I vant to suck your blood
based bleh poster
based af
janny ain't gonna like this
kek i hate this place
How does he keep getting away with it?
kek i love this place
>I don't say bleh bleh bleh
I'm glad we're pre-gaming this meme before Halloween.
Sadie Frost can suck away tbqh.
based bleh poster
that is so incredibly based user
why the FUCK are underage twitter niggers so god damn afraid of writing the FUCK word?
is this the best thread on Yea Forums right now? BASED
For me, it was Dracula Dead and Loving It.
Do you speak romanian?
then leave. nobody will give a shit
your tweet becomes hidden if you write bad word
But you just said it.
Sieg heil to you too.
Didn't expect that reply, huh?
I don't know why this post made me laugh so much
an american wrote this
vampires don't say bleh
i vant to stop your posting
Banish all bleh posters
For me, it's the Hammer film Twins of Evil (1971).
do those girls know their butts are there? i can see them, the curves, the curves of their butts. they're there.