Carnival Row

What did you think? did at least the fetishists like it?

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What sort of fetishes we talking a out?


I like when the black horse cock dude, fucked the white rich bitch.

Speaking as a fetishist, it’s kino.

Pixie fetish.

I found the sex wooden and unerotic since they had to be geared up in bunch of crap for sfx guys. especially in that one where a woman lifts a guy by his cock.

propaganda bad, but unironically

pretty shit, gonna flop

On a sidenote: Who the fuck started that "release all episodes at once" shit?

I'm an Yea Forumsnon, and I really hate this. I need my weekly dose.

This shit destroys an opportunity to have so many entertaining generals

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Like walk away from the screen, nigger. Like close your eyes.

netflix (I think)
>I need my weekly dose.
pleb. weekly can trick you into thinking something is good when its not. one go dump can get people to give it a chance even when first 3 eps are total garbage and are not indicative of where the show is going.
fucking your sister. whoring yourself to a rich merchant from the lowest cast because your noble fortune is gone

>lifts a guy by his cock
Again... What?

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I'll only watch this if Jared Harris shows his peen.

World and characters is great, visuals is great (fairytales, monsters made very well), war scenes are pretty nice, cast didn't really annoy me, always good to see based Jarred Harris. What I don't like is the main detective story, its pretty bland.
Its 4/5 really, based amazon strikes with kino again, poor kikeflix.

>chase bad guy up scaffold
>start jumping over rooftops
turned it off right there

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just watch one episode a week, then. you rarely see a show that compels you finish it in one watch

amazon is really picking up steam now.

>Orloondo Bland
>Eyebrow Delenepotism
what shitty leads this show has. who is based Jared Harris playing tho, there was no description on the wiki

My impression is that they just use fatastic creatures as stand-in for minorities to condemn racism. Is this correct or there's something less trite?

This looks like it was base on some shitty YA novel aimed at girls.

watching dark crystal first. but i am glad fantasy seems to be coming back, im tired of zombies and sci fi


fuck me how many more?

he's a pro-creature politician, his idle rich son fucks pix whores

Looks like degenerate pushing trash. No thanks

Can someone post the tit fairy so I don't have to watch this trash?

It's more like steampunk shadowrun, kinda.

What's some Netflix kino bros?

I love Cara. I watch it for her.

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those eye brows jesus

is he not a wizard? sad, i was hoping for that

What about them?

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