What's the most historically accurate ww2 film?

What's the most historically accurate ww2 film?

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Unironically? Die Wannseekonferenz (1984).

Der Untergang is pretty accurate. Also Das Boot.

is this the same film as conspiracy(2001)?

Same topic but much better

what movie is this from

the penis

The Plan O

I remember watching this in school, everyone cracked up laughing and the teacher went berserk at us.

I laughed my ass off after watching this scene, it's so comically bad


Kek does anyone really believe this shit?

I member reading about holocaust stories of jews being turned to lamp shades and being electrocuted in giant pools. it all reads like a fucking bugs bunny cartoon.

The Pianist

Das Boot

That would be this

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that reminds me of this shit

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Captain America: the first avenger

yeah IDK why they couldn't just stick to the truth about extermination squads and a handful million deaths in the camps. People in the 20th century had a weird sense of folk legend where making shit sound like a bugs bunny cartoon actually worked.

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the real question here is: are there any movies that don't portray nazis as evil racists who the heroic americans saved the helpless jews from?

How do you gas people to death with chambers that have wooden doors?

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Apart from the story, saving privet sneed is pretty good

The greatest story never told

you mean some movies that didn't represent reality?

it's not a movie, this was filmed the day after drompfs inauguration

No I mean movies that don't stuff the literal exact narrative that has always been hammered into every western man, woman and child's brainstem down your throat at every possible turn

Me in the wheelchair

is this any good Yea Forums?

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the bridge too far

>Nazis: And this is why we enforce building codes to provide elevators and wheelchair ramps!
>Nazis: Tell them! Tell all your shekel-pinching Jewish friends that we will be back!
HOLY FUCK why are Nazis so based?

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French soldiers during Operation Torch didn't refuse to shoot at Americans, the Americans were surprised how hard they fought. I've never seen the whole movie though, but that part was pretty cheesy

starring the most decorated American soldier who has ever lived, Audie Murphy.

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>kek does anyone believe this thing that happened? Here I then share stories of things that never happened that no one was ever told but Im making them up to bolster my argument

Same reason every stolen valour veterans claims to have kill counts in the dozens at least, it's a mental illness about missing out on the defining event of your generation

g-d that makes me hard

I have to say, this movie really filled me up with despair and sadness at what the jews must have experienced during the holocaust. The movie is Dead Snow. Ugh, even thinking about it fills me up with shivers.

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That chamber wasn't in operation when the wooden doors were installed, but you already knew that

Like Mr Trump

>russia and USA hate each other during the cold war
>russia liberated the death camps
>USA has the most jews, russia comparatively few
>USSR just keeps quiet about the Holohoax for """reasons""" despite the huge number of political advantages it would afford them

Jews are schizoid

This Polish film about the insiring story of a Pole who escaped a POW camp and attempted to return back to occupied Poland to fight in the resistance.
I still cry at the scene where the Gestapo officers are interrogating the main character but he valiantly refuses to give them his real name

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it's because the proportion of jewish deaths is actually pretty close to accurate but the russians are responsible for more than a little of it

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This is just comically bad. I can't believe that this movie is considered good.

>USSR just keeps quiet about the Holohoax
What? They were literally part of the tribunal at the Nuremburg trials, not to mention their own trials. What the fuck are you talking about?

cos the allies bombers starved them

its quite a good comedy


you missed the point, "Holohoax" if that helps

>portray historical reality
>Wahh!! political agenda! shoving down my throat!

And then everybody clapped

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>not seeing the exact point he just made in contrasting these two subjects

5-6 million Jews disappeared from Europe following WW2 if not killed in the Holocaust where did they go?

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I can't believe they threw that old man into the maw of their guard bear!

I you want a WW2 movie that doesn't have to deal with the fact that the Nazi's were, well, Nazi's, then you have to do the Pacific theater, which there are plenty of movies about. So your point doesn't stand.


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The land of the free

What did he mean by this?

Inglorious Basterdz

>another incel """revisionist""" circlejerk

do you have any census data to back that up?

>trannies are normal and healthy and not severely mentally ill
>oh btw hitler was a tranny
so he unironically did nothing wrong?

They show this shit to like kids in the fifth grade in public schools here, and tell them to write reports on it and Schlinder's List homework for multiple semesters.

Overall, between elementary and highschool, I guesstimate 40-50% history classes were world war 2. And 90% of that material was the Holocaust.

When will we get a ww2 movie that portrays things accurately?

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>trannies are normal and healthy and not severely mentally ill
nobody ITT said that tranny. dilate

Its fact

cringe and yikespilled

based on what? what evidence?

April 9th is pretty accurate. It's realistic enough to feel unusually uncinematic.

seriously tho why do this?

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Never existed

does he receive monetary compensation?



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no modern science has proved it was an air raid shelter


Does the OP not go far enough as an example of what I don't want to see? There's so much patently false theatrical bullshit surrounding Nazis because they were our enemies. There is literally no other political group in history more smeared in totality than them. It's all so tiresome. I just want to see a WWII movie that doesn't break my suspension of disbelief about historical fiction for once.

kek what a faggot

>British bomber command refused to bother even with jews screeching at them to drop hot loads on the camps and railways in to cuck the Nazi's
>Germans became so proficient at repairing rail lines from the bombings that did occur it ended up not effecting their ability to supply their troops or cities outside a 24 hour window
>Most of the camps were work camps producing war material for the Germans and would therefore be high on the agenda to repair rail for so they don't suddenly run out of ball bearings or some other shit
I'm having some doubts here

yeah, all the other threads on here are totally unique. kys.

>tfw they were just harmless trannies

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lol wtf

how embarrassing

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he's also a pedo

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her your not to work today

why doesn't he just have sex???

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>these are the creatures that call others shills

thread ended here

>A council of centralized Jewish leadership that has no documentation or evidence to ever existing decides to fake "the holocaust" as part of a plot to take over the world and enslave the Master Race
>Plant the seeds for decades (centuries?) in advance long before WW1 even happened (/pol/ often uses the old "six million" references as evidence of a conspiracy)
>None of this is ever discovered or found out
>Somehow orchestrate in the middle of WW2 the mass disappearance of 11 million people including 6 million jews and 5 million non-jews
>covertly relocate these people secretly to ??? (Israel I guess?)
>build all these complex facilities and phony camps that were actually resorts with theaters and swimming pools and etc
>falsify thousands of documents, photographs, etc
>create thousands of fake mass graves and fill them with fake bodies in the middle of nazi-controlled territory
>pay off millions of witnesses of dozens of nationalities, none of whom EVER break the silence that they were in fact in on a gargantuan conspiracy
>Pay off every single historian to have existed at the time or has existed since, they're all in on it too and none of them ever blab
>All the nazi's are in on it too as not one of them denied the holocaust took place at their trials, just their individual responsibility.
>The leaders of every country in the world is in on that, including both sides of the Cold War
>Jews coordinate all this despite no real method of communication at the time. Moreover not a single document exists of them communicating so it was all psychic I guess
>No paper trail of this MASSIVE unprecedented operation that has spanned now many years exists.
>Somehow THIS is more believable than the nazi's killing the people they said they always wanted to kill
Holy shit, Jews really are 300 IQ master race to pull off this comicbook supervillain-tier shit. idl why /pol/ wants to fuck with these guys, they're far above any other race by their own admission

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seriously tho, why do this?

What do you call this phenotype?

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That's a big yikes from me

holy shit this thread triggered the schizos. look at all this samefagging.

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Pure fucking comedy.

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jesus christ

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Bobby Hill

Why does the white nationalist community have a problem with homosexuality and general sexual degeneracy? I've noticed a lot of white nationalists end up being exposed as homosexuals and vice-versa. For instance a gay porn actor recently revealed he was a white nationalist and got arrested for selling drugs (Cameron Diggs). Another prominent white nationalists (Kevin Alfred Strom) was convicted for molesting young boys.

Some food for thought:

rationalwiki.org/wiki/Jean-François_Gariépy (Has sex with the disabled)
archive.is/3GH45 (Mike Cernovich discusses having sex with a man)

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>that webm

This shit is crazy

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thread ended here

he really does it for free, doesn't he?

Imagine calling this "life"

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We learned about "lamp shade jews" in school.

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I never knew nazi trannies were real until this thread

thanks based user

we learned about nazi trannys in school, yet /pol/ doesn't want to talk about that


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