What is it about this era that convinces so many young people to base their identity on corporate products?
What is it about this era that convinces so many young people to base their identity on corporate products?
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Because if you live in a city there is literally nothing else to do except for alcohol and drugs
People find no meaning in having kids and raising the next generation. They find false meaning in having a quirky identity (race/gender), consumerism, and attempting to sound morally superior to others.
Maybe it's the disassociation from traditional sources of communication and expression?
who is more attractive here (besides hair styles and other stuff they chose to do to themselves), the guy or the girl?
or you could get a hobby
or have kids
There’s literally nothing with being a corporate slave
Both these people are mentally ill. Mental illness causes people to do all kinds of strange, stupid shit.
they fill the void that religion used to fill with this shit
ITT: Bernie voters
yang gang
not true.
t. have three diagnosed mental illnesses
Friendly reminder that these two people work for Disney LucasFilm.
Damn straight.
You can tell that she is an over-emotional control freak who can only calm down looking at someone else's intellectual property.
I can tell by the hair colors and by having been with some mentally deranged whores in my time.
Reminder this is the guy who posts "Have sex." every three minutes.
If you're in your teens to like twenties, that's typically an expression of you being a nerd and something being fucking awesome. People define themselves through their music choice, sports, or whatever, and all of this is corporate pushed shit.
If it continues into your thrities, then it's kinda weird and sad, but who cares.
Why are you asking this on a board that is full of non-whites that do just that? Ask on Yea Forums or Yea Forums
Corporate dick sucking is the pinnacle of white culture.
How do they have so much money to spend on merchandise?
wh*Toids don't have kids, give all their money to disney and commit suicide at 30
Wasn't this already xplained. This bitch or her gf works sth sth in Disney related to this cumpouch doll.
>Voted for Trump
>Economy gets worse
wow thanks for introducing me to this. I didn't know it existed until now. Not even interested in gadgets, but getting a box of fresh clothes and underwear every month for less than £30 is a pretty good deal!
Capitalism and Liberalism.
American kiddies will tell you that it's all marx fault though.
I grew up in the boonies and moved to the city. Just because you cant ride atvs doesnt mean there's "literally nothing". And lets not pretend those rednecks riding said atvs arent pounding bud lights while doing it m8.
imagine getting a DuPont tattoo on your leg because you make Teflon.
What's with millennials not wanting to grow up? Dyed blue hair? are you serious?
nothing worse than old farts thinking they're young. certain night clubs and music festivals should be open only for Gen Z
Biorobots bred and programmed to consume are not people.
Death to capitalism
imagine getting head mogged by your gf
What’s funny is that these are the same people that whine about the rich and identify as marxists. The cognitive dissonance is truly amazing
the guy kinda looks like that midge from mde
>literally nothing
Not really. Marxism is rare in the West.
the planet cannot sustain a population above 10 to 11 billion
The ideal good goyim
No these are capitalists, marxists are here shitposting on Yea Forums
>identify as marxists
Go back to your board, user.
>If it continues into your thrities, then it's kinda weird and sad, but who cares.
but it does continue into their thirties for those retarded millennials.
they don't want to grow up. and that includes all the millennials retards posting on this immature website
this picture just shows that the dude would do anything to get into her vagina.
There is a book called "Why Liberalism Failed" that deals with this.
This is a consequence of certain Enlightenment ideas.
for every white couple that decides to not have kids there are 3 nigerian, 5 indian couples that have 5 or 8 or 11 kids
they are so happy, and we are not
I dunno, I feel alright.
I know a lot more marxists than fascists but the TV tells me nazis are a growing problem
Is that thing on the left a female to male tranny? His legs look too fatty to be a girls legs.
thats the kind of bitch that tells reddit her live in boyfriend of 3 years stopped asking for explicit verbal consent every time they have sex
i don't care
go back to /pol/
Power vacuum left by removing religion
Capitalism, read Society of the spectacle.
This, capitalism is incompatable with Christian values.
But darkies are the ones touting Gucci™ Prada™ Maserati™
The perfect capitalist cattle.
real Christians are communists
No bias from the jannies, as usual
I'm white but even I know whites are the perfect corporate cattle in the current year.
I've never seen a black person make an epic vs steam thread.
marketing and PR doing its job
You will
You mean of Amerimutt culture.
White identity has been deemed bad and to the point where if you make one reference to a white culture thing its deconstructed immediately and used as a conversation stopper. so they go to the only thing that can be discussed which is corporate products and garbage.
No Sarah, watching star wars and hating popular TV shows doesnt count as a culture.
>Both these people are mentally ill
>pretending you don't know they work for Disney marketing
purely the result of a consumerist, global capitalist, docile masses masterplan
This. Whites, especially men, are the worst consumer demographic.
Also, white communities have been so shitted up with POC there's nothing for white people to do but stay at home and consume products.
Absolutely Estrogenic.
I guess because they feel part of something, but they don't analyze it beyond the superficial.
Nerd “culture” being considered hip and trendy thanks to Marvel movies and videogames
>Porg tattoos
Jesus christ
How do I achieve this natty? Water bottles?
nothing has changed since logos and companies were made
only yours and their access to the internet
You know this is the kind of frigid woman who freaks out if her husband tries to show her any natural spontaneous affection.
this thread has nothing to do with Yea Forums
They're both using them in this photo
Pretty sure she's exactly like that dude's horrible gf in the hangover 2.
With the advent of the internet and mad media advancements over the past 30 years, young people have been bombarded with so much fucking information that, as a result, true adulthood is delayed. They say 40 is the new 20
no mandatory tedpill