Hey guys a friend showed me a clip of the Hulk movie 15 years ago and it was really cringy, The Hulk was transformed and yelling at a wall to take the power back or something, it was so bad
What movie was that? Google has nothing
Hey guys a friend showed me a clip of the Hulk movie 15 years ago and it was really cringy, The Hulk was transformed and yelling at a wall to take the power back or something, it was so bad
What movie was that? Google has nothing
Ant man
There's literally nothing wrong with playing a 3DS in public
Reading books in public is as fedora as it gets
Ask me how I know you also think wearing a fedora is high fashion
what about reading manga on my phone?
There's literally nothing wrong with wearing a fedora
I miss quentin tbqh
I never understood this image is it really shamed upon to play vidya in public in the west?
I live in France and it's considered normal to use your Nintendo Switch or PS Vita in public transport
>using your phone in public
I seriously hope you guys dont do this.
Post more Quentin, I need a laugh
lol no it's not, everyone thinks you're a weirdo. Even more so than the US where there's a freak every 3 feet.
Nah lol go outside nigga
Nobody except internet autists care about that stuff over here.
Hulk (2003) is tv approved kino. go fuck yourself op
In the city, a lot of people read in public. Men and women, married or unattached
>Ps vitas
what the fuck is this a thread from 2012 that I somehow stumbled upon?
Those are still the most recently released handhelds. The Switch isn't portable. Maybe when the mini comes out, but it still looks too big.
>the switch isn't portable
I've seen niggas with these out in public, what the fuck are you talking about?
me on the right
You know things on Yea Forums are bad when you miss tripfags and wish you could return to those times.
>discussing philosophy
The most beta and empty shit there is. Especially with women.
It was part of the smear campain from Sony when the Vita flopped so they decided to axe the japanese industry by shitposting on the internet.
No it isn't. There isn't a location on the planet where you aren't seen as an autistic manchild for playing with toys in public.
me in public
>using your phone in public
>anything other than making or receiving a call
exactly equivalent to playing a handheld game
There is if you're a self-conscious virgin who spends all day on imageboards.
I was cackling in college the other day. I love gyno dino memes
>or Sunday night HBO
I'm french and you are seen as an idiot at best
owning a 3ds over the age of 14 makes you a manchild
Me at right.
ive seen way more normal looking people using a switch in public than a 3ds
Wouldn't you get robbed?
frechies are the biggest cucks in europe
Fellas real talk. Did we not appreciate Quentin enough? Was he too ahead of his time?
laterally what is your problem my dude?
>Tfw tried top be a tripfag myself but I am too much of a samefag
Only acceptable to play 3DS in public when on a plane/train or possibly a bus ride that is more than 3 hours and even then you cannot be near anyone and must have the volume off or headphones in
i actually made that mistake. still fucked her though and learned a lesson too.
Dumb fuck esl
Only in muttland
Having a physical paper book these days is a little tryhard. Like that guy that brought his victorian typewriter to Starbucks.
>public transport
Well there’s the issue right there.
>Even more so than the US where there's a freak every 3 feet.
why do you fags keep talking about New York? Theres more in the FUCKING US BESIDES NEW YORK! Go outside user...
You hardly ever see people gaming on commuter trains in the UK - it's all books, papers, or phones.
Enjoy losing 'your' books when Amazon decides your leases are up.
Your country is literally burning as you push buttons on a colorful piece of plastic, you know.
Well by that logic discussing sunday night hbo or reading doesn't exactly help that problem either.
>Honhon, Pierre mon amie, did you happen to catch the latest episode of the hit HBO show Chernobyl yesterday?
>Oui, honhon. Isn't it fascinating how in this show many courageous individuals cooperate at great personal cost in order to avert a fatal crisis and rectify the incompetence of the political elite and their utter disregard for their people's well being?
>Alors, it really makes you think, n'est-ce pas?
>all these fucking newfags who have never seen a Quentin comic in their life
>>all these fucking newfags who have never seen a Quentin comic in their life
I'm glad I wasn't trolled into getting my head filled with /pol/ sad memes
What the fuck does that have to with him??? Lmao
>he still thinks an individual can have any impact on the world or even his own country
The world is controlled by secret elite societies, we are meaningless
Funny wojak xDD
Except that Nintendo is onions and the PSP is the superior handheld
I see this occasionally on the bus and it does look very tryhard. It's always a hipster, usually a woman, reading something 'intellectual'.
>people don't know my dead meme that lasted for a year
>discussing philosophy or late night HBO
just as cringe as playing the 3ds in public. At least mr. 3ds has no pretensions about being cool
Eh, I know Voldemort always loses anyway.
Im upvoting this post.