>conservatism bad
why is this dogshit worshipped as a masterpiece here again?
Conservatism bad
Attacks a religious Church and gives Liberal watchers an outlet to project all their syerotypes about preists onto they're secretive, manipulative, atheists and power hungry
What does conservatism conserve?
Uhh I don’t know... Christian values? Strong nuclear family? opposition to sexual degeneracy?
Lenny is virtuous though, while all of the liberal cardinals are corrupt as shit.
So you didn't watch it, eh? Just saw the first episode, huh? Eh, bub? That what you did?
Lads, I'm nervous that the new season won't live up to the first.
He's designed to be the anti-Francis.
>"All for ourselves, and nothing for other people, seems, in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind"
- Adam Smith
I.e. the essence of conservatism is the attempt to conserve the unequal balance of wealth and power, and have it remain in the hands of the few and privileged, so they can govern on behalf of the many.
Other than the times when he bitches about Women not being Nuns and Not believing in God I'm unironically upset Pius XIII isn't the actual Pope
>>conservatism bad
>why is this dogshit worshipped as a masterpiece here again?
did you watch more than the first 5 minutes?
It is anti conservative though Lemmy is seen to only hold positions on Abortion and Fanatic belief becuase of the sense of abandonment he recieved from his parents
His moments of fanaticism are always viewed to be contemptible and a product of ego or self doubt
When he eventually does learn to live at peace and to live in tolerance he's allowed to die in peace
Don't go "oh its surrealist the message is subjective"
>conservatism bad
But the whole point is that Lenny is conservative despite being young. Also most of the second half of the show is very christian-like.
Do you have to post this stupid baid in every TYP thread, despite the fact that you have been proven wrong so many times?
>"When he eventually does learn to live at peace and to live in tolerance he's allowed to die in peace"
>this is anti conservative for the retarded viewer
Jesus Christ. How about next time you pick up a book and don't get your definitions from of /pol/?
They didn't conserve any of the things you mentioned.
>all opposition to a Marxist revolution is conservatism, and also bad
Not an argument and you know that we're talking about comservative Catholicism
Except property rights and ease of capital exchange increases the level of wealth across the board. Except unequal balance of wealth and power is primarily driven by biological differences and therefore the only way to account for inequality is to create a political/legal system that adheres to a strict rule of law and a principle of self governance such that innate ability arises naturally. The conservative movement as it exists in the modern era started in the 1960s with William F Buckley and is represented as a return to the principles of the Founding Fathers+legal egalitarianism
>retarded contrarian teenagers roleplay as traditional conservatives I'M REBELLING
This is so tiresome.
Because Yea Forums was never conservative. Alt right niggers are just liberals who aren't PC. They aren't conservative at all. They bitch if you censor sexual content.
So what do you mean? Is the principles of an ideology defined by the literal words of its precepts or on its ability to manifest its principles in society? If we are playing silly games doesnt the fact that conservative values exist at all prove that it was successful in a smaller magnitude?
It’s good until the last episode
Not a conservative. But you have clearly literally never read anything on conservatism at all and is just repeating what your teacher/professor told you.
I suggest Roger Scruton and Theodore Dalrymple for a basic grasp.
>Yea Forums is one person
Also different boards have different cultures
Its good until the meeting of the cardinals, after that everything goes to shit
But being a contraria is the akin to being rebellious, dumb NPC.
sexual degeneracy (safe sane & consensual) is clearly good, and i suggest you have it
>retarded contrarian teenagers roleplay as satanists, hippies, sexual degenerates, communists. LOOK IM REBELLING
See how easy it is to argue in bad faith? It couldnt possibly be that liberalism and modernity are false gods.
>I.e. the essence of conservatism is the attempt to conserve the unequal balance of wealth and power, and have it remain in the hands of the few and privileged, so they can govern on behalf of the many.
scruton is personally unethical and should not be trusted
not an argument
you obviously didn't watch it, fuck off
Correct. The post that I quoted contains no arguments.
>safe, sane, and consensual
Who defines those terms retard. In Islam, not wearing a burqa is sexual degeneracy. What you think is "safe and cool and liberal" will be puritanism in 20 years. But more importantly you dont have any argument for why your definitions are better since you ascribe to subjective morality and its is scientifically proven that the more premarital sexual partners someone has the higher the risk of divorce. Denial of self-gratification is the highest ideal mankind can strive for and is the mechanism for the advancement of civilization.
You mean extremism is bad.
Your original post didn't contain any arguments either fyi.
>sexual degeneracy (safe sane & consensual) is clearly good
SSC is a clear gestures to rebuttals of many sex-negative arguments
that's not what it was about at all
he was uncompromising and was rewarded for it
>doing heroin is ok as long as its safe, sane and consensual
Tax revenue not spent on a bloated bureaucracy or vanity projects proposed by brainlets who want to rubberstamp their name on a boondoggle.
Left-wing politics is spending lots of money you don't have, right-wing is for not.
X is clearly good is not a logical argument. A mere affirmation cannot be a logical justification for anything.
You don't understand basic english nor basic logic. Go back to social media, NPC.
defined by biology. physically safe, no actions that will disable or permanently injure, no STDs, etc
defined psychologically and legally. being of sufficiently sound/sane mind - perhaps the most contentious definition, but still clearly defined by experts. it's similar to joining the army or signing a contract or whatever, objective standards for sanity exist.
defined legally and socially. two or more informed adults agreeing to do something, again most legal systems have a definition of consensual action for sexual and non sexual situations.
doing heroine is not safe for most young people as it is easy to overdose as the intention-warping nature of physiological addiction is well-known. the elderly, or those in chronic pain, are frequently prescribed strong opiates as it can be given in a safe manner and is less likely to lead to addiction.
you're retarded
t. retarded virgin
I think Lenny is the only conservative character done right in Hollywood. It wasn't shaming, mocking or anything jewlike like that. Probably because it was done by an Italian.
>you're retarded
Not an argument.
are you retarded? show implies that only reason he has conservative beliefs is because he’s parents abandoned him
Where does it imply that and why the fuck does it matter why he has conservative beliefs? At the end of the day he is a conservative character mostly done right.
how bout instead of conserving something that failed you create an alternative, an alt conservitism, alt right if you will,
no fags
no conservitards
no lolberts
no christcucks
no niggers
no kikes
yes homelands
Just stop you dumb fucking nigger, you post this in every thread. Fuck you, you fucking cunt.
The money of the rich
go back to chapotraphouse or whatever commie shithole you crawled out of tranny
you thin jeff bezos and google are on your side assfaggot?
why are you stiking up for the rich cunts who only want your people dead and gone.
bootlicking retard
you will never be a woman
If you watch a work of art and think it means "conservatism/liberalism is good/bad," you are probably wrong.
Are you actually implying that there are zero negative side effects to promiscuity? Because science btfo that argument. Its for that reason I compared it to heroin. I can make the same argument you used for heroin about sex, that it has a highly addictive component that causes severe psychological and physiological trauma in the long run.
Again your terms are dependent on your narrow modernist lens. You have no moral argument as to why people shouldn't engage in bug chasing or castration. Self destructive behavior isnt an argument otherwise we should also ban marijuana, tobacco, and adultery.
He was neither conservative nor liberal. Yes, he pulled ultra-conservative moves to manipulate everyone to get his lost parents attention, but he turned out to be the Pope of compromise like what cardinals hoped him to be at the beginning. I disliked a bit the second part of the last episode for that. He's even more the compromise person than Spencer. Also, Spencer is an absolute kekold of this show. When he got a slight chance to replace Lenny, he started to practice speech and blessing gestures in front of the mirror only to die not so late after that. Conservative position helped Lenny to filter the retards out of his workplace. In the end he compromised with Gutierrez being homo because Gutierrez had moral grounds. His faggy nature wasn't a hindrance to his profession, he suppressed it with a will, unlike Kurtwell and Dussolier who'd been shoving their dicks into people. Objectively, Lenny left him because Gutierrez is a priest in the first place and only then a faggot after all. Conservatism saved him, compromising saved Gutierrez. Also, I chuckled that Lenny still punished almost everyone. Mary was sent to unga boongas for betrayal making Voiello cuckd at the same time.
I think they are on their own side. Because people are individuals and not statistics to be shot in a ditch when people like you hate their own lives.
It’s actually praised but sort of asks it to be practiced with a friendly face
Woah, without individualism, how would I wear glitter on my face, travel to different countries to have butt sex with foreign men and watch the latest marvel movie and make edgy ancap jokes?
Fuck you libtard. Anarchocapitalism will never work and corporatism was a mistake. Natsoc is the only way
Libertarianism is cringe.
Fiscally left leaning but socially right leaning is patrician
take your meds
you are wrong, when did they have a white or pro western logo?
you have to recognize that was it passed of as "conservatism" in American politics today is not true "conservatism" true conservatism is what today you would call paleo-conservatism or traditionalism, maybe even reactionary
does the young pope molest kids and help pedos escape the law?
no he sends them to alaska