All the lefties love it

>all the lefties love it

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Other urls found in this thread:

It was pretty obvious from the trailer that the only thing he was going to rise up against was capitalism and a Trump expy

I told you fags hyping this up that it didn't pander to you at all. Todd Phillips is a liberal, Joaquin is a liberal, Zazie is a liberal. The fact my fellow sneedchads hyped this movie up dissapointed me.

It has good potential to talk about class struggle, but of course, since the creators are libs and are afraid of a bold stance, it resorts to both-sideism and "extremes are always wrong, guys!" Well, at least it's something, never expected Joker to be the hero of proletariat anyway.

NOOO THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE EPIC INCEL MOVIE xD noooo we was marketed to bros! This is so not epic!

>people here have been saying it since the set photo leaks
>still acting surprised
You probably think "gamers rise up" and "clownworld" are natural too, don't you?

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>shit movie
I wonder why

he's literally not me


Trips checked. This but unironically

Why doesn't anyone seem to realize that the main character in this movie is actually a villain? He's the Joker, for fucks sake. Like what's wrong with you retards? It's OK to have a main character in a film you're actively not supposed to sympathize with or like.

But they are calling it incel power fantasy

Who cares, if it convinces one schizoid lefty to stop LARPing about muh social justice and actually shoot up some of the elite it’s a net positive

Gamers Rise Up is a forced meme that liberal gamers used to make fun of other gamers that called out their faggotry

Liboids are incels

>It's OK to have a main character in a film you're actively not supposed to sympathize with or like.
Death of the author and whatnot. He's supposed to be /ourguy/ not some nu male anarchist clown.

>incel equivalent of the messiah's coming
>critics and redditors love it
does Yea Forums ever get tired of being btfo?

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>gets good reviews
>gets bad reviews
there was no way to "win" and thankfully this shitty clown shit will finally die

Reddit also loves Taxi Driver. This doesn't mean shit. /ourkino/ is coming and it's gorgeous

How do you know what reddit loves, reddit tourist?

this is not an epic gaming moment

>He's supposed to be /ourguy/
That sounds retarded though


Cope harder, tranny. This film will break a billion and there's nothing you can do about it

Pretty much. I despise anything that Yea Forums likes on average and I doubt this ones any different. Just disgusting people all around.


You didn't answer the question, tourist
Using post bane terms like cope and tranny won't change that you're not authentic to the cause

You need to go back

>/pol/ ruins everything

you sound like your in a cult you indoctrinated faggot
you're a fucking loser m8

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stop believing in politics

The smart ones are doing political ambiguity now.... It's the new "irony". Setting-up expectations and then subverting them. Basically, they want to try and score troll/10 in the run-up with the early trailers, having as many "think pieces" written as possible, then flip it and score another troll/10 with the theatrical release with more "think pieces" written and more controversy.

The Holy Grail of this new method is pop culture that no one can really figure out if it's lefty or incel, sincere or "ironic". The ultimate troll that just exists to endlessly debated.

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Okay time to get the fuck off Yea Forums and do something outside. Bye nerdy rightoids

Sub-110 IQ opinion discarded

That wasn't even a question, dilating redditor. It's called playing ignorant.

Fuck off Yvgeny. Go squat and putinpost in some other thread.

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chapo check

>The Joker movie unites liberals and incels against a common enemy and school shootings come to an end.

Leftists can be both violent and cowardly pussies these are not mutually exclusive. Just look at Antifa.

>Gamers Rise Up is a forced meme

literally all memes are forced memes

So this board is officially retiring any discussion about movies and now only solely talking about the political and social ramifications that both sides are going to feel once it comes out? I personally believe that art is an expression of thought and forces you to be empathetic and when that starts eroding to give way to clans battling each other over weak, uninformed, and outdated ideas like racism or sexism and seeing movies only because it agrees with their tribe only contributes to separation of people which just makes everything more conflicting, which is what "they" want.

shut up, centrist

Go fight people some more retard

>How do you know one of the most beloved films of all time is loved?

>bad guy is a leftist
>"trump" thomas wayne does nothing wrong
>somehow lefties think it supports them

Here's a photo of a large Antifa gathering, I don't see a problem. Don't see any cowards either.

Mrs. Carlson is still literally shaking after what those Antifa terrorists did to her windows.

/pol/ ruins everything.

>text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
>tagged with namefaggotry
God, I love lefty "memes"

That's all this trash has been doing though
Every single time since the trailer release
Now that you've been exposed as shills lying you want it to stop?

Attached: Origins of Antifa.jpg (1024x828, 100K)

What are we supposed to say about movies retard?

"Wow this looks good"

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My grandpa fought with the allies and was a white supremacist though. White supremacy was the norm back then.

Nearly everyone who fought on the allied side in WW2 believed Black people were inferior to Whites

eat the rich

Do you need me to explain how to articulate your thoughts on a movie in a way doesn't include pointing out how stupid the people who don't agree with you are or saying who's going to get btfo? Do you even watch movies or just advocate for whatever side of the aisle you're on based on who's supporting the shit you don't like.

>ackshully, Antifa traces its roots to D-day
...and when you're relentlessly mocked and proven wrong, with the absurdity of the >implication laid out before you, you'll retreat to "irony" and pretend you were trolling.

Go ahead, I want to hear your theory of film criticism

shut the fuck up, cringe chapo listener. Delusional leftists and retarded /pol/tards *are* both wrong.

I'll tell you now I have no motivation to see ANOTHER fucking superhero movie so I'm skipping this. I also think Todd Phillips is washed out and definitely not inspired enough to do anything interesting with this movie so I'm not going to see it so I dunno who you think is shilling but yes, I'd like the shilling on this board to stop but even more I'd like the people who go along with it here to stop because it's fucking annoying and turns the board to meme Sneed garbage. If you want meme Sneed garbage go to b, reddit, or somewhere else

Even the army wanted to keep their niggers segregated from the general fighting force.

Nearly all of them also didn't believe in the systematic genocide of non-whites, and fought against it.

Larp harder Nazi shills. Your ancestors are ashamed of the traitors to the west that you are.

Antifa traces it's roots back much farther than WW2 you /pol/ack fuckwit.

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It's not a theory, I just like talking about characters and plots and stuff that come out of movies I enjoy. I don't like defaultly talking about what it did to the libs because it's fucking annoying and literally Noone on Yea Forums deserves to be taken seriously when talking politics, and that's what I've learned from experience l. As far as theory(?), let's start by talking about a film you enjoy

The allied powers were all colonial powers brainlet kek

You can sympathize with the most evil person in our history and there isn't a problem with it. Everyone in life experiences trials and tribulations and every person tries to combat them in their own way. How to overcome grief, economic status, degradation of humanity. All these things are the most sympathetic things in our society and are exhibited in even the most vile of humans.

The problem comes when someone emphathizes with their specific plight which is a very different thing. Seeing yourself in others or seeing yourself in how they decide to overcome their situations. This is what liberals don't understand when they see people liking a Joker origin story

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>meanwhile, a decade before d day
>The Mexican Repatriation was a mass deportation of Mexicans and Mexican-Americans from the United States between 1929 and 1936. Estimates of how many were repatriated range from 400,000 to 2,000,000.[1]:xiii[2]:150 An estimated sixty percent of those deported were birthright citizens of the United States.[2]:330 Because the forced movement was based on race, and frequently ignored citizenship, some scholars argue the process meets modern legal definitions of ethnic cleansing.[3]:6
>While supported by the federal government, actual deportations were largely organized and carried out by city and state governments, often with support from local private entities.

>Nearly all of them also didn't believe in the systematic genocide of non-whites,
Neither did nearly all Germans. They fought tooth and nail for peaceful separation, as would nearly all southerners, as would nearly all reasonable people because most people are not like you - they don't enjoy rubbing people's noses in shit and forcing them to accept the unacceptable. Most people want to live and let live, so you force conflict upon them and then act as if they're the villains when they fight back.

Also, "Antifa" has nothing to do with the invasion of Normandy. It's just your larp.

I actually thought this was the case. By playing on the proletariat and incel themes it can generate controversy while still pleasing both sides.

so it's going to be shit


Did I tell you guys I love you yet?




















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Just watch a fucking movie. my god, put politics away for like 10 seconds and make up your mind after you've seen the movie and not the trailer

weak people dont understand the boundary between reason and force. The proper application of force is used in an effective and intelligent manner.

>Nearly all of them also didn't believe in the systematic genocide of non-whites, and fought against it.
My provincial government was still shooting squaws until the 50's.

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>making everything about politics
fucking kill yourself you worm

Get your insane case of autism looked at weirdo

As a neon nazi alt righter I am not happy at the idea of non Jew hating nigger loving faggots liking a movie that was designed for me. This is not fair.

see But go ahead and pretend otherwise now that your shill lies have been exposed by your own dogs

This is a /pol/ board you're just living in it

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>Nearly all of them also didn't believe in the systematic genocide of non-whites, and fought against it.
yeah Anglo's fought against brown genocide while colonising half the world nice hot take chappofag

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How would you know what was acceptable for people in a society? When did you last leave the basement to talk to a stranger?

>Fighting against fascists in WW2 has nothing to do with antifascism, it's just a larp hurrr.

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Sex; Have it.

A good movie is bound to be loved by everyone.

You have to go back.

Back to a magical place built just for (you)--->

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>racism, sexism
IQ is variable among the races. Humans are sexually dimorphic and biological differences between the sexes are manifested through evolution in the innate psychological and behavioral differences between the sexes. I'm assuming you think this is racism and sexism, although I don't, so technically I agree with you.

>It's not a theory, I just like talking about characters and plots and stuff that come out of movies I enjoy. I don't like defaultly talking about what it did to the libs because it's fucking annoying and literally Noone on Yea Forums deserves to be taken seriously when talking politics, and that's what I've learned from experience l. As far as theory(?), let's start by talking about a film you enjoy
1. The movie isn't out yet, so all we can talk about is its affect on society
2. Talking about its affect on society is a legitimate vector of discussion
3. The idea that there are "legitimate" sources of political discussion or political opinions is itself a political opinion and really just a rhetorical device to avoid discussing uncomfortable subjects

The last movie I enjoyed was they shall not grow old which is essentially a documentary. Hollywood only produces formulaic movies with the correct political/social opinions shoehorned in them and/or lazy dialogue and special effects - there's rarely anything of substance produced. And when something that might be interesting is produced, there are millions of drones that try to distract conversation away from the interesting thing and towards some gay bullshit that doesn't matter (that's you).

>extremes are always wrong, guys!
Two things in this world will always be true. The Sun being hot and this statement.

what did the Joker movie say about Trump?

Sorry faggot YOU have to go back

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>masking yourself to perform violence
>not cowardly
pick one. Unless you unironically think that might makes right.

t. antifa cuck

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I know you're a shill but for the unaware, they call themselves "antifacists" to get labeled anti-bad protesters in media coverage when what they really are are communist terrorists.

>”extremes are always wrong!”
What is untrue about this statement

Honestly what the fuck are you talking about?

Put multiple people in the hospital, but I guess that doesnt matter since its for the greater good.

Nothing. It's the equivalent of saying "2+2 =4"

It would probably be the norm now, honestly, because the original idea was the string people along by their values and then slow cook 'em in sex, drugs, and rock n' roll over time - the West acting as a giant meat grinder for humanity that takes people and their cultures and "liberalizes" them, in doing so, reducing their fertility rate among other "benefits".

The problem is, these forces are seeping into the culture in unanticipated ways, not least of which is that so many artists _aren't allowed_ to be ambiguous about their politics. So, it makes the potential trolling of us by them that much harder. No one is allowed to be pied-piper of incels for very long without having to talk the mob of wokescolds down from the Purity Spiral of Doom and offer them assurances that "i'm not a bad person". It's glorious how impotent the left makes itself and everyone around it.

>How would you know what was acceptable for people in a society
The segregation policies in every establishment you still keep crying about 50 years later, faggot. They were in place until the government made everyone let the niggers in. No one liked spics, trannies, niggers or faggots back then. You're kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

If one capitalist country starts a war against another capitalist country that doesn't make them anti-capitalist either.

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For months now you shills have been saying this trash is based because it's going to make sjws seeth yet now that it's proven SJW tier shit you want these threads to vanish

Back to your fucking containment board

>just watch and believe
>stop thinking

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Free medical care and minimum wage is just like Cuba!

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>beaver in a choke hold
I want this hanging on my wall so bad

What's wrong is that political extremists haven't been killed off or at least put in cages yet.
When you get the alt-right and the alt-left outta the equation, you're left with people who are actually worth a shit.
The biggest incel freak who doesn't subscribe to either ideology is already a fucking winner with that simple action, or lack thereof.

I liked that they stick to the title since Joker always has multiple origin stories

By looking at historical records like the plan to ship jews to madagascar and Lincolns plan for repatriation?
>Antifa is only fighting explicitly fascist organizations and has no other stated political goals other than opposing those explicit fascist organizations
I bet you believe North Korea is democratic too.

This but unironically

I live in Canada where we have both state-run healthcare and a $15 minimum wage and both policies are dogshit that haven't improved anyone's lives.

>Free medical care
Ah yes the "iz free if I don't see the bill" bootlicker mantra. A classic.

>he doesn't know yet

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Yea Forums has always been /pol/'s trash can. Get over it. Stop acting shocked. Better yet, get off Yea Forums, snowflake soiboi.

Group A wants to chop off 0 fingers, group B wants to chop off 10 fingers.

Clearly group A is an extremist and should be ignored, and we should follow the le enlightened centrist idea of 5 fingers.

>Your ancestors are ashamed of the traitors to the west that you are.
If my ancestors could see what the West became, they would probably side with Hitler.
I'm not even a /pol/ fag.

20 corporate cuck credits have been deposited in your account.

So Antifa arent just against fascism but pro policy? So that means we can find legitimate criticism of them based on those things and their use of political violence? Really activates my almonds.

Okay idiot, tell me have you ever had a job before?

As long as Jews run Hollywood, you'll get /pol/ on Yea Forums.

That's literally the only reason. If Jews weren't overrepresented then /pol/ would have no power here.

Define alt-right

What the fuck are you even talking about? "Antifa" isn't an organized group like Proud Boys, Alt-Knights, Oathkeepers, etc. They're just people that show up, mostly organized through word of mouth social media, to push back when these Alt-Right, wanna-be Nazi dipshits want to march through their town.

They don't have any stated goals outside of telling Nazis to fuck off.

>class struggle
Imagine believing is this in any year.

Good grief the damage socialist indoctrination does is gigantic.

wtf antifa had tanks and shit back then?

It's a new lefty meme to vilify centrists for not being leftists. See /r/enlightenedcentrism. The increasingly violent and intolerant left are now claiming that centrism is literally worse than Hitler. That's not even hyperbole. It's the entire thesis of the anti-centrist whackjobs from reddit and chapo.

People who are racist and sexist among other things.


>Anyone who disagrees with my OBJECTIVELY GOOD UTOPIAN IDEALS must be a bad faith actor bought by le ebil corporations

He's a villain though, why would he represent their views

>have to keep an hourglass on the table during meetings like one of those gay talking sticks in order to prevent women, fags, and trannies from monopolizing the conversation, then becoming enraged and filibustering if whoever is "in charge" wants to move on.

People against cult marxism

you're right, it isn't a struggle its full on class warfare.

And the proletariat is getting butchered.

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The only thing you need to know is WB figured out they need to start paying critics. You are completely naive and lost if you really think otherwise, and I can only hope you figure this out sooner than later. Its a fucking joker movie and these people are unironically saying its going to change the world.

>buzzwords lmao

So every sexist is alt right like Bill Clinton and MLK?

white people

whit people caring for their own interestes

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How do people like you leave then house when you're shitting your pants over shit like this?

If you're afraid of Antifa, don't march in a literal White Supremacist rally. "Freedom of Speech" does not free you from the consequences of your speech, especially when you're calling for a return to segregation, or sterilizing a whole race of people.

I'll bet most of reddit has never even heard of taxi driver

Fuck off mapleshart. You canuckstormfuhrers couldn't even run a coffeeshop. What makes you think you are intelligent enough to discuss socialised medicine?

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Antifa is a literal terrorist group that attacks anyone that isn't progressive.
Many people that aren't nazis have been attack by simply not complying to progressive views.
Go back to social media with your NPC opinions on everything.

>What the fuck are you even talking about? "Antifa" isn't an organized group like Proud Boys, Alt-Knights, Oathkeepers, etc.
Nobody buys this old, objectively false talking point


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Same as the alt-left. Trying to push an extreme opinion down your throat.
In the case of the alt-left, it's the extreme sensitivity to non-existing issues, and in the case of the alt-right, doing your best to manifest said issues into reality. Just be fucking normal.

>Freedom of Speech is White Supremacy
This is why cult marxist should be shot in the street

it means "if you disagree with me, you're extreme"

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It’s like the right but with more incels

Never gets invited to the cool kid's parties. Seethes.

>muh cultural marxism
Get off the internet and go outside, incel.

/pol/ is way more than just alt-right but what would a redditor know

The progressive definition of alt-right, extreme right and nazi is "anything that I don't like".

That's not what I said and you know it, you absolute retard.

Obviously not everyone is, but not everyone who is alt-right is a tranny either. The point is, people who share extremist opinions are largely the same, and their rhetoric is flawed, because one side is bound to be always be uhappy with the end result.
When you come to an agreement between the two, with compromise from both sides, you get the best case scenario. That's what people like me aim for. Balance and cooperation.

fact: antifa has killed more people in the last 3 years than any so-called “alt-right” group

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>muh incel
Get AIDS you mouth breathing noodle armed shit eating piss gargling cum guzzling cult marxist subhuman retard

Lmao none of you are intimidating at all, if the police enforced existing laws to the letter, you would all go to jail forever. You're useful little gullible idiots which is why they keep you around.

>waaah why doesn't this comic book movies cater to my beliefs and feelings
Good grief this shit gets old fast.

Whatever leftards dont like.

Nigger it was just a joke not everything is a politically charged attack on you

>liberals are 1 person
Modern söy lefties are pisses who can't handle anything while the reds in the 40s were pretty strong considering they killed millions of people and resisted kraut invasion.

>Waaaaa freedom of speech is wayciss waaaaaa ;_;
You don't deserve to live, you deserve to have your skull stomped in the street you boot licking corporate conformist faggot

Coffee shop?

Personal experience is the answer to that question btw, something you don't have any of from any aspect of life clearly.

I'll also throw it out there that the alt-left were the first to cast the stone in this day and age, as to not be perceived as a leftie enabler or whatever. But the alt-right retaliated tenfold, to the point where reason took a back seat.

>itsnt organized
>organized through social media
You do realize that Al-Quaeda is an organization, despite being loosely organized? You do realize that "word of mouth" is pre established highly reactive channels of communication with organized intent and plans of action? You do realize that Antifa gets funding from activist organizations?

>proudboys and oathkeepers are alt-right
People like you deserve the jackboot so that you understand what fascism actually is.
>people who exercise their right to free assembly deserve to be unlawfully harassed and assaulted.
You deserve to be shot like the statist scum that you are
>Antifa dont have any stated goals
They are environmentalist, anarchocommunist, pro immigration, pro radical feminism and radical lgbt. At the very least they are anti-free speech, free expression, anti religion, and thos are all political statements. I can say this because libertarians are by definition also anti-fascist but do not associate with antifa, and because antifa commits violence against christians and free speech advocates

The good guys

I have the feeling i already saw the entire movie from the trailer and reviews alone.

They're not a literal terrorist group. They're a counter protest group. They only show up during these Alt-Right rallies and marches to show people aren't just going to let wannabe Nazis march through cities.

Antifa aren't the ones showing up with swords, shields, and hammers, or running over crowds of people with cars.

Okay then, show me the official Antifa website/meeting place. Because all of the other groups I named have regular, official meetings. All of those alt right groups pay dues, have rosters, hold events. Antifa doesn't. They're a counter protest. If alt right groups disappeared tomorrow, Antifa would cease to exist.

this desu and I'm not even down with the wignat shit.

Antifa quite literally attacks people for simply not holding progressive views. And no, they do not only appear when nazis march, you dishonest hack.
Go back to social media with your NPC talk.

That's an incredibly loose definition and would include radical leftists. So how does that make any sense at all?

Imagine making a movie about jokers dad that killed batmans parents


1. You can talk about Todd Phillips or anyone else attached to the project that you're excited or nervous about. You can discuss what you think the plots going to be or ya know, things related to.the movie. It's not out yet so and it probably won't have any affect on society so you're just speculating at this point over nothing.

2. Not when you fucking force it all the time. Not every movie has a repercussion on society or anything, if you want to discuss things that are affecting society go fucking do some research and find out what's really affecting us instead of just concocting half baked conspiracy theories about how Hollywood brain washes everyone and how the people you don't like are stupid and falling for it despite having no real evidence to that claim.

3. IT'S FUCKING NOT. It means I don't come to a board designed for television and film to hear about politics. I'll gladly talk politics if it's in the right context and not some over the top hot head that thinks marvel is turning everyone into a liberal because they're movies made for kids and there's nothing offensive in them

So the fucking interesting thing in this is that you can post on Yea Forums about how theirs shill shilling for this? So in other words literally nothing in this movie besides the lulz has you looking forward to it and you're gonna see it just to stick it to the people who "detract" from it? Get your delusional head out of your ass

>critics are in love with this almost clever white genocide propaganda

>B-But Antifa's beating us up in the street
>Durr, you deserve to get your skull stomped in the street

Which is it, faggot? Are you alt right dipshits being persecuted by Antifa, or are you kicking Antifa's ass? Fuck off, retard.

>neo-cons, tradcons, libertarians, literal NSDAP, civnats, and ethnonats are all "alt-right"
I can't believe retards are still stuck in 2016

You make a very sound argument. But the alt-right isn't the optimal solution to this. Nevertheless, what you said is true.

They just destroy city blocks and hit people with bike locks, nothing wrong with that right hypocrite faggot?

>And no, they do not only appear when nazis march, you dishonest hack
Give one fucking example.

Valid criticism.

umm sweetie looks like you got mad as fuck about being exposed as a retard, no need to be upset

>they're not violent they just fuck up whole cities like Hamburg
why even deny it, it just makes you like worse

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No, Yea Forums is infested by /pol/ shitposting because
1. Yea Forums is the most accessible board
2. 2016 election introduced a lot of newfags to Yea Forums
3. Outragebaiting gives easy (You)s
That’s all

You retarded or something ? One is opposing freedom of speech and attack people because of it, the other attacks people because they oppose freedom of speech. Is that plain enough for you retard ? No, anti censorship isnt DAE LE SAME AS CENSORSHIP.

Lol, no they don't. Cry more, nazi bitch.

Forget the sexism and racism then. Point is, it's an extremist belief system. The kind of belief system that has given birth to Nazies, on the right, and Commies, on the left.
These are flawed ideologies, and there's not a single thing that would make me believe otherwise.

Antifa routinely get their ass beat because they're weak liboid retards, but they deserve much much worse, they're traitors and they deserve to be executed

Department of Homeland Security has named Antifa a terrorist organization. Not surprised either. Antifa hate attacks and terrorist action have been escalating for years. They even tried to purchase weapons for an attack on border guards and firebombed an ICE facility. Antifa are terrorists if you look at their actions.

>says being prejudice is justifiable
>doesn't justify it

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>If your afraid of the KKK don't march in a civil rights rally. "Freedom of Speech" (and freedom of assembly) does not free you from consequences of your speech, especially when you're calling for an end to segregation, or destroying the social fabric of the entire country.
This is why communists are subhuman

Get cancer inbred cult marxist reject

Thanks for that wonderful statement

is this achievable natty?


Hard to believe when the trailer had a clown holding up a sign saying “Kill the rich”..... Love the subtlety with Hollywood

>They only show up during these Alt-Right rallies
Neither proud boys, nor Oathkeepers, nor any free speech group is alt-right.
The big problem with NPCs like you is that, besides the fact that you can't think for yourself, you are programmed to repeat whatever buzzwords corporate culture presents. The fact that you call anything that antifa attacks "nazi" is a great example of this.

Lol, yeah they do.

Its okay we both know you're a seething peabrain

>jew fiction
Cult marxist really are useful boot licking goyim

This. About time something was done. There should be a remake of Birth Of The Nation with these as the chief villain.

Trump's DHS classified Antifa as terrorist organizations, but not the dozens of white supremacist groups at Unite the Right, et al. What a fucking shock.

Trump supporters are such thin skinned little bitches.

>Oh no, people with different political views as me like something!
>I'm going to have to automatically hate it and incessantly shit on it without judging it on it's own merits because I'm incapable of forming individual opinions.
this entire website in a nutshell.

Oh, have you seen the film? give us a quick rundown


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ive been here since /pol/harbor you don't know jackshit redditor

So it's still kino? Good to know, ignoring the autism above.

DHS isn't owned by Trump. DHS made their decision based on recent terrorist attacks by Antifa terrorists. What else can you call the fire bombings and attempts to purchase weapons for attacks? That's terrorism by any definition.

>It's White Supremacy to not want historical statues torn down
>It's not terrorism to wear a mask and attack vehicles with baseball bats
Kill yourself

>oh no, they dont like my shitty pandering
>why are you calling out the "anti establishment" lefties bootlicking every corporation that pays them lip service
lost your way have you ?

That's only because undercover FBI agents comprise half the membership of all those neonazi/white supremacist groups

We're not the ones crying about every little thing oppressing us. So it's opposite. Leftists need to grow some nuts and stop crying about everything.

No it's race not class which is the true struggle

No. You see, in communist Russia, sane people like you would get shot or put in jail (it's a known fact that Stalin screwed himself over this, as he had put all of his best doctors in jail and died when no one was able to properly treat his illness) and in Nazi Germany, you'd be seen as a Jew enabler, among other things, and get equally as fucked. Tribes hate intelligence and they envy progress.

>Yea Forums is infested by /pol/ shitposting because
Because they were the only board to defend us against the rapid redditors crying about Yea Forums on /q/

What firebombings? You can't just make up shit and blame it on Antifa because you want to play pretend Nazi and blame all your problems on black people.

90 bucks says you are anti gun

>Antifa shills ITT still haven't responded to being exposed

So you have no fucking clue? "alt-right" was a term created by the mainstream media to describe the new voting base that rose with Trumps presidency. It mostly consisted of atheist libertarians, classical liberals, rust belt working class, and young disillusioned people. It was claimed by Richard Spencer in an attempt to capitalize on the momentum of the election, after which all of the e-celebs of the "alt-right" disavowed the term. At the same time /pol/ who never really embraced the term do to the big umbrella nature of it, disavowed it because they hate richard spencer. Anyone who uses "alt-right" on /pol/ today is immediately called out as either a redditor or a shill. Now assuming we are talking about the previous definition then the alt-right doesnt have a unified ideology except being pro western civilization, pro free speech and anti-political correctness.

You're LITERALLY bitching about big bad Antifa showing up at your white supremacist marches, claiming to be oppressed. The cognitive dissonance is fucking astounding with you Trump retards.

is Phoenix's Joker nazbol?

Wow that's great

Why only 90? Are you that poor? Bootlicking faggot.

You can't play terrorist and then say you're helping black people and fighting against nazis you delusional mentally ill anqueefa scum

>anything i dont like is hitler
This is why nobody like your terrorist organization, discord tranny.

You literally did say that. Because segregation and sterilization is free speech per the Supreme Court. BTFO

>What firebombings?
Do you even read the news? Or do you just watch CNN propaganda?

Attached: antifa terrorism firebombing.png (524x906, 393K)

naive. extremes are necessary to combat other extremes. The good periods are those where extremes are unnecessary.

>oh shit, he caught my lie about firebombings! Uh...uhhhh...ANQUEEFA! Yeah, that'll show him.

Ahahahaha! kek
so sad

>f-fucking white supremacists

Attached: antifa.jpg (773x717, 107K)

Good attempt but wrong

Alt-right referred initially to the right-wing movements and ideas excluded from the Republican party that got a new lease on life with the Trump campaign breaking and discrediting the party's orthodox ideas. Spencer then yes did claim it and drive it directly into the ground.

Cognitive Dissonance is anqueefa doing the ruling class dirty work and pretending they represent some kind of counter-culture when in reality they're weak brainwashed boot licking conformist

>What firebombings?
Have your programming come a point where you can no longer see reality, NPC?

>script leaked
>people still think it's gonna b gud

Attached: the joker.png (660x785, 32K)

What is the compromise between someone wanting to kill you and someone wanting you to live? Serious question. Also you are using the appeal to moderation fallacy which is the opposite of the false dichotomy. There is such thing as true/false statements in the world where there is no third option.

Attached: commie tards.png (737x560, 39K)

>pepe must be flattered
don't tell me these fags believe in kek meme magic frog god and want him on their side?

>A-anqueefa dindu nuffin, we wuz gud bois ;_;
Literal nigger

Have a day off you schizo. Your life must be so miserable with you having to tribalize everything fucking thing.

If it's a shit film, it's a shit film. I don't give a fuck. What I'm critic is the constant need by spastics on this website to be unable to judge something on it's on intrinsic qualities and instead boil shit down to

>Agreed with my political views? BASED, KINO, GOAT!!!!!!
>Disagrees with my political views? SHIT, DILATE

Actually develop a personality you cumrag.

That guy wasn't Antifa. Original reports thought he was trying to burn down the facility in order to kill the detainees inside.

>Antifa shills ITT still haven't responded to being exposed

James Fields running over a women by accident is retaliating tenfold?

Alt-right is a simple term to mirror alt-left. Obviously things aren't as black and white as nazies and commies. My point was that extremist belief systems are flawed and unnecessary. I don't give a fuck if you call it alt-right, /pol/ or whatever other umbrella term you want.
> being pro western civilization, pro free speech and anti-political correctness.
That would be nice if those were the only things """"alt-right""""" stood for in the modern world, but I'm not so sure anymore. Aren't you leaving out "kill X race"?

Since anqueefa has already set the precedent, wouldn't it be fun to lob some Molotov cocktails at these faggots?

It was the entire organization. That's only one incident. There are many more. I'll keep posting them. Denying Antifa is a terror organization is the same as denying Al Qaeda was a terror organization.

Attached: antifa terror plot.png (669x803, 481K)

technology hasn't surpassed nazi scientists ike bauer but you tried

That's just what they tell you in order to keep their boot on your neck

back to your swingers club to watch your wife get fucked by black men

ITT: discord trannies try to justify left-wing terrorism and fail miserably.

Look at him, his weak ugly face reeks of anqueefa


Respond to me

>backing up 100 feet, and then gunning your car into a crowd of protestors is an "accident"

Clown niggers btfo

The reviews are in, bud. It's a masterpiece


>antifa gangs regularly rage through u.s. cities often targeting republicans, convervatives, christians...

lmao imagine being this retarded

People who associate with antifa deserve worse.

>The good periods are those where extremes are unnecessary
We are living in a society (get it haha) that allows for good times currently. The question is how to get either side to stop pointing the finger at this point.
Why do you close your eyes to the numerous race shootings committed on the behalf of an extremist belief system that a lot of the alt-right agree with? Do we really need to delve into specifics here?

>Masked mob with blunt objects attack your car
>You're not allowed to accelerate
So this is the power of cult marxism

Dude the denial and deliberate ignorance isn't working. Kys antifa weakling.

>they're a counter protest. If negro advocacy groups disappeared tomorrow, the KKK would cease to exist
You do realize that "that counter protestors" can still engage in political violence and thus be classified as enemies of civilized society? Just because Adam Lanza wasnt a terrorist doesnt make him a goodboi

>being a corporate bootlicker

So it wasn't an accident then?

Imagine not believing it.

>Anqueefa is gud bois who dindu nuffin
Nobody is buying your retarded narrative anymore nigger, not when there is video evidence

ikr? Attacking people because of their religion or political belief is pretty retarded.

The accident was crashing into cars stuck in traffic and only killing one (indirectly). By the look of it he planned to drive through the crowd like those videos where protesters are blocking the street. If he was able to do more damage he would be based but he half-assed it so fuck him.

How do you not know about any of this stuff that's been happening? Does your news source not report the news?

Attached: antifa bike lock.png (801x637, 724K)

The only accident is the lardass anqueefa cunt couldn't stop eating blocks of cheese and take the stairs once in a while, fat commie bitch wasn't even touched by the car

And thats a good thing

>the lefties love it
Duh,they are members of a society.

"Clownworld" was originally an irony bros thing that's been around for years, it's only now recently started getting super popular (probably cause of Murdoch Murdoch using it more)

>poofta faggot aids man wasn't antifa
haha okay

Anyone else looking at the triggered restera trannys

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Imagine taking what your obese African sociology professor says seriously

Yes. Germany was the pinnacle of human technology and capability during that time, largely due to the ongoing war that more or less necessitated that. But the point is, we are no longer in war. All of the current advancements can be used to better humanity as a whole, not just some part of it. But people never wanted that deep down. We're the only species to purposefully lust for genocide and otherwise preventable damage.

>Block streets without permit and attack pedestrian vehicles with blunt objects
>Waaaaaa why are cars coming at me waaaaaaaaa ;_;
Anqueefa are literal retards

>still watching cable news

>nazis were white supremacists
holy fuck, imagine having this much of a lack of historical knowledge.

>Joker is now a nazi
As said before, the progressive definition of nazi or alt-right is quite literally "anything I don't like".

Cult marxist are mentally ill

>lefties actually NEED to group up to reach our levels of random shitposting

Attached: Blinds laughing.png (1464x1500, 1.04M)

>My way was blocked, therefore I have the right to murder anyone who blocked it, because my car is more important than human lives
Interesting priorities there

Do you know how easy it would be for a radicalized right-wing to start retaliating brutally and get away with it?

All you would need is a two-man team, a scoped semi-auto rifle and a pick-up truck. Guy one lays down in a covered truck tail with a sandbag to support his aim, unloads a 30 round magazine into a crowd from 1/4 mile away, pulls up the tailgate and the other drives the speed limit to their safehouse in a rural area.

someone help me understand this. is joker in this movie a good guy or bad guy. i dont know who is jewing who anymore.

Anqueefas terrorism is all over youtube, but it's funny how major news networks claim they're gud bois who dindu nuffin, the boot licking commie conformist cowards are protected by the corporate ruling class

you literally made that up

>systematic genocide of non whites
so... leftism?

>Threaten individuals life and property with weapons
>Don't expect them to accelerate
Anqueefa retards stab you in the back then cry victim

not what the thread is about. stop trying to derail, tranny freak

>muh poly ticks
fuck you weak willed man children. welcome to the real world. EVERYTHING is politics and you're a pathetic babby for attempting to run from it.

Everything is politics to you because you have nothing else in your life dumbass. Do you even have any political ideals apart from "left bad right good?"

Do you plan on complaining about this thread ? Or is it fine since it's the narrative you want, capeshit shill?

how is that tranny? it just doesnt make sense. if the rumor going around is true of how this is leftist in the sense of trump derangement syndrome how can joker be seen as a "bad" guy but everything that comes up about his character says he is evil, criminal, etc. all i get out from it is that evil is good now and not just wanting the "bad" guy to win.

Attached: tenor.gif (498x395, 1.98M)

>nooooo nooooo stop with the polyticks and let me just enjoy my hermetically sealed manbaby interests

Cable news like CNN and other bias liberal media? Ohhh ok.

>nobody got firebombed
>Nobody proved shooter's actual intent or affiliations
>hurrrr dileight dizcorddde

Attached: muffled autistic screeching.jpg (184x265, 19K)

It's fucking glorious because there is a lot of reeeing about this suppossedly being Incel: The Movie, a rare case of both sides in this retarded popculture war.


honk honk

didn’t some antifa faggot seriously hurt a kid at an event for saying the national anthem?

Well shill?

My god, I'm not that guy you fucking psycho and i haven't watched a superhero movie in the theaters in at least 3 years. It's far from the narrative I want because there's still rampant talk about political leanings. If I had my way every thread would be discussion of film and TV and all memeing would be dedicated to one terrible board called reddit

I don't know what you mean by the or if you're implying I watch superhero movies. Either way the fact that you have to project that much and think it's insulting is retarded.

>peacefully assemble with permits
>gets harassed and assaulted ("persecuted") by Antifa
>fight back and generally kick Antifa's ass, but not all the time

>all the lefties love it
Just wait.

Just wait one fucking week after the opening. Screencap this.

Imagine actually believing in dialectical materialism.
Imagine thinking workers taking over the means of production will actually benefit them in any way.
Imagine being dumb enough to be a marxist.

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Good attempt but wrong.

Alt-right was supposed to be a moniker Gav pulled out of his McAnnus to describe hipster fascists like he and Milo etc. who wanted to be cool and cutting edge and rock and roll celebs and still hold a backwards 1950s world view.

Turned out no one wants you at their parties or on their network when you are a whining degenerate cunt.

Gav was almost as triggered at losing "alt-right" to 600lb mouthbreathing shitkickers with tiki torches as he is by hate has no home here signs haunting him in his dreams because all his neighbours know he is lowlife scum and post the signs everywhere.

Attached: (you) irl.png (500x899, 233K)

So your a radical centrist who refuses to engage with different points of view? Isn't that a little close minded? And no, im not talking about engaging with nihilist or postmodernist tautology. I can show you scientific evidence that demonstrates that IQ is mostly hereditary and variable amongst the different races, I can show you statistics that show that traditional gender roles maximize happiness and stable families, and of course the statistics that show that two parent households result in child behavior that is vastly superior to single parent households.Protip: Accepting the link between race and iq, doesnt mean you have to be a brainlet who goes around claiming that blacks are subhumans.

reported to the FBI

Why do you think workers taking over the means of production will benefit them, when in reality it would only cause suffering?

Wait for what faggot? You gonna go shoot up a theater to prove a point? Lmao. I bet all of those idiots feel super proud of themselves now that they're in jail getting fucked by Tyrone.
>b-but at least /pol/ respects me and makes memes!!

Gavin's pretty cool though. I like his new youtube videos.

Paul Gottfried was the first to use it incel.

fuck off chapoid

the only reason cucks like you tell people not to make things political is because they make things political in a way you don't like



No, idiot. Just wait for the mass adoption by /pol/folks and alike.

>Your ancestors are ashamed of the traitors to the west that you are.
The people who fought the nazis WERE LITERALLY WHITE NATIONALISTS!!!!

Yes that's indeed what centrist believe because there aren't times where they pick a side instead of another. Centrist also believe that in abortion half of the baby is aborted.

The centrist just slaps group A and B and tells them to stop being retards.

I simply stated objective facts. I never proscribed how individuals or society should react to those facts. Depends on how you define prejudice. I think that we should react logically to the objective reality we live in, otherwise we invite policies that either dont address societal problems or make them worse. I believe in legal and political equality because individuals should be able to maximize their self interest without he interference of the state or other groups attempting to infringe their rights. However I absolutely do not believe in social egalitarianism. I would not behave as if women are as strong as men otherwise I would be putting women in danger. Likewise with single parent households and young women being preyed upon by pickup artists. I shouldn't try to equalize crime statistics because those are biological and attempts to equalize them do nothing to address the underlying cause.

>I can show you scientific evidence that demonstrates that IQ is mostly hereditary and variable amongst the different races
Just because a certain race is inferior doesn't mean you need to wipe it off though. Do you go around killing animals just because they're below you on the food chain? No. You do it in order to eat. You don't need human meat to survive.
>I can show you statistics that show that traditional gender roles maximize happiness and stable families
My preferred status quo is that of traditional gender roles, but I also know I can't take out the gay out of a homosexual. They've existed for thousands of years and they won't disappear anytime soon. As long as they don't push their sexuality as the answer, and as anything that is superior to the status quo, I don't see an issue. I do see an issue with it being celebrated and shoved down people's faces, but there isn't much I can do about it, and it doesn't bother me to the point where I seek to actively destroy homosexuals.
The classic gender roles are largely ingrained in our species' DNA, so I wouldn't worry about straight people ever disappearing.
> Accepting the link between race and iq, doesnt mean you have to be a brainlet who goes around claiming that blacks are subhumans.
True, but a lot of people do not only that, but seek genocide. Not just with blacks, but any other race you can think of.
I say judge the individual, not the fucking race or religion.

Look man, I understand what you want to achieve. But egalitarianism is the same utopian idealism that communism is (egalitarian policy is enforced by barrel of the governments gun, obviously less bodies tho). People associate with like people in order to form social bonds that are stronger than the individual. These are called tribes. Now if tribes are unwilling to interact with other tribes that can lead them to stagnate. But there are tribes who believe in subjugating other tribes by force. How can an enlightened individual resist their force of arms? Therefore it is best to form a voluntary collective of individuals who believe in free expression and then stake out a piece of land and defend your ideals from enemies foreign and domestic.

Imagine being an angry 12 year old who has never strayed far from the basement who thinks posting "anqueefa" 257 times in a Joker thread is witty and cutting.

Imagine the irony of constantly posting queef like aveteran when you have never heard a queef with your own ears or caused one to happen, and probably never will.

Look at your world.

Attached: anger.jpg (400x465, 29K)

Keep thinking that, if you want a political discussion I'll tell you that I'm a libertarian because partisan politics has ran me ragged. I hate the libertarian party but it's the closest towards what I agree with. Not everything is politics though, again you just view it in that light because you're life is not fulfilling if you think that behaving this way is rational. I enjoy political discussion but not when it's coming from some mongaloid that doesn't listen to anything and insists upon their own way. It honestly seems like you're forcing this on yourself

>Just because a certain race is inferior doesn't mean you need to wipe it off though
Virtually no white nationalists, racial realists etc actually believe this. We just want peaceful separation. It's clearly more peaceful than the current system where we are all forced together and hate each other.
Get this left wing headcanon out of your head.

>but seek genocide.
Very very few people on /pol/ unironically want genocide.
Come on user you're insane.

Sure I guess I should have included anit-illegal immigration, but i dont see how my definition differs from yours. All of things i said are excluded by the neo-con establishment

>not being a based Hoppe chad

Attached: 1491805384922.jpg (373x373, 25K)

the only shootings that were alt right were the christ church shooting and POSSIBLY the el paso shooting. El Paso was an environmental extremist who hated immigrants for poisoning the environment. This isnt systematic. I dont use lone wolf attacks as evidence for the left or for the right i look for group violence.

politics is meaningless to you and nothing more than a hobby, you believe in a meme ideology like libertarianism and only half assedly because you're wholly insulated from the perils of the world and in all likelihood live in a sheltered all white upper middle class suburb

So you have a choice. Do Proudboys believe "kill X race"? Or are Proudboys not alt-right. You can only pick one. Also for your information literal ethnonationalists dont believe in "kill X race" they believe in "I want a country with only X race". This include blacks and jews.

Sure. Believe what you want, or rather what you have to get you to sleep at night. Maybe you can tell me the political component to buying shoes at the mall?

Don't make the mistake that just because you're reasonable means everyone else on your "team" is too. Otherwise, I agree with your statement about separation, if there is no possible coexistence between X and Y, and you can make a solid argument that there really isn't, so there's that.
>Therefore it is best to form a voluntary collective of individuals who believe in free expression and then stake out a piece of land and defend your ideals from enemies foreign and domestic.
I find that scenario unrealistic to achieve, but then again, neither is peace, so whatever works best to ease the tension, do that. All I'm really against is waging wars in any capacity. Not because it's not easy, or even desirable to do. I have a killer instinct myself. Most of us do. But it's just stupid and unfair to future generations.
Ideally, we find an answer to all of these human issues as an intelligent species.

It was initially a term of self-identification, not a label by political opponents


Also please tell me what you identify as

I identify as trans

>guy who was an active Antifa member and anarchocommunist who hates police and ICE shot up a detention center in order to kill the immigrants or for no reason
The level of cope is astounding

There comes a point where it's hard to separate memes from reality, when I see posts calling for the death of said race or sexuality on a regular basis. And I get that it's shitposting and fun to do, but when Christchurch happenings start popping up, you start questioning how much of it really is a meme.
Then the other side feels the need to retaliate, and you go into a vicious cycle that gets increasingly serious. But look, you reap what you sow. Whatever.

So here's the funny thing friend. Ethnonationalists and /pol/ do not advocate for the elimination of any race. More importantly because of the beliefs you just describe that makes you "alt-right". Not just to the "alt-left" but to the moderate left and the neconservatives. If you want proof just post what you said on a forum for moderate lefties or neocons.