Tell me how you feel about this guy

Tell me how you feel about this guy.

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ain't that a kick in the head

How many gorillameters tall do you think he is?

>Tell me how you feel about this guy.
Very little

i want to rape his daughter

About three planck lengths.

Warwick Davis is taking off

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God, imagine strapping him to one of those and just going to town.

What happens if the battery runs out while he's on the way to town user


>re-casting Leprechaun
what a fucking tragic mistake, I sincerely hope everyone involved in that error is slowly tortured to death, and no I didn't even watch the goddamn movie


Personally I don't think too highly of him.
He always seemed a little short sighted to me

Should've said
>he never seemed like a big picture guy
you're not gonna make it user


Always thought him to be a little weird.

Who could stoop so low as to belittle the guy.

He’s scum for fathering children knowing they’d be midgoid freaks riddled with health problems

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gay retard

what freak show jesus

wonder if he ever got his stolen caravan back ?

I want to steal his pot of gold.

His daughters an actress on bbc shows now. Clear nepotism

I just want to run about 30 feet into a massive kick to his tiny midge balls so it lifts him off the ground. What a beautiful high pitched squeal he'd let out.
I wonder how many he could take before he passed out. Or before my foot sliced him in half. What a lovely thought.

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Thanks for that Karl lol

they look like a funhouse mirror reflection of a normal family

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shes the right height for blowies

Can they survive in the wilderness on their own?

Warwick Davis, here pictured hurling a proton


actually that's an electron
warwick is of negligable size and mass compared to something as large as a proton

yo this guy is SMALL wtf