26 years and it still hasnt been topped

26 years and it still hasnt been topped.

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Teri Hatcher was a babe. It's a shame Dean Cain's career never went anywhere after this.

>a gook superman
no thanks

Smallville was much better asswipe

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Smallville made this show look like faggotry. Anyone with sense understands this.

Smallville is extremely gay

superman was always asian

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yeah, amazing how a show on a much smaller network just a few years apart can look so much better, Lois & Clark never left a studio lot

Super gay

better than bvs

I...blushed when they implied they just had sex...

I watched it as a kid and was consistently let-down by how light and tv-budget the Superman elements were. Mostly he just quickly arrived on Lois' balcony with any flying hidden by a quick camera cut. If you were lucky he'd lift one end of a car.

>wooshing sound and gust of wind
>Dean Cain steps in from out of frame

did Teri Hatcher have a nude scene in this?

I always had this idea I have seen her nude in something. clearly her profile while she is laying on a bed

That's in The Cool Surface, with Robert Patrick. A couple of years before her tits sagged like spaniel's ears in Heaven's Prisoners.

Riker was on the show.

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>Smallville was much better asswipe

How was that five-second clip of him in the suit.

>five-second clip of him in the suit.
Dreadful. But Smallville is still a great Superman show. Lois and Clark has it's moments as well.

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I've never seen Smallville but it was on the CW so I'm 100% sure it was nothing more than a sappy drama aimed at teenage girls.


Based. Frakes should have done more acting work, he had great screen presence.

First season is good with some weird quirks and one note characters.
Second season is good with the weird quirks and one note characters ironed out.
Third season is where the relationship cancer starts to drown out all the good parts.
Fourth season shit the bed hard.

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I am 26 years old and I never even kissed a girl

Okay, but have you tried to have sex?

Topped? It was pure soap opera garbage

Fuck you all

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