What's the appeal of this man again?

What's the appeal of this man again?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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He's tall and has nice proportions I guess

that's all you need in 2K19
it's even easier when you're good looking like me

>average height for Bongland
>white but dark hair and dark eyes
>but good looking
A-am I gonna make it bros?

Height, deep voice, fame and acting talent

Do you still have to approach or do women approach you?

I am Scarlett and Scarlett is me.

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He's being himself

>What's the appeal of this man again?


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still have to approach chicks but you typically mingle anyway, so it goes both ways.

Such a gentleman.

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>broad shoulders
>deep voice
He makes the soibois in hollywood look like women

Is this when she almost fell? I saw the video, she was holding onto him when they went to watch the movie too. I guess her heels were too much for her, should've pulled a K-Stew and took them off.

Reminder that Adam Driver has the career John Boyega deserves

>He makes the soibois in hollywood look like women

Honestly this. I don't care much for most of the men in Hollywood because they are basically adult children. He seems like an actual man if that makes sense.

They totally fucked

I just want to post cute pictures, if you are going to start your gossip faggotry, I'm leaving.

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Most Hollywood men are either manlets or plain male bimbos like the Chrises. They do not exude sexual energy like Driver does.

>tfw their personal lives are non of user's business and user is also a faggot.

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Why was she wearing casual clothes when Laura was in a dress, though?

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The ears

*none of

spelling is hard

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White cock.

hes ugly so hes relatable and he's been disciplined into being a passable actor

Agreed. He has such a strong masculine dominant energy at times. I've never seen sex appeal like his. Real confidence, not arrogance like a lot of these fuccbois. It's hard to explain, but you get it.

Just learn manlet.

I've never been a big Scarlett fan, but she was cute here.

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He is tall

none of the women posted are attractive or beautiful

you are male so you want to fuck the women, but you don't want to fuck men so he isn't attractive to you or even handsome

Laura Dern is tall.

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He's charismatic, and together with his odd physique, attracts others' attention.

I didn't know she had so many tattoos.

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Yea Forums are just insecure incels who think looking like Driver will give them a shot at their Yea Forumsfus

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the way he carries himself

He sings in the movie, I can't wait!

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You think girls get ahead in this business by ignoring (((them)))?

he's rich and famous.
it's why troglodytes like benedict cumberbatch, jennifer lawrence, ryan gosling and adrien brody are considred attractive

he owns a pitbull , yuck

Tall, great voice and great hair.

He's the guy from Gossip Girl. Plain and boring and can't act.

Everything. The whole package. Voice, hair, height and width. Charisma. Out of all the Hollywood men, I find him the most appealing and desirable.

His hair is long enough to cover his giant floppy Jew ears and he’s tall.

Dude is super tall and used to be a marine



Just be tall, white, famous/rich, and don't be basedboy/sperg.


Have you heard him in Hungry Hearts?

If you fucking slander Moose in this thread again...

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Tall, strong, intense yet vulnerable.

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Yes, I was just listening to it actually. He is really quite good, can't wait for his musical too.


top level cope

Not true. I wish Driver was a poor, unknown actor I could get to know instead of a famous one. I believe same goes for the others you mentioned as well.

None of the women are good looking

This guy despite looking young has the face of an aged Charles bronson. Once you see

I mean his shoulders and chest. Not memeing.

It's fucking hilarious that his fans unironically believe this.

One of the best actors working today.

me on the left

John Boyega is one of the ugliest niggers in the industry and everything he's in is shit.


Really? Will be kino.

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>130 kg
Nah, it's because he's a famous actor. Being large is just another form of beta provider

personality, look it up

So pretty and masculine at the same time.

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I want to see this so bad but I don't think I could take the cringe of him having diarhhea.

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Ryan Gosling IS attractive despite looking quite boyish and soft. Being autistic and non threatening can have its advantages when the actual"base" is good.

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Are you a grill ?

I have tried to watch it twice but cannot find proper subtitles in english. (Not my first language)

Let's not kid ourselves, he's liked because he stars in Soi Wars as the bad boy with the heart of gold. That's literally it. If he was just a random nobody on the street, nobody would care about him. Same as Daisy Riddley or whatever her name is. You think people call her cute because she is actually cute? You can see cuter women passing them by on the streets every single day. Again, people like her because - Soi Wars. That's it. There's no great mystery to solve here.

Sorry I was trying to say that being big and ugly just gets you marked as a beta provider in real life

No girls here. (Yes. Don't tell anybody)

He played a guy into FinDom and abusive JOI in Girls. All the people who think he can't act never watched the show.

>tfw human vending machine but only homos ever admire

I can't get over how polite and quiet and gentle and charming he can be.

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>If he was just a random nobody on the street, nobody would care about him
What does that matter? He's as big as he is due to his personality and talent.
And DAISY IS CUTE, stop being a neckbeard.

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HE'S JUST LIKE ME ! (except the findom, I'm way too stingy for that)

There's nothing good about his singing, wtf.

Then why do I like to look at him in girls? Even before star wars.

I want Daisy to chew on my cock with those kino teeth

I'm afraid of watching Girls cause I'm afraid I would start liking that disgusting goblin Lena Dunham.

This pretty much sums it up.
add in:

dude must be a smooth talker as well. Even guys are mirin

Detroit and PR2 were kino you racist faggot

It's only the fact that he sings. And how vulnerable, tender and gentle he looks.

No shit. People just like it because it's him.

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Daisy is not cute, she looks like your typical Bongistani about to hit the wall at age 25. I see far hotter women than her just going to the local grocery store. Cute is something like Daddario, Daisy is just plain average.
Because his personality is attractive to women? He is not the usual Hollywood soiboy, but the introverted silent type that gets girls wet. Again, his appearance has nothing to do with it. You can replace his physique with a talking cardboard and you'd still like him.


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pretty eyes

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Daisy is also a good charismatic actress though, Daddario is shit

If Daisy paid you any attention you'd become a stuttering retard. Stop fronting.

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I actually think his singing is good, stop being a cuck.

Especially now that she's anorexic and has no tits left.

Human form of a lab.

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>Daisy is also a good charismatic actress though
Yeah bro, I just can't get enough of ugly goblinas.

>Even guys are mirin

It's true. All of it.

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You could replace his physique? I find that difficult to imagine. But if you kept his face and voice. Maybe. I did enjoy him as a twig in Silence too.

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If you're actually good looking, you'd do great in America. Bitches love any accent

He's highly confident despite his face looking like a foot.

The nose knows

Daisy looked like ten years older at D23. How is that even possible?

Actors have charisma. Say whatever you want about her level of talent but she was cast as the face of SW for a reason. She's very charming, I can bet more charming than the cuter randos you see around.

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His physique resembles that of a guy who works out one time a week and eats like shit. Certainly better than 99% of the Americans, but eh, not really impressive. His voice is good, his face is atrocious, but I think what most girls are attracted to him aside from what I mentioned is simply his personality. It's probably a breath of fresh air to have someone masculine rather than an perma open mouth soiboy promoting a movie.

>falling for le Daisy can't act meme

3 years worth of cocaine use

I'm 174cm and balding. But I'm French. Can I get some American pussy ?

He is always beautiful. Even when he was skinny, though it was sad to see him so unhealthy looking. The dedication he has to his craft...

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>His physique resembles that of a guy who works out one time a week and eats like shit.
Delusion, the post.

he's tall and skinny. rich and famous, and a good dude. and a big dick.

you're not even tall.

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>but eh, not really impressive

I'm only responding to laugh at you. just so you know

I actually am not attracted to too chiseled male bodies. I like a bulky and powerful but soft look.

mixed race people are the future, so jews are pushing them in starring acting positions

What's weird is that you think his toxic masculinity is attractive when most of his attractiveness is from being able to show his emotions. I don't care about violence or intimidation, I like that he looks like he might cry any second.

>It's probably a breath of fresh air to have someone masculine rather than an perma open mouth soiboy promoting a movie.
This. So glad he doesn't have retarded social media.

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>toxic masculinity

Can you not? His masculinity and dominance are just as sexy and appealing as his vulnerability. Maybe not to you, but to a lot of people.

This is his dick

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Okay so we get it, he has a big dick. But stuff like this unironically makes me uncomfortable. He's not a piece of meat, he's a pretty respectable dude who takes his career seriously. It actually makes me feel bad when I see people posting dick shots of him when he was definitely unaware of it too. Maybe I'm being a prude and I'm not trying to speak for anyone, but I think people could stand to tone it down sometimes.

my god, are all of you fat as fuck? This is a 16% body fat physique. There's not much definition anywhere on his body. Even on his abs when he obviously tries to flex them. Fucking hell, your men must all be on the obesity scale.
Masculinity is much more than violence and intimidation, it's how one presents itself. You like the "softer" side of him precisely because his exterior and outward personality is that of the strong silent type masculine man. This is why you're not attracted to Boyega or the other soiboys, because they represent very feminine characteristics and their personalities are very flamboyant (inb4 you say you like Boyega)

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I feel the same. I also feel bad if he is being harrassed by eager fans.

Yeah, like I get he does sexy scenes in movies but that's his job. He is working there and he didn't do the scene so some creepy fangirls could rewind the shot of his dick 10 times and post in on social media. It just makes me feel really bad. He's hot and I welcome the horniness surruonding him, but there is a respectable way to go about it. I just think he deserves better and posting stuff like that just seems crass to me.

Boyega looks better

You don't get that big working out once a week. Stop being stupid. And 16% isn't something you get to by eating whatever.

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Go to bed John.

Except he's not. Have you ever seen him in an interview? This man is a nervous ball of anxiety.

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Again, I'm not speaking for him or claim to know exactly how he feels but that's how I feel personally. He's such a gentleman and it just doesn't sit right with me. Especially when he's gone on about how he can't even watch himself in movies and he feels odd about people watching him in public. Just let him work and have some respect as a human being for him please.

He isn't good in interviews but he can get it together when he has to. I don't think he's good at small talk.

He seems to be pretty secure and confident sometimes and awkward other times. Charming as hell, either way.

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He's gonna be in a musical soon...

He's not nervous, he just hates small talk as this user said and quite obviously introverted
>t. i am the same

cringe. you're taking this way too seriously. then again i've seen some insane fangirls.

My man is talented. Girls love seeing guys that are good at what they do do what they’re good at, especially if it’s something they’ve been trained to believe is “glamorous”

I think he gets awkward sometimes, but he doesn't ever seem like he can't handle himself. I actually think he's very charming and funny in most interviews.

Best description so far.

Same. Also some days are better than others in terms of faking it.

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>not wanting to treat someone like a piece of meat makes you an insane fangirl

Yeah, nah. Maybe I am taking it too seriously, but there is something called respect that many celebrity worshippers lack. You only think it's normal because you're probably used to stalking celebrities and treating them like commodities. I usually don't fuck with celebrities at all, so it's odd to me the shamelessness of people.

He's huge, strong and talented and just the right amount of socially awkward to make him cute

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no i was just saying you seem to be overdramatic now but i've seen some psychos around. i don't go on twitter and tumblr or some shit so i don't know how bad it is there. maybe you're right. i'm glad he's not on social media to see these freaks.

>dorky high socks

Like I said, I usually don't fuck with celebrities and think the whole idea of it is bizarre. I just really like the guy and think he's a lot more respectable than anyone else in Hollywood. The shit I see on twitter or social media about him is downright gross sometimes. Not that he's gross, I get he's really attractive, but even I get uncomfortable with some of the behavior I see from his "fans". There is a lot of questionable behavior I see from his "fans", I wonder if people are like this with every "celebrity", but yikes either way.

and I'm glad he doesn't have social media either. Maybe I'm being a prude, but fuck the police bitches be crazy sometimes.

i really wonder what it is about him that attracts the real crazies. like the ones who were stalking his wife or something.


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He is incredibly cute here.

Literal puppy.

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What is this from again?

Hungry hearts

Is he a hapa?

looks like SMINEM

Hungry Hearts.

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This gif kek

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Big upper horn
Big lower horn

I was about to throw hands at that interviewer, but he redeemed himself.

Seriously though, Adam is so polite, it's not his fault.

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fucking lol

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Then beat it, faggot.

>(and most importantly)

They are all looking at his nose, it's like when you look at the mole in someone's face, doesn't mean you are attracted to it.

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he’s killed people

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t. coping manlet

9 inches flaccid

I have two personalities
nicest guy you will ever meet

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>Can't act

He's pretty damn good in The Boys. I'd imagine Gossip Girls doesnt give an actor much to work with.

This is the power of Chad.

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he makes drinking water look attractive

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He flipped over in his bike before being dispatched so the only person he's hurt is himself. He penetrated his stomach but there's suspiciously no scar.

he takes really good selfies wtf

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>penetrated his stomach
Sauce? I haven't heard that before.

me in the back

>I was in a mountain biking accident and broke my sternum about three months before my unit was supposed to deploy to Iraq, and it's such a close-knit community that the idea of not getting to go is hugely jarring, so I tried to get put back in training and wound up injuring it worse.


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Being hydrated IS attractive.

So wholesome.

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He always looks hydrated. hot af

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I remember that interview. It's Cannes and in French so he only drank water.

This man is the embodiment of masculinity

too pure for this world

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According to women, he is tall, has nice hair and pretty eyes.

Hmm, what's going on in this thread?

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Where's the penetration?

He's ridiculously good looking

Kissable lips and hair to dishevel.

Just discussing perfection.

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>that fucking stubble


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I was wrong, he used the bike as a dildo.

Frame and skull

Take the blackpill and learn to lookism

Fucking hell. Driver and Cavill threads are turning me into a thirsty faggot.

A big part of it is the hair though.
If he were balding or had a buzz cut people wouldn't be half as attracted to him.

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he's not hegemonically beautiful but he isn't ugly at all, and he's tall, plus rich and white

he's a solid 8 1/2 in the real world

Fuck that qt look.

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Those light brown eyes.

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post the one where he hugs him it's so soft and comfy

They should do a movie together

his hair is glorious, but I've seen pics of him with a buzzcut he's still hot

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John Wick 4 with Driver as Keanu's son and Cavill as his buddy.

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The way he moves is so attractive fuck why is EVERYTHING AVOUT HIM SO ATTRACTIVE FUDFIJDFLKDJFL:DK

kino voice

you won't, her character is just as horrible as her IRL persona. in fact, you might hate her more.

saw 2-3 seasons ages ago. Ironically in a show named Girls the two guys are by far the best. and perhaps shoshanna.

I hated her character, Adam was the only consistently sympathetic one to me.

The Marin Corps is literally for brainlets. Air force is for the true chads

He's tall too. Look how tall he is! What a dreamboat! Just like my daddy

Still gave him a weak ass handshake.

its the hair.

I dont think Yea Forums understands women nearly as much as they think they do

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The interviewer? Yeah, I thought so too but it could've been worse.

Wide Angle lens Wide Angle face not hard

She's 5'10 and still feels the need to wear heels. What a bitch

He'd be a shy, big titty bimbo if he was a woman and it's okay, it's sexy.

This fucking retard again

nose penis


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He is so handsome. His hair especially love his hair

Seems to be a faggot. What do you expect?

Her tattoos are fucking disgusting


>upper half of face is masculine
>very deep voice
>not a framecel
>working-class and not a nepotist
basically everything ezra 'fuggo' miller wishes he was


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Teach me

>This has millions of roasties shlicking to him RIGHT NOW


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I get so happy at his success like he is my son. WTF is wrong with me?

What's wrong with that? It's a good thing an actually talented guy got a shot.

Thanks, I feel better now

My only fear is that he is not gonna get a nom next year, like Amy Adams (with Arrival and Nocturnal animals) didn't get a nom because votes got split, Adam has Marriage Story and The Report...

Protip: only literal faggots like very low fat percentage on men.

Will The Report be important enough though?

Amazon has anything else to offer? It's in their priorities to get at last oscar nom

Length and girth?

He was actually pretty good in black klasman, and I normally hate this malformed faggot


Great body, odd face.
Makes women feel like he's more attainable.

Kill yourself retard

Lena Dunham

He is tall and has good proportions. Noone cares about the handsome face of tom cruise. He is a manlet and in the eyes of a woman he is just someone yo siphon money from. The ultimate red pill is that being tall (no lanklet) pretty much puts u on top 10% of men

how many people here are from tumblr and/or women? Christ

Even she got some dumb tattoos

They're not even comparable though? Miller is an effeminate homo.

>The ultimate red pill is that being tall (no lanklet) pretty much puts u on top 10% of men
I wish
t. 6'3 27 kv

I thought there were no women on Yea Forums


is real life arc is kino

1. See 9-11 attacks
2. join marines
3. convenient timed bike accident
4. medical discharge frolmmarines before deployment for ZOG
5. sell soul to hollywood
6. gets pitbull as pet

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It's women from Reddit. They're called "reylos"

People complaining about pitbull owners are worse than pitbull owners. Also Moose is mixed.

Just healthy 255 lbs