
thank me later

Now this is fucking based.


>in a negative way
In a positive way would be better.

LOL it won't be kino. They won't equate Trump to Wayne, they'll equate him to fascist corrupt autocrat. This movie is written by JEWS. kino&src=typd
here's a bunch more of your post bane reddit friends posting that, star shitter

Blessed cattle. You're verging on Righteous Among Nations.


No, it's low-IQ boomer bullshit that (You) posted.

> kino&src=typd
and the discord tranny fully outs itself from its own link lmao

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Al Gore's steaming pile of bullshit that environmentalist wackos and globalists like you ate up. Fuck off.

You can throw around those buzzwords like the Older Lady 'Pede you are, but you're still a literal retard who thought The Day After Tomorrow was a documentary.

OH I see what you're doing
You're calling me one because I exposed your friend in another thread

Are you projecting?

>discord tranny continues to lash out in its desperate attempt at survival when exposed to lethal sunlight

Lol why the fuck do you keep mentioning discord yet keep posting twitter screencaps? All while posting tweets from literal whos to prove what exactly?

Not a fan of that motherfucker

Yeah he sucks he is way too liberal


If you're surprised that an anarchist like the Joker is anti-establishment and anti-government you should go back to grade school.

>they think the movie is shit.
Hur dur you incel will love this shit movie, try not to shoot the place up virgins.

>the movie is true kino and almost a guarantee Oscar.
YEAH! Woop fuck drumpf this is the movie we need /ourgen/ V for vendetta, everyone one grab a latte and the face paint app on your iPhones.

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>All while posting tweets from literal whos to prove what exactly?

No, right-wingers in America literally confuse Al Gore's docs with action movies, but they also genuinely believe that global warming is a hoax concocted by the "science industry" and their evidence for this is the fact that the Bible didn't mention it and that it snows... Mind you I'm referring to the voters, the business class themselves, Trump included, are well aware of the threat and have been for some time (Exxon, for example, researched it extensively in the late 1970s).

Whatever you want to think, Kasen or Kayden or Brayden or whatever the fuck stupid name your dumb fucking roastie mom decided to call you and your weak coward cuck of a dad allowed her to curse you with. Fuck you, zoomer trash.

Once again there’s no indication of any type of Trump esque figures appearing in this movie you delusional faggot

Don't have a stroke, granny.

The Joker is Trump if you think about it.

>everything I don’t like is the fault of the joos

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Yes that’s a literal who

Whats wrong? Upset that you can't push the whole incelkino narrative anymore now that your pets have shown it's leftist trash? Funny how gamers rise up spam has died down since these reviews came out too
I don't use discord so twitter is the closest thing to it for me

Why aren't we underwater yet? When do I get my mermaid gf? Al Gore lied to me!

>discord tranny still lashing out and projecting onto others after it has been exposed for what it is

The Joker is anti-government. Whether that'd be Trump, Hillarly, Sadam, or whoever the fuck doesn't matter. It's a character trait. We're talking about a villain. If you expect him to wave the American flag like a patriot you're an idiot.

Give me some evidence that global warming is real libtard

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Wow. This isn't a strawman.

>projecting onto others
So this is what you're doing then? You post in star shit threads as well based on your first post so you must be one of these twitter parasites

>trump is establishment


lol shut the fuck up nerd

>leaked script drops
>nobody who read it mentions or even thinks about Trump
>SJWs perceive pot shots at Trump
>suddenly it's all everybody's talking about
So this is the power of rent free....

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You post in star shit threads as well based on your first post so you must be one of these twitter parasites

Al Gore never said anything like that. Again, assuming you aren't a purposely disingenuous paid shill, you're an idiot confusing "An Inconvenient Truth" (a documentary) with "The Day After Tomorrow", a fictional action movie. wayne trump/order/asc/

Several sources have confirmed Joker goes up against Trump-like politician. We know hollywood fucking hates Trump. Its not hard to put 2 and 2 together.

According to most "journalists" (bloggers), everything is Donald Trump.

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My first is about how you shills have been spamming it's incelkino for months and now that it's proven liberal propaganda you want these type of threads deleted

maybe you retards shouldn't have elected a moron who misspells words all the time and lies with every other breath. Like, do you really need it explained out why normal people don't like you? it's because you're fucking stupid.

A lot of people said the waters levels would rise by [insert date] as if it was fact.
Also this.

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Miss, you seem distressed.

>makes the man who sired Gotham's greatest hero the trump allegory
Yeah their message isn't gonna backfire at all

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guys I'm legitamtely starting to get worried about this film. Just think about how many edgy incels there are out there, there's gotta be a few deranged ones waiting for the perfect moment to strike and this movie will be it. I am literally refusing to see this movie opening week, I do not want to be the next victim of some psycho virgin faggot. Seriously if you see someone with clown makeup on get the fuck out of that theater ASAP

Politics are an establishment, period.
Most politicians ARE Trump-like by default.

I think we will soon reach a point where Trump will just become omniscient in the liberal world.

Everything will start and end with Trump.

>lots of people said this thing, trust me
>also look at this silly park sign dood

>politicians in my country aren't a bunch of corrupt, lying, psychopaths like the USA!!!!


Rude user. No I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy of the American sjw and fools like you that fall for the us and them dichotomy. It’s a fucking movie it’s not on any your sides. Also I have never known the joker to give a fuck about anything never mind have a political stance. Did her vote penguin?

>Most politicians ARE Trump-like by default.


FAGApedes #btfo.


Most politicians are closeted Caesar fanatics.

Generic corrupt politicians have been what pseudojournalists consider Trump-like for centuries.

I live in the usa you fucking incel. Trump was elected by the skin of his teeth and the majority of americans didn't want him as president. You mass shooters are just the shit icing on the cake that normal people now have to deal with because retard in chief has emboldened you.

"trusted professionals" and Science men, are forever making claims about climate change that amount to nothing. Are you denying this?

Calm the fuck down. None of this is happening. Especially in connection to a mostly pro-incel movie like the Joker. Get out there and just have fun, it's a movie for crying out loud.
Look at the poster count here. 78 people. Do you know what the odds are that one of these people is plotting a mass shooting and they happen upon YOUR theater?
>It’s a fucking movie it’s not on any your sides.
Exactly. And no, he didn't vote anything. He voted by setting a nursing home on fucking fire.

Kek thought the same thing

technically a majority did though

Which of those erroneous claims are behind the current scientific consensus?

>it was just a joke, judge! the joker shooting threads were just memes
Will it hold up? Or will you just say seething when they ask you why you did it, terrorist?

Correct. All this movie will do though is turn that TDS knob higher. Hollywood is taking Trump very personally.

What proof is?

pretty sure you're retarded. he lost the popular vote.


Yeah. Plenty of movies. If you're perceiving every villain in every movie as Trump, that's on you.

>Joker is actually winning

Losing my faith in Yea Forums

Did he though? Hmm


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you voted for a man who literally gets cucked by a canadian. Like, you incels are beyond pathetic.

Reminder that the Trump Admin (at least his EPA) doesn't deny AGW. Rather, it claims that civilization is (probably) already doomed so we need to let fossil fuel companies maximize profit in the short-turn. It's also worth noting that this EPA is led by men who made their fortunes int he fossil fuel industry.
Trump himself has invested in seawalls around his ocean-front properties to try and stave off some of the effects.

It won't help anything. Characters like that are generic specifically so you can insert whatever politician you don't like. Simultaneously preaching to every choir.

*in the short-term

ANY country and establishment is bad in the Joker's eyes. Don't you get it. He wants chaos. This is a villain. You're not supposed to agree with his stance, if it really upsets you so much.

Incredibly based AND dangerously red pilled

trump's campaign slogan literally implied that america is bad lmao

I guess by that logic, you voted for a war criminal.

>he didn't hear
You may want to watch robert epsteins closing statement


>they don't know the government can control the weather anyway

and yet all of trump's campaign members are rotting in prison. Really makes me think.

This. Try getting your science from QAnon instead of the ((((science industry)))) libtards.

Yeah I know it takes so much work to do ten minute research and mash it into image

Yeah, this is complete and utter bullshit. I applaud your autistic ability to find a way to complain about art. I hope they never make a single movie again so that you can rest assured you're not being """brainwashed""" by reptilians.

Qanon is controlled opposition. I'm not that much of a retard.
Listen to David Icke...

Yep, every person who was in Trumps campaign is now in jail. You're a very smart cookie

Seriously though, prove climate change.

>trying to humanize a literal killer clown
What do they mean by this?

Literally fuck off. there won't be a civilization to save if we allow white nations to have the demographics of nations that have never built a functioning civilization. You think America is possible with an average IQ below 90?

international judaism

and probably trying to fuel civil unrest against Trump.

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Joker is fat in this?

>libtard wants to save his "pweshuss pwanet" from the climate hoax, but not his race from the very real genocide against it

Zion Don is a fervent Israeli nationalist though.

smart enough to vote for someone with basic literacy skills.

why do you post like this yet beg for the mods when a schindler's List thread pops up?

I've never done such a thing. You're just attacking a strawman because you literally cannot defend Donald "King David" Trump's Israeli dick-sucking.

>movie makes an anti-fascist statement

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Be aware that your shilldawg tactics only ever work on Yea Forums and other pedophile infested boards.

Something does not add up. Holly Jews would not be hating him if he was in fact pro-Israel. Hollywood is ran by zionists.

>obvious satire
>”fuck yourself”
I think youre the faggot here

>joker is anti fascit and aligned with sjws/left


Ever consider that they might be pandering to the #resistance and basic-bitch shoyu-chugging Porg-collecting liberals are just controlled opposition to corporate power?

t. newfag

The only reason I voted for Trump is because the other option was Hillary.

Still does not add up. News jews have not stopped panicking daily over Trump and inventing controversies to take him down, unsuccessfully, every single day.

Could it actually be they see Trump is pro-israel superficially? He still hasn't killed Assad and shows no sign of declaring that war with Iran they want so bad.

>reeee if u no facisd le god emperor fan u sjw


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>trump says something retarded every single day
>news reports on it
lmao imagine being this delusional

Reminder that Trump-like politician is Batman's father.

>Still does not add up
How so?
>News jews have not stopped panicking daily over Trump and inventing controversies to take him down, unsuccessfully, every single day.
Gee, why would controlled opposition invent controversies that don't actually take the guy down?
>He still hasn't killed Assad and shows no sign of declaring that war with Iran they want so bad.
Killing Assad is a good way to bluster into WW3, and I don't think he's that retarded. He's certainly set us back onto a collision course with the Iranians, though. Words cannot describe how much that Obama treaty made Zionists SEETHE.

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nice try pleb

The screeching continues

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>the people
Specifically the billionaire class.

>>According to Revenge of the Nerds, Phoenix’s Joker film “has a political bent, with some pointed commentary on Donald Trump. We’re talking ‘V for Vendetta’ style political undercurrents.”

WHAT?! I have to fucking watch Revenge of the Nerds in order to understand the upcoming Joker film?! Cinematic Universes have gone too far!!!

giving it back to your kike overlords? yes


Trump is 100% establishment though

honestly no. I see it as people realizing that libertarianism is a failed ideology that inevitably results in the clownworld we have now, so they turned towards traditionalism. Its the difference between supporting gay marriage and supporting radical gender theory.

Noticed this too. Every board that has a pedo slant seems to hate Trump more than boards that are antipedo.
Really gets that noodle wiggling

>hitler was saving white race
Sure there moron.

I don't recall people giving much of a shit until trump and /pol/ came along.

Probably jealousy. Guy was buddies with Clinton and Epstein for years.


>why would controlled opposition invent controversies that don't actually take the guy down?

So media is only pretending to hate trump?

Are you fucking high right now?

>Words cannot describe how much that Obama treaty made Zionists SEETHE.

Obama was the jew's bitch boy. The blueprints for JCPOA was greenlit by deep state kikes - read “Which Path to Persia?” from the (((Saban Center of the Brookings))) Institution which outlined lifting sanctions on Iran to tempt their populace to westernize/overthrow the islamist regime. Bibi railing on JCPOA was theater.

Obama also delivered Gaddafi on a silver fucking platter the Rothschilds and proposed the bill for $38 billion aid to Israel.

You don't seem to know shit about shit, (((user))).

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>Just think about how many edgy incels there are out there
None. Incels are all heroes.


>be the joker
>be anti-establishment
>be anti-status quo
>be incel loser
>kill blacks with your bare hands
>Yea Forums is still unhappy
Yeah, I'm thinking this is cringe. Congrats on finding a way to complain about everything, including a villain being a bad guy in a movie.

I was unaware that the scientific consensus was based on this sign.

I guess the jannies are a-ok with /pol/ threads shitting up Yea Forums now?

Gamers sit down

Why doesn't he call out Jews then?

Until they find a way to utilize perma-bans to their full capability, Yea Forums will just remain /pol/ and Yea Forums lite.
Way to kill freedom of speech with autism.


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>So media is only pretending to hate trump?
>Are you fucking high right now?
No, I just don’t take what they say at face value.
You are correct that Obama was terrible, but the JCPOA made Zionists here SEETHE.

what the fuck is wrong with mutts, politics is all they talk snout

Everyone's equal and a piece of lint in his eyes. There are no Jews, blacks, whites, etc. No young and old. He'll take a baby and toss it out the window. That's the character. He's not meant to be a hero.

Weird how these threads are off-topic yet you have no problem when it's in favour of this reddit approved movie like or try spamming some more gamer rise up threads, shill ;^)

I don't know but it reeks of paranoia to me. It'd be okay if it were only the few vocal retards on here, but the critics are trying to bridge this film as some sort of political vehicle which is equally as retarded. Making any connection to Trump, just because Batman's father is a stocky guy involved in politics is laughably off the mark and retarded.

>ignores jcpoa being sanctioned by (((cia))) and obama proposing $38 billion aid for israel

Caught you kike. Hope Iran nukes your shithole ethnostate soon.

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How do /pol/yards love trump and hate Jews? Trump loves Israel.

Trump would never let Iran develop nukes, let alone attack his (second?) favorite country.

Because some of us have common sense and can see Trump superificially supporting Israel while holding the neocon war lobby at bay. Meanwhile he's doing pretty good popularizing Ilhan among the far left. Rothschilds must be SEETHING.

>noooo you can't make fun of daddy trump! MIGA!

It’s ironic Zionism. Too many dimensions of chess for libtards to comprehend.

>Yea Forums troglodytes still manage to make this about politics

You're not playing any chess. You're mentally unsound and didn't get enough ass whoopings from your father as a young child.

Nice moving of the goalpast, ratface. Iran will get their nukes, that is a given, it will just time and happen after Trump. Trump won't let the neokikes raze Iran to the ground, and by the time Dems win, they would be primed for their anti-israel populism to wash over their party.

Israel's fate is sealed. Sorry shlomo.

Hmm, well IIRC the dude was supposed to have a wall built by now, so let’s say I’m skeptical of his quasi-dimensional ironic Zionist plot to destroy Israel years down the line.

Yeah if only he wasn't being sued over the wall left and right by kike puppets, backstabbed by his own party's members and democrats on funding.

I got a question, does any through process actually go into shilling scripts in your little meeting rooms? Or its just like "we'll spam Trump didn't build the wall, that will surely get Yea Forums to hate drumpf!". I thought jews were supposed to be smart...

Superficially? The status quo would have been superficial support - Trump had gone above and beyond that.

I don’t think one has to be a Jewish shill to question the plausibility of Trump’s Zionism actually being a plot to destroy Israel.

Why does he need money? Mexico is paying for it.

Not really. Status quo didn't have "anti-semites" rising among the left. Nor did status quo have pullout of troops in Syria, wind down of Afghanistan.

Giving them embassy and recognizing golan heights, territory they already controlled is symbolic shit. If anything, it unites the arabs with the iranians which they need to do in order to fight zog.

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People voted for him because he isn't establishment. Hollywood Jews aren't raging against the machine, they were fine with the machine for 8 years, they're raging because he won and orange man bad.

>Why does he need money? Mexico is paying for it.

Thanks for outing yourself as just another tds patient.

Literal COPE.

>Trump won't let the neokikes raze Iran to the ground
>A kike won't let other kikes raze Iran to the ground
Now what did user mean exactly by this?

Are you people seriously complaining that the fucking Joker is anti-establishment and anti-politics in general? What epic level of retardation is this, friends?


imagine supporting fat boomer jew cocksucker unironically in 2019

No, I was responding to the person I linked to. Stop projecting.

Did you mean to post this on the tranny section of reddit?

So the lefties hate it
>Trump criticism
So the /pol/tards hate it
What audience is this film in search of?

>i'll call trump a kike, that will show them anti-semites of Yea Forums to support trump

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Unironically the Chad audience.

Joker isn't an incel. He fucks a black chick. The movie's audience is your regular leftists to make them more riled up against Trump.

>This is a truly nightmarish vision of late-era capitalism - arguably the best social horror film since Get Out - and Joaquin Phoenix is magnetic in it.
Those that loved Get Out


>being this retarded

Considering how his own ultra-Zionism hasn’t done so, I doubt that was user’s intent. We’re simply mocking you and your boy.

>being this jewish

What do you expect you fucking retard? For the Joker to wear a shit that says "I love politicians" on it? Do you even realize how idiotic that is? This isn't a hero we're talking about here. It's not Captain America.

>Considering how his own ultra-Zionism

Ah yes. Saying words is ultra zionism.

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I know that's why people voted for him, but he's done a great job of proving he's just another swampy member of the establishment since being elected. Not that any Dems would honestly be anti establishment either - our whole political system seems to work to make sure you only get into power if you like blowing CEOs and lobbyists

do you know who kike-loving, gay-loving, fat orange retard donald trump is

>kikes go out of their way to juxtapost trump-like figure as the evil meaning politician
>they are just being anti-establishment goyim, go watch the movie

No thanks, rat

I don't think either of us was saying that

Have sex

you're actually fucking retarded, you deserve trump and his kike-fellating, immigrant-loving, nigger-loving self

>he thinks left winger Jews are generally pro-Israel


>pointed commentary on Donald Trump.

At this point that's hardly edgy, brave, or original.


Just out of curiosity, OP, how many boards did you spam this to?

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Ben Shapiro (renowned intellectual/philosopher) and PragerU (renowned university) tell me that Israel is based. Smelly brown libtard roasties in (((Congress))) say ISRAEL BAD. Who’s side are you on?

>>kikes go out of their way to juxtapost trump-like figure as the evil meaning politician
What's trump-like about him, other than the fact that he's a politician and a stocky guy? Aren't half of all candidates like that any way?
>they are just being anti-establishment goyim
Yeah, no shit the Joker is anti-establishment. He's like the poster child for chaotic evil. If he could skin every living politician alive he'd probably do it. He'd skin people he likes too, for the hell of it. That's the character. He's a villain.
Can't you suspend your boot licking nature for authority for a single fictional movie?
>go watch the movie
I never said that. Do whatever you like, no one's stopping you.

Ben Shapiro needs to be deported to Israel.

This but unironically

Then what the fuck are you doing on a board that's meant to discuss the very thing you so despise?

What's the post limit on this board? We just hit 300 and it's going strong.

That's why he's under arrest right now. He was totally best friends with Epstein and flew to pedo island.
Except outside of a couple of photos at a public party none of that shit is proven.

I never discuss it. I just post "based" "this, but unironically" and "fuck x and fuck niggers" where x is the thread subject

I've seen threads almost reach 500 posts before being axed. But normally it's anywhere from 320 - 400

>the bad guy is anti-establishment
Holy fuck who saw that one coming? I’m truly shocked!

>tfw too intelligent to win

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Which prison is Slick Willie in?

he declared war on America, dumabss


So in other words all you do is waste your time parroting the same shit over and over, instead of at least attempting to delve into some serious discussion? What's the kick out of that? I'd kill myself.

Yeah I was waiting for the post count to italicise - that means it's auto saging, and it's started now.

>attempting to delve into some serious discussion
You only do that the first three-four years here. Making serious posts here, now that's a waste of time.

>Probably jealousy. Guy was buddies with Clinton and Epstein for years.

Trump called out Epstein as a pedo on Hannity years ago, retard. Even in 2008 he was helping prosecution against Epstein.

Pretty much this.

Also, Sneed.


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The Clintons have fuckloads of defenders who'll sweep that under the rug, even when shit like Epstein's flight logs is public. The only thing keeping those same defenders from taking Trump down is the fact that they can't find any evidence of his supposed crimes at all.

>says he's for lgbt
>bans trannies from military

Seethe more tel aviv

We are heading into a future where everything, everywhere is going to be about Trump.

Dare I say..he may be America's first Emperor..

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clean that kike semen out of your eyes retard, everything i said was right
that's you

He was literally partying with Epstein until they had a fight over a property they were both after.

I cant imagine living a life where you have to hate absolutely everything that makes fun of some politician you like.

just shows how much he loves trannies, doesn't want to let their dicks die before he can suck them off

how is it possible to be so delusional that you think israel hates trump, actual brain damage on display here

Maybe Clinton is innocent and Trump has the defenders? Or, bear with me, maybe elites don’t go to prison that often?

>trump pulling troops out of syria is example of fervant zionism

Yikes, even for hasbara

So if you party with someone if proves you fucked kids with them? Are all you kikes this retarded?

I pity you, and the state of this garbage bin as a whole, but I also applaud your honesty. Have a you my friend.

Maybe their friendship was just 100D Chess to bring Epstein down, just like how the fervent ultra Zionism will ultimately bring Israel down. I’m still wondering why Trump hasn’t had Mueller lock Hillary up yet.


>>says he's for lgbt
>>bans trannies from military
Yeah im curious as to why he did that when he said he was for the gays.

>Trump has the defenders?
Like who? The media? The FBI that's been wasting years trying to take him down?
I'm not seeing any particularly powerful champions for trump.
I am seeing quite a few pedo rings getting taken down under his administration, though.

Government waste is just a snarl word for any government spending that doesn’t directly benefit the business class.

The dude is a billionaire, why wouldn’t he have defenders, especially with everyone out to get him,

>Like who? The media? The FBI that's been wasting years trying to take him down?

"All drama goy! Jews are secretly very happy with Trump!"

this is idf's argument today.
I'm just wondering why the FBI hasn't investigated the Clintons as thoroughly as they investigated Trump. Are they afraid they might find something?

you're assuming i give a shit about your gay retard images you gay little kike-lover

you're actually fucking delusionally retarded if you think trump isn't a fervent zionist, like you are too dumb to understand reality

Almost all government spending does not benefit the working class.
Government spending needs to be cut 95% and the income tax needs to be abolished.
Also end the fed.

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It's been their argument for a couple of years now. We only let them think it's working.

/pol/ told me Trump is actually running those investigations.

Boy, idf is really out of ideas today. They must be really panicked about Trump winning 2020, wanting to drive down support on Yea Forums so bad.

Congrats being on the same side as media kikes, btw!

The lolberg meme is dead, fascism is counaculcha now, and normies are embracing socdem.

He's certainly calling for them.

no one on this site is this fucking stupid or ignorant of trump's record you fucking kike-loving moron

say kike once buddy, use any racial slurs against your kike masters

>The lolberg meme is dead
Not really, it's just that society doesn't care about real things like economics and identity politics dominates now.

It'll come back when this idpol shit dies down.

shlomo is mad, rock the casbah, rock the casbah

I see you’re too young to remember 2007-8. The tl;dr is that neoliberalism failed and now normies want national health insurance.


kike is the kikel, which is (((you)))

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