All the Worst White People Love Dave Chappelle's Sticks and Stones

>But Sticks and Stones is mostly an hour of Chappelle trolling trans people, rape victims, gay people, and other hyper-vulnerable communities while defending famous millionaires. And something happened while watching it that has never happened to me while watching Dave Chappelle. I got up and did things around the house while it was still on. Not because of some deep offense, but because I was just bored with it. Defending the words and rights of powerful people is perhaps the most mundane and least transgressive thing an artist can do, and last night was trash pickup night, so I multitasked so I could get to bed at a decent hour.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Comedians should be nice... except to white people

It's more that the left still see the right as the establishment and themselves as the rebellious out group. So they see any jokes against them as punching down despite the fact they dominate every major industry now.

>the most mundane and least transgressive thing an artist can do
No, that’s virtue signaling against “transphobia” and other supposed bigotry. Comedians are cultural commentators. To be transgressive, they have to take on the culturally powerful - not just the rich. Trump is the most powerful figure in the world but making Drumph jokes is about the least brave or transgressive thing imaginable because the cultural gatekeeper are united against him - does this coon really have a platform to spew this obvious bullshit that collapses with even a single second’s analysis?

>But Sticks and Stones is mostly an hour of Chappelle trolling trans people, rape victims, gay people, and other hyper-vulnerable communities while defending famous millionaires. And something happened while watching it that has never happened to me while watching Dave Chappelle. I got up and did things around the house while it was still on. Not because of some deep offense, but because I was just bored with it. Defending the words and rights of powerful people is perhaps the most mundane and least transgressive thing an artist can do, and last night was trash pickup night, so I multitasked so I could get to bed at a decent hour.
I'm Rick James, bitch.

>Trump is the most powerful figure in the world

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>the left dominates every major industry

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The new triggered is pretending that one is bored. Most of these anti chappelle articles claim that the new special was “boring” or that he’s “run out of thing to say”

the biggest billionaires in America are all hardcore social democrats. Three of the biggest industries: entertainment, media, and music are all predominantly left wing

chappelle and kanye walk the same path and they are based because they don't give a fuck and stay true to their vision, even if it fails

How are music and entertainment different industries?

Movies/tv shows are entertainment

>hyper-vulnerable communities

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So, wait a second, Chapelle's married to a gook?

Name a single person you consider to be more powerful so we can openly laugh at your cope? You won’t

Let me guess, you thought his second impersonation was Trump as well. He was impersonating you and you didn't like being called out as a fucktard. Deal with it, cupcake.

shes Filipino so seagook

hello nigger

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Rothschild and Rockefeller bloodlines you massive fucking faggot



based, SEAfu is underrated.

Can’t even name one (1)? Lmao, you’re *exactly* as sad and stupid as I assumed you to be. Thanks for playing

That seems like a pretty arbitrary distinction, particularly given the cross contamination of musicians appearing on TV (music videos, awards shows, acting).

The Root is black buzzfeed and I don't know why people read it

You don't know the names of the truly powerful.

does Dave cheat on his wife or does he just joke when he says he ironically fucks trannies?

>But Sticks and Stones is mostly an hour of Chappelle trolling trans people, rape victims, gay people, and other hyper-vulnerable communities while defending famous millionaires. And something happened while watching it that has never happened to me while watching Dave Chappelle. I got up and did things around the house while it was still on. Not because of some deep offense, but because I was just bored with it. Defending the words and rights of powerful people is perhaps the most mundane and least transgressive thing an artist can do, and last night was trash pickup night, so I multitasked so I could get to bed at a decent hour.

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Not even the guy you're talking to, but the president of the United States has been considered the most powerful person in the world for like 60 years now.

LMAO, the 1920’s called; they want their cope back. Fucking lol @ the idea that Robert Clyde Rockefeller is more powerful than AMLO, let alone a real world leader

>unironically shilling clickbait on Yea Forums

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I hate Americans so much.

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It’s not my fault those two terms are interchangeable to people these days

blow it out your ass

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>I found the material very offensive
>but I actually didn't like it because it wasn't funny
>here's a list of things I got triggered by
>but you should still believe me that it was objectively boring
Just be honest

Goddamn ameritards are truly fucking stupid.

>wahhhh why won't black man do what we tell them to do?

Anti white = left wing

they don't. least of all white people. this is some far reaching cherry picking to find criticism of what is otherwise an almost universally enjoyed new stand up special from Chappelle.

the sad part is that this very article is the #1 trending when you search for Chappelle right now because dumbfuck /pol/ incels have given it so many rageclicks.

>Guess who this impersonation is
>Duh hurr if you do anything bad ever we’re gonna take everything away from you duuhhhh
>that’s you!
*audience claps*

>But Sticks and Stones is mostly an hour of Chappelle trolling trans people, rape victims, gay people, and other hyper-vulnerable communities while defending famous millionaires.
sounds pretty based

His Jussie Smollett bit was great though
>MAGA hats? In Chicago? Frank, come here a second? Find out where Kanye West was last night

>it didn't offend me, I was just BORED

That's some playground tier cope right there.

Comedy is by far the lowest form of art.

abstract art and interpretive dance exist tho

Yes it is, retard. You're perpetuating it.
Have sex.

The right controls every major branch of the government. And as far as corporate culture goes all the biggest companies like Amazon or Walmart are completely anti union. There really isn’t any aspect of American society the right doesn’t completely control

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Have sex

Many Americans unironically believe that corporations are "left-wing" if they market/pander to blacks and gays.

absolute cope


LOL You can’t backpedal from looking like a Down’s syndrome poster child after trying to make the case that fucking Robert Clyde Rockefeller is more powerful than the POTUS. Then again, you literally didn’t even know his name when you made that post, grasping for the first meme that came to mind to try to defend your asinine initial post. Go take a cope break before you shit yourself

Have sex

as a poor white person who was addicted to heroin for more than a decade, allow me to say... LEARN HOW TO TAKE A JOKE YOU HUMORLESS CUNTS. he shit on everyone, myself included, but I thought the parts that were most “offensive” to me or “my people” were some of the funniest jokes because I have a functional sense of humor.

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Bezos is a left winger though

You need to wake up, the president is not the most powerful person in the world. It’s people like Soros, Rockefeller, etc.

With what? He said something dumb and I pointed out why he was wrong
Tell me what you see there.

Have sex



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Life must be constantly difficult for you. The sad thing is you’ll probably never realize that it’s just you being a dumb cunt and not the specter of capitalism oppressing you while those around you that are less cunty thrive and enjoy themselves

hello mr icke! big fan!


Just watched it was pretty decent.

Lol, ah yes the billionaire famous for paying nothing in taxes and not giving his employees bathroom breaks is head of the DSA

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>someone who is pretend boss of the country for 4-8 years is more powerful than centuries old bloodlines that have been facilitating every major war on the planet
Okay brainlet

The lizard people from the 4th dimension. They would eat Trump alive.

Thank you for your service.

Jeff Bezos's Washington Post is a mish mash of far left wing lunacy. Amazon is representative of corporate culture in the US which includes Tranny Insanity, Open Borders, War Mongering for the Jewish Overlords, Anti-White Animus, Anti-Christian Animus, Worship of all 3rd World Culture and Customs. It's the modern left and no Class Warfare is allowed because the rich run the modern left

>the site entirely under control by leftists

they’re just mad that they got shit on, despite the fact that he is an equal opportunity shitter and they just can’t take a joke because they live in a fantasy world where everyone needs to be nice and inoffensive at all times or they are CANCELLED

>left wing issues are defined by economics established in the early 20th century when i want them to be
>even if i want the left to be defined by them in a thread explicitly about cultural issues

is there anything more gayer than babbys first lefty who comes into a thread and says "what?? but how is it left wing? what about the unions and wealth distribution????"

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You mean Juicy Smolliet? French actor?

Wikipedia was founded by some ancap lolberg memester, and putting factions of the Democrats on that list doesn't change the fact that the Party is overwhelmingly pro-corporate, pro-status quo, neoliberal trash.
Half of that "list" isn't left-wing (open borders are an ultracapitalist meme, for example), and half of it is just schizoid nonsense.

Yeah like all those raging leftists controlling the banking sector. You fucking autist

LMAO this clown is literally STILL trying to push that Robert Clyde Rockefeller runs the world through sheer repetition! I wish I could see this lolcow’s face, I bet the chromosomal abnormalities are immediately obvious

and that’s why they’re the two best black celebrities of the past 20 or so years.

Thank you for your service.

Literally none of what you said was either correct or has anything to do with being politically left wing. Even the shit about the post- do you have any idea how many right wing crack pots there are that dominate that thing? I just genuinely think /pol/tards have no clue what right and left even mean

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I think there is a lot of confusion over weather the "right" or the "left" run things in our society because those terms don't really mean anything anymore. The establishment right and left wing have merged to form a sort of globo homo corporationist fascism.

actual truth on 4channel

You're hysterical. The US doesn't even answer to itself. It's fully owned by international banks.
Sorry mutt, this is the truth.

hello true Scottsman!

kek, is that why all the democrats advocate for open borders and free healthcare for illegals? like it or not, the main left now is co-opted by woke, corporate bootlickers.

As an earlier poster said this isn't 1920s left wing. The modern left is pro cheap labor and pro open borders, they also support sending all jobs in first world countries to 3rd world countries. They RESIST all enforcement of immigration laws, support all free trade deals, go insane when tariffs are placed on China and other 3rd world slave ships. They RESIST anything that improves the ability of an average American to make a living wage or productive employment

>And as far as corporate culture goes all the biggest companies like Amazon or Walmart are completely anti union.

In the Soviet Union striking workers would be executed.

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No, literally nothing is gayer, but what do you want the poor fag to do? He can’t fit in on Reddit and stupidpol is a shithole - he has effectively no choice but to whinge on 4channel with his incorrect attempts at pedantry to validate the victim complex he’s given himself

Asians don’t count REEEEEEEEEE

>all the democrats advocate for open borders
It's amazing how every MAGApede parrots this mindlessly (but the other guys are the "NPCs" lol) but it has literally no basis in reality. It really goes to show how deep the cult of personality runs with 45.
>free healthcare for illegals
Could you explain how this works? What's the policy being discussed?

>arguing whichever political party has more power in America
Doesn't matter, the nose knows

>The establishment right and left wing have merged to form a sort of globo homo corporationist fascism.

it's called jews.


Go back to dead-chan you obsessed sperg.

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You must know that you have absolutely zero hope of EVER substantiating this to a degree that would convince even a small child, right? Right?

>The modern left is pro cheap labor and pro open borders, they also support sending all jobs in first world countries to 3rd world countries
I don't know why you're referring to the business/capitalist class as "the modern left"
>They RESIST all enforcement of immigration laws
Again, that's the work of the business class who wants cheap immigrant labor to exploit.
>support all free trade deals
Another utlracapitalist meme.
>go insane when tariffs are placed on China and other 3rd world slave ships
Another ultracapitalist meme.
>They RESIST anything that improves the ability of an average American to make a living wage or productive employment
Decidedly untrue.

Every single son of a bitch who complains about it always runs with the ridiculousness of:

>I wasn't offended or triggered
>I just refused to watch it because it was bigoted and hateful and phobic and offensive.
>but I wasn't triggered

It's as transparent as when an user says "I'm not mad" and then launches into a full post diatribe.

Just like turn the computer off lmao close ya eyes rofl

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you sound mad, have sex femcel

Straight from the word of the candidates man, not whatever cult you think im a part of. Watch the debates.

What else do you call a decriminalization of border security and illegal crossing, with a government that is not willing to deport any illegal aliens? They literally said they would provide healthcare for illegal aliens. Again, straight from the candidates mouths.

Why are you acting as if the right isn’t 1000x more fragile. Just look at /pol/ at any hour of the day and you’ll see two dozen threads about how upset they are that they saw a picture of a trans person on the internet, or saw a black guy in a movie.

>half of it is just schizoid nonsense.
good goy

>Straight from the word of the candidates man, not whatever cult you think im a part of. Watch the debates.
Not an argument. Please provide some evidence to back up your claims or concede that you were lying.
>What else do you call a decriminalization of border security and illegal crossing, with a government that is not willing to deport any illegal aliens?
>They literally said they would provide healthcare for illegal aliens.
I asked you to elaborate on what this policy would be, and I'm still waiting for an explanation.

>meanwhile people still give a shit about bernie sanders
Americans are all cultists and elections are a popularity contest

>Defending the words and rights of powerful people is perhaps the most mundane and least transgressive thing an artist can do

Unless it's Hillary Clinton or Beyonce or the Jews

It's true though, in order to compensate for being radically conservative in fiscal policies companies are becoming ardently socially leftist in topics like trans rights, which is them avoiding stigma this time around and pandering to a new market in advanced, feminism, which keeps women in a perpetually state of mental victimhood in order to pander to them with lines of specialty women's products to make them feel listened to and empowered, and immigration reform, since most corporations want open borders because it floods the market with incredibly cheap labor, but they'll keep flooding the media with pictures of dehydrated Mexican kids to make you think it's out of the goodness of their hearts. Religion is dead and corporations are finding ways to take it's place by publicly aligning themselves with people's moral values.

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I’m actually pretty amazed at how dumb you are. 18 million people watched the recent debates where literally every single democratic candidate polling at or above 1% raised their hands in support of universal healthcare that includes coverage for illegal immigrants. You’re attempts at downplaying the open borders push are almost equally embarrassing - when you reeeesist with maximum venom any and every attempt at border enforcement, be they structural, policing actions, deportations, even so much as a fucking census question, it’s blindingly obvious to everybody with an IQ over 81 (i.e. not (((You)))) that you want the border to be de facto open to all who seek entry
Don’t post again today; go read a book or some and try to confront the powerful stupidity guiding your atrocious posts

they control all the western media
movies, tv shows, newspapers and websites, social media
all big websites are far left, google, youtube, twitter, facebook, etc

but no, you're the rebel, you're fighting "the man"

It’s gotta suck making a whole career out of ranting about black people but having 2 kids that look like poor rice farmers from Platoon.

>lalala I can't hear you
The absolute state of democrats

No idea what that means, humiliated moron who literally fucking invoked Robert Clyde Rockefeller as a candidate for most powerful person in the world LMAO
At least you’re self-aware enough to know you’re too stupid for it to even be worth trying. That’s something, I guess

dios mio...

The only company that doesn’t swear by far left talking points is ChicFilA and they get lambasted for daring to have christian values in current year. How very dare they?

You’re just fucking wrong. Being anti-union doesn’t mean corporate culture isn’t entirely left on the culture wars. If anything the natural position of the open border no human is illegal left is to be anti union otherwise the poor invading wetbacks couldn’t get jobs.

You bellwether of what the left is - unions, is closer to the protectionism of tarriffs and promoting domestic manufacture that fucking DRUMPF talks about daily. Why are you drones this fucking confused about what you believe?

Bizarre non-sequitir.
>every single democratic candidate polling at or above 1% raised their hands in support of universal healthcare that includes coverage for illegal immigrants.
It would be so easy for you to explain what the actual policy would be, but you won't because it probably doesn't sound as scary when it's actually spelled out.
>You’re attempts at downplaying the open borders push are almost equally embarrassing
Again, you could easily point out the "open boarders" proposal if it actually existed, but it doesn't, so you won't. Illegal immigration only became a problem when the business class (guys like Trump and his buddies) decided that quasi-slave labor from the third world was better than "entitled" domestic labor.
>Don’t post again today; go read a book or some and try to confront the powerful stupidity guiding your atrocious posts
You can't even use "you're" correctly, fucking retard, and the hostility is a COPE for the fact that your claims have no substance.
Nice dodge, now you don't have to address any of the points that challenge your dubious claims.

You think i know what these fucktards on the democrats side will possibly think how any of this free shit will work? I dont know ask your candidates.

Thats at least TWO of the big names asking for very leniant border security
from CBS too

fucking dipshit

>Could you explain how this works?
all the dem candidates raised their hands onstage at the debate when asked if they would support a policy that gives free healthcare to non-citizens. that’s how it works you retard.
there are no specific policies yet but they’ve all admitted that they support the idea

>I wrote an entire article about how NOT triggered I am!

>getting this emotional over the truth
I don’t understand, are you mad about people saying Trump isn’t the most powerful? Or are you just some wild glownigger/jew? Either way you need to calm down a bit dude.


>don't know why you're referring to the business/capitalist class as "the modern left"
because they’re the ones in actual left-wing government positions?

>You think i know what these fucktards on the democrats side will possibly think how any of this free shit will work?
You mean the basic social democracy that exists in every developed country? It boggles the mind!
>Thats at least TWO of the big names asking for very leniant border security
They're talking about decriminalizing the border crossing so it's a civil offense and not something that gets kids locked in cages, no?
This just sounds like hospitals aren't going to leave somebody dying out front if they don't have a green card.
>there are no specific policies yet
I thought so. MAGApedes make it sound like there's a plan to fund Mexico's healthcare or something.
literally first 6 seconds

I can back up this nigger. If you listen to lefty polisci pods like 538 even they made a point about noting how bizarre a position it was.
I think they’re being bit in the ass by their own decades long conflation of illegal immigrant, legal immigrant and refugee. Even they have no fucking idea anymore and now they’ve painted themselves into a corner where even Clinton and Obama era obvious statements are toxic.

>Washington Post is a mish mash of far left wing lunacy
come on man, it's centrist globalist corporate neoliberalism all the way, that shit isn't far left and you know it

What could be more right wing than trying to get your product to every possible person and completely fucking over your employees and society in general to do it? And the idea that society at large is predominantly left wing is entirely laughable. The entire culture has shifted to this hyper materialistic money focused working 3 jobs plus a side hustle mentality. You seem to be confused thinking that just because people have tattoos or dyed hair while they’re doing it they’re not completely behaving identically to Gordon Gecko

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What does that entail, though?

okay so you’re just a troll, got it...

So when you have the big hitters calling for lax border security and very lenient laws surrounding migration, you get more poor people willing to make that trip across the desert to come here into america, knowing they wont face any consequences. Look at California YOU may hate the corporations, thats great. But understand that they have taken over the left by pandering to the woke crowd and securing protection and a whole new avenue of wealth by being woke.

guess that's a different question from your lie regarding none of them saying it in the first place

>It didn't bother me at all, so I wrote a whole article about it!

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>le kids in le cages

thanks for the blackup my nigger

This is 0/10 trolling
It’s already been linked below, but I don’t know why anyone bothered because anyone genuinely interested in political discussion saw it with their own eyes a month ago
You’re just a dumbfuck who has nothing better to do with your weekend but try to get people to do your research for you as you vapidly try to get someone, ANYone to give a single shit about the pedantic semantic stupidpol angle you’re on about where the REAL leftwing has NOTHING to do with cultural leftwing thought. It’s boring and you’re (very) stupid, and it’s not entertaining watching you reeeing against how encyclopedic definitions don’t match your arbitrary idiosyncratic ones
I’m gonna go get lunch, I hope you have a fittingly lonely weekend and stay miserable as you rage against the world to feed the victim complex you self-induced to try to obscure from yourself the manifestly obvious fact that you’re stupider, lazier, and exponentially more socially maladjusted than those around you. It’s funny to me that you’ll never seek therapy and will probably die like this. Lmao.

Not an argument.
They only come because there's work for them. If you actually penalized businesses for hiring illegal immigrants, you could solve the problem right then and there, but that would be literal Soviet communism. Note that the border wasn't even militarized until the 1990s, well into the neoliberal consensus.
Please point out where I said that none of them said it? IIRC I simply asked you to support your claim. Why would you be so flagrantly disingenuous? I don't understand.

I like how you say this confidently without ever interacting with the branches of government. If you've ever been to D.C. you would know every single fuckstick in that hellpit is pro-american leftist government. inbr hur dur americans dont know right/left

no they are talking about making borders security very weak, defund ice, make it easier to stay here without papers, what do you think will happen? every poor person in south america, hell the world has an open invitation to come here because you won't be seriously prosecuted, at most a slap at the wrist all the behest of the corporate masters


Yeah, none of this is an argument. You're just SEETHING.
Who's going to hire them, exactly?


>Please point out where I said that none of them said it?

>>Straight from the word of the candidates man, not whatever cult you think im a part of. Watch the debates.
>Not an argument. Please provide some evidence to back up your claims or concede that you were lying.

I know there's a contingent of sociopaths on the right, but that's far from universal. A lot of Republican/Trump voters have kids themselves and don't really like that sort of thing.

Republicans control the Senate, the Supreme Court, and the White House. What on earth could you possibly be talking about?

>free healthcare to non-citizens

so legal immigrants and refugees then? wow how evil

>gay people and rape victims
You wrote gay people twice

Yes, like I said before, that's where I asked you to substantiate your claim.

we know. thankfully you'll never breed

most people on the left are pedophiles, so you shouldnt really be talking about what's right for kids

>le cages

Yes, putting "le" in front of it doesn't really change anything.

>boo hoo le cages bad

Yes, many Americans, Democrat and Republican, hold that sentiment.

fuck off troll

To illegal immigrants, awful troll giggling to himself that people are refuting his artless shitposts. You’re really bad at this, you’re supposed to make it less obvious; now everyone is just pointing and stating to other that you’re a retard.

the only hyper-vulnerable people are children you fuck, the special is called sticks and stones to remind you that jokes cannot hurt you because they are just words

Calling people "trolls" for disagreeing with you is not an argument.

Gay people are “hyper vulnerable” in 2019?

-16 degrees out, but okay

Those are not even close to the biggest industries

Left has no critical thinking or sense of humour anymore so this is lost in them. Should've called it "Liberals Need to Grow the Fuck Up."

>jokes cannot hurt you because they are just words
I mean that’s a dumb ass way of looking at the world though right? Obviously words themselves can’t physically hurt you, but to say words don’t have power is childishly simplistic. Just look at the rise in mass shootings recently as evidence. All it took was the right words repeated enough times and it caused people into really fatal violent actions

Attack of the Alphabet People (2019)

>who was addicted to heroin for more than a decade

Literally just kill yourself. Someone this stupid deserves to die.

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That's the reality for many in the devastated post-industrial regions of the U.S.


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They’re the industries that affect the minds of Americans the most

Are you seriously trying to blame jokes for mass shootings?

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I watched it the other night. It was funny but it wasn't his best. I feel like he was just soapboxing at times.

>yfw leftwing people actively wish for the deaths of poor whites while acting like poor blacks are saints and don't realize what they're even saying

>it's society's fault

No it isn't, you double nigger. There's absolutely no reason to ever try hard drugs. The list of drawbacks is very well known at this point. Being poor is no excuse to do hard drugs.

his standup isn't 100% based on real life

the point is the laughs, not the facts

Did you listen to anything he talked about on the special? Or are you just triggered trying to force some made up narrative about your political agenda because you're a cunt?

Sounds more like a “muh degeneracy” rightist to me.
The neoliberal economy left them behind. Considering they put your boy into office, maybe you shouldn’t belittle and dismiss them?

If you don't know the link to prescription pain medicine, you don't even know what you're arguing about. These people were hooked on something without their knowledge in many, many cases. But, you don't care about that, I'm aware.

fuck niggers trannies, jannies , faggots and kikes.

except they does.

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I’m saying the phrase “sticks and stones” is retarded.

Lmao no. They are just the obvious ones right in front of your nose.

I'm not leftwing. Niggers are also retarded for doing drugs and also have a crabbucket mentality that prevents any black kid with a good interest from pursuing it.

Subhumans come from all races.

how do I get the q and a segment at the end? At the end of the credits I just get commercials for Netflix crap.

>Not because of some deep offense

Why are they denying that they are offended now?

I didn't watch that stupid shit.

Holy shit. How deluded can these people be? Everything that doesn't exactly and explicitly align with their narrow points of view is dangerous or deserves to be cancelled. Boring is the new keyword for that kind of retards. I don't know what happens with America, but it's on the verge of collapse.

Then you're even worse, because you won't even consider outside factors like pain medicines being prescribed en masse to people that got hooked on it. I've seen it first hand, someone with a great life broke his hand in a mild car accident, got hooked on it because of a natural predisposition in his family, and now no one even knows where he is or if he's alive. I know you're an edgy 2016 refugee, but you're worse than an idiot leftwing person if you unironically think people don't need help on your own fucking side.

It plays automatically, you just have to wait and have auto-play turned on

No, I got that much. But you heavily imply jokes are what lead to a lot of the mass shootings that happened recently.

Now you're seeing first-hand why many of us never bought the "right-wing populist" meme.

Hot take, Ben Shapiro.

What did you mean by this?

I will say if you ever listen to white supremacists talk like those dudes from the right stuff or the crying nazi from Charlottesville, they’re really open about the fact that’s exactly what they’re trying to do. By repeating racist/homophobic/you name it-ist shit over and over AND making a joke out of it, they’re attempting to normalize it within the culture. Couple that with message boards and social media all reinforcing it 24-7 and you can start to see how it can be “more than just words”

you know what boring is? the word they use to critisize people with 'elevatoed opinions'

the left knows chapelle is a beloved figure who has also been seen as a 'voice of a generation (stupid i know) for a lot of young millennials. So when dave makes honestly a very conservative piece of comedy, even down to pro-life, they know they cant just say what they WANT to say, which is that its racist, homophobic, whatever, so they just say it was 'Lazy' or 'Tired' comedy.

they cant admit their once thoughtleader thinks something else, so they imply that he isnt trying

TRS is so cucky that no one could be radicalized by how boring they are, but I'm sure rationalwiki has taught you everything you need to know. Also, the shooters always have faggoty politics in their manifestos, so I don't get how you'd align those two without being retarded.

Sober heroin addict (2 years). In my experience theres very few people who got addicted to dope because they personally were prescribed pain pills.

A bigger reason everyone’s on heroin is because doctors handed out oxycontin like candy in the early 2000’s, flooded the streets with it, it became a popular party drug (same with percs, norcos, etc) because they’re basically heroin so they make you feel AMAZING and its all in a non-threatening pill that’s legally sold the USA.

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There’s been a huge spike in right wing mass shootings and for the most part they all seem to be repeating the same right wing talking points, so I’d say words definitely have a clear and measurable impact. Hence why I said the expression “sticks and stones” is retarded

That's basically the exact same thing I said, except for I used a personal account from what I've seen. Prescribing them en masse has produced this, whether through your method or through getting prescribed them.

I didn't laugh a single time, I honestly cannot remember the last time I either laughed or even smirked while watching a comedy or stand up.

Name me one major corp that isn't pro mass immigration and that isn't running some sort of diversity scheme. You can be socially left without being fiscally left.

yeah but blacks do 71% of all mass shootings in america so if we really wanted to stop mass shooting why not start with the blacks and not the guns?

You haven't even read their manifestos if you think they're repeating the same talking points. Please, lay out these talking points for me since you're very informed. I'd suggest taking a look into the El Paso shooter's manifesto if you think he's even similar to TRS or "nazis" as you like to call them. Don't let CNN tell you what they said, actually read it.

Makes sense, but how can anyone think that anybody could hold EXACTLY their brainwashing goals? I'm a yuropoor leftie and I'm always understand that nobody could share the exact same ideas than me. Hell, my best friend is a far right conservative and we both have great and friendly conversations about topics with completely opposite approachs, and we both think that the other makes sense in certain points. To pretend that everybody need to share 100% of your agenda is pure fascism.


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is this what it's come to?

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I hate hearing the same words and phrases irl that some youtuber or faggot in media said

I feel like I'd heard that LGBT car bit before somewhere, but I can't place it

they do though

>completely anti union
Fuck labour cartels.
They have done more to harm the working class than any company ever.

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>The right controls every major branch of the government.

The house is controlled by the democrats you idiot.


Aren't they just part of the electoral college though?

Imagine being a bootlicking leftist and not being a pro-free market anti-central banking chad instead.

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Whites do it around 50% of the time. I’m quoting a conservative newspaper here
>“Despite common misperceptions that all mass shooters are white, the findings indicate that while a majority are, this proportion is just over half of the perpetrators (53.9 percent),” the study found. “More than one in four shooters is black and nearly one in ten is of Hispanic descent.”

The House isn't a major branch of the government. It's a constituent element of the legislative branch.
4channel is 18+

I think you underestimate how fractured politics have become -- at least in the US.

If you don't agree completely, you're obviously the exact opposite. You must tow the line without question and without hesitation -- even if you find it shifting too much into the weird and insane.

my black girlfriend thought it was the funniest shit she's heard in years.

>open borders are an ultracapitalist meme
what a fucking joke
free markets means property rights, the country is the property of it's citizens

>4channel is 18+
Socialists are literal teenagers.
People get more fiscally conservative as they get older.
Lick more boots kiddo.

The president is only powerful in regards to some foreign policy, specifically with starting wars.

Even getting relatively small amount of funding for his own domestic projects is next to impossible.

>working at walmart
You know you can just quit right?

Nobody takes your McChild Sex Slave Warlord ideology seriously anymore, most lolbergs embraced fascism when it became the new COUNA CULCHA.

Those "right wing talking points" have been the norm in society for most of America's history. It's things like the huge push for forced diversity is an attempt to normalize something very obviously not normal to the country. You've been subverted without even knowing it. You're literally a product of the frog in the pot.

Thank you for your service.

Have you been in a coma since Occupy Wallstreet?

I can remember when that was the big boogeyman but it just sort of petered out since there's no organized left in the U.S.

>I’m not offended it’s just not funny. I’m hip and edgy it’s just this wasn’t funny at all. I’m not upset, it’s just hacky.

Political black dudes think like passive aggressive white women.

>McChild Sex Slave Warlord ideology
Why do you use the retarded strawman ideology of free markets that 12 year olds like to use ?

>most lolbergs embraced fascism
No they didn't lmao.
If anything they just got more ethnonationalist, which is a good thing.
But clearly not fascist, read:Commie.
Lick more boots kiddo.

Yeah, thanks.
Enjoy being a leftist bootlicker.

I liked it and it wasn't the usual "durh gunz are bad, mkay"



The talking points they could even cite, which they're not going to do, are all basic bitch conservatism yet they think it's radical far right speech.

>Defending the words and rights of powerful people is perhaps the most mundane and least transgressive thing an artist can do
>everybody;'s mad about it
>this guy was mad enough to write this article

>The House isn't a major branch of the government. It's a constituent element of the legislative branch.

I never said the house alone is a major branch. House and Senate = legislative branch. House being controlled by democrats = legislative branch not being controlled by the republicans. He is factually wrong when he says that republicans control every major branch of the gov.

unironically i hope you get addicted again you little bitch.

I literally despise Europeans and I await the day my countrymen awaken to the reality that Europeans are not our friends and should be regarded as adversaries.

> You can be socially left without being fiscally left.
Has nothing to do with right and left. Its called being a jew and subverting your host nation for the gain of your group. Amazing how left wing hollywood elites have Israeli mossad agents on call. Almost as if they are conspiring together.

Most of the world’s history we were shitting outside. Just because we’ve done stupid shit in the past doesn’t make it a good idea to continue to do it

Personal beliefs are very important to people. Right or left, why should people who have intrinsically different views on the most important aspects of society get along?

>Why do you use the retarded strawman ideology of free markets that 12 year olds like to use ?
Because it's the logical conclusion of your insane ideology and it makes you SEETHE.

shut up troll

How fast have you dropped a comedian before Yea Forums? I started to like Tom Segura for a while and watched his podcast with his wife. In one episode they praise the shit out of Larry Wilmore and Tom's wife goes "I love Obama" with such a sincerity. Also I realized Tom basically wants to be a black guy at this point.

>Because it's the logical conclusion of your insane ideology
lmao, awwww you bootlickers truly don't have any actual refutation to our arguments.
You don't even care what are arguments are, you just continue to REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE that you can't actually refute us lol


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they are when it fits their agenda

I hate all of them now, even the ones I used to love as a teen. I was big into it for a few years and listened to as many of them as I could, but they've all become complete shills since Trump decided to run for office. They're completely unfunny, just like pandering to the right is usually unfunny.

Remember Jussie Smolette? They still act like they live on a battlefield.

is this what it takes to write opinion pieces nowadays? make half your article cherry picked tweets, and then fluff up the little you wrote by repeating it a few times?

>Most of the world’s history we were shitting outside. Just because we’ve done stupid shit in the past doesn’t make it a good idea to continue to do it

Yes clearly diversity has strengthened the country and not fractured it...I always find it funny when people make the claim that throughout the entirety of history we've done it wrong, and only within the last few decades have we done it right. I can't think of a better example of how subverted a person has to be to genuinely think that.

I can simply take solace in knowing that your destructive and insane ideology will never be anything more than a contrarian meme. No personal McNukes for you.

I’ve died several times, but alas here I am. and thanks for the tax dollars, sucker.

That's pretty much it, since most people just skim for the tweets embedded and read the headlines then nod and like it on their favorite app.

I can't wait for your relapse you weak faggot. Cheers!

this thread has led me to believe there is something gravely wrong going on with Yea Forums

It also doesn't help that the judicial branch, while supposedly republican, is basically 4 hard left justices voting together while the 5 "conservatives" play musical chairs on "who sides with the democrats on this case?"

Yea Forums is an ethno-nationalist board

When was the last time this allegedly leftist SCOTUS ruled against radical expansion of corporate power?

>I can simply take solace in knowing that your destructive and insane ideology
First off, I'm a minarchist ethnonationalist, not an ancap.
Secondly, you strawman ancaps, their ideology existed many times in the real world and was extremely peaceful.

Thirdly, minarchism/small government free market existed in history during the late 1800s in the USA and in a few other European countries.
It was extremely successful and resulted in the industrial revolution and massive increases in living standards for the working class.

Enjoy your central banks you bootlicking faggot.

Get the fitbits

does anyone else find it hypocritical how dave is all about black power on stage but is married to an asian woman. his kids don't even look black

what does hard left mean to you?

Weird times.
>you underestimate how fractured politics have become -- at least in the US.
Til a certain point, yeah, I understand it, that's why I'm talking about collapse in my original post. That's the only finish line when nobody is capable of sharing certain common field in political matters. And that common field has to be the possibility of discuss any issue without disregarding another points of view, no matter how "problematic" you consider them, as long as the other side can understand that they are not the depositaries of a "truth" set in stone. The current American cultural climate is so disconcerting to me... Thanks for the tips, fellow user.

Why is /OurDave/ doing a bad chris rock impression?

>this entire post

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No. That's retarded

This looks like a lot of radical Chicago-school propaganda to me.
>minarchism/small government free market existed in history during the late 1800s in the USA
Imagine drinking this much Cold War Kool-Aid unironically. The U.S. was a massively interventionist/protectionist economy during its growth, there has (thankfully) never been a "free market" here. We would have been so completely fucked over and raped by the Great Powers it's not even funny.

Who the fuck is that stupid fucking critic? The show is fucking great!

my excuse wasn’t poverty, I wasn’t poor before I spent 15 years throwing away every penny I ever earned.
my excuse was curiosity. I wanted to try everything once, and I just happened to really enjoy heroin (surprise surprise).
I was really into music while I was growing up (I played bass and drums and piano) and all the coolest musicians in the 90s were junkies (Layne Staley, Brad Nowell, Kurt Cobain, Scott Weiland) and my DARE class in 5th grade got me interested in trying all the different drugs they talked about.
so yes, I might be a retard (I will never deny this) but music and movies and books and just the basic glorification of drugs in the media are what initially got me interested and curious to see what all the fuss was about.
turns out they all lived up to the hype, it’s just that you have to constantly maintain that state of mind or reality comes crashing back down upon you.

Imagine knowing that the left has won every major political and cultural issue of the last 60 years, is deeply entrenched into the media, hollywood, entertainment, tech, and non-elected government, and thinking that you're somehow still the little guy against "da big corporashuns". Nah, those are leftists too.

>their ideology existed many times in the real world
>small government free market existed... resulted in the industrial revolution
the industrial revolution in countries had huge government intervention in trade, look at the east india company in britain, how anyone can call that a free market is beyond me

it proves the entire act is lip service

The left has been in decline since the 1970s, only 2008 and Obama's subsequent milquetoast corporate centrist Administration got people to start questioning neoliberalism.

>centrist globalist corporate neoliberalism
oh who fucking cares

all this means is that antifa whines about them, but they'll never say a mean word about antifa, or niggers, or immigrants, or jews

Id hardly call John Roberts conservative. He voted against the con judges and sided with the libs on so many occasions that he defected on more cases than he agreed with them on.

With that side I think the idea of "liberal and conservative" justices is so absolutely ridiculous. Their job is to look towards the constitution, and not mix up personal ideology with it.

perhaps some people seperate economics/social issues
I know corporations being nice to faggots triggers you but the populist/socialist left don't like them because of their economic policies.

>radical Chicago-school
holy shit you're so dumb lmao
chicago school are keynesian lite
The real free market bros are austrian school.
Also how is real historical evidence "propaganda"?

>Cold War Kool-Aid
What the fuck does this have to do with anything?
We're talking about the late 1800s. Not communism.

>The U.S. was a massively interventionist/protectionist economy
Yeah dude, they had a gold standard, no central bank, no income tax, extremely low levels of government spending compared to today, extremely low levels of regulation and a typical amount of tariffs but yeah I guess they were as interventionist as the soviet union was lmao

>there has (thankfully) never been a "free market" here
Why don't you want a free market? Are you opposed to higher living standards for the working class?
Are you opposed to lower prices?
Are you opposed to having your wages and savings actually gain value over time?
Wow you truly are a bootlicker.

The funniest thing is, the business interests pushing the lolberg meme don't actually want it. They like the deregulation, privatization and tax cuts, but they don't actually want to lose their state protection and end up like Somalia.

he had a few good jokes but it was weaker than his best stuff. enjoyed his solution to bring proper gun control in the usa to restrict assault weapons n shit: every blacks get a gun. then all of a sudden the gov would move its ass.

>Why don't you want a free market?
This is really going to make you angry, but I don't want to model our government on Somalia.

Imagine thinking a con-artist clinging to power of public office is the most powerful person alive. Now that's fucking funny. Dave should have opened with this one.

>If you actually penalized businesses for hiring illegal immigrants
If you heard anyone proposing this outside of this shithole, you would attack them for being anti-immigrant bigots.
It's really pathetic that you have to be so disingenuous here because your trying to convince a bunch of memesters to reject rightism.

>the left has won every major political and cultural issue of the last 60 years
The hell? Like a half dozen states just passed that ridiculous heartbeat abortion law just this year. Even with the democrats running for president, Biden was against bussing and sided with segregationists, and Harris locked up thousands of black and Hispanics for nonviolent drug charges.
>corporations are left wing
Lmao the right never ceases to amaze me

Why do you think being an open borders globalist and having your society destroyed is a good thing?
lmao kill yourself

What is medieval ireland, medieval iceland, neutral moresnet, the american midwest during the 1800s etc.
Stay mad at reality though.

>the industrial revolution in countries had huge government intervention in trade
No they didn't.
The countries that got rid of their merchantilist bullshit they were doing for centuries has industrial revolutions.
The industrial revolution happened because markets were the most free.
What kind of retard thinks industry will expand if we place restrictions on it? lmao

>If you heard anyone proposing this outside of this shithole, you would attack them for being anti-immigrant bigots.
Considering what a ridiculous strawman this is, you are in absolutely no position to call anybody "disingenuous" and be taken remotely seriously.

George Soros

>The funniest thing is, the business interests pushing the lolberg meme don't actually want it.
Of course they don't.
They want to keep their corporate power that you leftists gave to them lmao

>muh somalia
Get better arguments bootlicker.

Somalia is a failed socialist state.
They have nothing to enforce property rights, contracts, life etc
They're the furthest thing from free market.
Tell me again why you don't want a free market and want to suck corporate and state dick again?

Just curious, are you an East European who thinks people need to go bankrupt from ambulance rides in order to prevent Stalinism, or a North/West European rallying against your social democracy for kneejerk contrarian reasons?

Somalia is a failed socialist state that actually improved after it's collapsed.
Somalia has never been a free market.
You are historically illiterate.
Corporations can and are left-wing. The left is not a monolith you absolute discord tranny.

>are you an East European who thinks people need to go bankrupt from ambulance rides in order to prevent Stalinism
No, I do want to mostly privatize ambulances though, the private ones are clearly better.

>Somalia is a failed socialist state.
Correct, they overthrew the socialist regime and achieved a true free market.
>They have nothing to enforce property rights, contracts, life etc
That's bootlicking communist statism.
>They're the furthest thing from free market.
It's the freest market there is.

>Subway?...... SANDWICHES???

Smart enough to finally realize that the TRIGGERED argument makes them look like media watchdog conservatives from the 90s/2000s era, not smart enough to simply not get offended by material that uses a bad word.

>This is really going to make you angry, but I don't want to model our government on Somalia.
I don't want my country's demographics modeled on Somalia but the ultra-right fascists who apparently control the government and media are all nigger-lovers, same as leftists oddly

the right self-cucks are spinning so hard to invent a enemy in the left, a potent all powerful left... so they can blame their general failures of their political and social ideas on them! but the thing is the left is in the dumper in the usa. dems dont count as left

So it's just contrarianism. It's interesting that the lolberg virus made it's way to Europe, but I can't imagine many falling for it over there.

So you're saying you're in favor of penalizing businesses that hire illegals?

Cope, you have the social values of Burger King. LMAO boring bootlicker.


Why do social democrats get so mad over the fact Switzerland is the freest market in Europe, has private healthcare and people have the highest living standards there.
Really goes against the leftist narrative doesn't it?

>Correct, they overthrew the socialist regime and achieved a true free market.
Are you actually dumb enough to think the only governmental systems are socialism or a free market?
Oh wait no, you're just arguing in bad faith because you don't actually have an argument.

>That's bootlicking communist statism.
No, it's literally the definition of a free market.
You need something to enforce the free market.

>It's the freest market there is.
Yeah bro that's why tons of investment is happening there amirite?

>We were supporting him with our SILENCE

>Why do you think being an open borders globalist and having your society destroyed is a good thing?
yeah because those are the only to options
you're an idiot.

>What is medieval ireland, medieval iceland, neutral moresnet, the american midwest during the 1800s etc
places that some have claimed to be similar to ancap, but are so far away in history and culture are they really relevant now? ironically the only other example that has as much evidence that it is ancap is somalia which is a shithole and is also the only modern example you gleaned off wikipedia.

>No they didn't.
Did you read about the british east india company?
Britain had to cripple india's manufacturing in order for its textiles to be sold, this is not the free market at work. That's just one example.

>It's interesting that the lolberg virus made it's way to Europe
It didn't.
They're not that based.
Don't worry though, free markets will eventually take over these countries and you bootlicking, poverty loving, central bank cucks will be crying extremely hard.

>dems dont count as left

Attached: brainlet3.jpg (700x1045, 55K)

>dems dont count as left
The absolute state of negation in the discord trannies ITT is sending my sides to another galaxy.
Spain has the second biggest number of libertarians in terms of percentage of population. Estonia is close second. Stay mad, bootlicker.

>They have nothing to enforce property rights, contracts
That thing that enforces the law is called a government. Name one country with a successfully privatized police force. You can't. True free-market capitalism has never existed because the social framework neccessary to establish privately owned enterprises was an inherited government complete with social welfare programs (or institutions) of one type or another.
The fucking Romans payed taxes to pave roads.

>this giant corporation put NIGGERS in my capeshit product, clearly this is communism!

>The hell? Like a half dozen states just passed that ridiculous heartbeat abortion law just this year.

...You're proving his point. for the last 60 years, the left won that. Previous to that, the majority of the country was against abortion. When abortion becomes straight up illegal or heavily restricted, then the right can consider that issue won for now. Half a dozen states saying no abortions after a heartbeat is detected isn't some radical thing. Like, fucking hell man.

>Even with the democrats running for president, Biden was against bussing and sided with segregationists

Which around 90% of the public agreed with. Even the black community was against it because it forced splitting them up. Look up the stats.

>Lmao the right never ceases to amaze me

socially, they are. I don't even know how you could possibly argue against this. Which is why you don't, and only say "LMAO"

>yeah because those are the only to options
They essentially are.

>but are so far away in history and culture are they really relevant now
This isn't even the main argument.
We were talking about if these places had ancap or not.
They clearly did. You people are wrong.
>ironically the only other example that has as much evidence that it is ancap is somalia
Somalia is a failed socialist state.
They have nothing to enforce property rights, contracts, life etc
They're the furthest thing from free market.

>Did you read about the british east india company?
They mostly died out before the gilded age in the USA which is when the bulk of the real industrial revolution began.

>Britain had to cripple india's manufacturing in order for its textiles to be sold
Imagine actually believing this and not simply looking at the data Prageet.

>dave is all about black power on stage

he will literally make fun of anyone. did you ever watch chappelle's show? tons of skits were built on overtly racist black stereotypes.

>Why do social democrats get so mad over the fact Switzerland is the freest market in Europe, has private healthcare and people have the highest living standards there
>Really goes against the leftist narrative doesn't it?
Switzerland has single payer government negotiated healthcare. Try again.

based and redpilled

That skateboard barely has a scratch on it. What a poser.

Was there a communist analog to lolberg true believers in the late U.S.S.R.?

>Name one country with a successfully privatized police force.
The police is an invention from the British monarchs to monopolize the use of force, you dumb fuck. People used to do private security before that.

>left-wing is only communism
I bet you learned this in government schools.

Lick those boots

>That thing that enforces the law is called a government.
That's only one thing that can do that. It's been done by private forces before.
Why are you so upset over things that happened in reality?

>Switzerland has single payer government negotiated healthcare.
No they don't lmao
They literally have something similar to obamacare but with even less regulations.
The rest of their economy is extremely free market with low taxes and regulations on businesses.
Also their central bank isn't as cucked as other central banks and even allows deflation sometimes.

>clearly this is communism!
nothing is ever communism

In what world could you consider all the democrat candidates on stage raising their hand for free healthcare for all illegal immigrants not "left"?

Forgive me for being a doubter, but I just don't see you holding this position in public, especially once your twitter lefty friends start dogpiling on you.

>Durrrr what is Cultural Marxism durrrr

>lolberg true believers
Why do you cultists get so angry over the fact when our ideology was actually tried in the USA it resulted in the greatest increase in working class living standards in history?

1) Illegal immigration is a capitalist problem.
2) It's not radical to prevent hospitals from letting Jose the landscaper bleed to death out front because he doesn't have a green card.

The Rockefellers are just over a century of money, most of them outside the mainline are not very wealthy, and the mainline ones are activists

>unless you are a literal communist you aren't at all on the left
liberals are the most moderate part of the left. everything in between them and communists are the left.

>Switzerland is the freest market in Europe, has private healthcare and people have the highest living standards there
Not a social democrat but this is disingenuous. The Swiss require citizens to have health insurance which is private but the government mandates insurance companies can't change prices depending on the person's health. There's also many publicly owned health institutions there. Furthermore you ignore the many countries comparable to Switzerland that have fully universal healthcare.

>1) Illegal immigration is a capitalist problem.
Illegal immigration only happens because capitalism makes countries SO WEALTHY that third worlders risk everything to come here because their countries are so shit and can't into capitalism.

Literally a Nazi buzzword.

Look-up the word hypocrisy any time.
You can hold views and still act in a different way.
Ironically this resumes every leftist government ever.

Literally a Cult Marxist buzzword

>In what world could you consider all the democrat candidates on stage raising their hand for free healthcare for all illegal immigrants not "left"?
The one where the only position that defines left-right is whether; investing in a business and obtaining value from that investment should be permitted.
If someone is not wholly against a person buying stock in a company, then they are Ayn Rand objectivists.

I don't have "lefty Twitter friends" you mong. Turn off the fucking computer and interact with real people for a bit.
If capitalists weren't willing to hire/exploit them, there wouldn't be a problem.

the difference is one of those groups is in control of the majority of media outlets and social media, and the other is confined to an anonymous image board

Wrong. Cultural Marxism was a buzzword that existed way before alt-right became a thing.

>The Swiss require citizens to have health insurance
No shit, see:
>There's also many publicly owned health institutions there.
There's more publicly owned health institutions per capita in the USA though.
People in Switzerland mostly pay for extended care out of pocket.

>Furthermore you ignore the many countries comparable to Switzerland that have fully universal healthcare.
Those countries have massive waiting lines and restrictions on care. Look how shitty the NHS is.
This only goes to show decentralized systems are far better than stagnant bureaucracies leftists love so much.

Can I hire exclusively males because males are the only people I get along with?

No, I can't. I'm forced to hire women even though women are hateful cunts that ruin everything. I want to joke with my pals about some dumb cunt I saw on the tube? I can't because the dumb cunt in the office will get mad and start bitching and ruin everything as women always do. She's only there because of leftists, if it weren't for leftists I would be able to enjoy a much better workplace instead I'm stuck with shitty disgusting hateful cunts. The left ruins everything.

No, I mean the literal IRL Nazis invented the concept with their "Cultural Bolshevism" meme. Stormfag shills may have changed the name when they started selling the idea to disaffected young gamers/jokers, but it's the same idea.

>1) Illegal immigration is a capitalist problem.
this is just fucking amazing, 10/10 I want to steal the book with this title, I mean it's not exactly wrong is it? fucking lmao

>If capitalists weren't willing to hire/exploit them
Capitalists are forced to do this because if one company does it, they gain a massive advantage over the other companies.
So all companies need to do it to compete.
The state needs to deport these people and secure the borders so the markets stop being manipulated.

Frankfurt school and it's retarded ideology is a real thing that has infested higher education.
This is partially what we are referring to, it's not an evil nazi conspiracy.

>1) Illegal immigration is a capitalist problem.

Oh for fucks sake. So that automatically makes every issue within that framework not a leftist idea?

>2) It's not radical to prevent hospitals from letting Jose the landscaper bleed to death out front because he doesn't have a green card.

They already don't allow that. By law the hospital has to treat them. They raised their hand for FREE HEALTHCARE. AKA jose just hopped the border, walks down to the local clinic because he has the sniffles, and wastes the doctors time and the taxpayers money.

>we have female CEOs now
Whoa, it's like the U.S.S.R. all over again.
No, the state simply needs to aggressively enforce laws to penalize businesses that hire illegal immigrants.

enjoy your autism. no one loves you lol

>muh cultural marxism bogeyman
the new meaningless enemy are the "globalists" now, did you not get the memo?

It's funny because liboids are trying to character assassinate Dave Chappelle because he goes against their fragile dogma

>Illegal immigration is a capitalist problem.
Illegal immigration is a lack of private property issue.
The very existence of the state and by extension, public property, makes it so people are forced to subsidize people they want no association with.

>AKA jose just hopped the border, walks down to the local clinic because he has the sniffles, and wastes the doctors time and the taxpayers money.
[citation needed]

You're transparent as fuck you retarded Cult Marxist

>it's like the U.S.S.R. all over again
Unironically this, people were persecuted for their speech and opinions in the USSR and the left is persecuting people for their speech and opinions now.

>Those countries have massive waiting lines and restrictions on care. Look how shitty the NHS is.
I think it's a more pro vs con weigh up. You might have longer waiting lines but you don't have to pay out of pocket for care. Personally many people would prefer that, others, like you, might not

Not an argument.

>L-leave cult marxist alone ;_;
Funny how the roaches come out of the shadows when you name them, kill yourself useless fucktard

you fucking retard. hospitals already have to stabilize all people in critical condition. the radical leftists are talking about full fledged and covered health care for all people, even illegals, which would put an enormous strain on our economy

are you serious... they are a corporate party. poor usa fucking good luck

>[citation needed]

>"raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for illegal immigrants"

>everyone raises hands

>*liberal cheers*

Nigger, places with left-wing governments quite literally send people to cages because someone said something someone else didn't like.
"Hate speech" is a bogus left-wing concept created with the sole purpose of criminalizing speech that does not conform to progressive dogmas.
"Bake the cake" is a thing because people like you fail at comprehending the idea of free association.

You are the most fragile thing in this galaxy.

You wouldn't be triggered unless you're a cult marxist retard

no, I'm saying there's no such thing as cultural marxism you retarded faggot
you're just spewing propaganda you've read off youtube comments
seeing a queer on tv isn't part of a massive conspiracy

>he doesn’t know that suboxone exists
I could relapse any time I want to and it wouldn’t matter lol

this has happened with right wing governments too.

People keep saying that, but they won't offer any evidence.
Where's all your Boomer Breitbart-tier shit about sniffles? I interpret this as "Jose the landscaper won't be left to bleed to death out on the pavement under this new system" but I could be mistaken.

NHS is failing dude, it can't keep up, it's why they are constantly trying to bring more and more money into the NHS as the problems grow. They're going to have to start having selective treatment soon because there's just not enough money to do total coverage like that anymore. It's going to be especially painful in the next few decades as the boomers die off, as the majority of healthcare costs are within a persons last 5 years of life.

>Implying faggotry, trannies, feminism, diversity etc isn't proof of cult marxist
Yuri BTFO you for decades fucking retarded shit eater

>disaffected young gamers/jokers
>muh ebil gamerz
>muh ebil jokes
No better way to prove that the left does not dominate culture than repeating every single left-wing corporate media boogeyman that ever trended in those circles.
You are just pathetic.

Better start saving up for your ambulance driver tips.

not proof of a conspiracy theory no
wtf is yuri lmao

>Where's all your Boomer Breitbart-tier shit about sniffles? I interpret this as "Jose the landscaper won't be left to bleed to death out on the pavement under this new system" but I could be mistaken.

That's ALREADY illegal to do. By law the hospital MUST treat a patient with an emergency. Yes, you are wrong. What part of "government healthcare coverage plan" don't you understand?

lucky for me then that your opinion doesn’t matter (to me or anyone else)

I think he's that KGB guy who claimed that everybody who criticizes or disagrees with American policy is actually a KGB spy.
Yes, and that's an affirmation that this policy will continue under the new system. Again, if you have any evidence about the "sniffles" stuff you were talking about, I'm all ears (eyes).

>wtf is yuri lmao
>pretending to be retarded

Attached: DhJhUyVW4AIGeAn.jpg (1200x1066, 156K)

Your state sponsored monopoly creates scarcity and makes everything more expansive.
Can't wait until it is abolished.

so you're gonna believe there's a whole conspiracy to radically change western culture based on some ramblings?

Not gonna happen, if anything social democracy is becoming popular in the U.K. and U.S. again after 40 years of neoliberal failure.

let's say the state takes no role and a monopoly develops, what is your solution then?

The market will fix it.

>Yes, and that's an affirmation that this policy will continue under the new system

No. That's not what a "coverage plan" is. They CLEARLY talk about the issue after the clip I posted. Watch the debates if you're going to make baseless assumptions like that or you just look stupid.

Left wing ideological subversion is all around you, the fact you're claiming forced diversity and faggotry aren't examples of ideological subversion is proof you're aware of it and in favor of it, kill yourself cult marxist

Where are the sniffles? Why are you being so needlessly hostile? I already said I was open to being swayed.

>umm sweatie did you realize that NIGGERS were BRAINWASHED by STALIN to demand RIGHTS?


How can you look at 1950's america, look at it now, and say that western culture hasn't radically changed?

MLK was a commie, still so transparent

You mean the Keynesian/SocDem "New Deal" consensus then v.s. the Reaganite Neoliberal consensus of today?
IIRC he was a Christian socialist. Not sure if he was a Marxist due to the whole "opiate of the masses" stuff.

Don't you know tranny story time is progress? What are you, a fascist?

Do you believe that the black community is better as a whole than it was in the 50's? And do you believe that the black community has caused more prosperity than harm/drain to the country since then?


I have a sinking suspicion that I’m about to have “welfare plantations” sprung on me...

I just judge policies by their results.

What is it with skinny niggas that get swole and then a few years later are bloated as shit?
Other examples like Busta Rhymes, Dr Dre etc

The cult marxist itt is a CIA boot licker, he doesn't care about black community's beyond using them as useful idiots

I love how discord trannies turned this entire thread into trying desperately to deny that progressivism is not left-wing and does not dominate culture.
They are in full denial mode and my sides are in full throttle towards Mars.

Which policies?