The Greatest Yea Forums show ending ever
This was the most contrite bullshit ever. For one the last season was terribly written and this heavy handed symbolism and the Shakespeare quote at the end. Jax Teller was no martyr. He was a criminal that even in his last act dragged a poor stranger into his own death (the truck driver).
Yeah, that's not The Shield. Or Six Feet Under. No other series has come even close to these two.
Mad Mens ending is in the conversation because it didn’t cause a mass whine fest like most shows do.
Generation Kill
Its the pleb choice, but I have to go with The Sopranos.
Sorry bro
>don't stop
>it literally stops
kino, if I may say. Infact, I repeat:
Not being terrible is not a sign of top quality neither.
but they're not worthy finishing them, so.....
We dug coal together.
>Not being worthy finishing them
>The Shield and Six Feet Under
I somethimes forget where I am.
Mad men is a girl show and if you enjoyed it you are probably a closeted gay
Goddamn Justified was underrated kino
Is the Shield any good?
I believe you.
>wedding music starts playing
If you're less than 10% faggy: yes.
If you're the "modern progressive" type avoid it like the pest.
Sopranos ending began the trend of edgy final-ep trolling that culminated with Game of Thrones.
Don't @ me.
Game of thrones didn’t troll it was just so poorly set up it seemed like it
Close, but no cigar
But it wasn’t terrible? The Coke commercial was the perfect ending to this character and series. Mad Men had a flawless execution damn near. Just because it’s a lot of interior dialogue with ad people in the 60s, people aren’t into the show. That’s crazy because it’s probably top ten all time in terms of quality writing, acting and set design. How can some people not tip their hat to it?
Reading comprehension is not your forte...
Nothing beats The Leftovers ending.