Well, Yea Forums? What do we do about this nazi comedian?
Dave Chappelle should be castrated
I don't want to go "muh SJWs" but that special had Dave making fun of both them and the alt-lite, so he's okay in my book.
serves him right for making anti-white comedy.
>What do we do about this nazi comedian?
Watch him and decide for ourselves, of course.
So we went from dumb literal who Twitter screencap threads to dumb literal who Facebook screencap threads?
This board is a joke
Wait, so she didn't even watch it?
Based Dave finally ended racism
Sally hunt is a cunt
>I’m not going to watch this thing and form my own opinion about it.
>I’d rather rely on someone else to tell me what to do.
Why are zoomers so weak?
She read an article on huffpo. That was enough.
My impression of dave chappelle is that he deeply hates white people and is secretly a supporter of sharia law replacing the Constitution.
>Having to see things to form an opinion on them
Get a load of this Nazi
REEEEEEEE you're only allowed to ridicule people I don't like!
Based Tarantino, Pitt, and Chappelle for uniting the ivory race against the yellow menace and brokering a peace treaty with the ebony race.
>black man has conservative views on homos and trannies
Wow surprising. Have they even talked to regular joes or no?
The communists have a point in this: the entire conflict of history, and currently, is the class struggle. Clearly Dave is having opinions based on class, every working class guy has the literal same opinions on this shit. The only ones who don’t are fucking upper class liberals and so on, people that can afford to have stupid opinions like that.
>talks about white people specifically getting fucked up on meth and heroin with their rural communities getting destroyed and laughs at them
>pandering to white people
Isn’t he a mudslime or some shit anyway? Fuck Dave
>stochastic terrorist
fucking americans still top tier in comedy
Seems red pilled to me
What's with this shift from the BLACKED psyop to white men > asian men? Are the asians a threat to the jews?
So based on reading the kiwifarms thread on MovieBob, twitter twats are sperging out and claiming Chappelle is ebil transphobe because he was reticident to be dressed up like a woman and act effeminate for comedic vlaue?
Yes, he's a muslim.
Dave Chappelle's comedy is informed primarily from a black muslim perspective. He's likely NOI tier if I'm being completely frank.
>What do we do about this nazi comedian?
Give him his own channel where he picks the programming personally.
How can a man be so based?
Why are liberals so retarded?
Asians were the ones posting blacked, retard. Some faggy reddit group. The Bruce Ree meme exposed them
asians have been spamming all that shit idiot
You're the joke, user.
How the fuck was his special even remotely white supremacist? The only mentions of white people were either him calling them school shooters or fucked up methheads living in dumpsters.
>white woman is intimidated by a stronk black man
>Large section dedicated to Trump.
>No relation to the subject.
Will they ever realize they are crazy?
>um. wow. done with x.
fucking die
She wasn't gonna watch it anyway, she is a rich white liberal.
You know what's sad, it was average at best compared to comedy from 15-20 years back and it's still the best tier comedy we can get in 2019.
does a full on robot write this shit?
>strong black man
no he said he isn't a nigger did you not watch the clip?
Will you ever realize Trump is the crazy one and that's how every educated person comes to hates him?
Seriously he talked to his advisors about stop a hurricane with a fucking nuke. He is nuts and you are fucking the country by having him elected.
Why can't people just take jokes as jokes without thinking there's hate speech behind them?
the board is also a joke
Imagine being so far gone you actually think Dave fucking Chappelle is a white nationalist Trump supporter
Yes I did, and fuck your mother.
Oh my God. They’re basically calling him Clayton Bigsby now. We’ve come full circle. This is hilarious.
trump is insane and the bigotry espoused by dave chappele shows that he agrees with that bigotry.
Because laughing at other people isn't fun if you mentally evolved past 5th grade
>Trump is crazy! XD
>also it's perfectly normal to chop off your dick to become a woman, it's actually beautiful
Will you ever realize that you've been indoctrinated into Trump Derangement Syndrome? Seek therapy conformist
The Jussie Smolette bit was great, fuck 'em
seek help
theres been a bunch of stories of literal black guys being persecuted as white nationalists simply for not following the democrat script.
What do you mean "behind"? There's nothing behind about it. "Dude fuck gay people lmao they're fucked in the head right" is straight up the very definition of hate speech.
He made queer folk loom like they were addled sex crazed maniacs with his bit about them wanting to get into the car for no reason. How do you defend that?
And mentally ill faggots like this think they have any authority on who is sane and who isn't
This world is a fucking joke.
Their daughter looks like Putin.
>Um. Wow.
Stopped reading there
Fuck off watershill.
Just try to defend that Trump thought you could nuke a hurricane or buy the whole part of Greenland. You can't you idiot you can only go and say "lol you triggered?"
At any time he could get us all killed if his advisors don't stop him.
>people actually voted for this moron and defend his retardation.
the flyovers should die
That's an ugly way to talk about women.
>G-d, I can't stand these wh-te supremacists.
just say you hate black people the normal way
Cry more faggot
Actually that that wasn't really funny. What was funny was that Jussie came up with such a stupid lie. It doesn't take comedic genius to point and laugh at that. Keep defending this childish shit though.
>Look at how obsessed those people are with Trump
>By the way, let me tell you about how much I hate trannies
No. The joke was when your dad promised your mom he would pull out in time. Unfortunately the punchline is less than satisfactory.
imagine how based itd be if trump bought greenland nuked a hurricane and complimented his daughter at the same time.
Literally a god.
he's doing it, the black man is ending racism, i'd say he's our nig but he really isnt a nigger
>Keep defending this childish shit though.
user, what's a good act released in the last 2-3 years?
>Seriously he talked to his advisors about stop a hurricane with a fucking nuke.
Holy shit. I thought it was a meme that people were so delusional with ORANGE MAN BAD syndrome that they believed this.
Get help.
Jokes on behalf of other peoples appearance, belief, race, sexuality and opinions are the best jokes, you have no sense of humor, faggot
Top kek.
he made fun of jussie smolett and felt bad for cops
thats the last thing he needs to do waste more time defending himself about the dumb hurricane Greenland is getting bought though just wait
>we had to edit this image to prove our point
>btw that point doesn't exist
>I didn't watch it but someone told me to be offended by it
Sums up most things these days