Are there any movies that portray Hitler in a positive or at least neutral way?
Are there any movies that portray Hitler in a positive or at least neutral way?
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Triumph of the Will
if i could get to know anyone in history it would probably be hitler
This. They portray him as human, even if they shoehorn some harsh sounding shit in there occasionally. Even still, the jews were still triggered at anything that was not a total caricature. A brilliant performance from the late, great Bruno Ganz.
Fucking OP's Mom in the butt while his Dad and sister watch?
Downfall. Yes it's neutral and Hitler was a drug addled maniac by the end of the war. It humanizes him quite a bit more than most movies.
In other words science fiction movies?
It's a kino
Er ist wieder da. It wasn't the director's intention to portray Hitler positively but he comes off as impressively charismatic and has good points.
Ironically makes a compelling argument in favor of Hitler
Moloch, from the guy who made Russian Ark
Yeah he comes off as a chill guy in this. It's fucking hilarious as well.
The Producers
Notice German movies always portray Hitler reasonably and fairly whereas Anglo-American productions portray him as stark raving mad
Deep down Deutschland still has a soft spot for their Führer
Look Who's Back
"If at the beginning of the war and during the war twelve or fifteen thousand of these Hebrew corrupters of the people had been held under poison gas, as happened to hundreds of thousands of our very best German workers in the field, the sacrifice of millions at the front would not have been in vain." (Kaes, Anton; Jay, Martín; Dimendberg, Edward. The Weimar Republic sourcebook. University of California Press. p. 806. ISBN 0-520-06775-4, requoting Mein Kampf page 766, Stalag Edition, Ostara Publications)
>/pol/ thinks this guy never wanted to gas anyone
it's in our nature. any german who reeees over hitler is lying to himself
And then there's this:
in case the link doesn't work, he says the following:
"Ich will heute wieder ein Prophet sein: Wenn es dem internationalen Finanzjudentum in und außerhalb Europas gelingen sollte, die Völker noch einmal in einen Weltkrieg zu stürzen, dann wird das Ergebnis nicht die Bolschewisierung der Erde und damit der Sieg des Judentums sein, sondern die Vernichtung der jüdischen Rasse in Europa!"
translation: "Today I want to be a prophet again. If international finance Jewry within Europe and abroad should succeed once more in plunging the peoples into a world war, then the consequence will be not the Bolshevization of the world and therewith a victory of Jewry, but on the contrary, the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!"
A man who threatens on tape that war brought upon Europe will result in the annihilation (Vernichtung) of the Jewish race (Jüdische Rasse, aka people, not "Judentum" as a political or economic power, or "jüdische Macht" (power) or "jüdischer Einfluss" (influence) but RASSE) in Europe, is about as clear as can be that he means the mass killing of Jews and nothing else, no figure of speech or any bullshit like that holocaust deniers would like to believe. He doesn't talk about evacuation, about "durchschleusen", or "evakuierung", or "deportation", about Sonderbehandlung, or even about "Ausrottung" (which some particularly obstinate deniers interpret as "to root out"), no, he says VERNICHTUNG (annihilation, destruction) very clearly.
Before you accuse me of only showing you a snippet, here's a longer clip:
german here and of course, we all love hitler and wish he would come back
>b-but what about DA JOOZ
jesus christ you people just can't seem to get over it
Well shit both links are dead.
Don’t even bother arguing with /pol/yps. It’s not worth your time.
Disney is about to put out JoJo Rabbit unless they pussy out and sell it. It's 'parody' but shows Hitler goofing around.
>hey hitler whatcha up to
>not much just hanging out
>Are there any movies that portray Hitler in a positive ....
how sheltered a life you must live.
Downfall portrays him as a human rather than some generic bad guy
>Hitler: A Film from Germany (German: Hitler, ein Film aus Deutschland), called Our Hitler in the US, is a 1977 Franco-British-German experimental film directed by Hans-Jürgen Syberberg, produced by Bernd Eichinger, and co-produced by the BBC. It starred Heinz Schubert, who played both Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler. Along with Syberberg's characteristic and unusual motifs and style, the film is also notable for its 442-minute running time.
>meanwhile Israel is making an ethnostate and ethnically cleansing a race of people
>nobody cares
movies require a lot of money to make
that means they are centrally controlled by the people whose grandparents fought the war against Hitler's Germany for purely economic reasons
there is no such movie or show or play or production that you can find
That documentary by kyle hunt
kys degenerate
Nah, they have him shoot a dog which triggers his downfall even though Hitler was a dog lover
Literally nothing wrong with wanting to rid the world of the parasite known as the jew
>portray him as human
>german people should die off because i lost the war
They only made that scene because the film would probably not be allowed to be shown in Germany if he wasn't depicted as an evil person. That's why they chose for him to shoot a dog. Everyone knew he loved dogs. The directors were smart with this one
He wanted to expel them from Europe and remove their influence, originally to Madagascar or to wherever would take them. Even the western powers refused to take shiploads of Jews, back then people were still redpilled on what a menace they are.
There's no evidence for gas chambers or that bs. Personally I don't know if they holocaust happened or not. Maybe it did, maybe it didn't. Even if it did, it was entirely justified given what Jews are, and even then it's still almost definitely exaggerated.
A lot of Jews do like Chomsky
Basiert Ronny. Wie ist das Wetter in Sachsen? Ich war noch nie in der DDR.
What a gorgeous girl