Kinos about throwing dogs off planes
Kinos about throwing dogs off planes
Other urls found in this thread:
he didn't fly so good
he didn't feed so good
he didn't fly so good
formerly on a plane
fuck you nigger take your edgy shit back to Yea Forums
Why are people so cruel
not funny Mister ?
Reported to the FBI
chill out the dog just get chucked into snow
Bros I'm too afraid to watch gore, describe what happens please
You can tell he didn't drop the dog
check out the brains on this guy
clever girl
>dog faggot
There’s more dogs than humans. They’re worthless.
dog got thrown (formerly held) off a plane
You can tell its shooped
>dragons are ba
>formerly chucked
Am I the only one that thinks its fucking pathetic that human beings can joke around about humans dying but if a cat or dog is inconvenienced or hurt in any way they act like it's the end of the world and you should be killed for hurting the dog? I mean make as many disconnected jokes about how bad humans are this is not normal or healthy thinking
RIP poor pupper
jesus christ that was awful
Kinos about the chinamen
Worth more than chinese bugpeople lol
Well la di da
delete this
>he just keeps moving
I almost threw up
Its cos most here are real psychos but love animals on some level
+700 sociar credit scorr! dogs are worthress and are for eating
what a waste of ice. fuck dogs
>not shooting the dog first
You're right: your thinking isn't normal or healthy.
this and lets not forget what day it is
user... are you being racist... outside of Yea Forums???
The new Freaky Friday looks interesting.
worth more than muslim """"""people"""""
Jesus Christ
you just know...
Shit dude, don't post that here.
I hate people so fucking much
this is cursed
>hating based Muslims
Found the liberal
Based EVO dabbing on puppers
all those twats letting this happen
>based Muslims
found the liberal cuck
get fucked abdul
In this gif, that rally car FUCKED UP the pupper
Islam is the most alpha religion, shitlib. Fuck your gay "freedom".
i dont want to click on them... how bad is it
>Islam is the most alpha religion
trips knows it
Ah yes, the /pol/tard psychos are here to suck dog dick again. I'm Pinoy and even I think that dogs don't belong in the house. It's only sòys who worship dogs.
your expectations are subverted
why do mudslimes hate other animals like dogs so much?
I am dog.
>Islam is the most alpha religion
Nothing more alpha then dressing a boy up like a girl and making him dance
trying this fucking hard
Where does it say that in the Quran?
dogs are literally worth more than all thirld worlders
boy love is mandatory in Pakistan
it only looks like hes being thrown out of a plane in the reply thumbnail, not the OP thumbnail.
Fuck you gringo. 56% white and falling. Your children will live in a brown nation.
Worked for the Spartans
What sort of meaningless argument is that? Where does it say sucking cock is fine in the Bible?
Jesus Christ Mohammed, can you be a little more subtle?
slugs are more worthy
See a dog would never say this.
Car hits dog dog is brutally destroyed yet somehow alive still and guy drives away
What does it have do with Islam if its not in the Quran then?
deathnik seethe
Blokes doing it profess to be following Islam
because the Quran is a book. Islam is the application, you absolute mental midget.
those too pussy to click
guy throws dog out a plane
dog get run over
dog gets boiling water poured over it
dog gets stabbed
right after the passage about goatfucking
The fuck is a deathnik? This gringo's lost his mind lmao. Better hit Duolingo pendejo. We will get revenge for El Paso.
Man fuck humans..
And there are tons of Christians who disregard their own religion. How many Christians save themselves for marriage nowadays?
adam an eve not steve , mohhamad loved lil gurls
Which one's that?
That's not the point faggot, you've gone from calling Islam alpha to literally comparing it to the other religions you consider less alpha. Way to go
just kidding
ok, but what about cute kitties?
shush cholo or will send Vic Mckay around
>no one has made a webm of the cheetah biting the guys' dick
Nothing wrong with that. It's not a sin. Neither in Christianity or Islam.
fuck this is hot
Why is thread still up