Me at the Joker premiere

Attached: Masked-ex-soldier-in-tactical-gear-opens-fire-on-Dallas-courthouse2.jpg (620x757, 68K)

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Ah, so you're the designated shooter tonight, user? That's great! Come to me if you need ammo or soda refills.

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could have been the best shooting of the year but ended up being the worst. sad. take care of your shit dont go into a cowabunga like this slob.

He’s FBI, didn’t think he would actually die

He didn’t go after civilians like some other faggot incels. He went straight for the hard targets but you have to be a professional to pull that off.

You could do it.

this dude was such a faggot

He looks scared. Probably a mental break. A strenuous hike up a mountain would have eased his rage and given him some sort of sense of accomplishment.

>I've made a huge mistake

Why the glasses?

No you just have to not be a retard.

>best shooting of the year
what makes a shooting the best one? what criteria?

>He looks scared. Probably a mental break
He tried to run and was shot, he was trying to crawl under a car or something when he died. Complete failure, didn't even hit a single person

BAHAHAHAHA dude this is so funny! Haha no one made this epic joke using this exact picture before HAHA dude clown world and joker memes are hilarious

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look at his eyes, he is shitting his pants

Kill count, looks, style, damage done, memes etc.

what are your top 3?

Greatest country in the world.

what are some movies about the tragedy of wasted potential

Pretty sure he just wanted to commit suicide by police force. He shot near some people to scare them away then started shooting at police. Think I read he was a troubled vet. Thankfully nobody else was hurt.

>former infantry
>not good at combat
what did he mean by this?

he was a faggot larper that thought memes were real life

You guys are edgy as fuck. Give it a few years you’ll grow out of it

It's just banter sensitive faggot


you don't get trained to single handedly storm a location with loads of armed cops to be fair

What a loser.

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Is that John Malkovich. That man looks suspiciously like John Malkovich

lol set off an explosion nearby and pick them off in the chaos

It shows the distinction between an actual /pol/ user and some itinerant incel. The incel ironically gets more done, but what he does is pathetic, whereas the /pol/ user tries to aim for something that'd actually make a difference, but his cowardice, incompetence and ego gets him bleeding to death next to his car by some security guard with a pistol.


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i don't have the Yea Forums image shooter scores but i'm sure some user does

Wth, John Malkovich isn’t black

It’s probably from the movie Red, where his character is ex CIA

Vtech just kicked in yo

It's an ex-sas guy that wrecked a bunch of Kenyan terrorists.

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Was this the SBS guy who had to save a bunch of Africans from a burning building because none of the African staff could?

wtf don

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t.fbi poster

If you answered this your dumb

Why not dress as batman?

I honestly don't remember this shooting whatsoever, what's the story behind it?