If you pay for/watch Disney movies, you are literally supporting genocide
If you pay for/watch Disney movies, you are literally supporting genocide
i dont watch disney movies but I do support genocide
what do?
If it's a genocide of Muslims, I am unironically okay with that.
i don't pay for kikemedia
If you live in Americsa and pay sales tax to anyone you are always aiding genocude.
Don’t worry Israel has received $121b since ww2 from the US without Disney
Nice try shill
Ok cute Gazan shota... I will boycott Israel from now.
I'm with the Jews now, fuck the goyim
if they got that much money how come muslims are still alive? thats enough to kill all of them already
Noone cares. But drinking coca cola eating mc donald and watching disney propaganda should be avoided eitherway
Agreed, kill all Muzzies
they don't want to kill them they want to enslave them
This is Yea Forums, idiot. If you want us to care, you should've made the child a girl.
>doesn't pay but still consumes
Tell me, who's really the jew?
I'm not giving up McDonalds, Coca Cola, Nestle, Calvin Klein, or Maggi, you faggot.
Dare I say... based?
>Marks & Spencers
Very good goy
>s-stop eating and drinking things you enjoy!
I don't know that feel. I don't eat fast food or soft drinks.
They are as dumb as blacks and physically weaker
Why bother
Yeah yeah we know faggot
Walt would be disgusted at what his company has (((turned))) into.
I like beer as well
you're dealing with jews, they take their commission
Enjoy your diabetes fatass
funny thing is they sell Israeli grown dates around Ramadan. they're getting Muslims to pay for Israeli settlements haha. quite based ngl.
>no Burguer King
They based
Why are Arabs the only people that have the guts to resist kike imperialism? Just look at western white countries, they are happy to subsist under Jewish domination as their brains are slowly replaced with garbage.
Star Wars was originally meant to be a story about good vs evil, absolute morality, like many other ancient national epics. Kikes have taken it and used it it to promote "grey morality" and "just give in goy!" Look how they humiliated Luke Skywalker, it reminds me of those pictures of Saddam Hussein after he was captured, with the beard and looking all rugged and tired, like saying "here is your hero goy, look what we have done". It's an attempt to demoralise an entire generation and destroy culture, the only thing Jews are good at
And why should I give a fuck to sandniggers again?
This. Should I just support Israel directly rather than through the mouse?
But Jews were in control of hollywood and everything when the original movies came out
Israel is commiting genocide against Palestinians, this is not anti Semitic to say, it is fact
If it's against muslims it's not a genocide, it's a blessing
edgy and based
This, based. Fuck islam
George Lucas made himself financially independent of kikewood right after the first movie. He subsequently maintained full creative control and resisted attempts to have Luke turn evil or other kike bs
The prequel trilogy was a not-subtle critique of American foreign policy and kikes. It's why it was panned so hard beyond reason despite being above average quality (with RotS genuinely being a great film)
Hey Shlomo I know you like pitting whites races against each other like whites and Arabs or Christians and Muslims but it's not gonna work any more
Gentiles are waking up to your divide and conquer bullshit.
Holy shit that's the first advertisement that's worked in quite some time. I have a strong desire to parade around in overpriced shirts designed for manlets while eating mcnuggets.
Hmm yes I've always viewed Phantom Menace as a clever critique of Jewish control over the banks and their attempts to subvert western society, it's nice to see there's a fellow kinologist here.
if i pay a little more can i get the name and picture of the little shit that i killed?
Haha yeah how do you do fellow whites
Yeah I mean it's not even subtle with characters like Watto or the Viceroy
so basically you don't know what white means
Sure, just upgrade to the "Big Mac Attack" tier of sponsorship. You get the bullet casing that you can display in your home as well as a Polaroid picture of the little dune coon. You can, of course, "Super Size" your sponsorship and select from glossy 8x10s as well as an AAR of the ENTIRE mudslime hunt carried out by trained camel jockey extermination squads.
we need an outsider film about israel that can actually be honest, its literally clownworld headquarters
imagine the absolute disgustkino
>tfw I consume none of these brands, only local businesses
Feels good to move my economy around, man.
Armani and Boss got taken over by the rats?
how come the palestinian population has been rising for decades then?
that sounds pretty awesome
Stop replying to yourself kike
You stop replying to yourself
you both need to stop replying to yourself
Gosh,I didn't know that braindead people could even type
Used to drink it but then I figured out that Cockta is better
Same as Coke
I do occasionally watch some of their stuff when everyone is losing their mind over it but I've never paid for any of it
Loads of better, cheaper and probably healthier local fast food places nearby, why bother?
A shit. Milka all the way
>brand clothes
A tax on vanity
Local media is all the propaganda I need
>everything else
Never heard of it
Thanks for the list of companies to buy from.
saudis and egypts get u.s. moneys too
Why Armani and Hugo Boss? They have nothing to do with Israel...Is Gucci instead ok?
i haven't touched disney since torrenting solo though
why not nuke both?
>A shit. Milka all the way
Which is owned by Mondelez International, known for race-mixing propaganda, Jewish ownership, and general globalism fuckery.
I stand with Israel and President Trump.