Don't mind me, just being the best new show of the last decade while you talk about shit like Mindhunters. This thread is for patricians only - Sopranosfags and Wirefags welcome. Let's discuss our new favorite show and why it's definitely going to be Kendall
Don't mind me, just being the best new show of the last decade while you talk about shit like Mindhunters...
For fucks sake at least one of you fuckers must be watching this it's literally the only good thing on TV right now
No one in this looks like a leading actor. It's a side character show and you need leading actor material for a show to be popular.
And most of the episodes are about showing off acting talent for awards show nominations rather than plot or character arc.
It's all about style, not substance.
I liked it until Ep.4 turned into “OY VEY IT’S ANOTHER SHOAH”.
feels good to see an OP with shit taste get this thoroughly BTFO
Kek OP is in cope mode since no one’s watching his faggy show.
name a better show on right now
I couldn't give a fuck what's on right now cause I'm not brainwashed by the media, faggot
The Righteous Gemstones.
I'll give it a try, OP.
Looks awfully white, user...
At least tell me the redhead gets seduced by a suave, beautiful, intelligent man of colour?
Last episode.
She’s in an open marriage with a white guy, and fucks people on the side. Last one was a currynigger. She’s also the biggest leftist, Twitter-Tier cunt you can think of.
She mocked the show equivalent of Bernie Sanders in s1
Pick one and only one, user.
And wants show Tucker Carlson fired.
of course it's the best
Brian Cox is in it
Episode 4 was heavyhanded with the nazi shit, but it was still great overall. A lot of funny lines
>Lester touched us lol
Him and Strong both deserve an emmy
So basically she's a Clinton democrat?
Dark Crystal Resistance
They're doing the whole Kendall michael corleone redemption arc, I really fuckin hope it's not his ginger sister or smuck little brother.
Pewdiepie Epic Minecraft Series
>a gilf will never degrade you while you fap over the phone
why even live?
Has any of the actors said anything negative about trump on twitter?
Name one who hasnt
Maisie De Krassel
So I’m boycotting this show then
Tom must have been screaming internally
What is this guy's endgame? Feels like he's secretly the one pulling the strings.
Why do all his sons look like they're his grandsons
He's going through the management training Logan wanted Shiv to take and Roman is going through. He went from Parks to ATN with Tom, on Tom's path to power. And Tom is underestimating him so much he has no idea he's mentoring his rival. If someone ambitious is blackmailing you you'd better fire him, not patting him on his back or ordering drugs through him like Kendall did. And when his grandfather dies he'll be a board member.
breeding in old age is great and healthy you toxic shitlord