>Boomer Sarah and Arnie
>Gender fluid protector
>Chola Connor
>Action looks generic as fuck
>Title is DARK something just like the X-MEN flop
There's literally nothing appealing about this movie
Other urls found in this thread:
James Cameron is back though so it's definitely gonna be kino
>Chola Connor
What's a chola?
>John Connor dead
Hollywood is nostalgia bait now. Almost everything is a remake, sequel or spin off of some kind. They don't put any effort in writing becos they expect the audience to come see it because :"Hey, remember Terminator? Look these guys are back doing that thing again. Lol the 80's"
This why new shit like John Wick is refreshing, however it's also falling into the shit sequel formula too quickly..
I'm surprised that this movie was advertised as a course correctio. they would ignoe everything after T2 and make a fresh sequel with Cameron involved. Turns out it looks as bad as genysis and T3 combined.
That is not a fact, that is an opinion, I am a fan and I am going to this movie at the cinema in 3D when it comes out October 25th and again on Halloween dressed as a battle damaged Terminator with no guns this time, lmfao
He’s the same hack that shilled Genysis.
This movie will be shit and bomb.
He's a fucking producer, it's meaningless.
indio it's the n-word for south american spics. chola is pretty much the same. but it's also a way to call someone "indigenous woman". depends on the context. the more you know...
Everything after T2 is absolute shit.
T2 is just an action and sfx showpiece which isn't justified plotwise.
This. Plus it's not even good at that, it fucking grinds to a halt halfway through and gets boring as fuck. T1 was the only kino film in the series.
I just wanna see this nigger slice people up. I don't care about anything else.
it means gang member you dumb cracker fuck
In the first Terminator Arnie was a huge intimidating looking guy and you'd actually be scared to fight him. Now we've got this cute ass tomboy playing the Terminator. How the fuck is anyone meant to be intimidated by her?
How low are your standards user?
You really need to learn the difference between tomboy and dyke.
Dumb poofter
Seems like the plebeian here is you.
I want you to get cancer
Nope it’s you.
For once I agree with OP
>cute ass tomboy
It looks like a tranny you gay cunt
With the attempts to make sequels, why was there nowhere near the effort put into them that there was with T2?
(in some parts of Latin America) a woman of indigenous or partly indigenous ancestry.
It's El Terminador.
Why are the robots coming out of the water?
It's a force vision
Cameron has turned into a giant faggot.
Daily reminder Hollywood is dead
Not executive one?
Cameron gave up. He signed off on this shit that looks no different from Genesis and gave his dream project (Alita) to some mexicans. What a shame.
you know i think the new terminator's casting and some of the locations and themes and shit tell you who the new market for these straight-to-video-esque sequels of popular californian films is
i saw a cuckservative on tv talking even now about how the republican party is going to have to eventually adapt to the new american demographic reality. the republican party might not but the film industry already decided to
there is no further need to ask 'why do they make this obviously bad stuff/who is it for' etc.
cant belive that this is allowed in a action movie....wtf is that....maybe she got the same personal trainer as gald gadot or any female actress.....hes called no one.
You already have skin cancer on the top of your head. Not even kidding.
>el terminator
>not tijuan thousand
I'd still rather watch this than a Marvel flick.
This movie is going to flop so hard. As much as I like the Terminators for 2 movies, its completely burnt out among normies. Same goes for the Alien franchise.
She looks like Dylan Roof. Same bowl hair cut and all.
1st was a horror movie
2nd action
Cameron has literally praised every Terminator movie you fucking moron
Did people really like Sarah Conner that much? I always cared more about Arnie and his robot shenanigans
have sex
And the rest was complete shit.
Even the new one?
3rd was an action comedy
TV show was a coming of age action series. (Most faithful of them all post 2.)
4th was DC
5th was MCU
6th is phase 4 of MCU
Sounds great, I'm gonna watch it Thanks for the recommendation
I thought the 3rd movie was pretty kino. That chase scene with the crane was awesome.
And Cameron wasn't even involved.
They can't swim, so they walk across the ocean floor.
>Cameron wasn't even involved.
On purpose. Cameron only got the rights back this year. He's crashing this franchise.
The ending was a great twist too. I just wish we had gotten a proper follow up to it instead of the mess Salvation ended up being
Well, he did check himself out of one of his longest pet projects (Alita) due to Avatar so who knows what the fuck he's doing anymore besides painting his dick blue and stroking it
He produced Alita as well and it was utter dreck.
Soon, very soon. Basal cell carcinoma.
>Title is DARK something just like the X-MEN flop
Did you unironically thought this was worth typing?
Salvation should continue, best terminator movie, just get to the future already
Kek i work night shift
>who knows what the fuck he's doing anymore
As you said. Finishing Avatar. Any attempt at a Terminator film by Cameron will have a whole new cast and only have at least a couple of references to 1 and 2. Realistically he's going to bury it since the first 2 mostly completed his version of the story.
They already rebooted Terminator less than 5 years ago too, Cameron praising it as something that fits with his 'vision' etc. No one is seeing this.