Three negative reviews out of 22

Three negative reviews out of 22

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They’re all from the top critics

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And they’re all presented on the front page, despite being 3 out of 22, and they’re all politically charged. Could RT have some sort of agenda?

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>9.15/10 average rating

(((((((Top Critics)))))))


First argument literally defeats itself. Only a movie without culture can comment on a society without culture.

Second is a social commentary criticism, not film criticism

Third is just "I don't like it"

its trash

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That average of 7.5 is actually pretty high

>that rating
Holy fucking shit this is kino for real

That's a big rating

Maybe the movie just sucks

>david jenkins post
straight out of a Yea Forums shitpost
we made it bros

lmao it can't even beat Black Panther.

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higher than 7.5, incel

what the fuck

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Almost like there's a certain set of beliefs you need to hold to be a "top critic"

There's only one critic who's opinion matters.

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>time magazine
I have the displeasure of reading this woke, feminist SJW garbage movie reviews when I take my daily dumps. It's just one giant black pill. I honestly can't remember the last time they had any praise for a movie with a white male lead. It's literally all gurl power and minorities.

Of course she's going to be triggered when confronted with Incel: The Movie.

Menu is back on the kino, boys.

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The final comment cemented to me that this film will be good. Now it's just a question of how good exactly.

If the Joker was black, they'd say it was a masterpiece

IGN gave it a 10, so you know it's good.

Black man putting white makeup on would be too racist, just like it is vice versa

What's wrong with Linkin Park?

what is "our culture" refer to?

Awwww look at this little coon tryinng to argue with white christian DChads, ain't it cute

For hoo hoo hee hee ha ha!

>Jew love this film about a marginalized beat down white man who is almost portrayed sympathetically but ultimately vilified and portrayed as a terrorist/revolutionary/psychopath. It’s definitely not white genocide propaganda goys. Give us your shekels so Hollywood won’t have to bow to racist China’s anti-nigger demands

If he calls it kino, thats a wrap

the script reads like a straight up save the cat product, engaging on the right spots but fundamentally formulaic and safe, and the joker never seems to have an intrinsic personality, as in the director forces us to care about the joker strictly through the sad and degrading things that happen to him
I'll still give it a cheeky pirate because I trust joakino

>women criticing anything
Why is this allowed?

in islam it isn't