"I've been single for 10 years, it's not a long shot," Theron told "Entertainment Tonight...

>"I've been single for 10 years, it's not a long shot," Theron told "Entertainment Tonight." "Somebody just needs to grow a pair and step up. I'm shockingly available."

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Other urls found in this thread:


>I need a new keeper for my pet tranny faggot niggers

That's fine, but what kinda guys is she into?

That's not her

Seriously. This makes her like the most undesirable woman out there.

Yep, men should be mind readers. Also why wont you do it yourself? Are you not a powerful woman in todays society?

not as undesirable as your pathetic incel ass

yeah who doesnt want to marry a post-wall roastie with like 5 adopted foreigner babies? what a catch!

Who hurt you, sweaty?

she blew her daddies head off with a shotgun , hates men

Lol what a fuckin loser.

>I've been single for 10 years
There's a reason for that, she must be a miserable twat.

Actually, she's definitely more undesirable lol Incels can stop being incels, she's gotta keep that black tranny around

That's not charlize

who is she tho

Dating coalburners is not on the menu for me.

Fuck the sense of entitlement women have.

shes literally a femcel

I got you Charlize

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Back off dude she is with me

>want to find out who she is
>use google image reverse
>only find this

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What she’s doing to her son is unironically cruel though. Single mothers are a cancer to society, they destroy a boy’s development.

>incels can stop being incels

lol yeah and i'm the queen of england

*grabs you by the throat*
Back the fuck off?!?!?

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P-please don't make me hurt you *cough*

i think he's desirable

bitch needs to check her twitter DM's. I done told her I'm available if shes down to FUCK

>status: toll paid.

Maybe if he cut his hair, didn't wear clothes from the 70's, and lost some weight so he loses the double chin, and didn't go on fucking tinder, he would have better luck.

*unsheathes katana*

>be niglet
>life is starvation and suffering in some civil war zone or another
>get adopted by rich American celebrity
>sheeeeit, we living big now
>she makes you wear a dress and start taking estrogen
>now this is a story all about how my cock got split, turned inside out now just take a minute and sit right there I’ll tell you how I became the tranny prince of bel-air

What man in his right mind wouldn't jump at the chance to date a middle-aged woman with a gaggle of transgender African kids? Shockingly, all of them.

>not trans Prince of bel air
You're not gonna make it user

no? she can have all the sex she wants, learn what words mean

SHES A PRIZE!! just ask te entitled bitch. boo hoo her daddy fucked her, WAAAAAAAH

>grow a pair


No seriously who is the girl in OPs pic

No. No. Fuck you. Take care of your own damn fucking self

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Fuck Charlize, who's is that qt?

All he needs to do is lose the weight, but keep the style, then he could slay art hoes.

Double trips speaks the truth
Beard, haircut. Clothes. Bam

And after all of that, maybe being himself would be good for him too.

*Queen and *United Kingdom, your Majesty.

>Im so high maintenance, literally no man can stand being around me after they roll off my used-up thot husk

based thot husk poster

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this so much

Not the person you replied to, but art hoes would never go out with someone with such a shitty sense of fashion. In no world would that be a good style. If he's so worried about not getting girls he should put some effort. It's not just his hair.

Anyone who would willingly fuck Sean Penn is insane and a slut. Pass.

>please love me women I’m a nice guy
>eww virgin incels go away we don’t owe you sex
>please love me men im shockingly available

Who is this?

My time has arrived.

>I'm shockingly available
You were until stealing an African and making it trans
The whole "parents murdering each other in front of me as a kid" damaged goods thing isn't helping

Gonna need sauce

yandex, tineye and google image give nothing

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bet its a swimwear model

>if you can't handle me on my worst, you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best!

>Somebody just needs to grow a pair
LMAO what a dumb piece of shit whore. She actually thinks men are "afraid" of her because she's famous. Why are women so fucking infuriatingly stupid?


my dick is disappointed.

her vagene smells off

>44 years old

Holy shit no thanks, man can you imagine how used up that roastbeef pussy must be?

Interesting story I own 2 onaholes.
One is tight designer thing modelled after what is most pleasuring for the penis.
The other onahole is modelled after a real pussy, guess what, the real pussy one fucking sucks.

I would licker pusy desu

Is this the bitch that literally kidnapped a boy from africa so she could mutilate him?

this desu

That nipple...

Who is this????

yes , they all like little black pets

>date a woman with like 5 niglets
>all bought and paid for, not even her own
>south african to boot
yeah I'm not touching that shit even with a ten foot pole

She's has TWO adopted black kids, one of which is already trans.
She's 44 years old.

She's still very attractive and she's rich, but it's not nearly enough to step into that fucking situation. Like 90 percent of posting here is people pretending they wouldn't date someone they obviously would in an instant, but given her age and, uh, family situation, I am being completely honest when I say I would not date her and would not want a relationship with her and would run away from it as fast as possible.

She looks great for her age, but she don't have long left. And shes too old to have her own kids now. I can't think of any possible scenario where I would accept raising two black kids who are not mine. Nothing would make me do that. You would have to be deranged.

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they will be banging her when older like angelina

Great teeth though

He's right tho.

I think people infer her character from the choices she applied to her children. If you disregard the race thing, just because the boy says he's now a girl and she indulges it shows she doesn't have a good instinct for raising kids.

this last bit

How would Bam help? Guy's a fucking mess.

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He would teach her to be a earth rocker.

>"I'm shockingly available to Chads only."*

this desu but you could replace the "black kids" with just "kids"

if they were legit slaves and she just wanted to be a slaveowner it would be one thing, but shes just utterly batshit insane.
they could open a skatepark in iceland for her trained monkeys to SK8 at.

who is this fitbit ?

the trick is not to be yourself

All she wants is a 'nice guy' so she can dump her kids on him while she goes back to making movies and fucking Chads.

Somebody just needs to grow a pair and learn how to google

Yeah. It just makes it even worse that they are black trannies. I mean it's no deal from the start, the extras just make it a nuclear no.

>"black kids" with just "kids"
not op but it matters as she adopted them just to fuck them up in this way, saved from africa just to be a feminists lab rat

>if they were legit slaves and she just wanted to be a slaveowner it would be one thing
my fecking sides

I also think he's desirable:

>random stinky user is more desirable than Atomic Blonde

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Charlize is one of the top 3 or 5 most beautiful women ever. She's a 10/10. However she much like Jolie and other rich white women have shitskin kids or bug babies. It's a huge red flag and turn off for anyone with decent test.

Word is shes a grade A cunt irl. I rarely use that word, so realize I’m using it for a reason here.
She supposedly nearly impossible to work with and why she was thrown off the Fast and Furious series. Even a nice dude like Seth Rogen, who hangs out with annoying people like James Franco, cant stand her.

Well okay, if you insist.

if you read above shes not there you fucking retard

Someone who wants to raise the black boys she adopted from africa and dresses like girls.

she IS a nasty cunt irl

I'd date her to gain her trust and discover the truth about how she murdered her father.

when picking her black pets why did she not just get gurls

Isn't there a rumor that she's an abusive adopted mom and life at her home is terrifying and depressing

her mother wanted a divorce and they lured him to their farm an said he attacked them , so she hid an shot him in the head

Its an open fact she has grown tired of them an never sees them

Would fuck her.

Everyone fucks her, theyre just not dumb enough to stick around afterwards.

Emcels truly are more miserable than even the lowest of incels... and that's a good thing!

who would ?

No one wants to deal with the nigglets she makes wear dresses

>adopts two niggers
>one of her niggers turn into tranny
>single for 10 years
of course she's a grade A cunt, anyone can see this from a distance between continents.

This makes me feel better about being single for a decade

Probably because women don't feel mother instincts unless it's their own biological child, this bitch just did it for praise, that's all.

I've only been single for 1 year. So no, she is literally more pathetic than me.

Not as many virtue points.

John McCain is looking pretty good for a dead man.

Single for 10 years doesn't mean she hasn't had a bunch of sex though

they joke she is pissed cos she never kept the receipt

>bitch just did it for praise
Isn't she legally responsible for them until they are considered adults by law? If she just wanted praise then why not just make a big donation to some orphanage in Africa? Why go to the extent of involving them in your personal everyday life?

Her handler probably made her to do it in order for her to stay relevant.

Okay well I regularly have sex with an actual woman that I love and care for and her pussy is fucking awesome

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I couldn't even handle my ex gf and her white kid after. Year. As if anyone would want a negro step child.

>I regularly have sex with an actual woman that I love and care for and her pussy is fucking awesome

what a fag

You'd be surprised how tighter women get as they get older.

44 isn't old for pussy. They're bodies are still that which they had in their early 30s. Granted they're still somewhat fit and not fat.

Literally none of this is true.

user, celebs don't actually raise their kids. It's usually done by nanny services.

>I've been single for billions of years.

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Even Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively?

>because they are too...
What did he say afterwards? Im guessing the next word is "redpilled"

bollocks shoooo bitch

Thats just clapping tho. Also not very cute.

I ain't telling you shit, you retard phoneposter

wut? 10/10 maybe 20 years ago

shes just another slut

Obviously, actors are always traveling and working long hours for movies. They have no time for children. It’s why all children of Hollywood parents end up being failures. They were neglected by their biological parents and never attached to them porbabky


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keks my sides

so who

What about Mr Smith's family? He seemed pretty involved or gave that impression

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what both are openly gay an the ivf kids despise them

Isnt his kid a turbofaggot?

looks like timothy spall


Teeth protruding standing in front of camera, very disrespectful

Tims moar handsome


use Yandex next time, stupid
>Faith Busby
she has no personal page, just a Twitter

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yeah thats why his kids are not total failures but literally mentally ill instead

>t. middle aged, delusional former thot

No need to be a Rude shitbag but thanks

I'm fucking married. My wife's body is not the same at 37 as it was at 23

Shut the fuck up already

I’m keeping this one and posting it in the next Theron bait thread.

Quaddubs confirm. Fuck old women, fuck foreigners and specially fuck the blacks.

Not everyone's a fat fuck couple like you user you greasy piss stain.

I only have options for Google and iqdb listed here. What kind of Yea Forums are you using?


here bitch

being this triggered Cope kiddo

I'd have gotten with her 10 years ago, before she went insane.

No thanks, Vlad.

Puzzy tightness directly correlates to the strength of the muscles in the area. Unless they're underaged, a girl who does kegels or works out in general will always be tighter regardless of age or use.

GTFO you fucking virgin



A 40 year old who exercises will be tighter than a 20 year old who's never done an ab crunch in her life.

Why don't you want to help me raise my sons user?

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If that was true then why Leo doesn't fuck anything older than 25?

you can tell by the disappointment in her face

Because older women still have shitloads of baggage.

Find a 20 year old qt who exercises regularly, user.

and she will grow old and wrinkly and then you dont look so smug anymore.

what are the chances tho?
probably really fucking low
they just look tight because of clothing, keeps all the nasty shit compressed and hidden from the eye. then when you see them naked it dawns on you, you have been tricked.

disgustiung saggy old shit

it doesnt its fucking random and you can bet there is more loose pussy than tight pussay

>durr it's random

Says the roastie, attempting to justify not having to take care of her body.

>adopted black sons

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stop shitposting love
its in her eyes how much she hates the niglets


that utter shame and sadness , bet she wished she had released a sex tape instead lol

>he doesn't know

her daddies awaiting her

no I mean its random for you, you only find out when your dick is already inside.

quads checksum


Why is Trumpspeak so hilarious, I just can't lmao

ok Bill

So when is she chopping his dick?

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she will cook it an feed him it

damn, this nigga just got real for a second

women suck god I hate them

time has not been kind

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jaida and him molested the shit out of those kids.

let's see your mug then

Being mean on the internets won't score you a husband, Charlize.

I wanna sniff and lick her anus while she gives me a blowjob

But seriously, where is this from?

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lies. her shit looks like it went 99 rounds with a boxing kangaroo by 40

years old

I'll pass.

killing your daddy in the farm barn does that

>obviously joking statement, she has a nice sense of humor
>beta incels get angry every time
And this is why they're incels

but your her adopted black pet

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Thats actually right, met my woman in the north on a hunting trip, approached her and she liked me, took a while to get over.

trying this much

didn't matter at the time. doesn't matter now. if they were girls she would have dressed them as boys. having tranny kids is in with the hollywood mother cabal it just so happens theron has no biological children to mentally torture into being a tranny

Stop posting pictures of me.

thats hell spawn fag

still pretty attractive

this is the female equivalent of "I'm a nice guy and I deserve a girlfriend for being nice"
... except I don't know what her selling point is. what makes her worth dating?

ok peppa pig

money. thats it. just money.


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Can you get that by just dating her?

Imagine being a rich female celebrity and having a hard time finding a husband. Life on fucking easy mode and she still bitches.

Pussies dry up after their 30s and the texture of the vagina skin changes.
Biologically the pussy completely changes after the late 30s. The elasticity loses up
Any doctor will tell you this.

single for 10 years probably because she's an insufferable cunt

Didn't she immediately go back on this after loads of normal guys started asking her out and she got all pissy about it?

Not true, her instagram is @matchmaker.usa

no, you need to get your hooks into her by marriage and have a good lawyer/prenup
probably, I got blocked by her for offering to marry her, to save her from her lonely spinsterhood

She doesn't have a hard time finding a male that would be willing to marry her. I bet she is having a hard time with finding a male that she thinks he's worth of her pussy that would also be interested in her.

What did she say?

longshot? seeing as its seth rog doing her

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or finding one she can live off of, without spending her own money.

shes shockingly Desperate now , ALL womin get like this

not my fault you're retarded

It was in some shit gossip site interview where she mentions fans dropping messages asking her out, only she goes on to mention she's putting dating on pause again to shoot movies and stuff. tl;dr this cunt is single because she always puts work before personal life and wonders why no man wants that.

Just know you would end up with the black freak pets

>this is the female equivalent of "I'm a nice guy and I deserve a girlfriend for being nice"
... except I don't know what her selling point is. what makes her worth dating?

No because nice guys cant just lower their standards and find pussy.
Even ugly fat women wanta chad guy.
Its not like nice guys are ignoring women intetested in them.

Charlize can find a guy tomorrow

being this much a basement sperg stalker here

who's not where? Are you asking for the source of this webm? because it just took me literally two seconds to find it on google

Its not work she doesnt like being around the niglet freaks an the Paps know this , she changed her management due to this

just WHERE do you think you are, some kind of fucking KINO museum where the brappers glee in your face?

and off to the dog fighting pits they went.

Epitome of Hollywood parents.

let retards sperg if they're too fucking retarded to type in the google Charlize Theron wants to get fucked from behind

Fat Harvey Weinstein

samefag please stop bleating like a newfag ok no one is that high off the spectrum than you Timmy

Why doesn't she just quietly get rid of them?

OP is Not Charlize Theron, why do you write like so?

>OP is Not Charlize Theron
How do you know that she isn't?

Imagine how fucking mad/fucked up would those lil black freaks be , I betting on them m8

trips let it go , you better than basement guy

with loads of shit lets

Desirable and Marriageable are two different things. The only guys who would put a ring on her are the ones she would say no to. Therefore she will never find a man, despite her looks and her money.

OP could be, and the point still stands

That's a dope post my friend

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dem eyes

Black shota boys

This. Also don't forget he must make more money than her even though she is a big name actress. Also taller than her, she's 5'10". Also can't be ugly.

She Cannot she stuck with them the paps are on her , she hates the little shits , an Everyone in the Biz knows, she is playing the poor martyr me all alone card cos I did a good thing , any good gossip site will tell you this , +shes a nasty entitled aggressive cunt on sets /to work with .

>1 outta 2 right
u mad?

This women is demented. Fuck but not marry.

she looks like Luv from BladeRunner

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shes from Africa so black people I guess

Should makeup be banned?

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She's just like me!

she boer so wont race mix but hates herself for it

I would sue for fraud

seething mad

nigger there'd be thousands if not millions if not billions lining up. The reason any attractive woman is single is because she's not allowing people to approach her.

why would anyone sane want to marry a woman who is like 50 and has adopted a bunch of niggers?

then again there are a lot of cucks out there so I'm surprised one of them wouldn't go for her.

Cuter on the left

Shes rich,
Why doesnt she hire nannies? Hire 10 nannies. What the fuck this bitch could have live in nannies 24/7

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>I am shockingly available

That line says all you need to know.

she farms them out all week but has to do pap pics or they know she hates the scum

>girls beaten with a bat looks cute.
They both look like shit, but at least the right one tries to look white which is the more widely acceptable as a beauty standard in white countries.
Maybe living in a Scandinavian country has jaded me and I am just used to most girls being pretty.

Didn't this thread happen already in March 2017? Once is enough. Just read the damn archives like Chad do.

this guy has unironically been single for 10 years and thinks white knighting some roastie online will get him laid

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its makeup and lighting but megyn looks way fresher. charlize just looks like her eggs are cooked. if you like bitch face and divorcee vibe then go for it

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Adopting when you're not in a relationship is especially retarded.
It's actually genuinely low IQ, like an 90 iq move if you don't specifically want to die alone.

She's famous and attracitve, so there'll be guys showing up, but it's gonna be way harder, and way fewer guys who want to give it a shot.

>Life on fucking easy mode
She increased the difficulty a fuckton by adopting.

Not good, but better.

>She increased the difficulty a fuckton by adopting niglet freaks

whoever that is, isn’t single. op you ignorant slut

>adopting little male niggers and then preventing them to reproduce by making them trannies.
She´s pretty based, i`d totally marry her and help her castrate niggers. I feel the love...


you gotta fuck them on a sauna/shower/bath, thats how you evaluate wisely.

Well she looks like she _____ _____ ____

she hates men killed daddy when 12 with a shotgun . Hollywood still know what she is , very all sweetness an light at film signing , then turns into a proper cunt on shoots

Having for-real "trans kids" is child abuse. Let your kids do what they want, let them play dress-up and explore their identity etc. But giving your kids hormone therapy? No fucking way. The idea that they're following their children's wishes is an outright lie. They are coercing their children further down the rabbit hole because of some trifling comment the child made.

Becareful you have the trans fags plebbs here who will get you banned for common sense ,

Inb4 these was allowed , men dressed as women an , women same , but now jew doctors can mutilate you an disregard your mental health issues as sane thing cos the $$$/£££
Now we allow this to kids , it is a clown world , wait til 18 .
sorry will resume shit osting in a mo , as seen a few trans an hero cos their bodies an minds say NO .

EPIC clapback!!!

Don't listen to that fag, you are probably an ice guy.

kek what now tranny

>Also don't forget he must make more money than her
lolno Plenty of older women "date" younger men who are often penniless, especially rich older women.

why was this so funny to her

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He let a demonic spirit of scientology into his family