Sony is done
Sony is done
I'm not surprised nobody came to a re-release of a movie that was just in the fucking theaters a few weeks prior.
>disney fans
please tell me no such people's one thing when you're a normalfag who enjoys mcu flicks and it's another when you unironically call yourself disney fans
Well, this movie is irrelevant now. And will be considered non-canon, just like The Incredible Hulk.
>An old movie that just made a billion dollars that everyone has already seen
>no one buying tickets
Oh No!!!!! How could this happen?!!!! How will Sony ever survive?!!!!!!! Sony should give Spider-Man to Disney for free! In fact, Sony should give all their movie IPs to Disney! And why stop there? Sony should let their company be owned by Disney!!!!!! Screw da laws!!!
Why are Disneyfags so stupid?
>re-release of a shit film has no viewers
I can't believe no one wants to see a mediocre spiderman movie again. Us mouse fans sticking it to the evil corporation!
It already made a billion dollars. Everyone has already seen it.
This, holy shit.
>go spend $15 again to see a Blu-Ray extra What the fuck was that dude expecting, especially after how many people complained that the Endgame re-release wasn't worth the time.
Disney will win and get Spiderman home. Sony has no right to keep Peter Parker from his family. We marvel fans never forgive and never forget..
>blaming muh sony for it
>not the shitty extended version of engame with ps2 hulk
If you adjust for inflation all 3 of the Raimi Sony movies did better than the MCU spiderman ones. Retards buying into Disney marketing hype.
absolutely based theatreseatscreenshottwitterpostscreenshot poster
Disney fans assemble! we MUST keep giving money to Disney to show s*ny how disgusting their choice was. I know I'll do my part by paying for 2 tickets every time I watch another MCU entry, what about you?
God, I wish. Fuck Disney too, but Sony is such a cancerous company
>Captain Marvel empty theatre shots are CRINGE! Haha what loser would do that?
>phoneposting /pol/tard
Have sex incel.
This thread is just... WOW.
Why are anti Disneyfags so easy to bait? You're worse than the DCucks when Brie Larson's film came out.
From now on, let's all agree to do this: look in the mirror - if ur unattractive, u can't post here.
disney really is a soulless company.
sad but true
>DCucks when Brie Larson's film came out.
DChad here, what did we do? We just post "Aquaman made more money than Captain Marvel" and that's it
Joker is going to win an oscar. Nothing you can do will change this. Stay mad.
It seems movie DLCs are one-time idea.
I mean its pretty hilarious how most normies don't seem to understand that now Spiderman is free from Disneys disgusting tentacles Sony can actually take risks and do something interesting with the character.
nobody give a shit for their re release, what they was expecting...
Like not be part of the marvel universe? Spiderman had to be part of the MCU in order to survive or the character will never be popular
What the fuck are you talking about? The Sam Raimi spiderman films were very popular.
>nobody going to see a disney movie
>sony is done
You need to consider suicide. No doctor will fix your autism.
That was before the MCU changed everything. Literally cinema will never be the same.
Disney money laundering confirmed
The mcu is nothing more than a trend that will be completely forgotten about soon after its finally over.
Is there any website that just shows the amount of tickets a movie has sold, not how much money it's earned?
No he didn't though. Spider-Man Homecoming barely made more than the Amazing Spider-Man 1 and 2, and Far From Home didn't even top the first three spider-man box office intakes.
Clearly the 5% bump Sony was giving Marvel to be part of the MCU wasn't worth it. Not only when as they were making that deal with Marvel, Disney was fucking them over by trying to talk Tom Harding out of doing Venom.
Who the fuck pre-books their seats lol, especially for a movie that's been out for months
Modern disney movies are not art. They only care about money.
any movie that's not disney automatically bombs
Spiderman box office adjusted for inflation:
>Spiderman: $1,171,909,864
>Spiderman 2: $1,064,540,571
>Spiderman 3: $1,102,390,369
>Amazing Spiderman 1: $846,986,542
>Amazing Spiderman 2: $768,384,629
>Homecoming: $921,284,708
>Far From Home: $1,116,677,596
>Spider-Verse: $383,712,467
It will never be over though. They announced 6 movies and like 10 shows for the next TWO YEARS.
What did MCU change?
dude just pay up sony at least half if not more
All empires fall eventually....Disney will be no different