What the FUCK was it that made him so based?

What the FUCK was it that made him so based?

Attached: DC_Unit_00425_R-c16c60d.jpg (620x413, 57K)

its garbage and why did they make every gelfling and podling look autistic

They look exactly the same, you just have nostalgia goggles on

No. They. Do. NOT.


Stop staring at the mirror.

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Attached: Z7HeRxU.png (512x512, 361K)

>age of blompf

Hunter is based af.

i dont give a shit about the movie never watched, so why do they llook so autistic
>netflix series
>pleb filter
yeah go back
>no u

So the urRu Mystics and the urSkeks no longer exist?


Skeksis were cute

Not by the end of the movie

They are puppets

I meant in the Netflix series.

So the urRu Mystics and the urSkeks do not exist in the Netflix series?

Because they old actor died and they had to hire new gelflings, we are lucky that the old Skesis actor are still alive and only needed a little of de-aging CGI

Watching the first episode.

Came her to complain about how it started off extremely aggressively with storybuilding, repeating the exact lines from the movie, killing all mystery in the process.

It looks good and otherwise has a interesting premise, but again the title and intro ruins it.

It's boring.

podlings in the movie
>kind, caring, if a simple rustic folk
podlings in the show
>retards who eat shit balls, wallow in mud, lick their toes, and think a spoon is a sword

i'm wondering this as well. haven't fnished it yet, but no mystics, no mentions of urSkeks. confused. seems to be retconned.

>extremely aggressively with storybuilding, repeating the exact lines from the movie, killing all mystery in the process.
this was exactly what i was worried about.
the movie was mysterious, alien, even vague.
this series is none of that

Lucky? They have life eternal, user.

What are the other 4 gelfling races? I assume we only see three in the show and that's why they didn't mention the other 4.


Is there a link handy?