Snake Plissken

Most underrated action movie character of all time

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I wouldn't be so sure about that. The video game nerds adore the Snakes.

I thought he was dead...

There would be no Solid Snake if there were no Snake Plissken. Didn't Kojima say that Solid is directly inspired by Plissken?

that should be very obvious

Solid Snake uses the moniker Iroquois Pliskin in the second game

I thought he'd be taller.

i thought the movie was fine. the good part was how he just lets the girl die
but the plot hole of him not giving the tape to the guy still bothers me

he's cool, but everyone else is cool in the first movie. LA, not so much.

Solid Snake died in that tanker

MGS is a total rip-off of that movie. Carpenter never sued Kojima for it because he liked him.

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>The president of what?

>but the plot hole of him not giving the tape to the guy still bothers me
he wanted to know if America was worth saving, and if the president was a good man worth risking his own neck for

>“First goddamn week of winter.”

Aww SHIT, wrong movie!

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Kurt Russell as Old Snake when

Call me Snake...

I want a new film where rebels of the authoritarian US government release a cryogenically frozen Snake Plissken to aid in them in a mission to overthrow the president of the United States Old Snake played by none other than Kurt Russell

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Big Trouble in Little China is the superior Film

god I hate that. gives me a headache, it's just non stop bullshit. surprised it's not based on a book, nobody shuts the fuck up the entire time.

Escape edges it out, but they're both kino

You say "action" but there is almost zero action in escape new york

And its distilled kino. Shame LA was such a mess.


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Big Trouble is one of those movies that is shit and nothing more than pure nostalgia from when you watched it growing up makes people like it. Same as Princess Bride.

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The whole middle of Escape from New York is actually boring as fuck.

Kept you waiting, huh?

do us a favor and re-visit it 5 years from now, yeah?

Pleb opinion, it's fucking KINO from the cinematography to the humor and even the music. Grow a pair of balls you stupid faggot.

Mike Stoklasa detected

It's really not though. There's a guy called Snake, and there's a President he needs to save (but it's the President of a corporation, not a country). Where are the clones or the robots or the nukes in Escape from New York?


I think I was 26 when I last saw it in it's entirety. It's still boring. All of the good stuff happens in like the opening and ending 20 minutes, and the rest is people just kind of hanging around.

.. you just pleb-filtered yourself, thank you very much.

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>the rest is people just kind of hanging around
that's like the best part, though, just following these characters in that world. try to focus on the atmosphere the next time you watch it, ey?

Don't cut yourself with that edge, son.

The original movie was very light on actual action.

I actually liked escape from LA as well. Even with the crappy CGI

I never got the appeal of John Carpenter movies. I’ve seen both Escape movies, They Live, The Thing and probably some others, and I didn’t enjoy a single one.

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plenty of people have shit taste user, don't feel bad about it

fun character, terrible movies :(

That's boring. The characters don't have enough depth for that.

It's simultaneously "worse" and way more entertaining than New York.


Yeah agree, + LA has some great one-liners

he leans pretty heavy on nostalgia and music to create atmosphere in his movies. the thing is his best movie, if you dont like it you will probably hate his lesser work.

they live is extremely hit or miss with people, it mostly comes down down to if you like being punched in the face or not, the movie is just extremely blunt to the point that it becomes really funny for some people

No really, explain to me the value of introducing a bunch of shallow action movie archetype characters, but then not having them do anything exciting. This isn't exactly Taxi Driver.

i love carpenter but the escapes have almost nothing that redeems them as movies. they are trash


Any movie where you have a legit 10 minute+ street fight with Rowdy Roddy Piper is a good movie. It's just They Live is actually a good movie outside of that too.

isn't Raiden based off the three storms in Big Trouble in Little China

Not only a rip off of New York but also the Judge Dredd movie with the twin clones plot

just remove yourself from the internet

The story structure is a mix between Escape from New York and Los Angeles : main character is sent alone on a rescue mission, saves someone at the end, tells his name to that person in the last scene. Carpenter sued Besson for Lock Out for the same exact thing.

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>The creators claimed they based Raiden's character design on The Three Storms, Lo Pan's three servants from the film Big Trouble in Little China. The third storm, Lightning, exhibited the ability to ride and control lightning and wore a hat that closely resembles Raiden's conical hat.

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ah, that one, of course, he was. I thought you meant MGS2 Raiden. (might not be my most... sober postings of all things, this) appreciated, though,user

Is that a fucking scope on a suppressor?

so perfect it would never happen

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>to the humor

redd-it humor

>Same as Princess Bride.
jesus christ, user. I personally think big trouble is a fun film but very thin at the same time, But how could you think that that at all is similar to the princess bride? you sound like you're the giant wet blanket in the room every where you go.

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Lock-out was such a blatant rip off that Luc Beson got sued by Carpenter and Beson had to pay loads of money for it after losing the case.

was deepthroat doing an X-file on Egg Chen?

>hating on Princess Bride

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it presents itself and offers no compromise to anyone. imagine youself watching it if you dont "get" roddy piper trying act like hes an everyday working man fed up with the bullshit

should he have stopped after fifth element? or is lucy salvagable?

Thanks for the (you)'s lads

Heres another one

Goonies is also shit.

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wow those are some hot takes user

Most of Europacorp movies are seen by Besson as crash grab to finance other projects. He openly admitted it and because of that, there was an open war between him and the french press. It went so far, that a magazine or a newspaper (unfortunately I don't remember the source) accused him of writing strong female roles because it was the only way for him to fuck beautiful women with his ungraceful body. Everything went down when he started writing and producing bullshits that always follow the same pattern targeting youngster suburbians.

He's one of the most well known characters in the history of cinema. Regardless of what you think of the two Escape movies, Snake Plisken is a person everybody knows.

Well yeah.

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i see that's Hugh Jackman, but what movie is that

Snake is GOAT antihero.


you can kinda tell with fifth element that it all could have gone wrong imho.