>marvel brainlets think this villain was original and fresh
Marvel brainlets think this villain was original and fresh
Doesn't matter, Thanos is in the zeitgeist and Darkseid isn't. Deadpool was a ripoff of Deathstroke, but which one is more popular? Batman ripoffed the Phantom, Aquaman ripoffed Namor, Superman ripoffed Moses
I bet you also forgot deathstroke's obsetion with chimichangas
Have sex incel.
Scion son of a doomed people is secretly cast adrift for a chance at survival, until he is found and raised by a different people who teach him their ways until he discovers his heritage and uses his fabulous abilities to promise a brighter future.
Basket in Nile=Rocket=Rocket
Pharoah's Daughter=Ma and Pa Kent=Grandpa Gohan
marvel is just a cheap copy of DC in every way
It’s true. Thanos from the comics is an inferior character and the movie character’s even worse.
Aquaman is a Namor ripoff
Dilate tranny
Okay, everything else is a ripoff of DC
what the FUCK are you talking about RETATD? Moses could split the sea in two CAN SUPERMAN DO THAT? also stop talking about Goku you FUKKEN BEANER
Yeah marvel has a long and storied history of stealing from DC, vertigo etc and then turning right around with their jew lawyers and suing the people they stole from
Captain America: Civil War ripped off Watchmen.
I think he'd rather die early pfffft
Civil War ripped off Batman v Superman. Only difference was that instead of teaming up at the end for the big bad, Captain America and iron Man end having to fight again while Superman and Batman team up with Wonder Woman to defeat Doomsday
Thanos was a shit villain. It was better than every other Marvel villain, but it's not a hard feat to accomplish. Thanos was just space Ra's Al Gul.
I forgot Thanos was obsessed with ending free will.
no they dont, Marvel just does things better
Absolutely redditpilled
Swampthing ripoff Man-Thing
Guardian ripoff Captain America
Bumblebee ripoff Wasp
Rocket Red/Steel ripoff Iron Man
Black Racer ripoff Silver Surfer
Anti-Monitor ripoff Galactus
Zatanna ripoff Scarlet Witch
It's both sides. You've got the same writers for both companies and they've always been pretty friendly abput parodies and borrowing ideas.
Both Siegel and Toriyama have acknowledged the connections you tard. DBZ was originally just going to parody a bunch of stuff
Thanos was loosely based on Mongul, not Darkseid.
I liked the movie Thanos. He was far different from the comic version who lacks any real personality and who exists as an author insert power fantasy.
I agree. Movie Thanos was kind of the personification of what Zola said about Red Skull.
"The sanity of the plan is of no consequence... because he can do it!" An insane zealot narcissist posturing behind crazy philosophy. But he believes it.
Why do you care? Grow up, all of you.
Civil War was already a comic storyline before BvS, dumbass
>Guardian ripoff Captain America
both created by the same guys, and ripp-offs of the archie char the shield
but thanos is older than mongul
>Guardian ripoff Captain America
>Black Racer ripoff Silver Surfer
That's less companies copying other companies and more Jack Kirby copying himself
Thanos that was based on Metron and then Darkseid
zoomies think Injustice was original and fresh
Thanos and Darkseid aren't really all that similar once you get past the surface. Thanos is a walking mess of insecurities despite his power. Darkseid is.
But does Thanos love chilling out on comfy sofas as much as Darkseid?
>marvel brainlets thinking
Tardvel fans don’t think just consume
fucking brainlet
Yeah and the movie has barely anything to do with the movie, idiot
Darkseid is evil because... Darkseid is.
Yet Thanos will go down in history as a cinematic icon, while Thanos is relegated to shitty video games and cartoons.
No one gives a shit who came first, they care who did it better.
These cringe takes. Have you ever read a single book?
Serious question, why doesn't DC just call it a day, realizes Normies will never care about their fioms, gives Grant Morrison 900M dollars, and lets him adapt Final Crisis (and Superman Beyond) in the big screen
Imagine the seething normies would make at not getting it
Actually yes
I read Green Eggs and Ham when I was 5 and knew that nothing else could ever compete
Literally this.
COPE you hermaphrodite.
Too late bro
All this talk about Darkseid being too similar to Thanos. Just do a sofa scene! They'll be instantly distinguishable from each other for normies.
You could have a scene where Mister Miracle and Big Barda are shopping in IKEA when suddenly, Darkseid in an armchair.
Umm show me that Justice League movie where that shitty Thanos copy cat appears
That ultramarine has fallen to chaos and should be purged
>that upskirt
what a whore
Thanos and Darkseid were made by the same person. Just like Venom and Spawn were made by the same person. Comic writers and artists like to take their toys with them when they switch employers.
Except Jim Starlin made Thanos and Kirby made Darkseid
>Thanos and Darkseid were made by the same person. Just like Venom and Spawn were made by the same person. Comic writers and artists like to take their toys with them when they switch employers.
Darkseid made by Jack Kirby
Thanos by Jim Starlin
I don't care if it bombs, give me a Grant Morrison penned movie and I'll watch it the first day.
>marvel brainlets think this villain was original and fresh
>Scion son of a doomed people is secretly cast adrift for a chance at survival, until he is found and raised by a different people who teach him their ways until he discovers his heritage and uses his fabulous abilities to promise a brighter future.
Are you fucking retarded? Moses' big thing is leading his people out of slavery and his conflict with his adopted people. Superman's people are fucking dead.
The only thing even close to similar is the backstory
>Superman ripoffed Moses
and Samson
>Are you fucking retarded? Moses' big thing is leading his people out of slavery and his conflict with his adopted people. Superman's people are fucking dead.
>The only thing even close to similar is the backstory
...........The bottle city of Kandor
That's like saying a 2908 T-Model Ford is better than at 2020 lambo because it came first.
Thanos is darkseid done better. darkseid is just a boring I'm evil because I'm evil villain.
***1908 t model ford
I am genuinely surprised that Yea Forums actually knows anything about comic book superheroes for once.
why did they give Darkseid horns in Justice League movie
So guy in the left is in the Ultramarines? WTF