There's no way you can make a Female Jedi that doesn't come across as a Mary Sue in the Star Wars Univers-

>There's no way you can make a Female Jedi that doesn't come across as a Mary Sue in the Star Wars Univers-

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Thanks for posting this. I hadn't been reminded that Bastila has the Battle Meditation ability since I last played KOTOR, years ago. Seeing that pic brought back both the quote and the voice she delivers the line in. She doesn't mention it, or how useful it was in taking down Revan aboard his flagship, often enough.

Thank you, user. May your genitals fall off from catching a rotting disease from the next droid you fuck.

who are you replying to?

Ahsoka Tano was fine

>There's no way you can make a character that isn't a villain Yea Forums won't call a Mary Sue

The writing in KOTOR is at least competent writing characters, Nu-Wars doesn't and it shows.

KOTOR 1 Remaster WHEN

why was she such a cunt

How does a padawan defeat a sith lord?


what do you guys think malak did to her to make her turn to the dark side so quickly?

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obi wan did it

Internally conflicted. Every time she lashed out she was projecting

because she is a tsundere

Maul was a joke not a sith lord

>>There's no way you can make a Female Jedi that doesn't come across as a Mary Sue in the Star Wars Univers-
>Strawman harder, shill.

Did they....?

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He has fantastic lip service

I want to convert Bastila to the dark side if you know what I'm saying

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>Obi trained in lightsaber dueling since he was a child. Maul was a just an assasin apprentice.
>Rey literally picked up a lightsaber for the first time and almost killed a sith who had been trained by Luke and Snoke, and who wiped out almost all of Luke's Jedi Academy.

She didn't. He killed all the other jedi in the room and was about to do the same to her when Malak turned on him.

She didn't defeat Revan. He was backstabbed by Malak

Showed her his collection of Facebook redpill memes

Battle Meditation is OP as fuck in the old canon.

She wasnt a mary sue at all. She had one powerful ability.

The very first portion of the game you are trying to rescue her from space niggers..

Who knows, they killed Apeiron because it'd have put their version to shame.

true. It never blew my mind for KOTOR because I just always figured even the best can get distracted, especially with the betrayal. Hell Revan iirc is mostly described as an incredibly persuasive and intelligent person, not Arnold from commando tier combat badass. No that revan couldn't be both.

shoo shoo we're talking about KOTOR not whatever hollywood company #439857982 has vomited out

Except she had years of formal Jedi training before the events of the game. Rey became more powerful that Yoda, Kenobi, Vader, and Palpatine combined in the span of a week with zero training. Not even close faggot.

Fine jailbait you mean.

Not him, but she wasn't even a Knight I think, and had an extremely potent, and unique, ability that won wars. She isn't as bad as Rey, but she is definitely a borderline sue. The only thing that is in her favor is that she is flawed and falls to the dark side.

Daily reminder that Bastila and Reven are Rey and Kylo after being sent into the past.

Still isn't even in the same ball park. Rey is a perfect, serene being with no flaws, weaknesses, or conflict. She has zero story arch and zero character development. She is a walking, talking political statement by Disney and nothing more.

Bastilla might of had a gift, but it in no way made her perfect and untouchable like Rey. On top of that it could be argued that her gift would have never been cultivated had she not gone through rigorous Jedi training. And as you pointed out she actually is a flawed, conflicted character. Amazing how a video game studio can write better than some overpaid cucks at Lucasfilm...

Rey and Kylo do not exist. They are Jacen and Jaina solo after time fuckery.
when I first played it I did not notice how much of an arrogant cunt she was but her humbling really did elevate her character. Wish we had spent more time exploiting that and Juhani instead of the old mans ex wife stories.

Her gift didn't require any training, and she wouldn't have been allowed to live a normal life since the Jedi know of all potential recruits, especially those with extraordinary powers.

Disney is deliberately trying to undo the Original Trilogy, and probably the prequels at some point. By that token they probably want to do away with all the old EU as well. I can seem them taking a lot of influence from the old EU material, but they will never, ever bring back anything that hasn't already been done in the original 6 movies or Clone Wars.

Because her powers made her arrogant. because her mom did not love her (not a joke). because everyones expectations where crushing her. dark side was very freeing for her


it only works on the lesser and you have to be stationary unless you have it maxed out and for that you need to be a master (you can use BM in sith lords)

I remember her being an arrogant cunt who members of your party struggled to like. Which is the polar fuckingng opposite of Rey who everyone loves for no fucking reason i fucking hate her

mostly pain. given how fast she flips back it obviously was not a quality work and whatever he did he rushed it.

When did it say she could use Battle Meditation to the same effect when she was a child? Having a gift and cultivating it are two very different things. I might have a knack for playing musical instruments, but without some instruction and an instrument those gifts mean nothing. Same thing here.

spoilt and pampered ever since childhood because of her donut steel powers made her very arrogant

She totally did not need your help and everything was under control. I bet you would succumb to her pelvic sorcery.

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They didn't, but that's not the same thing as being trained to use it. All it did was give people around her a morale boost. For all you know, it made everyone around her happy all the time. Her force sensitivity and jedi training only allowed her to amplify it, but the actual ability itself was natural.

Being a mary sue is less about power levels imo and more about having flaws, depth, and development. Mary sues are self inserts whose only personalities are "being awesome :)"

until Filioni used time travel to save his waifu. Her dying to Vader would have been perfect end to her arc

its genetic

>combined in the span of a week
hours. The chase scene was only like 12 hours long and it took place right after TFA so there was zero timeskip

Bastila is so fucking sexy, bros, that damn suit of hers.

well character models where based on faces of prisoners. few years ago you could have tracked her down and her sex

Typical woman, right down to picking whatever side the man picked.

>implying you would not want to your woman to pick your side.



sure, blame it on us, never look at yourself, thats healthy.

Jedi's in general have pretty much everything under control if not faced with the sith.

Can you blame him? Disney faceplanted with Rey, and Filoni wanted to make sure there was one living person in the SW universe girls could relate to.


>Filoni wanted to make sure there was one living person in the SW universe girls could relate to
fuck off, Filioni just wants his waifu alive so he can continue jerking her off in whatever future things he can shove her into

Could you weirdos maybe go away so the rest of us can have decent entertainment again?

time travel was not the way. even in the ep she "died" I did not think she was dead. for fuck sake we saw maul come back from being cut in half, Im sure she could have gotten out of the rubble just like vader.
in no way would that have been perfect

>in no way would that have been perfect
fighting her former master and sacrificing herself to protect Erza? How is that not better than becoming Ahsoka the white and not explaining where the fuck she was during the entire OT

because then she would just have come back to a prop in Erza's story. I want her to stick around and deal with information she learned, I want to see vaders interactions and reactions. I want impact, I don't want her convivially killed off

>I want her to stick around and deal with information she learned, I want to see vaders interactions and reactions.
yea you got that in her fight with Vader. Oh noes my master is dead, I'll avenge him. Revenge isn't the Jedi way, I'm no JEdi etc etc.

nigger she's a jedi protagonist, they're all mary sue by definition

those are scraps

well where else can they fit it in?

>She doesn't mention it, or how useful it was in taking down Revan aboard his flagship, often enough.
Malak did that. Her battle meditation gave her the opening to board his flagship, but it was quite obvious she would have gotten absolutely slaughtered if Malak didn't bombard the ship first.

Can but they're lazy

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I hate new NuWars but this honestly didn't bother me that much. I mean, Ren had just gotten shot in the kidney. I've never been shot in the kidney, but I have been punched in the kidney and I can confirm it's pretty painful.

>*something seems to be bothering Carth*

in the later eps, once she is not killed off.

>I mean, Ren had just gotten shot in the kidney. I've never been shot in the kidney, but I have been punched in the kidney and I can confirm it's pretty painful.
He dispatched the negro easily, though. He also hit his wound a couple of times so it obviously wasn't bothering him that much.

Kotor 1 blows donkey dick you fags lmao

>Quick to anger
>Powerful, but limited and unexperienced
>Has had years of training and she's still learning
>fluked out on Revan being betrayed by Malak. If not she would have been obliterated.
How is she anything resembling a Mary Sue? She's actually the polar opposite of Rey.

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pain is the fuel for the dark side. some of the sith keep themselves in pain because it gives them a power boost, kind of like an adrenaline rush. In a way he should have more power, not less.

Kotor 1>2. Get some taste, plebeian

name a better star wars game.
op posting pic as proof that indeed you can have a non Mary Sue star wars character. work on your comprehension

True that. My bad, I guess I've just become too accustomed to people shitting on things here

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Kotor 2