Why Hollywood hates Dragon Ball so much?

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its aryan chad kino obviously hollywood hates it

it's a gag manga which never should have been taken seriously

Because his son is a faggot, faggot, his son is a faggot

Hollywood loves faggots user

Why do spics and niggers love this trash so much?

Exactly, Goku is too redpilled

It isn't PC and diverse enough and Toriyama is a based individual who called DB Evolution shit

Why mutts love sissy shit like iseakai and moe shit so much?


Minorities identify with the Saiyan story a lot from what I hear.

Of course they dream about being able to turn into a green-eyed blonde superhuman.

Only subhumans and autists watch anime. Grow the fuck up


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>Grow the fuck up
Lemme ask you something.

In the long history since this phrase was first used, has it EVER worked?

Goku raising Gohan
>ends up being a badass and the most powerful fighter in the world
Gohan raised by a single mother
>turns into a soft pussy and loses all his strength

Gohan had Piccolo as the male role model. The real red pill is that he became a soft pussy after he got married and had a kid.

He's not wrong. Spics and nogs make up most of its fandom fag

Zoom zoom, everyone watched DBZ back in the day

Why do niggers and spics and white people in poverty love DBZ so much?

so you admit you are a spic or nigger and that you are seething because people mentioned this?

yeah? I was one of them too but I'm not crazy about it like those ''''people''''

Why do niggers and spics and white people and japs love DBZ so much?
Why does everyone except fat neckbeards with waifu pillows like me love DBZ so much?

It has ripped men doing the most ridiculous kinds of fighting, so it appeals to everyone but waifufags.
Even my sister watches DB.

>Even my sister watches DB
I bet she shlicks to Dabura.

He's just mad he got cucked by Gohan

I can't enjoy Dragon Ball anymore knowing that so many shitskins like it

What anime are you gonna watch then?

>I can't enjoy Dragon Ball anymore knowing that so many shitskins like it

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No father or had a weak one. The show is about a bunch of buff aliens training to become stronger to take on any threat. It’s the last fictional outlet of masculinity for boys. Everything now is fag and feminist propaganda

>quoting the user you're mocking

Actually she likes Goku.
She thinks it's funny how at one moment he's acting like an innocent kid and in the next his violently blasting others to death.

Can i be her boyfriend? I want an anime watching gf

Its the only anime I ever watched

Because it's terrible with plot contrivances out of the ass?

Gohan was always a soft pussy. Goku died saving his dumb ass from Cell and how did he repay him? By not training ever again and being weaker than he was fighting Cell when Babidi showed up. He's not a warrior and the badass idea Gohanfags have of him was never real.

DB is for stupid people

By that logic, Hollywood should love it.

Yes, that means that user isn't a pussy and is mocking him to his own face instead of being a passive-aggressive bitch like a lot you dumb memers are.

She's doesn't trust strangers easily, i'm afraid.

the idea of being from a 'warrior race' but not quite excepting your heritage? or in Vegeta's case, living up to your heritage?

because that sounds like something Yea Forums would make up to mock non-white weebs.

DB is plebein





>spics and niggers love this trash so much?

Its their only choice from public television

But Picollo raised him

Go back to plebbit. Not sure if that one will work either but no sense in not trying.

they should, [food analogy warning]

Dragon ball is the anime equivalent of a ham and cheese sandwich

Because it ultimately suggests that inner strength and putting efforts into self improvement (through training) will make you a better person.

They can't have the Sacred Ointment.

But on a more serious note, how fucked is Funimation over this?

As it should be.

I don't get the appeal of HunterXHunter, the show actually never finished so it's like people are hyped for what could be or is being promised without actually it being carried out

The Mangaka haven't event done what the show is universally being praised for

Also imo it has several 'tropes' which makes it a c-class manga
Some being
>Le edgy with how Killua rolls
>The most perfect being ends being just perfect in materialist form
>Never explained how that guy got the eyes or defeated spiders, what happened to Lolifer
Plus the author is one of those irresonsible retards who went
>Guess it'll keep going as long as I'm alive lol,
fucking over all the readers having no sense of responsibility towards that

I'm not saying it's not at some point 'intelligent',
but that's nothing special considering that it's just raw intelligence equivalent to that of a computer or something

After having seen it I seriously question all the people praising it, whether the praise it gets is warranted at all

>Going on Yea Forums
>Not expecting weaboos

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