Is it good?

Is it good?

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Against all odds it's actually pretty fucking good.
Netflix finally has like 3 shows worth watching

very. i wasnt expecting much from it, but its worth giving a watch

It's very Netflix, but good Netflix.

Would have preferred if it was tonally similar to the original, but lightning doesn't strike twice.

The film was mysterious, alien, bizzare.
This is none of those things.

it turned the podlings from a simple, rustic, kind folk, into literal window licking retards for some reason

It is

well they're code for the wh*te conservative voter so of course they're retarded

How many does Amazon have?

1, jack reacher

Maisel, Fleabag, The Boys. 3 as well


What are the other 2?

I think you have bad taste
The first two just look like woman TV, why would you ever. And Boys is capeshit

For me, it's The Crown and Maniac

Fleabag is a BBC show that just happens to be on Amazon, I was thinking Prime only.

Thank you, I will watch Maniac
I won't fault you for enjoying The Crown but I, personally, do not like British people

Not if you're a climate change denier.

I like Patriot and Sneaky Pete
Netflix is about 4 times as expensive as Amazon and I think both their catalogs are pretty poor if I'm honest - a sad state!

I feel like I'm fed way to much information at once, and it shouldn't feel like that for an hour long episode.

There's definately a lot of love put into it, but I give it a total score of 4.5/10.

Bona fide kino

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is that way

For anyone who grew up with the movie this is as good as it could ever be. For sure 10/10 kino and mark hamill was great.

Amazon part funded i believe same way hbo helped fund sky to make The Young Pope and Chernobyl

Is it good because Netflix couldn't put their taint on it like they usually do with the shows? You know what I mean by adding token niggers and spics.

shooterchan refugees and /pol/smokers shouldn't post in Henson puppet threads
fraggle rock would make your head spin


I am halfway through and it is really good. Frankly the movie had a very simple plot and it was strictly a kids movie.

The series expands on the lore the movie set and is played like a game of thrones type of modern tv series. 10/10 so far

Wow is Netflix based now??

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>the Dark Crystal kinoseries
>Dave Chapelle based special
>Bleached romcom
wtf I love netflix now? What happened?