Why does Finn being black trigger so many star wars fan when the OT and PT had black characters too?
Why does Finn being black trigger so many star wars fan when the OT and PT had black characters too?
Because Finn is a diversity hire, whereas the others were not.
cause he ugly
They were upset he would get to fuck Rey on screen like how Jamal fucked their girlfriend last week while they were at work
because they weren't hired because they're black but because they're cool / good actors
>Because Finn is a diversity hire, whereas the others were not.
What makes you say he was a diversity hire? And how do you know Mace and Lando werent?
finn is basically ultra race bait 90000
he seemed like he was meant to be luke jr in the OT and was training to be a jedi but he got slidelined
not even black people like him
Because "Boy"ega is a tranny freak without talent
Lando was suave and a cool nigga
Jackson was a background character and he make us love even more The Sheev
This nigger only make me think on chimps
Using british actors in American films should be illegal I'm sick of this shit the 19th century ended it's FINISHED.
He's definitely on some faggy hormone shit with those birthing hips of his
Yea Forums didn't really exist back when Sam Jackson was cast, and he was an established actor everyone liked. Williams is part of the OT pantheon. We didn't know in advance that the movies would be cash-grabs. Etc.
>Yea Forums
Star Wars outrage was very much en vouge online elsewhere at the time. But Sam Jackson was and is well liked
Lando and Mace Dindu are great characters. Finn is a caricature of a black man, hell, the only thing he wants is to know where they white woman is.
basically because he's really ugly and the tfa marketing made it look like he was going to be the new main jedi. as far as this website goes, anons shit post about whatever they can to complain about knee grows.
And as far of as outside of this website, star wars is like one of the biggest franchises ever, so of course a bunch of white supremacist types are going to get triggered when one of the main cast members is an ugly black guy who gets a lot of screen time.
difference seems is to be time
So a black guy being cast in a Star Wars movie is considered a diversity hire because of the year the movie was made in? Seems like a really shitty argument. You're saying that casting a new black actor as opposed to a well known one is diversity hire?
sam jackson is not some model you just don't think about how he looks because it's not his main characteristic. boyega's main characteristics are insecurity and beta-appearance (arched brows etc.) which is what allows you to care about him being ugly
>Finn is a caricature of a black man
this isn't true at all. he's the closest to being a interesting character in TFA. of course they completely waste his potential as a character and an actor but it's not Boyega's fault.
Yea Forums didn't really exist back when Sam Jackson
yes it did u retard
That's the difference you see? Not being gentlemen vs being street trash? Street trash existed then too
>gentlemen vs being street trash
The ratio changed a lot to be fair. Mostly because of the expansion of the welfare state.
They were cool. Finn looks literally as gorilla. His story in SW goes nowhere. Movie would be same without him.
The other two aren't main character while he is, and despite that they are more interesting than him.
New character in Rise of Skywalker. She feels so out of place, can't quite put my finger on why
>he's the closest to being a interesting character in TFA
He's a janny on the Starkiller Base and also a ducktrooper. How is that interesting?
He's a wasted character. He should have been the protagonist.
Don't forget her weapon: a bow that fires bols of energy.
>Mace Windu
The OT and PT had black characters. The ST has a character who is black. Star Wars is a franchise where the more of a stereotype you make something, the better it is. Finn should be a space pimp.
he had the potential for an arc, deserting as a Stormtrooper. it was literally the only interesting concept in TFA.
Is that a pack of cigarettes strapped to her right arm?
Yea Forums was launched in 2003, Jackson was in The Phantom Menace in 1999. get out.
>he's the closest to interesting
>they completely waste his potential as a character
which is it?
at what point of wasted potential are you willing to concede that he's not a good character?
when the whole stormtrooper with a conscience thing goes nowhere?
when the "where da reys at" shit never lets up and he never shows interst in doing what's right for it's own sake again?
when the relationship with poe goes nowhere?
how much more wasted can the potential even get?
>not boyegas fault
nor did user claim it was
>Because I'm not a nigger, and Finn is
>19th century ended it's FINISHED.
What are you referencing?
She's right at her place, in a cotton field
What really triggers me is that he went from a main charecter who had an ark(TFA)to just a funny sidekick that doesn't matter(TLJ).
White Finn would have been better. Prove me wrong.
They probably would have been less afraid to give the character a rough edge out of fears that he might look too much like a "thug", and his character might have amounted to more than the pet dog of the trilogy.
I fully believe the Admiral Holdo story line was originally meant for Finn, as the idea of a newly recruited ex-Stormtrooper clashing with a Resistance Admiral who doesn't trust him makes sense. I think they opted against this, because it would make Holdo look racist.
the entire cast was shit there isnt single white man in the entire first film.
It felt like it wasn't star wars.
Because racists, sexists, homophobes, and transphobes always pretend to retroactively care about something they never talked about before so they can disguise their hatred as a concerned fan. Look at the Rocko's Modern Life tranny.
>Rocko's Modern Life always endorsed trannies
Because he’s ugly and uncharismatic, who the fuck wants to see that from Hollywood and beloved franchises? He was clearly forced in for woke retardism rather than for merit. Why don’t you ever get it? I used to think Somalians had the lowest IQ on the planet until I read leftists on social media.
I actually liked Finn and Po's friendship in the first film.
It's the people around them that's fucking infuriating. Like Rey, or that pink haired "general", or that asian pilot who crashes into Finn with her "If you kill them they win" speech and that shit romance plot.
Finn is probably the least obnoxious character in Nuwars. Compared to the walking cringe memes that are Rey, Poe, Maz, and Admiral Problematic he's practically Han Solo.
The line that killed the new films was JJ saying how he wanted the setting to reflect the real world.
That isnt what scifi like star wars is supposed to be about.
No one gave a shit about lando or Mace dindu because it wasnt our world.
I hate this fucking americanised liberal approach to fiction, trying to make everything the 21st century.
>there isnt single white man in the entire first film
Racists, sexists, homophobes and transphobes? You stringing all those groups together like that tells me so much about you. I’ve had shits with more life experience and intelligence than you.
Because the show was one big SJW propaganda rewrite.
>It felt like it wasn't star wars.
It wasn't, unless you think a bunch of menopausal feminist harpies can make Star Wars
Doesn't Matter, Finn is just a bad character.
>Black character's most advanced weaponry is a bow and arrow
Bingo. It was Star Wars used as propaganda by leftist activists, Hollywood needs purging.
This, they should have had Finn and Poe together in TLJ and just write Rose out. Hell everyone was already shipping them if they want to go that route.
Most of the people on here grew up on Rocko’s Modern Life so to see that too get pozzed with social engineering “gender has no limits” bullshit is a direct assault on their past.
>people can be grouped into two easily defined groups of "gooides" and "baddies", and if you don't agree with everything that's fashionable in the current moment, you're one of the baddies
t. these retards
Can you imagine Finn having an actual conversation with Rey and Poe. Banter among friends? Seriously try and do it I can't.
Remember when it was Meth Damon who was supposed to play Finn?
The worst racists, sexists, homophobes and transphobes are black and brown men, but I’m sure you are another worthless, mentally deranged pleb who thinks it’s all white men, despite you living in white culture.
Boyega and Finn fans, please commit sudoku. You are retarded.
Fat, ugly manlet with zero charisma. Being a nigger is the least of his problems. Same with the chink love interest. There are plenty of good looking charismatic ethnic actors and actresses.
>Lando Calrission
>black as fuck. May as well have walked in from a blaxsploitation film
>random Stormtrooper, when the Empire had been depicted as entirely white (inspired largely by Nazi Germany and the British Empire) up to this point, and the character is depicted as white in early concept art.
Do cumbrains really think these absurd porn fantasies are real? Reminder that whites in America are by far the most likely to have intraracial relationships rather than interracial, per Pew. Further reminder that aggregated OKCupid data shows how white women abhor black men, just as white men abhor black women in romantic contexts
Obviously the guy I’m responding to is a Virginal cumbrain who’s never been in a relationship, but I can’t tell if anyone normal falls for these memes or not
Holy shit, can you imagine being John Boyega. Somehow fucking land the lead in a Star Wars film. There’s a tasty little white girl cast and you’re sure that you’re the love interest. No kissing in the first one but that’s OK, gotta be in the second one right? Oh, I’m not doing any scenes with Daisy? I’m going on a sidequest? With who? Oh, a literal dumpling woman.
Imagine if they said “and now ur gay” for RoS.
>Grimaces and does a teeth thing
>"your mother"
I just don't like Boyega as a person. Ever notice how fucking arrogant he sounds in any interviews? He makes everything about himself.
Don't care about Finn, he is completely irrelevant.
Fucking hilarious. You can tell he thought he was going to be the protagonist. Probably thinks people like Kylo instead cause they're SO RACIST and rages about how unfair it all is.
I'll be honest, he had the basics of a good character arc in TFA. Unfortunately they screwed his development hard in the sequel and proved the haters right.
I can't believe this hasn't been posted yet but he literally was a diversity hire. Originally it was going to be Fat Damon before he was too far, the kid killer from the later seasons of Breaking Bad and Fargo. Then JJ Abrams literally said "we have a responsibility to show people of color, bla bla" and hired boyega instead.
That said I don't actually care that he's black, I do care that there's not a single white male hero, all villians are white males, and all alien characters are gone so that women and ethnic actors can fill those roles while aliens are reduced to the same looking brown background decorations. It's not one thing, it's everything.
The problem is that Boyega is fucking ugly and a manlet.
Mace windu was a 6'2ft badass looking black guy and Landon was 6ft handsome and charismatic.
>anons shit post about whatever they can to complain about knee grows
Do you really think this? Nobody has a negative word to say about the black actors in The Boys, Carl Weathers in Predator, Danny Glover in the Lethal Weapon series, Michael B. Jordan in Chronicle, Ving Rhames in the Mission Impossible series, Will Smith in Independence Day, or a thousand other examples of diverse casting done right. Even as we speak there are threads raving about the (excellent) new Chappelle stand-up. You’re acting like a faggy bluecheck who can’t tell why 4channel hates Captain Marvel but loves Alita and are confounded by the lack of explanatory power of your facile muhsoggyknee narrative. If you can’t tell why Lando is cool with this board and Finn is reviled, you’re not too bright and should lurk more, friend
I think he sounds defensive. Imagine being permanently barraged by racist comments ever since you appeared in a Star Wars trailer.
You forgot the weird body.
Most people think Oscar Isaac is white, to be fair.
Well said
Nah, he had the *premise* for a good character arc - a turncoat stormtrooper aiding the resistance and fighting his indoctrination - but right from the very start it was immediately soiled by piss-poor writing. Poor little janitor man has an emotional breakdown over a couple deaths in minute one but then laughs with glee as he blows up the only brothers he’s ever known mere minutes later. It was shit execution even in TFA, that became exponentially shittier when they gave him that odious gook babysitter
Good god....Is that edited?
>hey, this Stormtrooper is black. That's weird. Why is that? Weren't they all clones of Jango Fett or soomething?
>five years of Disney sponsered REEEEEEing
It's BECAUSE they're playing up the "black man in a significant role" angle. Same with Donald Glover's performance as Lando (which I actually thought he did just fine as, just not worth that hype as always). Hell, I was expecting Finn to come out as a Jedi himself and fight alongside Rei, but he's just been demoted to a 2nd banana background character, essentially a worse Han. That I think is the biggest sin.
That's true but the way he handles it couldn't be worse. He should try to play it cool and stay humble, kinda like Driver.
He was literally the best character new in TFA. If they actually bothered building on that in the sequel instead of having him repeat the exact same arc (execpt worse) then we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now.
Look at how Lando and Windu don't have monkey lips and the upper part of their head isn't smaller than the lower half.
Finn looks like an ape
If you look at the SNL video you can see it isn't.
>Because Finn is a diversity hire, whereas the others were not.
bro putting samuel l jackson in the prequels was one of the most lazy and transparent diversity hires ever
>Why does Finn being black trigger so many star wars fan when the OT and PT had black characters too?
Literally No Reason, according to the fine people at the Disney corporation.
Maybe. Maybe not. He was ultimately a character who didn't get in the way, and had enough charisma to justify himself though.
Because the others were characters that happened to be black. I could decribe the others personalities & actions without mentioning their appearance and they sound like cool people and of importance to the universe. Finn's been written in a way that him being black is the most appealing thing to him. Everytime that something comes up for him that could lead somewhere interesting, the movies just brush to the side and ignore it.
Except Lando litterally got cast because civil rights groups complained that not a single black person was in the first movie.
He was shit from the start as says.
Samuel L Jackson was well known actor.
Boyega? I didnt even knew he existed before the force awakens star wars trailer.
Remember when George hired a nobody to voice Vader? Remember when he hired a nobody to play Lando? Remember the nobody for Mace?
It literally wasn’t. Sam Jackson went on a talk show and gushed about Star Wars and publicly asked Lucas if he could write him into the prequels. George was a fan of his and gave him a role
Meanwhile, JJ took the script for Ep VII, complained that the writers’ room was too white, declared they had an obligation to make diverse casting choices, and then revised the character into a black fellow so that he could give the role to the last nigger he saw on screen. Textbook.
You’re retarded and should probably stop posting for awhile. Nobody likes having to correct the dumb kid who’s shitting up the thread with his dumb posts
he should have been the main character. story should have been his redemption arc!
Remember when they were perfect for their respective roles?
Redemption from what? He was a janitor kek.
Apart from maybe a handful of racists only tangentially involved with and interested in SW, probably because the teaser trailer die TFA and marketing pushed him into their faces, in a fashion as if to say "Gaze upon this negro, Star Wars fans, and despair! Hark, for the deathknell soundeth for thee and thy kind!"
It's a weird feeling seeing Disney marketing fighting Windmills they mistake for giants.
Did he do it for free?
>but it's not Boyega's fault.
I never said that. I'm also aware that Boyega hates what they did to his character.
Mostly what I meant by that is the meme posters (FUCKING NIGGERS, FUCKING JEWS, etc.) Just look at the archives when the first TFA trailer first came out. A lot of the time they were making it essentially about race, even though like you say, those people probably do enjoy quite a bit of films that feature nonwhites or black actors. I'm not saying there's nothing to criticize with PC pandering and or plain bad writing, I just was addressing the meme storm that occured with the TFA trailer/marketing.
I'm pretty sure he only hates it because he was downgraded and isn't anything close to the protag.
Lando and Mace are cool, Finn isn't
nobody said racists are smart.
People don't have a problem with Finn the character, they have a problem with Boyega the actor, Williams and Jackson may have been diversity hires but only Boyega acted entitled about it
Can you tell about this?
because 2019 where everyone is fucking triggered by everything.
Fair enough, that wasn’t clear from your initial post. But yes, you’re correct - it’s how they’re marketed as much as how well-crafted the character is
This is easily the worst damage control I’ve seen in eight (8) years on this website and twice that on discussion boards more broadly
You just KNOW
Lucas: I need a black character, get me the coolest black actor alive
Lucas: I need a black character, get me the coolest black actor alive
Abrams: I need a black character -
Kennedy: Who's cheap?
>sam jackson
>diversity hire
sure if we ignore the fact that he's a tried actor, has star power, and wasn't a huge star wars fan that basically said "i will fucking do it if you let me." he also wasn't randomly one of the main characters of the films which then had to suddenly be black
And those other blacks had far less screen time, cuck.
The reaction to the TFA trailers was exactly what Lucasfilm wanted. You think they made a nigger pop on your screen "surprise nigga!" was an accident? And then they erased Finn from the chinese poster. Who is actually racist, the audience or the makers of the movie?
good thing the asian market really don't care about star wars i think they dont have that nostalgia effect on us
This 100%. Boyega is ugly and a terrible actor. Has very little to do with him being black. It’s the same thing with Rose, I can’t imagine the thought process behind casting that ugly wench, and having her qt3.14 sister die in two seconds (along with best girl Tali).
People liked Lando because he was suave and cool. People liked Sam Jackson because he’s fucking Samuel L. Jackson, he’s an iconic face. They should have cast Donald Glover for this role (although he was a perfect choice for young Lando, one of the few times Disney has actually nailed the casting in Nu Wars).
Because they where decent actors, he wasn't
>implying JB has can act (or even read nicely)
I started watching a nature program about the Serengeti. Had to turn it off because the VO was so shit. Turns out it was... guess who?
This. Like most hacks, his ego far exceeds his talent.
Why are you still talking about terrible children's movies?
I dont mind him being negro
I rolled my eyes realizing he wasnt a character rather a tool to the allpowerful yas queenish Rey which i didnt care about because boring
Finn was actually the character that i had the most fun watching scenes with, even tho thats not saying much considering the movie was hollow soulless product for the mindless, young and the manchildren who hasn't been able to let go of their original memories
Would Lucas have gotten Idris Elba?
cuz his actor is a homo
JJ said it himself that he was annoyed at how white some awards ceremony was and that he wanted to have "actors of color' in TFA because it would be "something different". He was correct because one was a CGI orange person and one was a goofball that nobody cares ablut unlike Mace Windu or Lando. This is also right before 10 Cloverfield Lane came out, starring only white people.
Because /pol/tards weren't racist as little kids, but they were when Force Awakens came out.
go suck off a nigger faggot, a nigger's a nigger
>another disingenuous sjw troll thread
because it broke continuity, not just with the Expanded Universe, but within the films themselves. Storm Troopers were revealed to be clones of a light skinned man in the prequels and all the imperial officers in the original trilogy were also white. never any mention of black storm troopers, never any mention of janitors / slicers / shock assault storm trooper squads. none of it.
and while he isnt the worst actor, he was better than daisy ridley the star, he still cant fucking act. he is no samuel l jackson or billy d williams bro. hes just some poor dumb guy who cant act that they brought in super super cheap to say they got a buh-lack guy. hes not even american. at least cast some brother from here like dave chapelle, wesley snipes, will smith, eddie murphy, or some such. imagine what wesley snipes could have brought to the sequels bro.
billy dee williams was a diversity hire but he has charisma so it worked out.
They probably realized at the last minute that he can't do dramatic scenes worth a damn so they had to start giving him "funny" lines to salvage the screentime.
How you take a traumatized brainwashed stormtrooper going through a severe crisis of conscience and turn him into a minstrel show gag is beyond me, except as a casting mistake.
They made a big deal about Finn being black and even changed the original Finn
>You forgot the weird body.
>Good god....Is that edited?
he doesnt know yikes
A janitor that is sent on missions with gun in hand alongside Darth Ren, right hand of Supreme Leader Snoke? Finn’s story doesn’t make sense from the word go.
>It's BECAUSE they're playing up the "black man in a significant role" angle. Same with Donald Glover's performance as Lando (which I actually thought he did just fine as, just not worth that hype as always). Hell, I was expecting Finn to come out as a Jedi himself and fight alongside Rei, but he's just been demoted to a 2nd banana background character, essentially a worse Han. That I think is the biggest sin.
this, disney's tokenizing is so blatanly racist that even complete blue brained robots can tell something is off about it. also criminal how much better glover was at lando than whoever the fuck that guy was, as han.
Nah, the clones had accelerated aging. NuWars is like 50-60 years after Jango’s death, so even if not for that they wouldn’t be Fett clones. The issue is that he’s unlikable both in-universe and out, bizarrely sweaty in a way that invokes disgust, and was aggressively marketed in a confrontational and off-putting way, in addition to being a fairly poor actor playing a very poorly written character (which, again, had a cool premise)
>im just the janitor lmao
Whose fucking idea was that? Is it not enough that he was a faceless, nameless cog in a horrible machine, they had to also say he cleaned up space diarrhea?
Mace was cool even if he was black.
And that’s coming from an unironic nazi.
I guess they wanted to make him as blameless as possible but now they have a black poop scooper.
the dude also sees one of his fellow troopers get gunned down, next thing he's shooting at his own men, probably even his own squad
>bro putting samuel l jackson in the prequels was one of the most lazy and transparent diversity hires ever
You absolute ignoramus. Lucas specifically inserted him into the prequels because ole Sammy really wanted a part as this user pointed out. Lucas even gave him the purple saber since that's what Sam wanted.
I bet the dude's going to say he mopped up the next super secret first order ship in the next movie like he did The Supremacy
>There's the plot point, i mopped that
He's good now and they're bad so it's okay.
That might have been effective if he'd actually shot Max Von Sydow, or if it was clearly some behavioral conditioning that made him react immediately to threats, or basically anything interesting they could have possibly done with the character besides make him a useless shit. The only time we see him struggle with being a former jackboot is when he's at the bar with Han Solo, and even then nobody gives a shit.
There's not a single doubt that he would have.