>American Star Trek fans hated Patrick Stewart because he was a bald Englishman
Is this true? I know Gene Rudenberry hated him being bald
>American Star Trek fans hated Patrick Stewart because he was a bald Englishman
Is this true? I know Gene Rudenberry hated him being bald
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I guess Next Generation suddenly improving after Roddenberry's death was no coincidince
baldlets, they never learn.
That sounds like something you just made up. The Americans thing, not the Gene Roddenberry thing. I could totally believe that guy was against literally everything that made Star Trek the phenomenon that it was.
Gene Roddenberry and Robert Heinlein had basically the exact same politics, but one is famous for creating a leftist utopia setting and the other is derided for being a cryptofascist.
Picard looks gross and weird until the costume change happens.
Heinlein was just slightly more obvious about supporting militarism. Starfleet are still basically a military, flying around imposing their will on the Galaxy, they just wrap it up in nicer language.
Star Trek is full on fascist propaganda, and it's hilarious to me that most people are still oblivious to it.
How good do any of them look in a skin-tight onesie?
Riker looks okay, but he was a fit and attractive young man.
No. Picard was very popular. In fact I remember plenty of people talking about how Picard made bald sexy. The only "hatred" I ever saw of him back in the day was just people that liked Kirk more because of "not mah star trek."
bald people have more balls than you. it's something you can't control. you have to live with it.
a baldlet would have hair
he's a hairlet
This is unironically true, Rod wanted a series consisting of absolutely no interpersonal conflict because in the future we'd be above that sort of thing, the cast members kind of joked about it afterward because it was basically going to be an hour of people standing around politely discussing their issues before finding a peaceful solution through diplomacy and nothing bad ever happening.
Futurologists are almost always hopelessly optimistic faggots.
I could never get into Star Trek TNG because Encounter at Farpoint ruined my impression for good. I know first season sucks and it's supposedly gets better, but I can't watch it because when I try it's Patrick Stewart badmouths me for not having magical technology.
stopped reading there. filtered.
I hope Disney buys all the rights to Star Trek. Then we can have a Jedi first officer serving on a starfleet ship. And the Ferengi could be sucking up to the Hutts.
I can't imagine anything worse.
That is why it must happen
Eventually Gene relented because even he realized Patrick was too good of an actor to pass up.
Nice try commie.
>Gene relented
Dying and relenting aren't quite the same thing.
I'm an American Trek fan and I have no fucking idea what you are talking about. I'm old enough to have watched the original premier of TNG, and I can tell you nobody ever even remotely hinted at anything like that.
>If William Shatner ever pulls you in to the men's room and asks you, do you want to see the captain's log, just say NO
Nah, Trek started going to shit once it abandoned this core philosophy, which you would only understand if you work for a living. The great appeal of Trek was the fantasy of working with an amazing team of people who are all at the top of their game and accomplishing things of stellar importance. Once you bring in interpersonal conflicts then it's all about muh drama and that shit just gets in the way of work. No one who works for a living wants that shit.
Ratings agree. TNG is still the gold standard of Trek and the first seasons were a phenomenon.