How much do you pay a month for TV?
How much do you pay a month for TV?
As a British person I pay for the BBC through my taxes
About a Jannies worth
i don't have a tv
i pirate all of my movies and television series
my internet bill is 60ish bucks a month, and that covers high speed internet, every tv show, movie, book, video game, porn, music album that i want. its a pretty good deal
so how much is your web?
I talked to my cable provider about their Four finger discount
based and pirate/notv pilled
>PlayStation Vue (Elite)
If I didn't use it at work so much, I probably wouldn't keep my sub. It's really convenient though.
Tv and internet bundle. 210 a month. Not inc netflix.
but don't the ISPs threaten you with legal stuff if you torrent hollywood movies??
mommy pays for everything thanks mom
33 NEET that lives with my parents, don't think about bills
do you enjoy receiving the BBC?
Nothing. I pirate everything I watch, so the internet is all I need, and that costs £9pm for 36Mb with unlimited bandwidth.
What the actual fuck?
t. Canuck
Suddenlink guy hooked me up for free when he installed our internet. I told him I don't watch tv and didn't want it but he did it anyhow.
YouTubeTV split with my friend.
I pay 35$ a year for PIA. So that's what I pay for all my TV and movies.
/tv is free to use, user.
2.5$ for 46 channels. They are mostly shit, no Euronews but i have 2x2, our kind of Adult Swim.
50 dollar
Blazing fast internet, cable, all premium channels, Netflix, Prime TV, and more for $40 a month since I work at Comcast.
Absolutely nothing. I get free cable, free Netflix and free Hulu.
Oh, and Internet is 5$ for 100Mb/s. Stream and torrent everything.
$5/month for ProtonVPN
I pay 64 bucks for cable and internet
I dont watch tv though
People in the UK still have black and white tvs?
I ask myself the exact same question every month.
>owning a tv