Yeah im thinking Capekino is back

Yeah im thinking Capekino is back

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Other urls found in this thread:

Anti white kino*

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critics are always seeing Drumpf everywhere

Watched the final trailer. Movie looks stupid as fuck. I don't know why you retards keep praising it like sheep.

Imagine being this cucked

> The Daily Beast

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Kino is back own the menu

they have to frame it this way, can't praise a film about a sympathetic white incel so they have to make it about trump

obamas legacy btfo

"rise up"

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ign just rated it a 10/10 masterpiece

haha wait oh my god i didn't realize it was a film about trump's base failing to re elect him

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This, it's all a matter of your personal ideology and world perception. Liberal film critics are gonna interpret it as Joker v Trump, while anons will interpret it as Joker v Jew. In the end, both parties think it's redpilling, and that's what matters.

>ign review having any kind of relevance

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>b-b-but this film isn’t left wing propaganda
Literally a movie about a poor jew killing good hard working rich white men.

The jew wins either way

Complaining about things you don't like is exactly the baby-like behavior he thinks he's critiquing. Why can't America pull their heads out off their asses for just 5 minutes.

>85 on metcritic
>all RT scores are 9 or 10/10
yeah im thinking DC are back


Joker is a jew and the people he's against are white

Kikes always win in the end, profiting off the frustration of each and every side of any conflict

>Joker is a jew
He's a Jew in the movie? He certainly doesn't seem like the stereotypical, successful-jew-in-the-entertainment-industry in the trailers.

>class warfare
>killing rich people
Sooo killing liberal whites that fuck us over and kikes? Seems based honestly

They got us, bros....

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His whole persona is not liking things to appear aloof and disaffected so who cares

>Potentially toxic
Oh god oh fuck
"As social commentary, Joker is pernicious garbage."

How could an adult man use words like that in a serious manner?

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Even though it's not the first time I see such an article, the fact that people get paid to write articles using words and phrases such as "incels" and "glorified edgelord" never fails to amaze me. America is such trash.

David had it out for this movie before he saw it. Honestly, I'm surprised that he gave it a C+.

No one told me Killjoys' showrunner was based and redpilled.

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based david calling out the plebs and j_ws

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It’s hilarious the how media managed to brainwash people into thinking that incels are some sort of threat to society. It’s an even bigger buzzword than fascist and Nazi

>Do you think Todd Phillips, who co-wrote and directed “Joker,” which references those movies so often you might suspect that the director of those films, Martin Scorsese, was enlisted as an executive producer here as a way of heading off a plagiarism lawsuit, really cares about income inequality, celebrity worship, and the lack of civility in contemporary society, three of the themes ostensibly tackled in this movie? I don’t know him personally but I bet he doesn’t give a toss. He’s got the pile he made on those “Hangover” movies—which some believe have indeed contributed to the lack of civility in etc.—and can not only buy up all the water that’s going to be denied us regular slobs after the big one hits, he can afford the bunker for after the big one hits.
That fucker is absolutely SEETHING

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>America is such trash.
Leave my country if you hate it so much.

>Leave my country
You belong to the country, not the other way around.

fucking inkwells

It seems that he hates Todd Phillips for making the Hangover movies more then he actually dislikes the movie.

Pretty based

Said the citizen of the country which tends to overstay its welcome in other countries...

>complains about not liking complaining about dislike

He's based on Andy Dick.

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Ebert and his handpicked critics are CORRECT always. Fucking spew your IGN LE EPIC 10/10 KINO somewhere lese like REDDIT. Fucking hangover director and phoenix aint making shit you stupid incels

>Liberal film critics are gonna interpret it as Joker v Trump, while anons will interpret it as Joker v Jew.
Just like "They Live".

Do you need to be hooked on xanax to actually understand this?

will he like it or not?

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It's relevant tho, it means normies will eat it.

how the fuck is calling people incels online all the time any different from cyber-bullying they so adamantly condemn?
these people have lost their common sense completely and have stopped thinking rationally, they can't handle the internet

What's wrong with white Americans?

Reminder the Mouse is THIS scared

spoiler tag you fuck

Any good Capeshit about Obamaian America ?

We should nuke America, only problem is it wouldn't be fair on the non whites living there who have did nothing wrong

>it's communist shit
Holy shit bros
it all fucking make sense now
>rise up
>gamers tend to be trannys
>trannys tend to be commies

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I'm from Buenos Aires and I say: kill them all.

>common sense
They are nomally anti-racist and anti-sexist but love to use the phrase "white men" antagonistically. The "white man" is the class of people you're allowed to hate without backlash. There was never authentic idealism involved here.

Yeah no, this aint the last Phoenix Joker movie, they will throw a truck full of money at him for more

Batman returns was about Batman stopping a Jew (penquin) from destroying his city on christmas

>implying Marx's critique isn't majorly accurate
You must be an ideologe to think working for the sake of amassing capital is a good system

he can choke to death on my dick if you know what i mean

did his mother's bf stub out a ciggy on this fags face?

now that's cringe

It's against white men. Liberals only care about destroying white men.

He doesn't adore the movie and sometimes go too long on why it could be a aspirational narrative, but it's the best review so far. Gives me a better idea of Joker than all the other vague pieces.

>Ebert and his handpicked critics are CORRECT always
Imagine being this wrong. Shit he even goes back on a lot of his takes later in life. Ebert had some really mild basic bitch opinions on groundbreaking movies way too often.

That doesn't even make sense considering I'm a U.S. citizen and you're a fake one.

David Ehrlich is one of the biggest plebs who writes about film today, user.


>muh incels
perhaps reddit is more your speed

LMAO this dipshit is defending Glenn Kenny as a reviewer? Never thought I’d see the day

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i want to watch joker and i still think this is based

>Class warfare
Does these liberals in hollywood not know if there is a class warfare, they being the %1, will be on the end of the poor man's stick?

I’m laughing because you’ll probably never seek therapy and will die prematurely still raging against the very functional and prosperous world around you, telling yourself with increasing desperation that the reason others are thriving and you’re a friendless, sexless NEET is bc of the Waltons

Nick Mullen is a cringelord immersed in pre-teenager humor and runs a podcast called “Cum Town” where he giggles over the most puerile gags imaginable; him calling literally anybody else childish is not only utterly toothless, it’s almost beyond belief

i know who nick mullen is, i still find the tweet funny

stop being so mad you baby

>I like tweenage humor but you’re the childish one!!1!
Swing and a miss