If Palpatine explicitly ordered his forces to destroy themselves and waste resources as inefficient as possible in the...

If Palpatine explicitly ordered his forces to destroy themselves and waste resources as inefficient as possible in the event if his death where the fuck does the First Order get its shit? I'd have a hard time believing all this shit if Palpatine had said to fuck off to the Unknown Regions and rebuild let alone with them actively running it into the ground and falling apart after a single year of fighting.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't understand it. If you were going to walk back the OT the obvious solution should be that the Empire never collapsed and fought back more efficiently than even Legends had them fight. The Civil War should have become a war of attrition that ground into a halt. I'd be an excuse sure but at least then you'd have some explaination for the state of the galaxy in TFA. No one won, and everyone just got tired of fighting and gave up. It's not good but at least it makes sense to do the OT all over again if that's what happened. Instead the Rebels stomped the Empire who somehow built a military stronger than the Empire at its peak, from stratch, despite getting its ass thoroughly kicked last time, and somehow win in the span of a day.

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why does anyone even join these niggers? is it because the go from complete retards to physical gods the minute they cease to be onscreen?

Would work way better if the New Republic and the First Order were actually two heads of the same organisation, artificially extending the war for some sinister purpose.
Things would actually make sense. Why is everyone in authority seemingly incompetent? Where does all of the stuff they have keep coming from?

Shit like this is why every single Star Wars film could be an 11/10 from here on out and I'll still refuse to watch them. The lore makes no sense and hasn't since before TFA even came out.

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Well, their opposition apparently endorses slavery, and decided they didn't need a military at all.

I hate the slavery shit. The New Republic existed a day earlier and did nothing to free those enslaved kids.

>Palpatine explicitly ordered his forces to destroy themselves and waste resources as inefficient as possible
Wait what? Source

The force awakens immediatly fucked up all of star wars with the inclusion of the first order and the new death star.

Boring, dumb, logically incoherent. Invalidates the previous movies. Also souless, the "resistance" stuff was so cringe when they literally won and ruled the galaxy.

Google Operation: Cinder. Chuck the Cuck Wendig had the Empire commit seppuku because "lol look how evil Palpatine is" with no regard for how nonsensical that makes the concept of an Imperial resurgence.

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The new EA Battlefront game had droid-Sheev ordering the empire to kill themselves, and them actually listening doing it. They had to make all of the imperials into complete fucking morons to explain how they could lose.

That's fucking retarded. More retarded then anything in the old EU. In what fucking world is purposefully destroying your own planets and ensuring enemy victory a good idea? Even if you are rage quitting this plan is more aimed at assisting the ones who killed you, not avenging you. To top it all off isn't this supposed to be setting up a world where the New Republic and First Order are in a cold war? How the fuck does the First Order exist if the Imperial remnants were ordered to die defending something retarded for no reason? If they obeyed the order they died and if they disobeyed the order they know its fucking retarded and leave the Empire.

This. The Empire is dead. And in the new movie they introduced the First Order like it was always there and after destroying the Death Star again and having the medal ceremony, the rebels have been still fighting non-stop all this time.

None of it makes any sense. I could understand some remnants of the Empire still hanging around, but not outnumbering the rebels. Otherwise, how else did they win?

They made them retarded for no other reason other than to justify the shitty sequels.

He didn't ask them to destroy themselves, just to fight in a massive combat that only the strongest would survive and then serve as a foundation of his new Empire.

>In what fucking world is purposefully destroying your own planets and ensuring enemy victory a good idea?
You see, they're Space Nazis. Hitler also ordered a scorched earth program to be initialized after his death. Palps even had them raze Naboo from orbit as one of the first planets.

>If they obeyed the order they died and if they disobeyed the order they know its fucking retarded and leave the Empire.
They did what a lot of Nazis did. They reasoned that the Fuhrer/Palpatine had lost his mind, but the idea of an Aryan Reich under National Socialism was sound, and fled into the Unknown Regions/Argentina

And it's a problem Disney wrote themselves into for literally no reason. They could have just said it became WWI in space and just turned into a meat grinder with the Imperial remnants. That would still be lazy but then you'd have an excuse for why the original cast started to feel like it was hopeless and gave up and why the First Order is such a major presence by making them the other big superpower. Instead they went the complete other way with it. There's no reason they needed to do this. Now they're stuck between a rock and a hard place they themselves willingly stuck themselves into despite having nothing to gain and making no sense.

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someone shop "shut up nerd; just turn off your brain bro"

>"I'm dead, so go and destroy imperial strongholds for no fucking reason."
>"Also, ignore the fact that I'm a droid and no one can come and discipline you if you disobey me."

>You see, they're Space Nazis.
It doesn't make any fucking sense given how they acted in the original trilogy. Did Disney even watch the Death Star conference room scene in ANH? They weren't all a hive mind that would obey a dead fucking leader telling them to kill themselves.

>It doesn't make any fucking sense given how they acted in the original trilogy. Did Disney even watch the Death Star conference room scene in ANH? They weren't all a hive mind that would obey a dead fucking leader telling them to kill themselves.
Sure. But that is the thing Disney is going for. Everyone I don't like is Hitler.

literally who builds this shit? where are they getting all these engineers and resources from?

I missed the part where the German army set Berlin on fire before the Soviets even got there and the luftwaffe crashed their own planes into random allied convoys with little significance.

It's more like Nationalist Italy suddenly having a resurgence in a world where the Allied invasion caused Mussolini to suddenly set his own cities on fire and attacking Germany. Most white nationalists don't even defend Nationalist Italy precisely because they were so fucking stupid and Germany was basically caring them throughout the entire war.

That thing also builds regular Star Destroyers and smaller vehicles, fyi.

why are all the humans aside form Leia vaguely ethnic?

The new EU is fucking garbage

Because Disney can say that now their Nu EU is canon but they keep showing that's not true, why would Sheev destroy the empire if he already know he was coming back so now that's another Plothole in their franchise

>Why is everyone in authority seemingly incompetent?
That may be the one aspect that really is true to life.

A better example is like what almost happened in Libya. Before he got assrapes by knives Gaddafi was loudly kicking around the idea of fleeing to one of his bunkers out in the desert and taking his loyalists with him; along with tanks, artillery, planes, fuel, money to hire mercs and enough provisions to start an insurgency. Had he not bitched about not wanting to leave his palace so much he could have still been alive today with a heavily armed insurgency running rampant across the country.
This is the most logical thing the Enpire could have done. Rush everything and everyone still loyal to the cause to the Unknown Regions and gotten an insurgency going. The Rebellion had a fraction of the ships of the Empire. Instead of torching entire worlds and fighting meaningless battles like the one on Jakku just wreck the factories and wait the Rebels out a bit. Once they start taking territory and the factories no longer function they will spread themselves thin and be ripe for a counterattack.

But then how to they build weapons the size of planets?

So was the old EU. A few diamonds does not excuse a mountain of turds.

>Even if you are rage quitting
And then Sheev went alive again so it's makes even less sense


It actually does though.

The old EU was like 70% shit 30% great. The new EU is at least 90-95% shit

Except in the Old EU the canon tiers were made to avoid these plotholes and nothing in the old EU it's the same trash has Nu EU and only in 5 fucking years

And why would he order them to do that rather than just hold ground if he had a plan to return from the dead?

It had to be a legally distinct entity from the Empire, because Disney still has to pay Lucas to use his characters. The Force Awakens was not intended to carry on the story of Star Wars, it was literally a 'soft'(in-canon) reboot. As far as they were concerned i'm sure the less explained, the better.

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The Old EU only starts sucking once you get into the post-RotJ eras. Even than there's still good shit to be found post-RotJ.

Did Hitler made that plan thinking he would return from the death after some years? because that's the case in Nu Wars


>this shit makes absolutely no sense
>i still obsess over it and treat it like its real
you are not human beings
you will be annihilated

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based c3po

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Fuck off they aren't even comparable. The sequel era doesn't make sense specifically because of the events after Endor. What massive gaping potholes of that nature exist in Legends. The dumb shit is so easily ignored in Legends and never referenced again while the dumbshit in Canon has an entire movie built either around it or the results of it.

Case-and-point the Sun Crusher vs Starkiller Base. Why the Sun Crusher can exist makes no goddamned sense nor does why they don't just build more but as a weapon it makes perfect sense. You have this immortal starfighter that can drop into a system and set the star supernova and not be detected because it's so small. "Why can't you build more lol" good fucking question but once you're past that insanity it at least has utility. How Starkiller even exists makes as much sense as the Sun Crusher and was so bad Disney retconned it into being an Empire era weapon Ahsoka found (yet never mentioned in the OT when it was easily a bigger weapon then both Death Stars put together). Yet unlike the Sun Crusher which requires you to ignore a lot of shit to see its utility Starkiller lacks even that. It's identical to the Sun Crusher in that it wrecks stars, only it does that to fire a beam that destroys world that are already wrecked because you just ate their fucking sun! The main gun serves no purpose. The station primary weapon does jack fucking shit. It exemplifies how while the EU was written by fans with retarded ideas Canon is written by retards with retarded ideas.

I lnow its based on this retard, the difference is in Star Wars theme Empire still controls pretty much the entire galaxy even with the DS2's destruction and the Palpy and Vader death.

The old EU made more sense with a bunch of Imperial Warlords fighting over the remaining territory and trying to fill in the power gap Vader and Palpy left.

Actual star wars lore whore here

Snoke has essencially endless resources and wealth hidden in the Unknown Regions. There was also major government officials in the New Republic secretly funding the first order

Old imperials that never got over it, new republic members that were frustrated by the New Republics incredibly hands off approach to military, and children born into it. There is a reason so much of the first order look like they are only in their early to mid 20s

>And them actually doing it
Actually no, most of the First Order was formed specifically out of refusal to follow palpatines final orders.

>tfw your own evidence includes the line "The decree was deliberately disobeyed by Albert Speer."
Thank you for proving our points user. The argument that every Imperial officer would go along with this shit btfo.

What's funny is that the order was disobeyed and his own Wikipedia link says this in the opening paragraph.

>Actual star wars lore whore here

>Snoke was a mage with plot powers to do anything
Yeah I think Disney saved Star Wars

the star that it uses as ammo isn't the same system as the target, the advantage is not showing up on your enemy's doorstep to attack them because that's how the first death star blew up, and I guess you can fire on multiple targets with the sunbeam

I guess this is how Snoke came into power

It's more like, "the unknown regions have plot powers to do anything" which to be fair has ALWAYS been true.

All snoke did was use the resources on thousands of untouched planets in uncharted space to fund a new army

>Actually investing time in new canon
already did that shit long ago and most of the old EU stories where trash

Why didn't the rebels do that?

Jacen Solo at his worst is 100x better than fucking Kylo Ren. Disney would never have had the balls to have two decades worth of comics and books going on cute Nancy Drew esque adventures culminate in turning to the dark side like everyone else always almost does but then get fucking murdered by your twin sister who you shared all these adventures with and never get the chance to come back to the light. Shit was stupid but it had balls.

Also Jaina is cute.

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Nah it's more like Snoke have plot powers to do anything, like converting unborn Kylo to the darkside and Disney being fucking lazy making everything that doesn't make sense into *Well it's happen in the unknown regions* it's the most lazy shit you can do the fucking Yuuzhang Vongs looks like a master piece compared to Nu Wars

The so called "Nero decree" was simply an attempt to use the same tactics that Stalin had successfully used during Barbarossa (though very unlikely to work in this case, since Germany didn't have the endless space of Russia to retreat into). Also, Speers version of events is highly suspect. Especially this part:
>Hitler remained unaware of this until the very end of the war, when Speer, while visiting Hitler in his Berlin bunker, admitted to him that he deliberately disobeyed. Hitler was angry with his minister, but allowed Speer to leave nonetheless.
This is around the same time when he sentenced Göring and Himmler to death for practically nothing. No way would he let Speer go after he deliberately disobeyed an order. Chances are Hitler himself changed his mind on the order and Speer simply took credit after the war to make himself look better.

Yep but again that's doesn't works in Star Wars because if hitler had spaceships then destroying the farms would be useless

The new canon has unironically made me like New Jedi Order now. I realize just how much worse it all could have been. Fuck I now respect Legend of Korra so much more specifically because if how much I hate Rey. It's shocking how much stuff I used to hate doesn't look as bad now because of how much the standard has fallen.

I remember there being Lucas Canon which was the films and the Multimedia projects then it graded down from there to A quality stuff approved by Lucas then B grade then trash

The rebels had no way of safely traveling the unknown regions. There are no hyperspace lanes so if you were to blindly try to navigate it you would be sure to crash into something.
The first order was able to find a rendezvous point in the unknown regions using coordinates Palpatine sent certain higher ups. Thats where they met snoke. Palpatine and only his most trusted officials had a way of mapping the unknown regions thanks to their teamup with the Chis Ascendancy

>with canon tiers
Wow that's retarded. Better never mention it again and let everyone know it's low tier canon.

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I like fictionalized war. Star wars isn't the only franchise I deep dive into, but it's definitely one I have a soft spot for

>Admiral Akbar: shut up chink.

And remember that Disney doesn't license more EU things because it's makes Nu Wars looks bad, see the Jaina Solo toys sells from Black Box and Revan and then compare it to Rey, even Thrawm outselled so much the others rebels character that was pathetic

operation cinder is a nu wars thing made just so they can make empire seem more evil and make more parallels to hitler. In EU canon he did have hidden bases all over the place as well as many plans to bring himself back or destroy the republic.

the empire's team up was with Thrawn. not the Ascendancy.
he gave them information about the UR instead of letting the Empire directly interact with the Chiss to keep the skywalkers a secret.

>without canon tiers
Woah, Disney canon looks like that? This is going to be referenced a million times in the next EA video game? Cuck Wendig writing a trilogy on the genderfluid pilot? Pilot's pronouns are xe and xer?

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Yeah I was just streamlining the explanation a bit

out of limited options they are the best one.

I can't even tell what you are trying to say

What the fuck is that from?

all aftermath books are flaming garbage

So Snoke wasn't Palpatine's puppet? What's their relationship?

Jedi or not, that bit would have been sucked out of that x-wing

TFA concept art and production book

judging by the bottom panel it’s in atmo

I think he's trying to say that if you did a turd then that turd wouldn't be mentioned again and will never be considered canon where without the canon tiers the turds will still be canon even if doesn't make sense, it's shit and it's a big plothole

The virgin quarantine of retarded ideas
The chadisney embracing of the stupidity

They have the command console

We don't know and probably won't know until after episode 9 is out. Snokes origin and how exactly he plays into all of this is still a huge mystery.

He could have been planted there by Palpatine in advance, the first order could have stumbled on him coincidentally, we really don't know.

Apparently was leaked art for Ep 9


And again that's retarded because discovering a spacelane will make you fucking rich so any poor retard with a ship would try to find one of these even if he die trying

its from the anime adaptation. seriously I doubt the writers even know what went down during ww2, they kind of heard something about it somewhere and let their simplistic minds fill the gaps

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>Disney shills will never let shit like this go yet give infinite passes.
At least Legends would throw that shit away the second it was painted over by something better.

That doesn't matter, the air would still grab you.

After TLJ I dont expect any closure on Snoke, but honestly not really sure if I like the idea him being a Palpatine puppet.

That's not really how it works. It would take decades to plot a course like that without going into hyperspace. It would be like trying to map the United States while crawling on your hands and legs.
The majority of the Galaxy was actually mapped thanks to a species of animal that had the ability to travel through hyperspace and instinct to not crash into anything . People essencially followed them and mapped it that way.

snoke was his personal cock holster

>That's not really how it works.
It's literally how works or worked before Nu Wars, you try to discover a spacelane going kamikaze and if you have luck and your spacelane it's safe then gg you are now one of the richest guys in the galaxy, that's how they found the siths on Korriban and the Hyperspace War started

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I don't think he was, personally. Gallous Rax was supposed to helm the post-contingency phase of Palpatines longgame plan, so unless he was manipulating Rax too, snoke was probably just chance

well new EU has 0 diamonds
remember how people were like "we need to clear away this convoluted garbage for the new viewers" but every nu book has been garbage or watered down version of old EU, while even the team park uggo gets a book

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The New Republic was full of gaijin

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>while even the team park uggo gets a book
she was in a book before the theme park bullshit started up in canon

Is this supposed to upset me because she's black?

Yeah she was from Phazma, which was actually very good

>Phazma, which was actually very good

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Cursed Image

according to star wars ""fans,"" yes
according to star wars fans, no.

Do you disagree? I thought it was great.

Are a you Yea Forumsvirgin?

No I'm from Yea Forums, I just don't let the board I frequent influence my opinions of things

>who somehow built a military stronger than the Empire at its peak, from stratch, despite getting its ass thoroughly kicked last time

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it was way too fucking long, especially considering the majority of it was ignored in TLJ, which is the reason it was written in the first place. the part of the book near the end where they find that almost abandoned facility was unnecessary fully.
phasma's armor being able to deflect blaster fire only happens once. she has her spear but nothing is said about it and then she loses her fight.

Despite the memes Hitler was super competent back before the complete curbstomp of France get to his head.

Why do you read Nu Wars shit knowing that they will ignore all of that?

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Yeah it could have been trimmed, especially that ending. I did like the drastically different tone from the rest of the recent books though, and I won't lie, it did make me appreciate Phasma a bit more.

Cardinal might be one of my favorite new canon characters.

I hate cherry picking, but that is a truly awful writing.

Way back in the 70's or 80's, Roy Thomas (who wrote the adaptation of ANH for comics) asked Lucas how he would even be able to keep the continuity tight. Thomas said Lucas told him, "The films are gospel, the other stuff is gossip."

The problem is when the films need supplementary stuff to fix things that should've been explain in the films themselves.

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Because they don't ignore each other. Sure maybe phasmas father might not be in episode 9, but he WILL be in various other books, comics, video games, etc. Hell, even Solo had Maul back to life, something that is only known if you watch the cartoons, and Filoni hinted HARD that some of his characters will be in The Mandalorian.
It's creates a satisfying payoff to see minor plot threads or character arcs started in one book wrap up in an unrelated comic or video game. Then if you are lucky, you get the ultimate satisfaction of seeing someone like like Saw Gerrera get a full on second role in Rogue One

To be fair that's two paragraphs of one of the best EU books compared to a single line of what is widely regarded as the worst canon novel

Italy was not ready for war but Hitler made them anyway.
It backfired on Germany when the Italian populace easily capitulated.

Chuck Wendig is such a fucking faggot.

He got fired for this shit and rightfully so

>even Solo had Maul back to life
if he was in stuff before Solo, which he was, then he wasn't brought back in Solo. He was brought back in TCW which was dragged into canon from the beginning. Rebels was his first post-disney buyout appearance, still a couple years before Solo.

>He got fired for this shit and rightfully so
he got fired for getting triggered about trump and shitposting about it on twitter.

No yeah we are in agreement, I just worded it poorly.

What I mean is, I love the satisfaction of seeing maul come back in TCW, and then see him again in Solo as a nod to people who have been following his arc. It's euphoric

Has anyone more shitty opinions on the SW Universe than this retard? It's fucking infuriating to read.


>real-ass history
how eloquent

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no that is not the point of the post

>I've never looked at the chronological release order and have decided that wince Nu-Wars is shit then everything after Return of the Jedi must be bad. No way can there be large numbers of bad books between the last two trilogies and even before them!

>keep the skywalkers a secret
what the what

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he was never competent. he had skilled people around him and was good at convincing or pressuring people

Someone needs to coin a new term for this, I've noticed it a lot across a lot of literary mediums it's this new cynical sarcasm on steroids where it feels like the writer has absolute contempt for the reader. It's like every other is some insecure and extremely passive aggressive person preempting your criticism with these kinds of lines. I was skimming a book the other day at an airport that had a similar feel.

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Skywalkers are what the chiss called their young women born with the ability to use the force to discover hyperspace lanes

Poorly-executed lampshading?

Is he seriously making an argument against local realism?

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Everyone who joined got a beej from captain phasma

the chiss have force sensitivity that only shows up in the females and it lasts until they hit puberty and then they are no longer able to use it.
since the chiss live in the unknown regions, a place with little to no easy hyperspace lanes, all chiss ships with hyperdrives use these females to "pilot through feeling the path in the force" which is much slower than computer generated lanes since it's based on the mortal brain.
thrawn half joked to Vader directly after he told him all about this secret that their name in the chiss language translates to "sky walkers" just to rib into his knowing that Vader was Anakin; that book was all about thrawn teaming up with anakin in the clone wars era and thrawn and vader teaming up in the OT.

When I read that rise of skywalker was about jedi getting renamed to skywalkers I thought it was the stupidest fanfic idea ever.
Now I think it might be true

But they do? tell me how the Phasma from the it's the same than from the movies

Did you even read my post

The old EU had some fantastic shit though, especially the stuff from vidya. Rogue Squadron, Dark Forces, Tie Fighter - all capture Star Wars infinitely more than anything presented in nuwars.

>Yea Forums garbage

OH SHIT SAW GUERRERA, literally the most non name character in the franchise, Maul have no fucking sense appearing in Solo knowing what we know about him in Rebels, Filoni putting one of his characters into one his show it's nothing new, we usually had all of these things happening in the Clone Wars and the prequels with the EU stuff except only the exceptional good shit made in like Quinlan Vos, So I can't understand how anyone can even enjoy this shit that Disney does, unless you are zoomer enough that you didn't read any of the EU, seriously how anyone see fucking TFA and think wow that character Phasma is cool I want to read more about her

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>real life "retcons"

Commie bastards get the rope. the day can't come soon enough.

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>It's euphoric
>I'm not from Yea Forumstubmlr
get a rope and neck yourself fucking shill

>herkily jerkily
>wibbly wobbly

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I don't think you understand. I get all the payoff I need seeing the inquisitors in the new Jedi game. Stuff like Saw in rogue one is just the cherry on top and the ultimate form of that

Calm down user it's just a movie

No I don't understand how you can like a so much inferior version that we usually got


Atleast be honest and say that you are a shill from Yea Forumstmblr that loves turds like Nu Wars

Why the fuck would they even publish this? Are they retarded?

Because some people get euphoric reading it and then seeing how retarded its the Nu republic

Sure, I'm a shill from Yea Forumstmblr that loves turds like nu wars

Are you happy now user? Are you finally going to get laid and stop being miserable all the time? No?

This post assumes American CIA didn't decide it was his time.

Incompetently, I guess

they should have made the 2nd movie be Thrawn emerging from the Unknown Regions with his old fleet and Sidious' master to take over what little was left behind of the First Order
Then movie 3 would be properly set up for the final big bad save the galaxy

Like George Lucas


>Sure, I'm a shill from Yea Forumstmblr that loves turds like nu wars
See? that wasn't that hard

The old EU went on for 40 years and was like 35-40% good while the 4 year old disney EU is 100% shit

Based post

wendick is a hack anyway. I forget he even existed until just this moment.

>there are people who like the old EU
It's 90% fan fiction tier. what you people like about it? Fucking everything from Darksaber? Fucking Luke's waifu being a 1000 year old bitch that was trapped in a computer and used a super special yellow lightsaber? Han and Leia's kids are named after the authors kids. Boba Fett lived too escape from the Sarlaak pit. went on to be old as fuck and be friends with Han, they had en Epicâ„¢ last adventure.
The video games tend to be the only things that are good. HD ports of TFU/TFU2 when?

except then you realize that it's retarded to put the story arc for an unrelated character from the cartoon into a completely unrelated movie

One good thing to come out of it though is brand loyalty has died across the board in nearly all of entertainment. Everyone went from dying on a hill for their fandoms to turning on them the second something goes wrong. I imagine if Ghostbusters 2016 or Fallout 76 had come out in 2012 reviews of both would be mixed to positive while nowadays you fuck up you will not get a pass.

Wtf? Why are you making stuff up? None of that is true, it doesn't even make any sense

>Disney still has to pay Lucas to use his characters
You seem to have a hard time understanding what it means to "buy" something. Disney BOUGHT the Star Wars Universe from Lucas.

Disney isn't "renting" Star Wars, or "renting" Luke, Leia, Palpatine, Chewie et al. Did you seriously think that? Are you out of your mind?

that's why they tried to make the sequel trilogy about the new characters and kill off the older characters.

Shaw is so based


Republic Commando
The Thrawn Trilogy
Jedi Outcast
Rogue Squadron
Also the Young Jedi Knight novels were middle schooler kino

>he doesn't know
There's multiple sources claiming that Lucas still owns a stake in much of the OT characters and materials.
>"hurr that's not true"
You'll find no source out there that can deny it because we don't have the details of the deal and it isn't public. It's a rumor but a ton of different leakers are saying the same thing so label it a well educated one.

>Snoke has essencially endless resources and wealth hidden in the Unknown Regions. There was also major government officials in the New Republic secretly funding the first order
Well that sounds like a better story. Why isn't that in the movies?

it was probably there in the middle of rose tico's "hurduh slavery hur dur animal cruelty" waffle but I've got better things to do than watch the last jedi again

Have the first order be the faction that united the imperial remnants, it’s that fucking easy.

Nah. All that proved is that there were impartial third parties profiting off both sides.

Why does that trope sound so familiar...

>A few diamonds does not excuse a mountain of turds.
But it's better than just a mountain of turds.

It's ridiculous when you look at how disney operates. They passed on Harry Potter land because Rowling wanted final say in creative decisions and they don't let outsiders do that. Why would it suddenly change with Lucas. Why would he be giving the thumbs up on all the dumb shit they did to his characters. Why would he call Disney white slavers. It's the stupidest theory with no proof other than a lot of idiots say it

Creepio with the truth bomb

He was extremely competent, and a lot of the people around him weren't very skilled (Göring, Halder, etc.).

>it's fan fiction tier
>only talks about the post RotJ shit
why are Nu Wars shills soo predictable? I'm getting euphoric!

>it's doesn't make sense
>The protagonist of the Mandalorian is not boba
>instead of IG 88 it's a totally new character called IG 11

Attached: 56r34636363.jpg (3203x4320, 2.31M)

That's just plain a smart decision. It means they have flexibility with how they depict the character, and if they fuck it up, at least they aren't damaging a character people like,

>at least they aren't damaging a character people like
Like they did with Han, Leia, Luke, Yoda, the entire rebelion, Mom Motha and the rest of characters?

Yeah. So why were they in the movies, if they're trying so hard to step away from established characters?

Because they need the old characters to make hype, see how they brought back Lando and fucking Sheev but we have to see a Twilek, a Ithorian or a Duros yet

Also, they announced a Boba Fett movie, which presumably changed course and became the Mandalorian after Solo got a lot of negative reactions. Solo wasn't even that bad, all things considered, but people didn't like the changes they made to the character of Han Solo. Is it so hard to make the connection here?

They literally don't though. Star Wars has enough brand pull, or at least it did, that they didn't have to bring back any actors or established characters. People would have gone to see Episode 7 regardless.

I think to a degree he's right but absolutely not in the way he means.

Tales of the Bounty Hunter runs at the same time as the movies with Fetts being the only one that goes in to the future.
IG-88 was destroyed in cloud city...also his AI was uploaded to the Death Star 2!
Skinny Green humanoid Jabba the hutt from Shadows is retarded.
Every single person the dive bar at mos eisly? they are spies/terrorists/bounty hunters that are all super important and special and totally effected the out comes of the movies!

>changed course and became the Mandalorian after Solo got a lot of negative reactions
ah yes, someone who has no idea what the process of making shows is like.
mandalorian pre-production was already happening before solo reactions started flooding the internet.

>Why would he be giving the thumbs up on all the dumb shit they did to his characters.
Allegedly, this is the exact reason they're barely in the movie and have to be "legally distinct" as the other user said. They're getting the OT cast out of the way as fast as they can to get to the stuff they don't have to pay overhead for. This is (allegedly) why Galaxy's Edge was set in the sequel era despite not one filming having come out when it was being conceptualized and why Disney avoided PT and OT shit like the plague except when they have to nostaligia pander and why the few times they do they immediately pull the rug out from under you. This is why as Disney Star Wars toy sales are in a downward spiral they still refuse to put Legends shit back even though niche characters only needs know about like Jaina Solo still outsell the fuck out of Rose Tico.

Again, just a rumor but you're blind if you think it doesn't make sense. Disney has books with petitions out there desperately demanding reprints that it refuses to reprint and used copies are selling better than most nu-Wars shit. Why doesn't Disney get in on this? Don't they want to make money? It's obvious something is causing Disney to make these marketing decisions. This is just one theory on what that something is. If you have an alternative feel free to present it.

Well the Solo backlash started before the thing was even out. Arguably as soon as they announced it.

and were these G canon? or even S canon? maybe just A canon?

>He was extremely competent,
I think you mistaken him for one of the only competent, non-fat, non-gays with blond hair and blue eyes of the bunch.

Attached: heydrich011.jpg (564x777, 77K)

Here's the problem.

The Resistance is built up to be the Rebellion against the Republic, the shoe now being on the other foot. They are starved for resources and recruits, and rely on conscription and piracy to gather resources.

The original draft concept for Starkiller Base was that the First Order actually salvaged what they could of the wreckage of the first and second Death Stars and managed to get the weapon working again on Endor then upgraded it for one single long-range shot to blow up the Republic fleet and put the two sides on even footing. Kylo Ren's shrine was actually Palpatine's throne room, which had been submerged into a lake.

The problem is that wasn't visually impressive, so they took the same concept and fucking made Starkiller Base without changing the rest of it.

MEANWHILE, you also have the Resistance still being the fucking Rebellion by making them a poorly funded ragtag militia because the entire rest of the galaxy thinks that the First Order is on the verge of collapse and not a threat, and were more concerned about becoming another Empire that they deconstructed their fucking united military in favor of every planet having a federally-funded militia that cannot unite for evil.
Leia couldn't convince everyone they were in a cold war that was about to turn hot.

So both sides are the fucking Rebellion, while the Republic home planet and its sole fleet was blown up by a Death Star 3 that the FO shouldn't have been able to build.
Oh, and all of that info was only found in the fucking books. They cut all scenes dealing with it, to the point that Leia's last ditch effort to get the Republic to do something, the black chick on the platform the camera purposefully pans across, is a literal fucking who.

Also, how many fucking shots did they think Starkiller would have? There were only two suns near it. They put all that investment into a stationary two-shot weapon, and apparently had no evacuation plans.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1920x1080, 187K)

>They're getting the OT cast out of the way
Why are they in the movies at all then? Don't give me "people wouldn't have gone to see them". People are currently more excited about the Mandalorian than they are Episode 9. Star Wars sells on the power of the brand and the universe. It's not just about the OT cast. Hasn't been for a long time.

>They literally don't though. Star Wars has enough brand pull
Did you miss the entire trailers of TFA,TLJ and TRO? because all of these had a common motif and it was the pandering nostalgia with OT characters

Is it me or does that look obviously traced?

Sure, but they didn't need to. People would have gone to see a new Star Wars movie regardless.

I want to rape Reinhard.
He makes Mein hard.
I want to stick my finger tips.
Deep into his womanly wide hips.
I want to violate the Butcher of Prague.
I will do it in the style of a dog.
I want to rape Reinhard Heydrich.
With German Sausage, Snake and Dick.

Attached: Heydrich's hips.jpg (219x696, 50K)

>Sure, but they didn't need to.
Well I don't think any movie need any kind of marketing they can release these and sure some people will watch these regardless

Also, Characters like Luke, Han, Leia, sure. But who's nostalgic for Mon Mothma or Senator Organa Whatever the fuck? Why would they pay Lucas royalties for these nothing characters, if they aren't willing to pay for Boba Fett? This is utter nonsense.

>tfw you will never rape all the aryans

Attached: sad_boys.jpg (1920x796, 433K)

The marketing for episode 7 could have been nothing but the Star Wars logo, maybe a lightsaber, some X-Wings. It still would have made a lot of money.

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why does he have hair?
why does he look like a generic anime character?

>why does he have hair
But user, doesn't Sheev always have hair?

>Star Wars has enough brand pull
>TROS trailer couldn't get 20M of views
Star Wars has brand pull, Nu Wars don't

For episode 7? they wouldn't get 2B like they did with the hard OT pandering but for TLJ? they marketed Luke so hard that was funny

Well not now. But they front loaded the ST with all of the nostalgia pandering, before people knew how bad it was going to be.
And the Mandalorian still musters quite a lot of excitement from people because it's something fresh, away from the baggage of the ST, and it looks like Star Wars.

It only shows they had nothing planed for the sequel trilogy plot.

I feel like for all that shit you just typed you don't actually know anything, because you say things like "the Republic home planet" which is like some gay zoomer "I don't actually know anything" speak for a well-known locale in SW.

>It doesn't matter to understand your enemy's tactic and technology.

No wonder why they get wrecked during TLJ events.

Reminer Disney made coca cola canon

>And the Mandalorian still musters quite a lot of excitement from people because it's something fresh, away from the baggage of the ST, and it looks like Star Wars.
It's set on the retarded era of the Nu republic giving up their fleet because you can't lose a war if you don't fight :) and have the same mask Rogue one had with the hard OT pandering like Carbonyte, the little pet of Jaba, Tattooine and not IG, Filoni can be good but he can't save Nu Wars because the core base is retarded making the entire thing retarded

nice quads la

But Luke's not in it. No one will care.

They've started to treat their audience like idiots. That's because these days people are idiots, or at least they are committed to acting like idiots. They aren't going to waste anymore time with logic or quality. If people will pay to see crap, then why make art? Every big movie and tv show is the same now. All the care about is the trailer. They come up with some cool scenes to sell the movie, then they shove them in. They do not care about how these decisions affect the integrity of the story, as long as it looks cool then it's good to go. Time to put childish things aside, the movies are not going to get better.

It's everywhere. It's this feminine bitchiness that has saturated everything. It's the exact attitude someone has when they are in an argument, and they don't care who is right or wrong, but they refuse to admit they are wrong. The best comparison I can think of is this 'have sex' meme, but it's unironic.

Hey, user, leaker here. One of my sources tells me that George Lucas put a clause in his contract with Disney that forces Kathleen Kennedy to eat out his grey hairy asshole every time a lightsaber appears on screen in one of the new movies. This is why they opted to only have one Jedi character. A loophole allows them to consider Kylo's lightsaber a new and distinct weapon, which is why they went with its design.

You can't deny this, because you don't have the details of the deal.

Didn't the Youtuber "Nerdrotic" start this whole rumor about George still owning parts of Star Wars?

Because JJ cut it out of episode 7. Not even kidding, that was all cut content and instead put in the books

Yeah and it's easily the stupidest rumor ever circulated.

Countless contridictions and gaps in logic

and yet the books doesn't explain a shit except he can do everything because reasons

Is there a reason so many of these anti star wars posts read like genuine infant babble?
>and yet the books doesn't explain a shit except he can do everything because reasons

Who, snoke? There is still a whole movie and infinite books yet to come out. We will get his connection to the unknown regions explained eventually

You mean they will make a excuse for the movies eventually

>"the Republic home planet"
They have a home planet? I guess Corusant is the capital.

There was actually a leak that confirmed 90 percent of star wars haters are between 3 and 7 years old. That's why they all talk like that.

>We will get his connection to the unknown regions explained eventually
Is he Snoke?

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>when child's are smarter than manchildrens

Haven't played TOR, but that Eternal Empire thing looks nothing like Star Wars

>when child's are smarter than manchildrens
You aren't doing yourself ant favors right now user


Attached: TOTJDLOTS2-FC.jpg (1387x2100, 2.3M)

Did I hurt the shills feefes?

>shitty writing



hello there schizoposter.

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but isn't surrounding yourself with skilled people the sign of a competent leader?

but if he was an extremely competent leader, wouldn't he surround himself with very skilled people?

The real question is where the fuck do the First Order find enough orphan children to maintain an entire Galactic Army? The Empire recruited stormtroopers from all over the galaxy and the Republic cloned them in large facilities with advanced growth, but huge populations of child orphans aren't just lying around.

kill parents for target practice and take their children

Leaked Rise of Skywalker production art


>ur a admiral in the imperial fleet
>u have worked ur entire life to get the position u have
>u have survived every single battle u have fought
>suddenly some old crusty fuck dies that u have never met
>he was the emperor
>now u get orders to open fire on ur own planets and destroy the empire

how do u react

Attached: 2712-1532336916.jpg (640x360, 31K)

I only saw The Last Jedi for Luke (before I knew they'd fuck it up)

Defect and form the first order

>forgot the period
>put bubble above the other ones
>forgot that the reading order is top to bottom
Fix it.

Inform all the other admirals that your allegiance is to the Empire and you will protect its planets/assets at all costs. Then accuse those that are actually following the insane orders of being traitors and that you will attack them on sight.

the FO was made up of the only people brainwashed by the empire enough to want to keep it going after they conceded defeat.
you also can't defect to a group that doesn't exist yet


the first order is just a bunch of larpers
led by a angsty teenager that wants to be edgy

the empire is the real deal

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are these human planets or alien planets

No it isn't. They essencially stole the emperor's original plan and made their own thing out of it. The first order doesn't even resemble the emperor's vision.

It exists thanks to imperials who DIDN'T want to follow his bullshit after death


>led by a angsty teenager that wants to be edgy
really gets the brain pumping to remember that kylo is 29 in TFA/TLJ

According to canon snokes ship alone had 2,225,000 people on board. I wonder where they found that many parents to kill

30 years old is still VERY young when it comes to leaders of nations

rumors have it that the empire (not first order) will return in star wars 9
hopefully they will kick both the first orders and the rebels ass

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From what I've read, the First Order was funded by wealthy former Imperial admirals and governors, as well as a few private arms corporations.

The Hutts actually have a big "army" of mercenaries themselves, arguably bigger than the Rebellion at its peak. The Old Republic just never bothered to fully control Hutt Space, because it would be more trouble than it was worth. The Empire made several trade deals with the Hutts.

The Rebels where never "stronger" than the Empire. They just made a few key surgical strikes. The Empire fell apart without Sheev around.

>talk to my fellow admirals and officers under me, tell them that the empire wont last long
>together we defect
>occupy a few backwater planets with our own fleet
>attempt to get supporters, investors
>secede from the empire and create independent system
>contact old droid factories and get them running again
>tfw i will create the CIS 2.0

Attached: cis2.png (483x434, 144K)

extremley based

nu-CIS is a legitimate thing in nucanon but it hasn't been expanded upon in any form yet. we just know it exists around the time the empire falls/NR rises

Always chose CIS and Empire in the Battlefront games, so I'd fully support this.

Attached: ImperialDroideka.jpg (1024x768, 326K)

where is it mentioned?
the cis did literally nothing wrong

Attached: CIS.png (1800x2400, 3.59M)

I assume it was somewhere in one of the shitty aftermath trilogy books, since they're just about the only ones that take place around that time frame that also focus on the political side of things

Good, Star Wars fucking sucks. The EU and video games made it worthwhile as a universe, otherwise it was a bunch of shitty flicks that everyone would've forgotten about by now.

There's a part of the Star Wars galaxy map called the "Corporate Sector". It was left intact by the Empire to basically be used for corporate R&D.

Attached: Star Wars galaxy map Corporate Sector.jpg (1161x889, 834K)

>non-canon map
user, I have some news for you.

And I have some news for Disney...
Fuck your fanfiction. Only Lucas-era is canon.

>a confederacy of planets that have seceded from both the crumbling empire and the new republic
>led by ex imperial navymen and officers
>they have been through the glorydays of the empire but realize that such a authoritarian system wont work in the long run
>so they instead study the ways of the CIS, read count dokuus political ducuments and go the confederacy way
>old CIS supporters like the techno union and trade federation return to support this secession movement
>quickly they grow to power through their droidarmy
i like it

when directly talking about something that is canon why the fuck would you use information and references that aren't part of it? there's no point to that.

t. disney shill


Is this map canon: swgalaxymap.com/

It seems to only list planets that appeared in the movies of the animated series. (Zygeria is from the Clone Wars TV show, for example).

Forgot to mention that the Chiss and Thrawn are canon now because the producers put Thrawn in Rebels as fan service to EU fags.

>is this website canon
if it isn't released by disney directly it isn't canon. that's the same reason why wookiepedia isn't a canon news source. the map itself has a legend for what planets are canon and which ones are non-canon Legends.
pic related is the first canon map we got in the TFA visual dictionary and there's been one or two others since then with more information.

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That would be really hamfisted if true. Then again, I wouldn't put it past Disney kikes these days.

who fucking cares about disney shit

It's funny Disney listed planets from KOTOR as canon. Maybe they were afraid of Chad KOTOR fans storming their offices and lynching them.

I hate the fat Disney iStormtroopers

most of the passable parts of the new EU are just old EU things that they brought back, but not as good as they were before

>the only ones that take place around that time frame that also focus on the political side of things
that makes me want to read it
but ive heard that the books are absolute shit

ive always been a sucker for star wars politics tho

it's only political because it gives Mothma and Leia some focus while they try to figure out the NR. there's no senate focus or anything like that.

This would make sense and did in the Old Republic where the Sith Emperor is able to exist between different bodies and furthers his immortality by life forces consumed by war and destruction he orchestrates. Lots of people speculated that they might be pulling off KotOR in the nu-trilogy with Rey being reverse Revan. Unless Palpatine sustained himself (spirit?) through similar means as Vitiate (Sith Emperor from Old Republic) there is no fucking point to Cinder other than furthering sjw nonsence into SW.

>Fly me closer! I want to hit them with my laser sword!

and they mention "oh there is a new cis movement" and thats it?

>NuLucasfilm is just a bunch of larpers
>led by a middleaged feminist that wants to be edgy

yes. they talk about what other factions are popping up in the wake of the empire getting fucked up and that's one of them

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I hope not, that's even less imaginative than the first order

that sucks
ait u saved me from reading those shit books

im gonna read the novelization of episode 2 and 3 tho

the empire will appear in some form
otherwise they wouldnt show empirial star destroyers, palpatine, ruins of the death star and have darth vaders breath

So the prequels?

based and prequelpilled

When those diamonds include
>Rogue Squadron
>Jedi Outcast/Academy series
>Clone Wars cartoon
and more, I say they do.

would read this

How Disney completely undid the defeat of the Empire and the formation of the New Republic is astonishing. It's such a dumb fucking move just so JJ Abrams can repeat the Death Star and first movie beats is so fucking dumb.

Hell, they could have even said that the First Order was a guerilla group that found a secret hidden Empire weapon with Death Star tech that never worked, but somehow figured it out.

The whole thing has so little thought put into it.

It's amazing how good the awful prequels look compared to these, at least in terms of world building.

Attached: star wars canon 1452096554033.jpg (700x636, 84K)

>It's amazing how good the awful prequels look compared to these, at least in terms of world building.
so much this

>does why they don't just build more
I bet it's because it's too uncontrollable. Starkiller seems to have some precision, Sun Crusher wipes out an entire solar system with no control. Death Star was meant to be an intimidation tool, as Tarkin said
>Fear will keep the local systems in line, fear of this battle station
but the Sun Crusher is a mindless blow up everything that could fuck over way more than individual planets at a time. So overblown and uncontrollable in abilities that it can't even fearmonger with precision.

Funny. Most of the EU writers are still alive and writing. If they wanted a new continuity, even one bending to their new films, they should have at least tried to find some of the old authors. Instead they just found a bunch of relatively amateur writers barely above the level of tumblr fanfic and Jezebel columns.

Attached: Star Wars Shadows of the Empire Guri Banhon.jpg (276x360, 40K)

>actually two heads of the same organisation, artificially extending the war for some sinister purpose

Attached: Sheev.jpg (960x1180, 943K)

Speaking of old books. Funny how Kylo kinda looks a bit like some art of Jacen. Anyone old enough to remember those books?

Attached: Star_wars_jacen_solo 1450580879617.jpg (228x273, 21K)

he literally did nothing wrong


>implying Kylo is anywhere near Jacen

Attached: Darth-Caedus.jpg (709x799, 541K)

daily reminder that chuck wending is a ultraliberal that hates white people

Attached: star wars white.jpg (1440x1273, 721K)

Ain't he a white male with a wife and kids?

Still have most of them, but stopped reading the series when they met that one space pirate chick with the saber styled lightsaber that wasn't force sensitive. Such a shame to see what happened to Lowie when they got older.

he looks exactly like I imagined

Attached: star wars black.jpg (960x2740, 869K)

the absolute state of star wars

This is becoming a pokemon-style gotta catch em all.

holy shit these babies cant be real

Could have do the same Marvel did and adapt the best EU but nooo that would be too easy

Twitter is a shitlib hugbox. If corporations only get polling data from Twitter and Tumblr, then it's no surprise they're so pozzed.

Literally tokenism
They're not trying to write stories about or for any of those groups. They just want to check off as many "identities" as the can to have the most "woke" cast possible to lord over other franchises.

I guess I should be thankfully I never made it up to the Yuuzhan Vong.

This. They had the blueprint right there. They could literally call Feige over and ask him for some pointers. How could they possibly fuck up so much?