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Other urls found in this thread:


>((((critics)))) liked it
well shit guys

>make Scorsese fan fiction
>one character is tangentially inspired by a comic book villain
>normies get tricked into watching kino

It's Venice, either the audience walk out or they give a standing ovation

i knew it was going to be normie-core

fucking dumb incels

European movie critics =/= USA SJW bloggers

It's over. Joker is officially going to be garbage.

This is a FALSE FLAG.

This movie's protagonist is a white man, which critics would never abide. But they know their credibility is in the garbage, so they are using reverse psychology to make you think this must be a critic-pandering, SJW movie when in fact it's the opposite. DON'T BE FOOLED.

Those are european aka real critics, disney still controls RT through Fandango so expect it to be trashed by the söyim


t. The Mouse

no, did you not see the trailers? he racemixes so its fine

What the fuck we said this was going to be kinatoa of the highest order and we were right

All those posts were ironic, you goddamn autist. Do you think this board would really support capeshit?

Of course it doesn't, good thing Joker is confirmed CAPEKINO

>revisionist history
It's that easy, folks.

time fot /tv to hate it i guess

This is worrying

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So it is soj incarnate filled to the brim with pozz, gotcha.


what does ((Ehrlich)) mean by this?

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Of course he’s gonna hate it. He’s been complaining about the possible discourse surrounding this film.

Eww yucky alt-right people meme about this so therefore it's a bad movie YIKES!

This is the same Venice which has a thousand hit pieces on it because it's too chad, remember.

>The movie is amazing but I don't like *thing unrelated to the movie* so it's bad
>*collects mousecheck*
Screencap this

>This movie's protagonist is a white man, which critics would never abide.
>is a white man,

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Only one critic matters.

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>reviews of reviews
how about letting the critics review the fucking film so i can read it

He's white my friend.

shut the fuck up retard

>He's white my friend.

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>My bones are chilled!
>My spine is tingled!
>My anus is clenched!
>My guts are wrenched!
>My emotions are ready to be devastated!

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I have high hopes for this film but Venice Film Festival is utter shit. see pic

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Hacksaw is kino you utter pleb.

Hacksaw Ridge is the best war film ever made, you complete retard.

That movie is kino ya dip

>Hacksaw is kin--
>Hacksaw Ridge is the be--
>That movie is kin--

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Try to deny it through stupid memes. You can't. Because your mother never raised you right.

>muh critic boogeyman

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Jesus Christ, I can't imagine clapping for 10 minutes straight for anything, no matter how good it was. At some point you gotta figure they're no longer clapping for the movie, but for themselves.

>loves niggers
>plays with niggers
>goes to nigger doctors


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This, based Arnold "Honorary" White


>he doesnt like the obvious Raimi homage


In America, living in a poor urban area, you're bound to hang around niggers. Pretty much by definition. The only unlikely bit is the one of the nigger doctors.

already succeeded, user.
that webm is laughable
>mother never raised you right
lmao what is this? you a mummys boy?

I am not very excited for this. Its not a superhero movie at all. There are no amazing feats, there's nothing spectacular or awe inspiring to look at. Its just a boring movie about a normal guy.

How is that not kino?

It's about living in a society

>about a normal guy

Not just any normal guy. An incel. Gives you some perspective as to who is excited about this movie.


If he's an incel and they're applauding it's because it's a shot at incels.

Welp. Here come the never-ending debates about Ledger vs Phoenix joker and who was better. When NEITHER or them really present a truly comic book accurate portrayal.

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>When NEITHER or them really present a truly comic book accurate portrayal.
honestly dont care
people moan about Batfleck being not accurate but he was great in BvS

The question is: will he move from a lower position to a higher position during the course of the film?

>yfw they bring back Jared Leto for The Batman

And what exactly is the right portryal? The point of comics and alternate universes is that you can do whatever the fuck you want, and joker has had so many variations it doesn't matter.

Batfleck was the cringiest part of that movie. He's supposed to be Batman but he has that smug, date-rapist grin on his face all the time.

Hacksaw was really good tho. They don't make movies like that anymore. It just feels like it's from a different time

Can already tell Phoenix will top Ledger desu.

Why do NPCs do this

joker was already a rip off from a silent film, his character has always been influenced by hollywood. It's why the character gets a pass and actors are more willing to say yes to the role

she is a therapist, they are not real doctors

Still not very realistic

Given that people tried really hard to tar it with the "incel" brush I'm going to take the critics response that this is actually really good

That dude has been determined to hate this from day one

>When NEITHER or them really present a truly comic book accurate portrayal.
Neither does Joker in 80% of the comics he's in

Why? black doctors exist.

Hacksaw Ridge is good though, you fucking nigger.

that's cannes

>standing ovation for based Mel
>standing ovation for the Jokah
Thank God not whole Europe is infected by the SJW virus and people can still enjoy things, instead of going on twitter crusades.

Europe is still full of it too, but if you just ignore it and not sperg out you too can enjoy life user

Scorsese and DeNiro already made this film once, I'll assume the Joker™ brand is worth quintuple box office.

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comic books are for children and manchildren

Yes, and remaking decades old films but putting a superhero costume/makeup on the lead character is just dumb.

shamans do not count as doctors

This is Marty's most underrated movie, by the way.

depends on the setting

DC is obviously just paying these shills. They're gonna buy their own tickets too.


underrated by whom? It has a 90% critic/audience score.

Could you at least try to be funny like the black James bond threads?

Racism is only funny if you try, otherwise it's just cringe

Shut up nigger



No, this time we agree with them to be the supreme contrarians.

I mean that's bound to happen when you see the skill gap between the two as actors




>naming your children River, Rain, Liberty, Summer
Are burgers literally brain-dead?

Goddam, I’m so fucking excited. Motherfucking HYPE.

I'm glad DC can squeak out something decent now that Snyder's gone!

Will he love or hate it?

You mean Whedon and Geoff Johns.


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Damn this looks lame. Like a Zahler movie or something.

>joker was already a rip off from a silent film
Which one?

Well it should be. Its an oscar bait

Yea Forums told me sjw boogyman hated this flick

For once we were right bros

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>Mental gymnastics

It shits on niggers, he'll love it.

will this movie unironically start the incel uprising?

no but it will start the anti-incel uprising against an incel uprising that doesn't actually exist

Yea Forums has been saying its shit since the first trailer
Shills are the ones telling you sjws dont like it because that's how they market. It's like the green inferno by eli roth

the man who laughs idiot


youre an imbecile

I am genuinely excited to see Joker. Looks like clownkino is back on the menu, boys!

European critics are less kiked than American critics, so I think it's worth putting some trust in them.

>In one year the two men who co-wrote The Hangover Part II & III delivered to us Chernobyl and Joker
What in the FUCK is happening?

I guess black panther and get out are some of the best films ever made then huh?
or wait does it not count then?

can't wait for Armond White to trash this Scorsese-pseud flick and BTFO the Yea Forums incels

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Shit comedians can often do good work with drama and vice versa.

their parents are former cultists what do you expect

weak bait

the Venice crowd are not the american sjw critics although some of them were there and are the ones already prepared to shit on it
they even have a Polanski film there

That quite literally happened.

incels literally and unironically coping right now

Mate, James Cameron's first movie was Piranha 2.
A debut will almost always suck ass, it's the expierence you get from making that that gets you places

>(((eli roth)))

There is no comic accurate Joker, because the Joker has been so many things. What people mean when they say that, is it's not the comic portrayal they liked, which is probably just a small slice of the character's actual history.

>A Film by Todd Phillips

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yet when people pointed it out they were called SJW and shills against "white mans movie"
then the movie came out and it was sjw shit where she wins at the end against an actual white man


Funny way to say "After Hours" familia


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It's happening lads, we're actually getting our rightful kino.

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>le hyperbolic screening report meme

Faggots fall for this shit all the time, stop it

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>screening to the executives vs. screening on the venice festival
you're desperate

cope marvelfag

Black Panther wasn't at the Venice festival you fucking mongrel.

some of you are good
go to see the Joker tomorrow

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fucking hell

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I dont understand why theres so much hate towards guys who feel lonely in America. Shouldnt you show those guys some compassion instead of treating them like monsters for not being able to get a date?

Phoenix makes great movies. The shame is that incel virgins are going to copy this and dress up like him like they ruined the Joker in TDK.

The good thing is, if you’re still an underager or in college, you know what weirdos to stay away from even more now.

Kek I remember the video filmed in that room

Just remember folks as you read the initial reviews for Joker after its Venice premiere

Many of these same idiots were also raving after seeing First Man last year. “epic” “unreal” “will win tons of Oscars”

These characters always overhype. Trust them at your own peril.

Mouse cucks on suicide watch

i think it's more a case of solipsism

First Man was good so thanks for telling me they may be right again

>tfw realize this movie would have never exisited had Snyder and Ayer never made shitty DCEU flicks

IMDB rating is open, quick guys give it a 10/10

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Will Marvel ever win a meaningful Oscar?

>standing ovation
I thought only Americans clapped after movies?

The joker doesn't have a cape retard

I'm looking forward to the contrived "incel" controversies that this will spawn in the more retarded parts of the internet


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Has the first clown killing already happened?

these are good critics tho, not american shit

yeah dude
this numale is a totally a good critic lel

They were clapping about all the money they were about to make, retard

this is obviously stupid but considering how batshit insane WWII was I wouldn't be surprised if there was an account of this

Are you trying to imply this isn't kino?

Nicholson will be the closest we ever get to a Bronze Age comic accurate Joker. Well, and Hamill, though not sure if he counts in this debate.

European critcs give standing ovations all the time but only to good movies you see

These are actual film critics. Not US latte liberals spending all day on Twitter

Hacksaw Ridge was kino, but like said, I could see the best film ever made, see my favortie band perform the soundtrack live, and witness the return of Jesus Christ himself, and I wouldn't applaud for ten fucking minutes. How does that even happen?

Between the honk honk memes and other assorted clown posting being associated with the alt-right, this movies going to piss off a lot of people

Like these guys

The Hangover movies are kino and onlly got bad reviews because toxic masculinity shit

go back

Reminder disney is the only company with shills here and they are panicking right now

who gives a fuck about comics? grow up

Based /tg/ poster.

>.t just discovered that drama exists
there is even crime, stop showing your pleb

me at the Venice film festival

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If the critics like it it must be shit.

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wait until october 4th


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>Standing ovation from studio executives

Ah yes, the same executives who thought that movie was a good idea in the first place.

>take a deep breath

what a fag

>Mamma mia, Bane?

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>watching old movie
>friend asks if that's a different lady from the one that showed up 40 min ago
>friend replies I can't tell, black and white people all look the same
Shit like that is so much funnier that NIGGERS EAT WATERMELON.

/pol/smoker or shooterchan refugee?

You know everyone is scared about "the incel community" which has gotta be the worst idea ever but I bet if you look at any mass killer or serial killer none of them were getting sex regularly but its not some kind of magical reason or genetics, its that psychopaths don't typically start families and if they do its probably to create a bunch of babies to do sexual stuff too.

My point is that nobody has anything to fear from virgins or people who don't have sex because mass killers aren't a new thing created by the internet, they are just coincidentally linked to people who don't have sex by their anti social lifestyle and misanthropic beliefs which naturally lead someone away from sexual contact.

Like all marvel movies right?

society fears the incel

Reminder that seeing this movie as a single white male immediately raises you up a tier on the FBI threat matrix.

Do you consider black panther or get out one of the best films of all time?

He rated it 4.5/5 on letterboxd though

Nevermind that was Ad Astra
tfw hyped from both
He will 99% shit on Joker lel

Holy shit

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I think there was a clear point where the silly shit started happening in that movie, and it started happening for a reason. It emphasizes the tale tale nature of heroism that many WWII stories have, making it even more unbelievable that the main characters story was 100% real. Don't be a brainlet.

whatre you guys wearing to the premiere? im thinking trench coat, baggy pants and goofy sunglasses.

I am unironically dressing up like the joker to this film

seriously what did he mean by this?

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>movie premiers on venice
>no shooting

>please read my article

Review embargo has been lifted. Kek at Time's:

>Joker Wants to Be a Movie About the Emptiness of Our Culture. Instead, It’s a Prime — and Dangerous — Example of It

>But it’s not as if we don’t know how this pathology works: In America, there’s a mass shooting or attempted act of violence by a guy like Arthur practically every other week. And yet we’re supposed to feel some sympathy for Arthur, the troubled lamb; he just hasn’t had enough love. Before long, he becomes a vigilante folk hero — his first signature act is to kill a trio of annoying Wall Street spuds while riding the subway, which inspires the masses to don clown masks and march enthusiastically around the city with “Kill the Rich!” placards.

>Meanwhile, the movie lionizes and glamorizes Arthur even as it shakes its head, faux-sorrowfully, over his violent behavior. There’s an aimless subplot involving a neighbor in Arthur’s apartment building, played by Zazie Beetz, in an underdeveloped role. (Beetz also appears in another movie here at the festival, Benedict Andrews’s Seberg, where she’s given much more to do.) Arthur has a crush on her, and though he does her no harm, there’s still something creepily entitled about his attentiveness to her. He could easily be adopted as the patron saint of incels.


>Counting the lines assigned to women has replaced serious critical analysis.

I would like this movie but there are too many blacks in it?

Is his love interest black?

Holy shit the chaotic reviews for this movie starting from 20 - 100 makes it even more interesting.


>Femoid critic

Hello, yikes department?

I can't believe all of these millennial scum leftists write for these major publications now.

>it's another "they are trying to demonize the Occupy Wall Street movement with this villain" screeching, like some retards wrote about The Dark Knight Rises

I don't understand these people that go "why does the movie want me to feel sympathy for him?", like isn't the left supposed to be all about being empathetic and stuff

>standing ovation
Do Italians really do this?

Feeling sympathy for white males is not within their coding

>Arthur has a crush on her, and though he does her no harm, there’s still something creepily entitled about his attentiveness to her.
Stop looking at the general direction of women incels

>holding 50kg in one hand by a shirt


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Joker and Polanski have the highest score on Russian critics venice pool

Joker 4.4/5
Polanski 4.0/5

Holy basedolla

russians confirmed based

>Critics liked it

DESU it looked kinda boring from the trailers but I'll probably still see it

Letterboxd is such a shit website how do they let the same 10 users dominate the whole thing, this faggot is on every movie

>reviewers liking a movie that could easily be shot down as problematic incelshooterkino
probably an encouraging sign, honestly, if it's decent enough to overcome that barrier

our tax-funded news outlet's film department gave it 6/6 (Norway)

>Affleck getting long term deal

Funniest part of this headline.

you have no idea how to talk to women, do you?

Fuck you creeps.

>our tax-funded news outlet's film department
man you guys are cucked

yeah man I really prefer getting news from opinionated shit like cnn and fox news


There my incel ass feels better.

Really our press doesn't have anything to be proud of when fox news is our best network and chris stuckmann our best movie critic.

How many mass shootings will this movie cause?

top kek
at least they give different opinions

state funded news just gives biased left wing opinions and you are FORCED to pay for it
see the BBC

what a joke

Based David

its far better than the BBC

>see the BBC
I live in Norway you actual mouthbreather, learn to read. you have NO idea what you're talking about. how much do you know about NRK?

>This is your brain on /pol/

Yes but is it a tour de force?

>I live in Norway you actual mouthbreather, learn to read.
I did read.
Why don't YOU learn to read.
I was obviously talking about state funded media in general.
How bad is your reading comprehension skills that you couldn't have seen that?

Is this worth a watch?

post examples then, retard. post your studies on this NRK bias

I don't know or care.
I'll I know is willing allowing the state to steal money from you to inefficiently pay for news you may or may not use and that will not get penalized for being biased is a form of cuckery.

>If I don't take a firm stance on anything, then I can deflect any criticism of my opinions
based and centristpilled

so you actually have no idea whatsoever of what you're talking about, lmao

>so you actually have no idea whatsoever of what you're talking about
yes I do, see:
ok kid lmao


this is the speech from the breakfast club

It's the US that has a state-funded news organisation that people are forced to pay for via taxation. It's easy to avoid paying for the BBC.

All media industries work the same regardless of the country. Artsy avantgarde fags/ commercial souless hacks sending the memo top-down to go watch the latest must-watch thing that breaks the bourgeois norms (or "makes you unconfortable", "challenges the audience") in other words, shits on your soul

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>It's easy to avoid paying for the BBC.
it still gets funded through the income tax, not lol tv licenses

This is a great movie ahead of it's time dealing with fanatics and odd characters. Watch this before you see joker for maximum quality enjoyment.

american whites are like 70% german origin aren't they? why is every german name asumed to be jew?

What the other guy said. If you're broke in USA then niggers are an unfortunate fact of life.

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No, funding is by the tv license and commercial activities, primarily BBC Worldwide. The amount of funding by direct taxation is relatively tiny - it provides a contribution to the World Service and Media Action. The latter also receives a contribution from the US State Dept.

Are you sure about that?

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>2 likely Jewish cucks

>american whites are like 70% german origin aren't they?

Oh so now we’re supposed to believe the media. Make your fucking mind up 4channel!

o st o

no, you have zero idea of what you're talking about

>Do you think this board would really support capeshit?
No never, but Joker will be kino


based leftioid tranny kino too

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>critics like it=movie is shit
>movie is popular=movie is shit
what the fuck do you people like then?

here's an article from today from a woman who criticizes people that defend muslims who don't handshake. she says "they're coddled with talk of equality from birth"
explain that if they're leftists

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Alita battle angel

non-shit movies

joaqino is back on the fucking menu. im gonna fucking say it! CLUTCH

>leftists and stormcucks hate it! Find out why by watching this super cool movie!

They like it because it’s pro-white genocide. You fucking idiots.

I live in Toronto and I want to watch it but theres gun crime here too that never gets the coverage America gets, I'm scared

>critics are raving about this almost clever white genocide propaganda piece
>hand over your shekels goyim

Because back when Germans were migrating to America en masse people were expected to anglicize their names, but when the influx of Jews into America happened in the 20th century this was no longer the case. Thus Americans with German surnames are likely to be descendants of German Jews.

you glow boi

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You know that both critics AND general audiences are retards, right user?

Maybe it will inspire people to not be mass shooters but rather to find their own paths to find their way in Clown World.

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my grandad was in the war and he told me once threw an arm at a mate while on down time

>Not being descended from Bohemian Jews AKA the chads of the Jew world

There is no other paths than a mass shooting.

>believe anything that is written on wikipedia
i know you're better than this user

Fucking pussy

They cut out a lot of stuff he did because they thought audiences wouldnt believe it.

Yeah at Danforth and Jane and Finch, but Toronto is pretty chill overall, retard

It's literally Kings of Comedy but with clowns
all the critics on twitter keep saying shit like "there's never been something like this before" even though De Niro's right there and it isn't even an obscure film

thank goodness someone actually understands causal analysis

Critics like whatever they're paid to

based nicker


That's always been a thing in the art-critique world. It's not an NPC thing.

They do it so when zoomies quickly scroll through their twitter feed they see the title of a trendy movie and stop

whats wrong with summer

There are currently 29 critic reviews on rotten tomatoes. 4(FOUR) are negative.

now yuo see

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>naming your child "liberty"

Holy shit I might unironically do that

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Incels have been villianized by the mainstream media as a scapegoat to school shootings and Orange Man getting elected

Thanks man I am glad someone noticed me sempai

Now we rise

>he has that smug, date-rapist grin on his face all the time.
Best Bruce Wayne ever then


This is going to be 'Oh Man, He's Just Like Me: The Movie'

things nobody likes

That looks genuinely terrible.

If anyone with a triple digit IQ wants to watch a war movie, choose Letters from Iwo Jima, The Thin Red Line or Full Metal Jacket.

>not Apocalypse Now in 4K UHD™ Blu-ray
pleb lol

stop giving attention to literal whos

unless they praise the movie*

hehe, he gave a C+

It's the worst review so far

What a pile of shit. Who gives this faggot money to jerk himself off on the internet?

To be fair, Puerto Ricans try really hard to be white.

Whatever happened to "Learn To Code"?

Looks like the lefty-journo meme was just a hollow right-wing jab, and nothing else. They're all still getting filthy rich writing their feminist columns.

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actually, im like him.

>standing ovation

Yeah, that's Yea Forums

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I work at a movie theater and I’m not even fucking joking but they gave all the theaters in the company permission to rent a cop for the opening weekend premiere of Joker. They’re legit worried about a shooting.

He'll say it's a perfect analogy for post-Obama America

that's not Kundun

I'm not surprised

Shut the fuck up and just watch it you retard.

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