Voice from the Stone

what exactly was her job?

Attached: beekeeper.webm (900x554, 3M)

Before drugs they hired cute girls to try and fix autistic children apparently

She keeps the bees. The bees keep her sane.

her methods are "unconventional" to say the least

Attached: smack.webm (1690x804, 2.98M)


She explains what she does in a voiceover in the first few minutes of the film, m8.

>Where would you have taken her out on your first date?

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>bullying our deaf brothers

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>filmed in 2014

You think this was her first time back on screen after the aneurysms?

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its just a joke mate

so stopping autism?

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The Spaniard in Belfast

Attached: drink.png (1295x821, 1.52M)

implying cripples and Emilia mix

Attached: 56_shockingnews2.webm (640x640, 2.99M)

>bees on her collar
>Butterfly clips in her hair

I refuse to believe that none of her personal wardrobe made it into the film.

Why didn't the little shit just talk?

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after the surgery not the aneurysms

Attached: meeting_jacob.webm (676x600, 1.63M)

He could only talk to release his mother's soul.

Reminder that they shot down most of her suggestions

Lou is the one with the thing for bees and they got most of her wardrobe from thrift stores.

I don't doubt that Emilia kept half the outfits and wears them

why did he have to be a cunt?

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This is fake news, Emilia worked with the costume designer for Lou's outfits, it's just that the American's didn't understand her fashion choices

most Emilia's stuff seems to be all from Dulce and Gobanna and all her formal dresses are made by them

I mean when she's lounging around reading books, she's obviously not going to wear a pineapple patterned sweater to an event

Would be based if she did though

fuck them
>CH: Is it true that you helped create her looks?

>EMILIA: Yes! Jill (Taylor, the costume designer) is amazing. She picked a few pieces and we tried to develop Lou's style together. But there were some things I made up and the Americans said it wasn't good. I was trying to explain that it was very British, but they wouldn't listen to me. One day I turned a scarf into a tie and everyone was like, 'what is this?' And I would say, 'This is pretty cool, okay?' (laughs)

It would either be VtfS or GoT but she never talked about having trouble on the GoT set after the second aneurysm

>VtfS was filmed in 2014 and wasn't released until 2017

our girl is truly cursed with production hell

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>"It's a very English look," the movie's costume designer Jill Taylor tells me. "What you see here is tame to what is on the streets of London."

>Most of Emilia's wardrobe was found in vintage stores. "We basically trolled everywhere," Taylor said. "We looked around everywhere."

>Not only did Taylor and her staff lend the movie some of their own items, Emilia's mom provided the poodle broach her daughter wears on a yellow raincoat because "she thought it was very Lou," Taylor said.

>Emilia was a dream to work with. "She's gorgeous and thank goodness she liked trying on clothes," Taylor said. "We were constantly nagging to get her in for a fitting."

>And, she added, "Emilia has a gorgeous little figure. She's not like a boy, she's not a stick. She's shapely. She's got boobs and a waist and hips. She's lovely and so pretty."

The costume designer was very Venuspilled

Attached: reddress.webm (758x720, 2.36M)

>still making stealth /ecg/ threads
mad lads

>three or more hives
>one open
>not a single bee visible

Attached: 135421206976.png (300x300, 120K)

eat shit and die cunt

why the fuck is her life so damned cursed

Attached: walking_in_castle.webm (700x560, 2.97M)

>you will never spend 2 hours in the thrift store helping Emilia find some cute clothes

Attached: 1536750346936.jpg (918x597, 216K)

What does this thread have to do with medical equipment?

Hide albino threads
Ignore albino posts
Do not reply to albino

Jojo said she actually had those bumblebee tights growing up, and Emilia revealed she kept the ones from the film.

She also stole an article of clothing from the Solo set and joked that she would have stolen the Iron Throne, but it didn’t fit in her car.

Emilia the klepto

I took a vow user

Attached: dress.webm (618x804, 2.75M)


im not even him but i post that question just to get (you)s

This is very interesting because one if the subplots in the third book is Lou falling in love with a thrift shop in NYC.

Child nurse/nude model

Not the most common combo but hey whatever

should have just asked for cute Emilia's

Attached: in_distress_removing_dress.webm (700x560, 2.99M)

Was it the ring for Solo? I thought she said she got that as a gift.

She also said regrets not stealing anything anything from GoT, she definitely should have yoinked some of that dragon themed jewelry

desu getting people riled up is better though
but oh well, post cute Emilias

>My queen, I am going into rehab and I need your strongest cutes

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>nude model

She did it for the art, m8.

Emilia has Guillotine by Death Grips on her Spotify by the way

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Attached: bluedress.webm (588x658, 2.43M)

This might be covered in the book but I assume MBY era Lou got all her clothes from a thrift shop since she's poor

she's trying really hard to ignore that sproglet behind her

No way

Attached: 1566681784511.gif (200x200, 2.75M)

she's not that poor, she can still get 1st hand clothes made in china

This is shadow /ecg/, jannies please delete or it
>This is shadow /ecg/, jannies please delete or it
This is shadow /ecg/, jannies please delete or it
>This is shadow /ecg/, jannies please delete or it

She said in an interview she specifically stole "something you can wear." I'm thinking it was probably the fur wrap from her promo shots.

Attached: qirafur.jpg (714x1024, 109K)

what the hell is a ecg?

>Death Grips

I wouldn't do

I post
They prune
I post again

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not takyon?

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derp, I wouldn't doubt it. She seems to like a huge range of music.

Attached: glastonbury1.png (706x557, 966K)

Death Grips is kino

>Emmy loses because (((them)))
>Whoever wins bends the knee to the rightful queen
Can we have that at least

Attached: Wojak.png (645x773, 9K)

>D&D win best writing and offer it to her
>she rejects

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Makes sense

Attached: 1099461.jpg (900x600, 113K)

If D&D win best writing and she loses, I'll know this shit is rigged.

If Kit wins and she loses, I will fucking riot.

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The only GoT cast deserving their Emmy's are Emmy, Gwendoline, Nikolaj and maybe one of the director ones but definitely not the guy who directed The Long Night

Was the Long Night even nominated for directing? I fucking hope not.

With all the backlash over Season 8, I'll be surprised if the show wins anything.

I recant, none of these people deserve an award for directing, I thought episode 1 or 2 was nominated

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apparently Lola's dad is also up for an Emmy for directing but in a different category

>Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series
>Game of Thrones, "The Iron Throne" (HBO)
>Game of Thrones, "The Last Of The Starks" (HBO)
>Game of Thrones, "The Long Night" (HBO)


I'd like to see David Nutter get something. He's a long-time director on the show, and seems pretty competent. Plus, he's nominated for the same episode as Emilia.

lol the bells was the only well directed episode this season

>Emilia loses the Emmy
>Stephen Frears wins his
>She can still celebrate with her best pal

I don't see how this night could ever have a bad ending for her, unless the crowd actively boos her or GoT in general.

He's up against Chernobyl so good luck

Attached: 1561516084511.jpg (2048x1365, 240K)

Then she'll celebrate with Alfie or Gwen. At least one of them will win.

Emilia strikes me as the type to find the silver lining in any situation.

>Worst show on TV gets awards

Attached: pepe-transparent-laugh-1.png (600x580, 360K)

>black panther wins an oscar

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what the fuck was the roasties problem

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Nice quads

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she was in makeup on the 1st pic

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You boys watching the Dark Crystal series? I wonder how Emilia feels about her gal pal Nathalie Emmanuel voicing one of the main characters?

Attached: deet.jpg (1920x1281, 234K)

>10+ year difference
>barely aged at all

Is she literally immortal?

It's true by the fucking way

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roasties gonna roast from beyond the grave




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Minimal since you can still see her freckles

She's some kinda witch

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someone post that young B&W pic, it's literally the same smile as this one

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Attached: angel dany.webm (854x480, 2.71M)

don't have the pic but I have the webm

Attached: emilia_clarke_news_-_how_cute-1114912912517234688.webm (1152x720, 1.91M)

Reminder the dumb cunt isnt allowed to talk on set.

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dare I say obsessed

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she has brit teef here

Thats some patrician taste lads

She strikes me as a brain damaged cunt

>implying you can shut her up

Attached: 1561579524312.webm (800x720, 2.99M)

Well yeah, she has a cunt and is brain damaged so technically you're not really wrong

We get it bro, no need to samefag

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Morning Mr. Grouchy. How are you feeling today?

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I'm not him bro, im just saying she's a girl so she obviously has a cunt and ofc she's a little brain damaged but that's cute

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>Death Grips is the only artist I recognize on this list

Am I so out of touch with society?

All those songs are at least 7 years old

No its is society who is wrong

will she ever get a more maternal role again

Attached: mother_and_her_sproglet.webm (1050x600, 2.98M)

Elizabeth Barrett Browning has a kid if that movie ever happens

and that is also going to be long hair kino

Attached: mirror.webm (900x800, 2.97M)

No, only recognize Death Grips from there too
t. 19yo boomer

It is so cute

You niggas found out whos this?

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It's her dad

>thinking there's any other man worthy enough

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her dad

dad and baby Emilia
she's just too cute lads

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christopher walken

>auto saged
Will they ever learn?

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If the Zatanna rumors are true, I honestly hope she doesn’t drop that movie to do capeshit.

>If the Zatanna rumors are true
mate thats literally shit that was created on here then spread to mainstream gossip

>has a vintage picture of her father on her phone

How the fuck is she so cute?

At least they’re not outright pruning them anymore.

Why doesnt she just fuck him?

>We’ve both done stupid action movies we regret and fabulous things we’re proud of, and we’ve always come back to Thrones. And he’s the person I’d ask, ‘How are you handling this? Are you alright?’ We were in sync, even if we were filming on opposite sides of the world.
real small chance it's real

>its dad and baby Emilia
>tfw lost my father young too

god damnit emilia stop being perfect please

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If the thread is against the rules what is the point of auto saging?

>She's some kinda witch
Yes, she's draining my vital energy. I got a date with pic related but now i just want to post and discuss Emilia all day

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>implying Kit has any notable roles outside of GoT.

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the thinking man's choice, thots come and go but Emilia stays

Id say to wait a bit before making another thread fellas, seems like they're on the prowl

those are emilia's words, not mine

American hours are AIDS, can't even discuss her movies let alone funpost

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>nose ring

fucking dropped

Welcome to NO FUN ALLOWED 4Channel

I gotta agree, not even mentioning that schizo

and this gets banned on site

Attached: 6_doctor.webm (1400x948, 3M)

Can't discuss Christmas movies on the television and films board If its not Christmas bro

Make sure you don't say Emilia's name