Cast it
Cast it
Other urls found in this thread:
Idris Elba
Brad Pitt bashing their brains in
This isn't a gf, this is just a bro you can fuck
caitlin jenner and luke evans
>Tfw no tomboy girlfriend
It hurts...
>You will never wrestle her to the ground and fuck her
>no girl will ever look at me like that
Why does Yea Forums insist on ruining my Saturday morning?
it's beautiful, bros...
what's their race? alaskan?
Cast it
why are these two boys kissing?
The same girl as the sister, me as the brother
I want to wrestle a girly asian boy to the floor and rub cocks through our clothes
Brother/sister kino thread?
All the better, who wants a stupid girlfriend?
guy: me
"girl": literally anyone else
I knew which video it would be before I even opened it
Dubs allow it.
Moner as the tomboy
Don't post that.
I cant take this anymore bros
it hurts
Must be good being chad. You can get away with shit like this
sure bro, I'll be your girl
>implying you need to be a chad just to have fun with your siblings
Literally stop being a sperg
It's not that she's Asian or a tomboy, just how much fun they seem be having together.
All this tomboy talk. Don't you know women wear comfy clothes when they aren't out?
Yikes...nothing more repelling to women then self pity. No wonder you losers can't get a girlfriend.
Based tranny
do you think they don't know that? mass replying faggot
Not a tranny. I have a girlfriend who's playful like the OP webm. It's because I stopped feeling sorry for myself and stopped browsing shit threads like this for fags who love self pity. Girl in the OP isn't even that good looking.
Ok tranny, you're being kinda cringe now.
Then they should stop feeling sorry for themselves.
Yeah...okay bro. Enjoy making yourself miserable for all eternity. Happiness is easily obtained but you enjoy self pity too much.
>just be normal bro
imagine being this much of a brainlet
No you shouldn't be yourself. You are obviously a complete loser. Either accept who you are and move on from unattainable women or change yourself. Not that hard.
Like God intended
Had a gf, just turned down another. Those moments of fun are what make a relationship but its not 100% of the time and you never get them back once its over.
>i stopped browsing shit threads like this
evidently you didn't, retard
How did opening this thread and making a post feeling sorry for yourself improve your day?
next you'll say women shit and piss
Good job missing the point, double retard.
it didn't, and i don't claim it does. what's your point?
>Girl in the OP isn't even that good looking.
Imagine thinking its her looks that are heartbreaking. Are you a woman by chance? It's okay to admit it, we understand you can't grasp young love.
Please have sex
Me and your mother is worried for you
So you make yourself miserable on purpose? What right do you have to complain?
Then you have no excuse.
t. double retard
First girlfriend was a tomboy. I’ve been addicted ever since. Feelings are way more intense than with girlier girls.
Turned out I was gay though
How do you get a tomboy gf that isnt a lesbian or sjw?
I want a woman who loves me to look at me like this just even once sincerely.
>what right do you have to complain?
what the fuck kind of question is this? i didn't post a single complaint in this thread first of all, but even if i did. what does it matter? people can complain about whatever they want, dumbass.
You guys are such faggots it pisses me off
hell yeah
>make-up to mask her blackheads
Rule of thumb. Go for the ones who are close to their fathers and short.
how many times do you think he walked in on her schlickin the bean?
>Girl in the OP isn't even that good looking.
What does it matter, if she cute, she cute. And the point is the companionship being demonstrated.
Incels must be purged
for a second there I thought you told me to find a loli
>tf when did not have older sister
Feels bad
>t. seething roastie hamplanet
It's funny how you guys think the level of value between a roastie hamplanet and an incel is any different.
the mouth automatically reverts to its onions resting state upon realizing its contents.
hes faking it for his gf
i've had to do this over one of those tv plugin