TvTropes twitter shares comic from racist nazi holocoast denier Stonetoss

Are TvTropes /our guys/?

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Other urls found in this thread:

stonetoss is pretty based just wish he'd make the baked apple pie comic

"Troper Tales" was essentially just Yea Forums or /r9k/ posts so yes.

I honestly can't wait until the boomers go full fash like gen z retard neonazis want and the entire generation of zoomers gets put in concentration camps and gassed.

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The only good thing Stonetoss has ever done is give the world the Ass/Boobs/Feet template.

I believe in science, differences between races exists and not everyone is equal. But holocaust deniers are idiots and I can't take them seriously.

stonetoss is epic

Stonetoss is an embarrassment

Hello antifa

>Yea Forums - Television & Film

>tvtropes isn't Yea Forums

imagine being constantly outraged 24/7 and trying to come up with new ways to push your politics onto this board, who could possibly do that?

Tropes was a Buffy the Vampire slayer forum that became a tv forum that became a forum to discuss incest stories in troper tales.


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Leftists on any non-imageboard.
Stonetoss is good because it's a decent webcomic that calls out the loony shit /pol/ always discusses with above average rhetorical means. And antifa fears it because it's not trash and put out a lot of content, otherwise they wouldn't be giving it the Zyklon Ben treatment.

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i dont get it

Television and film


It's in the filename

Leftshits literally everywhere else on the net.

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>already proven russian criminality and aliens being real is totally the same guys xD
Absolute moron

Lots of these arent funny.


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dumb right wingers will always ignore the facts russia did help trump in the 2016 election

This board is beyond saving. Just go somewhere else before you're bound here to be miserable forever

reminder that he triggers leftists so hard that there is an entire subr*ddit devoted to crying about and editing his cartoons

Yea Forums is literally the only "social" website I use, I don't care about anything else. Every fucking day there's a new thing to be outraged about and it's been like this for a good 4/5 years now.
I really can't comprehend how people didn't get tired of all this.

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>russia did help trump in the 2016 election

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not for you sōybōy

Then you really won't get this one.

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What does this have to do with television and film on Yea Forums?


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>muh Facebook ads nobody saw
Lmao that's all you have?



ok and how do you retards jump from
>trump knows some russians
>russians helped trump win the election

I don't get it. Please explain to a non-american user.

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Think he can get me one of those cool hats?

>he still doesnt get that Trump is the politician that truly represents the USA

I guess the joke is Jews make up 2% of the population but 40% of the billionaires.

It was at point a television forum so it belongs here. Just like discussion of history forums belongs on /his/. Same thing.

This one is by far the most accurate

what are some movies about (((coincidences)))?

It's a fat loser watching superhero garbage. What don't you get?

I don't understand this "muh russian election" meme anyway
the most they could have done is help fund his campaign, surely
how the fuck would russia influence the actual voting?

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poopyhead sjw wants concentration camps to stop existing so the artist claims the only way that can ever happen is to build walls around them, thus proving that roland blumpf was right all along about building walls to secure america


theyre all pretty based

Mormons obviously

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Oh okay thanks user.

>>already proven russian criminality
Can you link the proofs?

I mean, anyone can make accounts for Yea Forums tropes.

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already been provided in the thread Ivan

This is the only funny pebblehurl I've seen

is this the secret LOL thread?

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this is his magnum opus

>reeeeee these people illegally coming to our country need to have free movement

media influence ofc, not sure about the US because fuck yanks but americans and russians have most definitely done that in Italy

This board is for talking about films and television not other boards or comics, user. The rules here are crystal clear.

We are the cool kids now.

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This board is also not for dilating, yet here you are.

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>oh no the random news media I decided to trust blindly wasn't trustworthy
I hate normalfags so goddamn much

>trump knows russians
>"heh, theres the smoking gun trumptards"
wow your powers of communication really floored me

Interesting that people never pay attention to what the actual israeli holocaust experts say and just swallow whole what some American diaspora trash with an agenda have shoved into the textbooks for goy kids. Like you said, can't take those idiots seriously.

lol whats the original?


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RT is a better news source than any US media

Lest we forget

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imagine having such yellow fever that you don't immediately leave after that first remark

What does dilation have to do with television and film?

no retard. the easiest way to keep "immigrants" from "being abused in detention centers" is to keep "immigrants" out in the first place via a border wall

Nothing, which is why you should go dilate somewhere else.

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or just let them in dipshit

Hillary Clinton sold Uranium to Russia, she also accepted millions in "donations" from foreign countries, where are the cries of collusion from hypocrite libtards?

>first line of the article is literally "The answer is still unclear"
When choosing a hobby, it is wise to choose something you're good at

doesn't matter hillary isn't president

yeah just let in millions of low iq racial and cultural aliens. what could go wrong

proofs? I'll even take a foxnews link :^)

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there was a section on tvtropes (I think it's been axed by now exactly because of that shit) that was basically about tropes happening in real life where people wrote out shit like that
"this troper" is what they call themselves in those stories

>half the board is dedicated to hating something
>forgetting the other half are threads speaking about being kissless virgins and what's it like to have a gf

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No one is stopping them from immigrating legally you fucking retard. Btw why don't you open up all your windows and leave the door to your house open, what's the worse that could happen?

who's this jack? I've seen this posted on several boards but I never go to twitter

>the other half
bull fucking shit
this board is overrun with normies
every goddamn thread it's "my gf this" and "my fuckbuddy that"
even the """"lonely and horny"""" posters are just crying about not having sex for three months

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And if she was, do you think they'd spend 3+ years crying about collusion?

Uranium One and campaign donations, do your own research retard

this is still my favorite one and it's not even political

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>excusing colonialism by normalizing genocide

Very cool


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>normalizing genocide
Do you know what genocide actually is?

I don't get it

that doesn't even make sense
>haha funni comic that has nothing to do with what you're saying
smoothbrained chud

>ignore the fact that Russia is continually actively trying to interfere in US elections
>ignore the constant stream of revealed Russian propaganda farms whose only job is to divide the country on the internet
>ignore that Trump is obviously the candidate Putin wants because he's an insatiable bootlicker jealous of Putin's authoritarian oligarchy and stupid enough to ruin Western political alliances through ineptitude and bad faith advice
>ignore the fact Trump was actively trying to build a Moscow hotel WHILE RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT and has continually obfuscated and obstructed all oversight into his revenue flows and business ventures
You're right, nothing to see here, just lefty hysteria, please support closer relations with Russia and a """winning""" trade war.

wtf does that even mean? think before you type

But that's nothing to the Alt Ctl Del Loss template so he doesn't have that going either.

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it's when you kill 10% of the population, the larger variant of decimating
gen is latin for ten, that's why a generation is 10 years

based but with cheese burgers

Manifest Destiny bitch

sounds similar to the old drug forums where they would write SWIM before every post. SWIM = Someone who isn't me, lmao

>ignore the fact that Russia is continually actively trying to interfere in US elections
literally every country is trying to interfere with the elections of every other country

hello chaponigger. dilated today?

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Disporia trash* my fault, friend.

finally someone with sense

Stonetoss is just a less autistic loser than Dobson. Not really a high tier there.

>legal immigration doesn't make sense
>I don't know what analogies mean
Liberals are fucking retarded

A forum from another website has NOTHING to do with Yea Forums and you know it. This thread is a clear violation of the rules.

lel no that's just "this friend I have"
the troper shit is just faggots going "I'm too smart for my classmates that's why I get bullied!"

if everyone is doing it then it MUST be right!

You're making zero sense. Stop using buzzwords and talk english or spanish.

The best

>if everyone is doing it then it MUST be right!
just odd that you focus on one specific country, instead of a more successful example like China.

No evidence, no suspects, just a bunch of hurt feelings faggotry, kill yourself tinfoil hat conspiretard

Not an argument.

mmm... no? where did you get that from?

>It's only wrong when Russia does it because the TV man said so
NPC boot licking conformist

it is an argument. why is russian interference worse than any other country's? why does it warrant endless news coverage while others get none?


So no source on urnaium one apart from infowars or random blogs then. I figured as much :^)

Noooo lock up this white supremacist criminal

>European colonists taught Indians to scalp their enemies

The argument is that it's obvious cherrypicking of an example of a country shown to be horrifically unsuccessful at it, instead of any of the others that are obviously doing it with a far higher success rate.

The Indians today crying about it being their land stole it from someone else just as the Jews are not native to Israel or have sole ownership to it which is explained in this song.

>he doesn't know what genocide is
go learn some history please

nigga the cold war "ended" a couple of years ago, you're still right about China though

>No evidence
Of the things I just laid out in plainspeak? Yes, there's copious evidence of all of it. It's out here in objective reality with the rest of us, you're welcome to join.

That's decimating, you brainlet

uranium one is a right wing boogieman

>the larger variant of decimating
learn to read, nigger



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>colonialism bad
>omg why did britain give hongkong back to china now they are going to be Chinese again

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Who did they stole it from?

why is the officer a cyclops

>gen is latin for ten
no its not
genes means birth so it's when you kill a large population based on their birthplace, so a race or a nationality

is that really the only solution? that doesn't make sense


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>Hurr if Putin didn't help Trump it would've been Hillary's turn instead it was her turn but Russians made American voters elect Trump hurr

Russia hasnt been a legit threat for decades, which is why its being used as a scapegoat. Its not like they can realistically do anything about being called assholes everyday.
China is possibly the worst (non-3rd world) country on the planet in every possible way.

>H-hillary dindu nuffin ;_;
Eat shit and die retard

No evidence of Russian hacking or Russian collusion, your schizoid conspiracy theories have been debunked for ages, but because liberal retards chose that Hill to die on, Trump will definitely get reelected

>it is an argument.
It's really not. All election meddling is undemocratic and fundamentally wrong.
>why is Russia worse
Because they're the most active in doing it, and not just in the US, but also in the US. And that's if you just baldly ignore all the fundamental conflicts of interest and shady coincidences from within the sitting president's campaign structure from the outset of his run.

Back to plebbit, c u c k. Its probably a better environment for you, lunatic conspiratard


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someone needs to lay off the meth.
no idea where youre getting ive ever said or thought that

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>fuck yeah Stonetoss! Can I get a based from my aryan brothers? Being an asshole is the best, we have to stop the trannies from fighting racism. Dilate haha

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>M-muh Russian collusion ;_;
>Ignores actual Russian collusion
Liberalism is mental illness

>No evidence of Russian hacking
You're either a baldfaced shill or woefully ignorant partisan, either way I'm done with you

Earlier peoples.

Russia has the GDP of Spain. China has the GDP of the US. China purchases politicians through the legal bribing system of lobbying using the second degree system. You are too much of a giant pussy to even mention China.

The Russian Conspiracy has been proven by Mueller and subsequent evidence to be a product of the FBI and CIA counter intelligence programs. If you do not pay attention to things like the Overstock CEO and stay low information, that is on you. If you are incapable of reading material produced by the IGs of these communities, quite literally their internal affairs, then we on you and your claim to being informed. You are just another fool that operates on a religious belief in his party compared to actual evidence.

>All election meddling is undemocratic and fundamentally wrong.
yeah too bad the real world doesn't work according to what's right and wrong
>Because they're the most active in doing it
not even close. israel and china are far worse. then there's business interests and wealthy individuals

>t. Russian shill

>Hillary did shit
>So Trump is free to do everything he wants now

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ok but what are you going to do about the 70%?


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How is internet memes election meddling but buying off politicians isn't, hypocrite?

>has been proven by Mueller and subsequent evidence to be a product of the FBI and CIA counter intelligence programs
>t. Russian shill :^)

>tfw your own source btfo's you without even needing to scroll down

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So what do you propose Mr Epic Racist? What should we do with niggers?

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In a few years I'm sure we'll know exactly what China is doing in Africa and it's gonna be fucking terrifying. Not to mention the fact it's been exporting its mafia for decades

>ignore the fact that Trump has increased sanctions against Russia and arms shipments to Ukraine
>ignore the fact that Russian influence spending is dwarfed by Israeli and silicon valley bug geld
>ignore the fact that due to immigration it is harder and harder for the county to remain culturaly and politically cohesive
Hiw did you find 4channel gramps?

Why do you have tranny pics on your phone bro? Faggot

Prove it, it's WikiLEAKS not WikiHACKS you gullible faggot redditor

>Trump hurts my feelings so he's a secret Russian agent
Liberals are literally retarded

stuff like this always makes me happy
I've been taught that words on the internet can never hurt me by Yea Forums but there are actually people out there who get hardcore triggered just cause you call them faggot
gives me a warm feeling I can make people cry with dumb words on the internet

wtf did the Russians hack? The DNC server was tampered with on-site, and Podesta left his phone in a cab.
Stop listening to brainless excuses from butthurt politicians.

>ignore your IGs American, you must listen to your compromised media

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to show others what you look like

pic related

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>when the left is so unoriginal they can't create their own meme so they just copy the ꜱoyboy