He's probably in hell for sodomy now. How does that make you feel?

He's probably in hell for sodomy now. How does that make you feel?

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no such thing

He deserved to die, and I hope he burns in hell

And I feel like I just got home
And I feel

I see this guy in vrchat all the time

>ripped, muscular demons fuck your ass every day as "punishment"

You mean gay heaven?

>implying he hasn't left hell that is our world for better place

Sodomites will take good care of this man in Hell

I dont think they give out steroids in hell. He's back to being a normal gay guy that cant lift for shit.

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They take poppers in Hell all the time.

was Billy actually gay or gay for pay?

going to keep this just to show that Yea Forums and /pol/ are NOT 4channel

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Why did this guy even had a fanbase?

Gay for pay
Also he had a son

He has done hetero porn. Its fucking awful though. He can't fuck for shit

we all go to the underworld, you retard.
I just choose to not end up like tantalus

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I don't know, I've always prefered Van's acting abilities

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>.t angsty preteen mental faggot ngiger faggot retard kid lol

Based. Unironically

RIP Gatchimuchi. . Sleep tight Aniki.

>t. angsty 20-something ""born again christian"" incel desperate to cling onto anything to give his life meaning
sorry pal, god ain't real and he won't make your life better :^)

>tfw will never see the full, uncensored version of this video

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> Send a butt burrower to a place with other chocolate speedway chasers.
Sounds terrible for him.